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Everything posted by David2ayo
Interesting demo of range, navigation. Wonder whether they were using Boeing avionics - I believe Boeing have started making their own avionics again. A couple of points. 1. How far outside the cockpit did the skidball go at the 'wingtip' points. 2. Am a bit concerned about the starboard wing warp. 3. I seem to remember an Australian effort drawing a goat on a route, I think it was WA, maybe someone could find that one. Imagine the 'fun' of drawing the pic, then ensuring you have permission to fly the entire route. David
The two halves of my brain are fighting over this,probably trying to stop me thinking too deeply about it in any one direction. The silly side says, what about the OH&S issues of splattering body fluids over 'innocent' spectators, and similar procedural issues. I don't live in such places and circumstances, so putting my W.A.S.P. slant on it is not really applicable, but I wonder at how a 'civilised' community can do such things - and spectators flock to it! When it comes to ridding ourselves of high profile unwanted, especially the middle east despots, my preference would be kidnapping them, then leaking compromising photos of them cavorting with infidels at some luxurious resort, inferring its all paid for by misdirected donations from the zealots. Result - the man is gone, his legacy is in tatters. David
Yenn, I am a realist! I get the feeling the same guy set up the Hillman driving position as set up the Land Rover. All very well if you fit, (especially in the non-adjustable early series Rovers) bad luck if you do not. I'm one of the lucky ones. Fit in a car, bike or plane is very important, as I found out last flying lesson. My instructor kept complaining I was dropping the starboard wing. When he had a good look at me from outside (its a Legend Cub tandem-seater) he realised I was stretching to reach the stick in straight and level, holding the stick in right hand, subtly pulling it to the right .... No wonder I never felt really comfortable in it! David
Another badge-engineered Hillman was the Humber Vogue, the staid cousin. Driven by little old ladies who could not afford a Rover. Unfortunately for their reputation, an aquaintance of mine acquired a very nice example, and very slightly lowered it, put slightly wider wheels on it, and installed a weber carburettor, extractors and a bigger exhaust system on it. As a result, depressing the right hand pedal actually made a difference (without making everyone nearby deaf). I don't think he had personalised plates, but their plate setup accepted the fullsize plate, the Land Rover did not.
Oh. NO! I'm devastated! First, my motor vehicle of choice is condemned, and then! THE CAR I LEARNT TO DRIVE IN!!!! I suspect the Honourable Yenn has had some bad experiences whilst driving Land Rovers, probably in the form of gentle admonishments from the RSM in the passenger seat, so I will, considering his previous quality and informative posts, turn a blind eye to this one. Our family had a pair of Hillman Minxes, 1959 and 1962, the family number plate KP-220 on Dad's '59, and BKP-220 on Mums. Now, to get these plates, you pay an annual fee. I managed to keep KP-220 and scored DW-151 before the RTA realised they could charge a bucketload for the privilege. The shorter plate would fit on the side of my S3 shorty, well that's my excuse. David
Phil, PLEASE don't EVER move to Midsomer! David
I know this is an old thread, but ... Got a call tonight from 02 8607 8603 purporting to be from Micro$oft 'regarding my computer'. After my "Oh really! And what do you know about my computer? said in my best astonished cynical tone, the sweet asian-sounding lady hung up. Pity, I had a few minutes, would have loved to have wasted lots of her time. Anyway, the scary bit, the number above appeared in my calling number display, but when I rang it back, "the number you have called is not connected ...." The thieves have managed to make their calls look more legit by faking the calling number display. If they put their skills to legit business they would probably earn more and be able to sleep at night. David
A very easy thing to happen, especially if you move around, and, as Neil says, it seems to be one rule for the 'ordinary man' and another for the Ruling Class. In NSW they will take your licence and/or rego if, for example, you get pinged by a speed camera on a long weekend, maybe twice , the letter goes to a home address and is ignored by whoever is there, and you end up unlicenced or unregistered or with a bit of luck (?) both. Many of these rules are designed by people who have good education and a steady life, and when you get people whose lives are a little chaotic and combine that with a lack of understanding, it results in an unfair outcome. David
My wife wants it (and I would let her take it out when I'm not driving it myself). Especially if it came with a roll or two of the long-ago mentioned toilet paper. Got to get back on the thread somehow! David
Nev! You truly are awful! All the good you have done, and now this!!!! As punishment, I have printed out your avatar and am proceeding to stab it with Land Rover pushrods! Blunt end first! (part no 09122) David
