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Everything posted by spenaroo

  1. that cricket episode is amazing, worth the 7 minutes to watch it
  2. Surprised a dash cam isn't a legal requirement? and on a bus a camera facing the passengers. I believe its on public transport I would be surprised if there wasn't a GPS tracker fitted - I thought that was basically industry standard
  3. guess that's the difference between designing to the specification's asked, and building to maximize the resources available
  4. Whats the phrase that has been getting thrown around with the brittany higgins case, "don't theorise conspiracy, that which can be attributed to ineptitude" or something
  5. pfft, I used to work in a Harley Dealership, The accessories books from the USA suppliers were entertaining....
  6. I wonder how being the 2cnd best army in Ukraine has effected the Russian arms sales. surely places that have access to western arms like india will be questioning current and future contracts
  7. been reading today that it might actually have been a ecological miracle. as it was from the soviet era and sacrificed a lot of good farm land. with modern farming abilities the water needed is reduced. Unfortunately they are already politicizing it as a "we will rebuild" without the question of should it be rebuilt
  8. Check out the seal teams and "canoeing" its not an unknown and new issue
  9. wonder if putins new strategy is salt the earth in defeat anyone seen the hilarity that is South Africa and the president trying to invite Putin to a confrence, without having to arrest him through his own country's laws (including the constitution)
  10. which then brings the questions of the difference between military and a police force... and what the different duties/requirements expected. every police officer understands reasonable force and every military force in history understood the need for moral and a focus....
  11. yep this has the twin SU's have a rebuild kit on the way It was running awesome for 2 weeks, then went to start it one day after sitting for a week and it would just bog down under load. but revved fine in neutral. had it booked in at my local vintage car specialist (3 doors up from work) the next day anyway for a service. they checked their suspicions about the choke not turning off, fouled plugs, blocked air filter etc... but didn't have an answer Basically they said the carb is leaking fuel and needs a rebuild, and the distributor is worn. wasn't worth them trying to tune/investigate further until I had sorted those out. they gave me a nice list of things to address, with the suggested approach that I do what I can then book in with them for anything left over
  12. Ive been talking with my old man about downsizing our toy collections... he has a Vstrom that will shortly be for sale and I have a couple of Jet-skis that arent getting used. so we decided to go halves in a new toy. been a while since either of us have had a fun car, and the Adelaide hills and Riverland are great for a Sunday drive. been sending each other sales ads for a while... I regret selling my MX5, but they are going for silly prices at the moment. Porsche Boxster's are now cheap enough that they are the same money as a good MX5... Mokes and VW kit cars (Purvis Eureka) are now silly prices too. but this appeared on Facebook marketplace for sub 10k, and after both going for a look we decided that I should drive it home. Absolutely hilarious fun living out my Steve Mcqueen fantasies. needs a bit of work with the carbies requiring a rebuild and just general age related items. the dollar per smile value is pretty unbeatable in the current market - admittedly the fact its a 1977 rubber nose 1500 model helps that (the least sought after) if anyone has tips for SU's I'm all ears. bit nervous tackling them as the first job. Im used to modern Mikuni/Keihn carbs on motorcycle's.
  13. and in the Lemons racing in the USA, (best race series) some guys have taken a MR2 and put a corolla engine in the front. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a18739327/lemons-goodbad-idea-of-the-week-twin-engined-toyota-mr2corolla/
  14. going back to the twin engine in pikes peak, there has been a few successful cars with "Monster" Tajima
  15. Anything putting power into a battery should have an auto cut off, likewise anything that drains it. Still I'd be replacing it with a sealed gel type. Here's my background, I have a modified version hanging on my wall as a canvas (but doesn't photograph well) These are the bikes I've enjoyed owning. The Vstrom is still in the garage, as is my Ducati Monster S2R. I absolutely love this bike, suits my style/ability so well. Instantly felt comfortable with it (much to my friends amusement - wide open throttle shortly after throwing my leg over)
  16. thought I'd start an off topic thread for the motorcycle stuff rather then use the top speed one. here is some pictures that I purposely kept off social media of my last crash. the result of going into the side of a cement truck that pulled out in-front of me across an intersection. was doing 80km/h when I started to brake, had the the rear locked and skidding sideways before I hit. remember consciously deciding to keep it on and run the risk of lowsiding instead of trying to re-apply (which I was taught if I locked the front)
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