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Everything posted by spenaroo

  1. so I'm officially old. been having movement problems the last month or two. had put it down to Vitamin D and B deficiencies in the blood work. but wasn't recovering as fast as it should.... well X-rays came back today and I have arthritis in my hips. not what I expected to hear at 31yrs old
  2. didn't know about these. Australia has been sending Ukraine cardboard drones https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.smh.com.au%2Fpolitics%2Ffederal%2Faussie-cardboard-drones-used-in-attack-on-russian-airfield-20230829-p5e0bv.html
  3. I agree, its not a land problem. releasing land is a 5-10 year solution at best, wont have any immediate effects. and would be bottle-necked by builders capacity
  4. carpool taxi.... I actually think it makes sense if it was partitioned correctly. priced somewhere between the horror of public transport, and the price of an Uber/taxi.
  5. Used to work at a dealer. hated the things. was awkward to ride as the forces through a turn push the body outwards - when you want to lean inwards. stupid thing, and one of the more popular options was a tow bar..... basically all purchased by older retirees who were unable to ride a big heavy cruiser apparently they can go fairly quick - the dealer principle always took one on events because he could have his son on the back. leaning trikes was all the rage for a while. idea was double the front end grip, in all weather. and more stable as it didn't fall over when parked but never sold well
  6. yeah... they have been saying prices will drop for the last 10 years that I can remember. and the opposite is happening. Honestly the market is too protected. supply and demand means there will be no drop - as there is still far more people looking for housing then what is currently available. and the biggest thing is the amount of super tied into the market. would be an absolute catastrophe with so many people having their retirement funded through property. almost every self managed super fund I know is invested in property. no government is going to take the protections away as its guaranteed to kill any re-election.
  7. so bit of background. and to show you the housing issue 12 months ago I purchased a 2 bedroom Unit. for 370k, the government decided 6 months ago to compulsory acquire it for a new roadwork plan (because politics, and they cant leave the previous government's project alone - got to "fix it") at the time my borrowing capacity was 400k now 12 months later. government is paying approx. 470k for the property. you would think happy days right? 100k for a deposit. well not so fast, now the banks will only give a borrowing capacity of 260k from the same wage. (interest rate from 3% to 6%) so total buying power is 360k and prices have increased 10%+ to make it even more difficult with the uncertainty around interest rates etc.. less property's are on the market. 12 months ago I looked at 10 property's in a weekend for inspections. out of the 30 or so listed each week. now there is only 9 properties total listed in the area under 350k (rule of thumb here is to add 30k to the listing price) - area is basically anything south of Adelaide within an hours drive. and of course I am not just competing with other owner occupiers. oh no, everything in this price range is marketed as the perfect investment property. not uncommon to get over 50 people lined up for the inspection, and 7-8 offers in before inspection.
  8. yeah.... well they are Moscow's problem now. Putin may have shot himself in the foot what's going to happen now they don't have leadership to follow. how many are going to go back to normal life and get a regular job? more likely organized crime is about to get a decent expansion
  9. Wonder why cyclecars aren't making a comeback. I reckon a little 1 or 2 seater powered by a motorcycle engine would be great as a commuter, plenty of 600cc-700cc twins that would do the job with great efficiency Something like a Renault Twizzy especially as you normally only get 1 car park with a 2 bedroom unit/apartment . so would make sense when 2 cars are needed
  10. Does the hockey team still fly? proud soviet tradition of plane crashes
  11. this is where we get into the debate of religious leadership and government. lets not forget the they were also against the royal family and its current rule, plenty of issues with the Shia population (minority) against the Sunni (royal family backed majority) then you have some like Osama - who was Saudi and Sunni, but against the current regime. and was kicked out and stripped of citizenship in the 90's
  12. and yet Saudi is the largest export for US made weapons.... and the west buys their oil. Saudi is never really Anti-West. but its good internal politics to appear to be. they want to stay sovereign
  13. yeah, or do the old ball and cup trick. launch 3 at a time. with only one being a fully loaded mothership
  14. I think the answer is more human, less technology. sure you could spend millions on putting AI in the drone to identify targets etc... or just use the mothership as a signals relay. drop say 20, $500 drones. controlled by 5 guys, with 4 drones each. sits in a holding pattern at 1000ft till they are selected to "controlled crash" into the target. probably take a minute to get through all 4 drones. then they wait for the next 20 to drop. same thing they did with the TV guided bombs before "smart" munitions with the laser and gps designation. only the drone pilot isn't trying to fly an aircraft while controlling the munitions this time
  15. Now there's an idea, Drone carrier aircraft. have a long range drone drop quad copters for opportune targeting. hit multiple airfields with the one launch
  16. Which is probably why they are able to hit the only tree in the desert
  17. yeah, but still need a RWC to transfer it over to club rego. when it first was introduced that wasn't a requirement, was just signed of like a pre-1948 vehicle. Didn't last long as it was abused by the commodore/falcon modified vehicle community.
  18. 90 days a year is a lot of time, that's 85% of weekend use for the year. (7 weekends short of the full year) or 3 months of daily use. for a genuine classic car - not a daily driven car/bike that just happens to fall into the over 25yr category. that's more then enough. and for a daily driven the logbook would be a PITA
  19. I'm a big fan, will be looking to put my midget on it. Admittedly its changed a lot. never used to need a RWC, was inspected by the club nominated officer. and they added a bunch more restrictions and proof of use..... and the plates not being transferable is annoying, but understandable as its through the club signing everything off. but the changes were because idiots with commodores were abusing the system. putting it on daily driven VN's etc... or V8 swapping cars without any engineering work being done. (admittedly a few of us motorcyclists were also doing some stuff like building GSXR 7/11's) what is a bigger Rort I think is the other states not letting you do seasonal registration, here in SA as everything is online now for renewals. they let you pay for rego in 3 month blocks - but you can leave the vehicle unregistered for the rest of the year. perfect for motorcycles as opposed to Victoria where if the vehicle was unregistered for 3 months it need a RWC to be renewed.
  20. and yet, I would still put my money on him being elected again
  21. I have a friend who is an artist, but never really goes anywhere and bounces around different jobs. the Art income is sporadic and hardly worth doing. she has stopped doing commissions as its a grueling process dealing with people, especially with getting paid - can be delighted with the work, but treat you like a thief
  22. Eh, its been known for years that they have been reducing the number of government employees and swapping to contractors. Ive reports from several different departments about mixed staff, where no-one knows if the colleagues are government or contract workers. and also heard of others where the job has been axed, but advised to apply and move to a contract role. doing the exact same work - but now through a company instead of direct. all done to make it look like a smaller more efficient bureaucracy. because no one has been recording the "outside" workers in department staff figures.
  23. That or they just don't want to go back to Russia, and Putin would rather call them tourist then admit to it
  24. nothing, Harley were one of the first motorcycle manufacturers to go fuel injected. they haven't had carbies since 1995. and we usually reserved the right not to service anything over 10yrs old (parts and labor costs - people don't want to spend what it costs to do this at dealer service prices. those that we did choose to work on (collectors etc... where we were willing to assist, as we service the rest of their garage - the guys your on first name basis with) had usually put S&S super E/G carbies on the bikes at some point
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