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Everything posted by David2ayo
Playing with Amateur Radio Toy communications
David2ayo replied to Phil Perry's topic in Science and Technology
OK Phil, no 240v but they allow 110v with a transformer? I think I prefer the straight 240 volt with a residual current breaker and regular 'test and tag'. No, on second thoughts, just the residual current circuit breaker. Test and Tag is trying to legislate common sense. As soon as a tool or lead is tested, it can be dragged across a sharp edge and made useless and / or dangerous, and because its been officially tested the operator won't bother checking it. Spoke to a digital radio adapter supplier bloke the other day (just trying to get some semblance of thread continuity) and he won't send a power supply (wall-wort type) overseas. Too many beaurecrats to satisfy! David -
A disgusting display of cultural ignorance:
David2ayo replied to Old Koreelah's topic in General Discussion
2 steps worse than waving an Australian flag made in China -
They must be enjoying it - there are many more going around than going in or out David
I can never understand the logic of these games. Surely, they pay them all enough money, that rather than brawling over one ball, they could afford to buy one each? David
Playing with Amateur Radio Toy communications
David2ayo replied to Phil Perry's topic in Science and Technology
Had a customer ring me a while ago to get me to fix his battery drill charger. Good unit, Makita I think, bought it from the States because it was much cheaper on line. It wasn't one of those fancy switch-mode universal ones, and now its a piece of scrap metal without the smoke. I think he saved himself about -$100. David -
Playing with Amateur Radio Toy communications
David2ayo replied to Phil Perry's topic in Science and Technology
.. which is further proof that women CANNOT multi-task - you find a woman that can have sex and a headache at the same time. David -
Easy to get depressed with the state of "young people", but then you hear someone like this, and you realise all is not lost. Elizabeth is playing at St Marys in Sydney Saturday 24th March 2018 at 5.30pm. Video is on her website, along with pics, future performances and other info. David
Phil, some aviators live in the real world (I suppose there is a real world out there somewhere) so comments / pics / whatever that link that mythical real world with aviation / amateur radio / landrovers / corny jokes are fair game, as far as I am concerned. As for flaying yourself, delegate that job to your mate Ali, video it, edit it to put your face in it, and you then have proof of earning brownie points without suffering the pain. Old K, I wouldn't call it a silly picture, but a great picture! Have seen some great pics of "disabled" people that bring out their great courage and determination. Must admit, would like to have seen the overall pic as well as the detail. David
Unfortunately people have short memories, and, worse, memories 'adjustable' by ideologies. The young hero-when-in-presence-of-his-mates should consider himself lucky to be able to make such comments - try that out in North Korea. I hate war, and it SHOULD be totally unnecessary, but I have great respect for those who help protect us, even to fighting to their death. David
No "suspicions" of your good self, Nev, I can understand your change of viewpoint, especially when you observe the behaviour of "some" people of religion, its enough to make the Pope an atheist.. Anyone who uses religion for their own personal gain or gratification is very sick. Appalled? I have on many occasions had to retire to a private space somewhere, overcome with the stress of hating what I have seen on news reports, distressed for the victim and not being able to do a thing about it - apart from encouraging my own family and peer groups to not lower themselves to the level of these perpetrators of hate. Hate feeds off itself, my contribution is to try breaking the cycle. I'd better lighten up a bit. Getting a bit morose here, sorry guys. The dual citizenship - ok, a long shot, but! Yes, there are facts, in many cases though they are fairly well buried. Its only when you take a lawyers eye view of it that the cracks appear. The link was intended to be, a fleeting contact with a church or another country shouldn't confer all the rights and privileges of that church or country. Going into Church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going into a garage makes you a motorcar. Anyway, no offence intended to anyone, especially members of this forum, and Nev, I will be in the Woodford / Rochford region in a couple of weeks time. Eldest daughter's engagement party. If you think us young fellers need a lesson or two, bring your cat of nine tails and apply liberally. David
As a Christian myself, I find those emails very sad. Suspect their Christianity was acquired by their great-grandfather having once been to church (probably to attend his own funeral). A bit like Australian politicians with dual citizenship. David
i once was privileged (?) to operate the PA system at a local Rugby League Grand Final in Dubbo. Asked the secretary of the organisation, how come, since these guys are paid a fair bit of money, they have to fight over one ball. Can't they afford a ball each? One of the senior Council employees commented that "footballers are almost capable of tying their shoelaces". In all honesty, I think it a great thing that there is such a thing as football competition, imagine if they were all left wandering the streets with nothing to do .... Must admit, though, watching a top game live, in almost any code, can be really fun, and watching any game where the participants are in it for the enjoyment and not just being extensions of their parent's ego is also good. David
Cracker season used to be, well, a cracker! I have fond nightmares of discovering a tuppenny bunger would just fit inside an oyster bottle (we found half the base eventually), a penny bunger was a tight fit in a 3/4" pipe tee. With a 2' length of pipe screwed into it containing a few marbles it made a fairly effective cannon. The weirdest stuff-up I managed was to annoy my father by letting off the odd bunger in the backyard until his patience wore a bit thin, and he called last drinks - er, bangs. So, being a clever little so and so, lit two simultaneously. The first to blow sent the other one into the as-yet unlit pile, setting off my entire stock of double happies and the odd penny bunger. Dad was laughing so much at my antics of trying to retrieve at least a couple of remnants he had to sit down. Fortunately, he must have thought the loss of my collection was punishment enough. David. Now grown up and much more sensible. Maybe.
