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Everything posted by spenaroo

  1. big difference, mostly feels much more planted and stable through the corners. biggest difference is that its not upset by bumps - previously it would bounce a but when it hit a bump. now it feels stiffer and just absorbs the bump Unfortunately I found the reason the Diff oil was so empty last night
  2. I am Using Penrite classic light, its a 20w60, so a bit heavier then the 20w50 specified, but I find it doesn't burn as much and keeps good pressure
  3. I still run mineral, specifically a classic oil that has a high zinc formula.
  4. yeah, it certainly had me frustrated and worrying. especially the transmission, checked it on a whim after the diff - just felt nervous. the diff leak wasn't big, just enough to notice the residue on the driveway. I check the engine oil before every start like a pre-flight it has been in and out of mechanics for 12 months and never picked up on. so I don't know how long they have been low for, and if any damage was done I now have drip trays under the trans and diff to check before each drive
  5. More work this weekend topped up the rear diff after noticing a leak.... took about 800 ml... its a 1.1L capacity. checked the transmission and that also took almost the same amount. drove it Sunday afternoon up through the hills. feeling properly sporty now. smooth and tight with the engine and steering response. really notice the difference in weight from removing the bumper (almost 40kg each) the suspension is now stiffer and doesn't wallow. no longer worried about under-steer or po-going from hitting bumps
  6. honestly, its probably the only chance to nationalize the energy grid and take the power away from the private market to set costs. I think this could be a positive in the long term. (until a future government decides to sell them) renewable s are fine... but the government will just subsidize and lose money supporting a private industry to pillage us with pricing anyway. if we are throwing money at it, may as well own the means of production
  7. the flip side is that the EV owners have a battery they can draw from during these times. use the cars battery at peak and charge off peak remember listening to a green economist talk about this. (honestly one of the best most realistic conversation I have heard about this) the best way forward with EV's is excess.... having the electric "toys" I.E. motorcycle/boat in the shed can be used for backup during power peak times.
  8. whats the alternative? larger population in a relatively similar sized space, cant go much further out in many cities as its just not practical time wise with travel, and we haven't invested in infrastructure. not to mention geographical features (hills etc... as we've used up the flat land)
  9. So did a ton of work over the weekend. Made myself a new grill thanks to Bunnings automotive
  10. the 14 days was from me. everything I do with firearms has a 14 day requirement. if I am not there when the police knock on my door for an inspection, I have 14 days to make myself available for one. if I have a firearm registered in my name I have 14 days to present the paperwork to the police, if I change address etc...
  11. one of the first things we are instructed in regards to firearms is that if you are undergoing a period of stress, or difficulty. remove them from your possession. we have no issue acknowledging this with flying - while we do it to relieve everyday stress - we dont fly while under the effects of stress. and would expect to encourage and prevent others doing so as well The ruling is normally to present the weapons to the police as soon as viable. which is normally a 14 day period (but the wording means if anything happens during the 14 days while in your possession [like they get stolen]you are liable - unless you can prove it wasn't viable to do it earlier.) yeah 100% if it is exceeding the set limit, in the set time by the law. its an offence. unfortunate, but those are the rules that everyone is to abide by.
  12. In which case should you really be in possession of the firearms in that case regardless? The biggest problem with Gun control in the USA is that its seen as a right, not a privilege
  13. note my next sentence......
  14. Jews had both end of the spectrum. the wealthy well to do bankers and business owners. but also the poor filling the ghetto's. so they were hated because of the perceived wealth over the natives. and also hated as they were seen as a lower class.... .... and of course if you are living in the ghetto. then a revolution is a very attractive proposition. so most of the European revolutions had a large involvement of Jews
  15. as a firearm owner I disagree, the laws and restrictions are absolute. weapons are surrendered immediately. its his responsibility. 14 days is a reasonable time frame - over that charge him for firearm offences
  16. plan is to cut the areas out at some point. the mount will be removed completely, to recess the grill to where it is on the older cars. and return to the proper valance on it, not this home made thing that is currently on it. but those are both long term projects. once the shed gets built for now it will be home made mesh grill, with a black spray can of kill rust to the valance
  17. yes, the front LH bumper mount where it protrudes through the "grill" and the bottom of the lower valance (under the grill) section where it meets the LHS fender. suspect that these were damaged in an impact with the paint lifted but not properly prepped and repainted
  18. had to move the car out of the driveway and on to the lawn to access the backyard on the weekend. well my father, who co-owns it with me was sitting in the couch resting afterwards and we were talking about an oil leak and other maintenance I am doing on it. he then suggested we take off the bumpers while he was here... 4 bolts and some blood later. so much nicer looking, so another 4 bolts for the rear. Unfortunately it confirmed my suspicion> not the left and right front fenders are different with the indicator mount under the headlight. looks like at some point its had a smash in the front LHS and been repaired with an earlier mk3 fender so now to build.... grill, rear license plate mount, indicator brackets and figure out what Im doing below the tail lights
  19. With some of the most housing troubled states, also being the ones with budget deficits, surely it would be attractive for the government to develop housing - they have the most chance to profit and get things approved. I think the fact that they consistently refuse to build anything themselves is very telling.
  20. IF we are going to be serious about getting out of the crisis, and actually building the homes needed, then a standard set design, mostly prefabbed and assembled by minimally skilled workers would be the way to go. no need to go wall to wall like the developers, unless doing townhouses. (whats old is new again) have planned neighborhoods on new land releases from the government. not relying on private investment but government built. like the old housing trust - but sold to the public - must be owner occupied as a qualifying condition of purchase. why not learn from what has actually worked the past, great building schemes from the post war boom.
  21. Was watching a TikTok from a builder that brought up a really good point. Regulation has killed the ability to build inexpensive homes. every new build now has to meet disability requirements and a 5 star energy efficiency. so the 70's style entry level build of a 2 bedroom weatherboard house that used to be the cheap entry level property, able to be built quickly is no longer possible. and the houses that are being built cant be done with inexperienced and untrained labor. his example is the hidden box gutters instead of eaves gutters.
  22. been talking to a lawyer friend in the USA about it, apparently the Judge gave some improper Jury directions and let in some stuff that shouldn't have been. she is pretty certain it will be reversed on appeal and remanded for a new trial, which will occur after November....
  23. hopefully they have Bluetooth for music, and of course can turn them off at will. these two features are envied by us young folk.... so many uses during boring meetings
  24. and yet I suspect nothing will change... he will drag the appeal on for years. already trying to get them to change the law so any charges against a former president are federal charges.... (so they can be dismissed by the chosen department of justice, or pardoned) its just theater at this point
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