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Everything posted by Jerry_Atrick

  1. Sadly, it is another enterprise that focuses on monetisation
  2. In OME's defence, he has been fixing a lot, lately..
  3. https://www.horntip.com/html/recitations/long_recitations/the_word_fuck.htm
  4. Last one for this eve:
  5. How is this one for a beaut!
  6. Now, for something a little different. This is the piece that introduced me to classical music, and I have never looked back: And, although, quite a few years before this concert, it is the same Classical Spectacular at the Royal Albert Hall, where I first saw the 1812 overture live. What a show!
  7. Now.. a couple of poppy songs I like.. I dunno why, but they are just, IMNSHO, plain good: And this one: (Told you, you would regret starting this thread).
  8. And this guy still had it long after he was out of the charts:
  9. OK.. another of my non-Aussie faves: (The live vids are so much better than the studio albums).
  10. Woman + Black + Asian = I don't like her chances. If the Democrats want a decent shot at winning the election, then they need to be brutal - not many voters like the idea of candidates parachuted in to save the day. It is widely known - up until now - that this was to be the election of candidates very few wanted. Democrats have to find someone that can resonate with the electorate - and can beat Trump at his own game. It really should be that simple for them. Maybe Biden had more support than we give credit for:
  11. Can't wait to get back to that part of the country, myself!
  12. I had a rather nice red last night - Grant Burge Filsell Shiraz.. to go with home made moussaka - All to myself. At 14%, I was a little more muddled than normal with the keyboard last night.
  13. Brings too much money to the industry and the government to want to stamp it out. Plus Gaming NSW, for example, apparently has a hell of a lot of clout.
  14. And anohter.. you fellas are gong to br sorry for starting this thred:
  15. And her eis my fave: Notice all of em are live!
  16. And here is a guy who has transcended age
  17. I was at the Philly concert.. and he said the same abot tha concert in the last from that was Pittsburgh.. and he said the same.. But, alas yo guys will hate me because I wil lfill this thread.. here is a grass roots concert clip:
  18. You are going to be sad that you stared a general music vid thread. I am not one for Country usic, but I love this:
  19. And, I am hardlye a Repooblican, but I do like this clip.. and live is so much better:
  20. OK.. If we are not liiting to Aussie music.. One of m faves:
  21. Yes, I know.. But in original, I mean they are the original recipe (or close enough to them). I used to munch on them regularly when they were owned by, I think it was, Nabisco. If the original recipe has changed, it hasn't changed much, and that is what I mean by original. Also, they are still made in Australia, to an Australian recipe. So, I resile myself to the fact that not many icons are Aussie.. some never were (Holden, Fords). Sadly, many australian icons have been allowed to fall into US or foreign hands. Most of the meat you eat is distributed by a Brazillian processor: https://jbsaussiebeef.com.au/resources/jbs-australia/ Unlike most of the chocolate bars and Ice creams in Aus that have switched to the US recipe (try a Mars in Aus v a Mars in Europe; Magnums in Aus are like UHT milk compared to here, where they also put real vanilla beans in the ice-cream)... And Tim Tams, while not still Aussie owned, are Aussie to the core. So, I will celebrate it as a positive that I can get them here without paying about twice th price.. Although, there is a gripe.. my waist line - will become a waste line.
  22. True, but sadly not unique to American politics
  23. The UK/Australia Free Trade Agreement. Waitrose has started stocking original, salted caramel and dark chocolate Tim Tams. For me, it can only be original. They are £2.50 a packet, or just shy of $5. They are 9 grams lighter than the packs in Coles online, @ $5 a pack. I guess there is a slight regulatory difference in terms of what can be weighed. Have made sure there has been ample demand to keep the buyers buying them 😉
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