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About David2ayo

  • Birthday 03/07/1950

David2ayo's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. He's given himself (or maybe, herself) an hour to eat it. And, judging by the fact that it is still basically intact, it is frozen. Imagine the mess and screeching if it was hot!
  2. OK, conspiracy theorists. Work on it!
  3. He needs no encouragement
  4. Phil, we have fires, heat waves, lousy politicians, goat track roads, greedy financial institutions and many other evils, but fortunately all is pushed aside by the awful Dad jokes and brilliant historical snippets you manage to find. May you ever keep supervising us out here in the colonies, although we reserve the right to get up you as the occasion deserves. David
  5. Spacey, morse no longer required (although you can still use it) and with a fairly basic knowledge you can use a range of HF, VHF and UHF frequencies. Phil, is the number of each type of radio an indicator of how many you need to have ONE that still works? David VK2AYO
  6. This is the "Before" photo. The "After" photo is under construction. Or, at least, it will be. David [ATTACH]50490._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  7. Another gospel ceremony is Baptism. Keeping of the Sabbath might score a guernsey, too. David
  8. I must do some research on how (who) the biblical books were selected. The Gospels come closest to the 'real' Christianity, I suspect a bunch of patriarchal Church academics selected the rest. They all have some use, but we must remember who they were written to, and consider their prejudices and culture. I suspect the abhorrence of homosexuality in the New Testament letters is a rebuttal of some 'interesting' cultural features of middle east adolescence customs. David
  9. Not so sure, the first railway station is Canary Wharf, and we all know how cats like canaries.
  10. Some people! They ask for water, you give them soup and they refuse! What is the world coming to!
  11. Arlo Guthrie wrote a song (probably many songs, actually) called "The Motorcycle Song". He refers to writing this song while going over a cliff on his motorbicycle, "put a new ink cartridge in my pen". I noticed that one version changed that phrase - nobody knew what he was on about!
  12. "New, New, New Newspaper!
  13. [ATTACH]50434._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  14. The reason there are 2 pictures is that it gives you a good excuse to have a real hard look (to check for differences) without incurring (much) wrath from the other half. Incidently, does anyone know how to fix stuffups when you accidently put 2 pictures on the same post? David
  15. [ATTACH]50420._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]50419._xfImport[/ATTACH]
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