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Everything posted by spenaroo

  1. I know nothing about wine, but imagine there is a sweet spot in the ocean depth where the temperature preserves. and it would be pretty damn consistent.
  2. Oh definitely. if you want to see the why a Harley is so expensive look at the oil lines and switch gear. the lines between the oil tank and engine are either braided or metal tube. and the switch housings are metal not plastic. they are an agricultural design, but there is minimal plastic on the bikes. Importantly with accessories is its got the market to support it. try changing handlebars on a jap cruiser - its an absolute nightmare for 1 reason. cables, no one does them off the shelf, need it all custom made. and then cut and chop to extend the wiring for the controls. with a Harley you just add in the plug and play extension loom. want cables, comes as a kit - factory supported from 2" to 10" longer. to put into perspective the highest selling non-Harley cruiser in Australia was the Yamaha XV650. sold from 1998-2019 unchanged (yes still had a carby in 2019, (Yamaha would still sell it here if it had ABS and passed emissions - but they wouldn't spend any money on updating it) and as far as I am aware only had one option for an aftermarket exhaust (Vance and Hines)
  3. Same thing the romans did. Decimation kill 1 in 10 soldiers of his platoon with him
  4. To be fair its a skills thing, just the natural cycle of brain drain. most dealership techs are younger guys getting a start in the industry, (age 20-35) so they haven't played with the carbs and pre EFI diagnostics and tuning. the factory only provides training for current models this side of things is best looked after by the independent's. (age 35+) who are usually former dealership staff who have gone out on their own. they got all that factory training when the bikes were current we had the same thing with Ducati. normally have a good mutually beneficial relationship with each other. as we send them all the older bikes, they send us all the newer ones with issues. its too expensive for them to buy the latest diagnostic software. but they have more freedom to use aftermarket parts and go outside the normal supply chain etc...
  5. now if we want to get into the fun build of the era, Harley-Davidson built a BMW bike, the XA and a dirt bike for the military the MT500
  6. Harley stuck with pushrod engines for years, fixing the bugs with each update. tended to be evolution (Evo engine) not revolution (Milwaukee engine) for example the twin cam was used from 1998 to 2017. and used in heavy duty application of police work, and touring bikes. so they racked up the mileage and had huge dealer and customer feedback. the main market in the USA is tourers - long distance riders where reliability and comfort matter when you are effectively selling the same bike each year, it helps to have some upgrades to more then just the paint. so often improved on the design that were pretty much always bolt into the older motors. Upgrades was part of the appeal - almost every Harley owner had engine work done at some point. Harley made more money on parts and accessories then motorcycles - look at the size of the accessories catalogue The Jap Bikes on the other hand are rarely updated. once released the models don't get updates till the next model line refresh. and aren't built to be upgraded or modified. plus they don't have the support so at some point become disposable you don't really see 1990's jap cruisers on the road anymore. but there are still plenty of old Harleys around
  7. but it is a changed world. The Europeans are still focused on creating the most emotive experience, with top quality components and pushing to the cutting edge - but they have been acquired by sensible overlords. factories updated. and the quality increased to levels that the founders could only dream of. The Japanese used to have the quality and technical advantage. but have lost both (looking at you Honda - and the current racing record) Instead rely on being built to a price, to sell in vast quantities, controlled more by accountants the engineers rarely ever breaking new grounds. they are reliable but through simplicity and ease of manufacturing problem is the Chinese are catching up real quick, especially as the Europeans are giving them the previous generation of engines to manufacture and using old brand names like Benelli. effectively a second tear of their operations weirdly if I had to pick the most reliable brand today - I'd go Harley-Davidson.
  8. Yeah, bit different now. there is different legal application's and costs from memory. but basically my understanding is a recall is mandatory for safety items, a seized engine or a brake failure falls under this. and has to be supported by the manufacturer and carried out regardless of time. along with informing government and customers, in theory they should be carried out before a vehicle leaves the workshop a service bulletin bypasses all that. can all be done by dealers. parts can be supplied as needed, no need to be kept in stock. so if a wire needed to be changed because it rubbed on the frame - it was bulletin. change a sensor to a new style as it commonly failed - it was a bulletin check the oil consumption as there is issues with ring gaps - its a bulletin but with Ducati they were under Volkswagen group at the time. where any fault was a recall, and service bulletins were used for additional checks not originally in the workshop manual. it was a very different system - for example all bikes got updated tunes at servicing, so a MY19 panigale had the same tune as a MY21. never heard of that with the jap bikes - the ecu tune was as it left factory for life. was a lot more support through the model life.
  9. ah the old recall vs service bulletin. keep in mind different brands treat this stuff differently. The Japanese brands would almost never recall motorcycles. they would issue a service bulletin to dealers and with that give warranty processes to fix the issue. but would take something like a frame cracking of coating on the transmission gears failing to issue a recall. as opposed to Ducati, who issued a recall for the smallest of issues.
  10. the school teacher used to be a well respected part of the community. to the point of rules around the social life's of the unmarried teachers now its seen more as a caretaker role. pushing for equality - means everyone gets the same crappy education, as they run at the pace of the slowest child. "no child left behind" is another way of saying "no child gets ahead"
  11. All I think this proves is that Labour has just as much of an echo chamber as Liberal. I think it was a popular decision in the part, they probably did some research.... but how bias was it. was the research done as so many university and goverment are with it skewed to achieve the results those who are paying the money for them... and want the repeat business. I would hope its a wake up call for both sides that the population is not a nation of labour or liberal base supporters.
  12. Problem I see is the Palestinian's themselves aren't differentiating themselves from Hamas, look at the protests in Sydney and the videos of them ripping posters of kidnapped kids down, its one thing to say what about the Palestinians and protection of their children, but you have to denounce the terrorist actions in the same sentence... something they are not doing. which is why they are unlikely to gain sympathy - the protests aren't seen as respectful
  13. spenaroo