Best way to a mans heart.docxBest way to a mans heart.docx Best way to a mans heart.docx
[ATTACH]48991._xfImport[/ATTACH] The technology in my Harley is technology, not bling. The saying has been attributed to Oscar Wilde, although I haven't been able to find the reference. For the record I do NOT wear a black open face helmet!
If it is used on the guy who is about to launch the ICBM ..... (its almost a comment looking for a thread, Peter!)
[ATTACH]48973._xfImport[/ATTACH] This one accidentally fell off a tree near the Dubbo Zoo. (just happened to have a ladder in the trailer that day ...) David
[ATTACH]48971._xfImport[/ATTACH] Its an excavator, obviously a dig-free version. I'm pretty sure the bucket wasn't made of papier-mache, but you never know .... [ATTACH]48972._xfImport[/ATTACH] No I DID NOT photoshop it! David [ATTACH]48970._xfImport[/ATTACH]
2 crocs were having a discussion on the shore of Lake Burley Griffin. One, a monster, the other quite petite. The monster said, 'I can't understand it. We are the same age, both came down in Larissa's handbag, but look at you! What are you eating?' The other replied, 'same as you - the odd politician stopping for a break on the shoreline'. 'So what do you do when you catch them?' 'Well, grab them, shake all the sh!t out of them, and gobble gobble gone!' 'Oh, for goodness sake! If you shake all the sh!t out of a politician there's nothing left! David
FAR too sensible - almost bordering on Common Sense, and we all know how dangerous that is. David
Some Lancaster crew Audio from WW2. . . .
David2ayo replied to Phil Perry's topic in Science and Technology
Father in law flew in those things. Never talked about it. I have to limit my imagination when I see / hear things like that, generates feelings of stress as to why, admiration for their bravery, anger at the necessity and thankfulness because I wasn't there. I'm going in to get lunch and recover. David -
I suppose, thinking about the first mentioned shed in this thread, the other thing not yet installed is an operating desk for Amateur Radio gear. I am truly amazed at the attitude of the local populace with regard to 'Ham Radio'.We are the first called on when emergency comms required to places out of normal reach, but dare to erect an antenna, and the complaints roll in - ugly, interferes with the TV, it might fall on my house, the wind whistles through the wires (really?) etc. In Aus , or at least NSW, there is now blanket permission to erect a mast no more than 10 metres high. Marvellous! So, we get this you-beaut beam antenna, shove about 150 watts of R up it (give or take a bit), and it points straight up the neighbours TV antenna, which is always in absolutely pristine condition and properly tuned to the required frequency (slight pause here while I recover from a choking fit).If we set it up another 5 or 10 metres, the RF field would be so much less, problems much less, and, remember, when a ham operator moves house, so do the antennas. So unlike the horrible extensions to houses so often poorly executed and jerry-built. I suppose the very high tree is useful. I planted a lemon-scented gum in my backyard at Wahroonga (Sydney Suburb) for the very purpose. Now that I have moved, it is at an ideal height. David VK2AYO
From post #8 (alright, I'm a bit slow ... ) .They are all instructed that under no circumstances are they to put themselves at risk to save a member of the public. Ranice ( she is a Kurdish Iraqui Christian and does not wear the Hijab ) has told me that she can't swim either. I have to ask myself, WHAT THE FECK ARE THEY ACTUALLY THERE FOR ?. . . . ( No one seems to have an answer for this. . ) They are probably there for the same reason as this ....
When I made the only residential move of my life to here at Terramungamine (near Dubbo, NSW) (and a thread on that would be a hawser) I felt the need for a decent sized shed. None of these pretend tin boxes, a real shed. We did have a small shed with carport attached, and a tin box, but not adequate for one who played with cars (good ones, Rovers and Land Rovers) and amateur radio. Without much issue at all, I had approval from the Council for a 12 metre x 18 metre shed, and the tin box and carport shed got their approvals as well. I was told by the Council officer that the carport shed needed a thicker concrete foundation around the edge of the slab. 'Sorry mate, its already built'. 'Oh'. Quick unmodification of drawing follows. It hasn't fallen over yet, but the tin box has had sundry fettling and reinforcements. It must be the only tin box in the country with a legally installed 240 volt power point and interior light. Councils appear to have realised here that garden sheds aren't going away, and so long as it isn't multibedroom and bigger than the house, it doesn't need specific approval. A word of warning. If you are going to build a shed, remember that junk always expands to fill the available space PLUS 10%. So, 216 sq metres of floor + 72 sq metres of mezzanine = lots of things that I know I've got somewhere .... David
Mr Perry, I don't know why you bother, when all these naysayers come back and badger you about perceived failings in this brilliant concept. I'm sure they are just jealous! All you have to do to solve the Council 'problem' is invite Constable Plod around at the same time as the Council inspector, and ensure he partakes of enough of the contents of the fridges that he gets nailed as he falls into the drivers seat of his car. Now, as far as the rain issue, I'm led to believe there may be up to 3 or 4 days each British summer free of rain. Mind you, perfection requires a spiral staircase leading to an enclosed observation deck, of a suitable height to observe the traffic at the local aero club. David