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Everything posted by spenaroo

  1. of the 60% that actually voted
  2. I dont think this is a Trump victory, its a democrats loss. The best comment i have seen about the results is: "the democrats failed to realize that women go grocery shopping, far more then they have abortions" Everyone ive spoken to in the US all say they would rather have the republicans in for their financial management. they arent Trump fans, but see the republican party as improving the current financial issues in the USA. Biden is seen as the "does nothing" president, and they want changes made.
  3. We call it "fogging" for winterisation of jetskis and motorcycles. use a light oil, there is specialist oil for it - but WD40 works. spray it down the intake till the engine starts running rough. then hit the kill switch.
  4. I still like the late Robin Williams joke, "they get there and find out its actually 70 Virginians, standing ready with baseball bats"
  5. one of the great thing about boats is that you have an almost infinite cooling reservoir, its a constant stream of "cold" water, without the need for recirculating it. in this case the cooling is actually taken off the pump pressure, so as the load increase so does the flow. need more cooling, drill and tap another line off the jet pump (common modification, with a second cooling inlet added to the cylinder head for race motors) I remember arguing this point in an old thread about using outboard engines in planes.
  6. your thinking 70's motorcycle not 90's jet ski
  7. Yes and no, its a whole system that needs to be matched. this has more in it for sure, If I work on the trim of the pump and the pitch of the prop. no point adding power if the prop is already under pitched. but on a whole yes, I happen to know that kawasaki used the same engine mounts through all the 2 strokes of this era... .... so a 1100cc triple should bolt straight in.
  8. it lives, Took it for a test run on Saturday with my bro, bro-in-law and nephew, the performance was really surprising. we all packed in and it actually got on the plane fairly easily. with a top speed recorded of 54kmh during that run. later in the day when we were playing with it with only one person in at a time get it to 59kmh everyone was impressed, it exceeded our expectations. to be honest I wasn't expecting it to be a great performer, especially with more then one person in it. was expecting it to be closer to a tinny with a 20hp motor on it.
  9. It lives, finished the painting. Rebuilt the carburettor... think I found the fuelling issue. And the proceeded to smoke my house out with the test start. Note for future, don't leave the door open with a 2 stroke exhaust pointing to it
  10. Started painting it, Looked great in the epoxy sealant from a distance unfortunately though there was still plenty of damage and old paint in gaps to be hidden. So started the new paint job it's a little bright. but using a 2 pack marine paint. with a brush, seems to be thick enough to self level
  11. yeah we call those the bug runs.... as they also enjoy that time out. but they are the absolute best times for it
  12. yep, our manufacturing was on the decline. but really the death of the car industry was the cornerstone. It was the trade teaching center - oh how woefully Tafe has failed since So many industries were built around that with parts manufacturing (plastic molding etc...) that now could have been revitalized and used to expand. but there is no equipment or knowledge left to re-start it. I still think it was a very short sighted decision by the government of the day. the death of local car manufacturing was for a 100 million dollar subsidy... they gave 285 million in financial relief to the airlines. but we are also to blame, We have a race to the bottom mindset with prices. if you go into bunnings and there is a $50 local made shovel, and a $20 import, which one sells more? how much chinese product floods the market because price is the #1 driver We could process the Ore here - but China and other markets want the "waste" because they use it in other products
  13. Yeah, we had a Stirling Monza, called "Tequila Sunrise" covered in orange and gold flake with a straight piped 350 chev, absolutely gorgeous boat. which was sold when the family got a Malibu Wake-setter (Big wake boat, bought to have 10 people on board with the extra generation of family) still a regret by my father - he reckons he never got to give it a proper goodbye. brother sold it before the Malibu was delivered. The Malibu while practical is just an appliance to me, it lacks any soul. and with the swap to a houseboat instead of beach as a home base. My stand up jetski is never put in the water... as its a 500m stretch of marina at walking speeds to get to the river. plus my Brother tends to fill the Malibu and go out for 3 hours at a time.... id often leave the days upset and frustrated as I couldn't enjoy the parts I enjoyed growing up. which was socializing with everyone and swapping between boats/skis etc.. so I thought I would give this a try, give an option of a second boat for those who like me don't want to spend 3 hours suck on the wake boat. or are stuck on the houseboat due to timing/space etc... and be easy for a 10 minute blast here and there through the day. apparently there has been some skis/knee-boards behind it. so be interesting to see if I can get up behind it Im not expecting much performance from the little 750cc The Malibu: and "Tequila"