    Im listening to a podcast, fear and loathing in new Jerusalem and one of the questions the host asks, is at what point does a group become a people? for example the Americans. the patriotism they have for country is greater then that of family. i saw similar in Africa with identifying by tribal group first - leads to plenty off corruption
  14. spenaroo


    The thing that amazes me with the research I've done is just how young all of this history is. we often call Australia a young nation - but most of the fighting didn't exist 100 years ago. we are effectively only a few generations in. Initially the Jews were escaping Christians (pogroms in eastern Europe, hell at one point the Pope had to denounce anyone that harmed Jews as being excommunicated - it didn't work) and considered the sons of Ishmael as allies its nothing like the Muslim and Jew hate that we have been sold it as. it politics - not some ancient feud that always was and always will be
  15. spenaroo


    yeah, add in the Christianity aspect of the old testament being about wiping out the original inhabitants. Its bad on both sides. and the fact that there is no mention of Arabs in the original declarations. the common thinking of the time is that they would just move, at that time there was no Palestine etc... just the ottoman empire. the borders and nations as we know it came afterwards - they were seen as one people so why wouldn't they move to Jordan or Syria.... The Jews had a British colonial mindset
  16. questions the legality of tap and go payments in a drive-through as always common sense is the rule. For example my MG midget was running rough at low revs last night. to keep it from bogging I kept the revs high and accidently spun the wheels - cop was sitting directly behind me. he pulled me over and I explained it wasn't intentional, trying to avoid rough running. he was good about it and said he just had to check - and to take it easy. 100% could have booked me with hoon legislation.
  17. spenaroo


    keep in mind that concrete is usually smuggled in, the Israeli's wont let in anything that could have a dual military use. so a lot of the building materiel is restricted so they cant be turned into bunkers and fortifications
  18. A lot of angry young men who don't know of anything different.
  19. yeah, but they aren't voters in the next election... they just have to keep it going till then... that's the future government's issue to deal with personally I think its a Ponzi scheme, and as soon as there is no more buyers its going to topple. problem is that at the moment there is an absolute glut of buyers. despite the steep price rises we have no choice - we cant be homeless
  20. lets not forget the wealth creation that is still being marketed to people around real estate. that once you have some capital growth you leverage that to get another loan for an investment. and use the rental income to pay it off... and then do it again for "infinite wealth" Air BnB for a higher return... listen to the radio or read the papers and the real estate advise is still pushing this narrative of being a prime time to invest. real estate is just making money etc... we don't have Wall St bros here, we have property investor bros. problem is, you crash this market - and you crash every self funded retiree or mum and dad investor.
  21. yeah, but Russia is also having issues with the lower income from oil and gas. especially as other markets are flocking to fill the void, so they have lost the political advantage they expected
  22. ABC staff would riot if they supported No
  23. problem is my parents generation were all told to invest in real estate and use it to self fund retirement. they have done exactly what they were told to do. especially anyone with self managed super. I know my parents are looking at more investment properties because they have to - literally have to, they have penalties if they don't due to restrictions placed on self managed super. sad thing is we are looking at the same properties the overlap between entry level and investment properties is huge. 1 and 2 bedroom units the supposed entry level property is also the ideal investment (strata managed, minimum upkeep, single tenant, high rental rate etc...) wonder how this country would have evolved if this was invested into infrastructure and business instead through superfunds etc... use the money in the real estate market to invest in business
  24. We are all f%ked, was talking to a friend. we are both early 30's with sibling that are mid 20's. we are lucky to have barely gotten into the market.... and there is a question mark for me as I still need to buy another place after the compulsory acquisition. but there is no hope for our younger siblings. and its only a few years difference. Im yet to hear a solution to it. but be ready for the generation wars, its already started. personally I would like to see the property and pension means tests changed. at the moment your primary residence doesn't count. so if your in say a 3 bedroom house. and move to a 1 bedroom unit. pocket 1 million.... you get penalized for the increase in savings. just as we cant afford to upgrade, people cant afford to downgrade. the whole system (including tax and negative gearing) needs a major overhaul, not just some promised funding in a one off benefit
  25. Don't know if its racist. more just corrupt and selfish.... we were having a chat about the voice yesterday at work in the office. all voting differently for different reasons. one thing we all agreed on is that its a bad look for the country - if a no vote is the majority then internationally it gives the image Australia is a racist country - complete misreading of the room by Albanese and that if it doesn't succeed its not the proposal that's the issue, its due to a failure of the yes campaign, they did not communicate effectively. they were far too quick to make it an issue on racism, and been tone deaf - plastering it on the side of Qantas planes (the most hated company in Australia) A comment was made that this is the closest we have come to US style divisive politics. with it being for or against, us and them.
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