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Everything posted by spenaroo

  1. Probably no worse then a Moto-Guzzi also judging by the tyres and rake.... having worked at a Harley dealership. they would both handle horribly. but the first one despite the torque reaction will probable handle better with the smaller wheel and less rake, could actually turn the front wheel. along with a better center of gravity. springer front end is a nicer ride too. also the seat is a give-away. that bobber style on the second looks cool... but they are a PITA to ride. always wanting to slide back without any support to keep you seated
  2. wasn't aviator used to get rid of the term Airmen? part of the gender neutral policy
  3. no different to the intelligence brothels run during WW2. same idea, different implementation
  4. I'd like to say its because they are delusional and still think he has power, or that its a media thing to try and convince people he has the right to the position. but think its just convention. we still use president Bush, President Clinton and President Obama - though Obama is probably the most used without the title
  5. which does ask the question of if he was commander and chief of the US military forces.... why cant it be tried through the military courts? Guantanamo would make it easy on the secret service
  6. Because 40% of the population cant be arsed
  7. America has the same problem we have though, lack of a decent opposition. I don't have anything against Biden... but you cant tell me he is the most suitable for a second term against Trump. which then adds the influence, does America accept Kamala as president when Biden is deemed unfit? its the old Rudd v Howard... where the losing element was knowing you were actually voting Costello.
  8. anyone having flashes of Enemy at the gates, Where they cut down the communications lines. just to keep taking out the repair workers
  9. Oh should also mention here in Australia there has been several major freight companies going bankrupt in the last few months
  10. eh, Simmilar thing here. the economy is stagnant with supply. everyone stocked up during covid and over ordered as supply chains were strained. now they are working through 12 months worth of stock so not replenishing.
  11. Jump on a motorcycle, it certainly helps with road craft and building that sixth sense of knowing instinctively trouble is ahead or watch for certain vehicles. what we need is also to get an idea of trucks and their limitations in maneuvering and braking. way to many people treat them like another car
  12. makes you wonder what the outcome would have been if the USA hadn't destroyed the Nuclear weapons Ukraine possessed in the 1990's
  13. Nuclear is his only threat right now, sure he could shut off oil and gas exports... but that hurts him just as much. he is making the big aggressive threats because its his only option. he doesn't have another lever to pull. If the nuclear threat wasn't there - how would he stand in this war? probably as well as the Iraqi Guard in the first dessert storm after invading kuwait
  14. If its a fair fight - then something has gone very wrong. the second that air support is brought in then this whole thing changes. Putin knows it. that's why he is so adamant against any countries supporting Ukraine same thing if its a naval battle as then its not a fair fight in his favor. He knows that, and is doing his upmost best to keep every other party out of direct conflict. the only chance he has is by using traditional land tactics of artillery and land warfare. where its a battle of attrition
  15. it would be if there was an alliance, flying every nations flag on each warship. thereby bringing everyone in on it. I dont think even Putin is silly enough to attack, there is a reason he is trying his best to keep NATO out, with his actions - despite his words. And an exercise like that where it is explicitly stated that they will not shoot first gives china zero reason not to support it. lest they side with Russia and lose their position as a peace maker they so desperately want.
  16. Time to move the navy's in. escort any ships coming and leaving Ukraine's harbor's. any attack from Russian forces is declaration of war - and all Russian flagged ships in international waters will be targeted. regardless of location....
  17. I have insurance on my Samsung S9, keep forgetting to cancel its 5 years old or so. broke the screen a few months ago. thought Id cancel the insurance and get an upgrade.... they asked instead if I wanted to make a claim, pay the $50 excess and have it refurbished.... so now I have a like new phone, all refurbished through Samsung (which includes battery). and still pay insurance, in a few years if they cant refurbish I get a payout or equivalent replacement funnily enough they have stopped offering insurance on new handsets
  18. depends on how many guards he brings.... but if I was the CIA... there would be some funding of rebels and gangs who want to embarrass the government, say a hotel siege
  19. or maybe we go back to the original ideals of it being for non-professional's and look at some sports to take out. basketball for example, along with soccer would be another. they stand on their own with large enough followings that they don't need the coverage that the Olympics brings to show athletes who aren't earning a livable wage from the sport. Its still the case with wrestling and boxing
  20. yeah, the big usable main stadiums. but what about those that have been demolished already, like the swimming pool. velodrome, rowing course where do you host the wrestling, gymnastics, shooting, boxing, archery etc...
  21. well yeah..... as I said earlier only one Olympics' has made a profit. the whole idea of the traveling to a new host nation is absurd. but then the idea of building athlete accommodation and leaving it empty for 4 years is equally as absurd. It is basically one big vanity event. what difference is there between an Olympic medal, and that years world championship medal for the individual sport? in terms of skill and competition - I don't think there is. its just the prestige there is a reason why we were the only people bidding to host these events.
  22. because standards change, and they are left to ruin afterwards. as they don't have the necessary investment for continual improvements. think something like fencing. the technology has changed since the 2000 games. would need all new strips and scoring systems. I don't know if there is any Olympic level strips in the country. as we just aren't big enough as a sport to invest in the lighting system required for broadcast. (we fence on a metal strip, thats laid on the ground. the only lights are on the scoring box for the referee. - international events use a raised strip with lighting underneath to indicate to the spectators which fencer scored. not to mention the addition of cameras for appeals)
  23. the obsession with sports and events in this country by the political parties is astounding. it really is the roman empire with giving bread (tax breaks) and entertainment to keep the masses occupied and felling satiated. No country should be hosting the Olympics or the commonwealth games in the same decade - let alone multiple times lets not forget the only Olympics to make a profit was Atlanta in 1984 - and it was run by business groups as an example of capitalism being superior over the soviets
  24. There is plastics and plastics though. I know Ducati swapped to a plastic subframe... but Its more like a controllable metal then plastic. they can do so much with how its formed and strengthened. full of carbon/graphene. you just cant get the same structural integrity to weight with current metal manufacturing technology.
  25. the yellow speed sign's.... the motorcyclist challenge is to try and get through the corner at double it.
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