  14. besides the cool factor, and the uniqueness (thought I wouldn't find another - If i didn't take this opportunity) there was some logic to this. Its a home built (1990's is mine and the sellers guess) mini jet boat. 3.5m in length. ply construction it is powered by a 750 Kawasaki 2 stroke engine. this was a large reason for my purchasing of it - while I intend to restore it, I have a Kawasaki 650sx jet ski, that runs the earlier version of this engine (bolt in replacement) so I can use it as a spare for that. and I figured the trailer would be worth a few hundred - so my negotiations were based on the worst case wrecked value to me. the Engine stared and ran off start you bastard - which was enough for me. figured it would need a carb rebuild or crank seals after sitting for so long anyway (seller reckoned 4 years, but last rego was 2012) Started the process of stripping the hull. overall its in good shape, a few spots patched with fiberglass (that hasn't been blended properly) and some small patched of wood rot from water soaking. but nothing that isn't easily repairable.
  15. ever get bored so start browsing facebook marketplace..... well I do, and occasionally I find something that sticks in my mind. this was one of those. found it one night and shared it with my brother thinking it was cool listed at 3k. saw it a few weeks later still up but dropped to 2.5k - and made an "I can lose this money and still be okay" offer that was rejected. then after a bit more thinking decided I would kick myself if I missed out and upped the offer to split the difference and succeeded in negotiations for 1.5k - without ever seeing it... that Friday it followed me home
  16. yeah, different to what I am hearing, ton of government contracts cancelled. basically halted the economy in Victoria at the moment. (I work in Hydraulics - everyone has swapped from an upgrade mindset to a maintain what they have - cancelled orders on new equipment etc..)
  17. i believe it comes under marine survey. the standards are pretty strict. and unlike houses they put on a slip and inspected every couple of years. needs to get a survey certificate for insurance etc... and to get that certificate it must meet current regulations. not those at time of building. so plenty of things need to be updated with EPA etc... for sewerage and grey water
  18. apparently it was a scoped AK47..... .... hardly an ideal assassination attempt. I think the whole semi-automatic rifle craze is whats keeping them alive. none of the would be assassins are bright enough to know a hunting rifle would be far more accurate and easy to place a shot with
  19. Its a business convention, my boss is currently there - we are a machine shop, specializing in hydraulic manifolds. nothing to do with buying arms - its all to do with networking with the defense contractors. anything on display is there for eye candy - to showcase the companies abilities. Its not an arms market like the media or protesters would have you believe. no different to the mining conventions they hold in the cities.
  20. So I had a thought today, Is there any of trumps team, that has remained from the first term. seems like all the big names (Gulianie, Pence etc..) have all left.... which would be a very telling sign, how many of us would see a manager that constantly turns over staff as an effective leader?
  21. I plugged an OBD reader into my car chasing a fault the other day, and had its "dashboard" up on my phone while driving. was surprised to see the difference between the OBD speed reading and the actual speedo reading about 5 under.
  22. Most of my generation have started to drink coke zero, or pepsi Max. rarely see actual proper coke anymore in peoples fridges
  23. Down Periscope is the best submarine movie. ... and apparently the most accurate
  24. Thats also her problem, many still see Trump as the anti-government. and there is a deep dislike for the government in the USA. its why they still think its their duty to overthrow an oppressive regime in Trumps "drain the swamp" rhetoric Kamala is a Bog monster.
  25. that or a crack. plan is to drain the diff tonight, de-grease and clean the area, hit it with a wire brush JB weld over the area cover it with rustkill paint long-term ill need to find a replacement housing, wouldnt mind building a 3.7 or 3.5 ratio diff for it (current is 3.9 and 1000rpm to high at 100km/h to comfortably cruise) failing that mig weld it.
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