Nev, the real quote is "Life is too short to drink bad wine, drive BORING cars and eat British food. Ok, I agree with the wine (although I don't imbibe myself), I can assure you that driving a Land Rover is NEVER boring, and I must admit the British seem to be doing something about the food. Now, I agree with Marty re the Defender, although my preference would be a series 2 shorty, but for practical use observe the vehicle pictured. As far as the Harley is concerned, mine has only once let me down, on the delivery ride! A problem with sealing of a sensor, fixed under warranty. There is a special aftermarket device used for documenting insults (applicable to Land Rovers as well), realising that we need to document everything in life, every spanner put to your aircraft and by whom, every skill gained in flying your taildragger, so why not document the insults. In all honesty, I haven't had many recently - my insult counter has only registered 2. (it's sitting in the foreground of the pic). Yours inSincerely David [ATTACH]48826._xfImport[/ATTACH]
There is no cure, and if there was, I wouldn't partake. As they say "If I have to explain, you woudn't understand". Ok, that was coined for Harley riders (I'm eligible, 1999 FHLR Roadking), but it also suits taildragger pilots (Oh dear, I'm learning on a Legend Cub...) and probably those of us with a Christian faith .... Oh no! I'm starting to understand why, when the sweet young things at the shop say "Can I help you?" and I reply "No, I'm beyond help" they agree with me! David
Won't be the first time something like this has been done. Around the Australian "Constitutional Crisis" time (1975) somebody printed rolls of toilet paper with "Fraser" on it. Malcolm Fraser had become the Prime Minister replacing Gough Whitlam, much to the chagrin of loyal Labor supporters. Apparently there is a roll at the Australian National Library, along with seven more rolls printed with other things. Marty, would definitely buy a roll, and while you're about it, a roll or 6 printed "TOY ota" or similar to keep in each of my Land Rovers. David
Its because the advertising is only occasionally interrupted by the programmes. There used to be rules about the amount of advertising on TV, but some time ago the broadcasters explained to the governing body that the advertising industry would never be able to put too many ads on because the viewers wouldn't watch it. Well, this viewer doesn't (ok, I do occasionally watch Formula 1 and Moto GP) but there must be lots who do .... My viewing is restricted to Shaun the Sheep (ABC2 @ 1850), Spics and Specs (ABC2 @ 1900) and Doctor Who (ABC2 @ 1930 Mondays). David
I certainly wouldn't be welcome there. One Sunday afternoon I was helping out a mate, and realised that I didn't have time to get home and changed before Church. To add the icing on the cake, I was on duty - Bible readings, prayers etc. Quick shower, grubby shorts back on, and the clean t-shirt which read "I'm not Santa! (but you can still sit on my lap)". I wonder what the visitors thought. They never came again. David
Quote from ABC News, "The group's social media accounts show FamilyVoice takes a stance against same-sex marriage, transgender people, abortion, euthanasia and unisex bathrooms.(my emphasis). Most of which, I am fortunate not to need to partake (although some may consider euthanasia a good outcome for me). But against unisex bathrooms? Do these lot really think everyone is a raving sex nut with no self control, ready to rape and pillage just at the possible sight of a bare midriff? I'm truly disappointed with the assumption that everyone except themselves can't be trusted. Maybe they should get out of their comfort zone, walk around the slums of cities, check out cancer patients with no dignity, just pain, Please, people, not all us Christians are blind and stupid. I don't pretend to know all the answers, sometimes none of the answers, but broad sweeping statements of middle-class morality 'aint right!" David
"So, whose got the family brain cell today?"
Making a spectacle of yourself again! David
One in five UK Kids believe Fish Fingers are made from Chicken.
David2ayo replied to Phil Perry's topic in Funnies
Modern kids are useless, don't know nuttin, lazy, left wing morons etc. Until we need help to get the phone/ipad/computer/gps to work. Who you going to call? -
The organisation may be legit - their website is certainly fairly flash, but the problem is, whether Freedom Fox contacted you or did a scammer contact you pretending to be Freedom Fox. Sorry, no such thing as a free lunch (politicians excepted). BEWARE!!!! David
1. For some reason I just can't imagine, my photo wasn't up with the other 1950's drop. 2. I've finally found someone to verify why Bex r Better. 3. I used to be able to say (after being totally politically incorrect to some sweet young girl) "I'm not a lecherous old man, I'm only xx", where 'xx' was my age. Unfortunately, when xx exceeds 60, it starts to fall a little flat ..... David [ATTACH]48778._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Sorry, but the seat colour was correct. David
So long as it blows up remotely on command, who cares if its a good fake David