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Everything posted by spenaroo

  1. The actual reasoning is brilliant. its not for being bad parents. its for overlooking the warning signs and not acting on information provided as per a reasonable person
  2. the little orange and black ones can be found at the bargain 2$ type shops. often bought by my parents at christmas for the grand kids the PVC pipe and a bbq ignition cannons.... well they classed as a firearm and massive trouble if caught
  3. the hurricane always reminds me of a cross between the RX500 from mazda, and a Purvis Eureka
  4. Its sitting at the national motor museum here in birdwood. along with this
  5. I've only seen a small handful do it, need to be pretty confidant with the speed and balance/contol to pull it off successfully. (this guy was a multiple time Australian MX champion) also seen the guy almost stack it as he was going too fast and hit the back of the Ute cab harder then normal. hard enduro and trials is a very particular skill set. lots of skills to do with loading and unloading the suspension that normal riders wouldn't be familiar with or able to pull off. plus the weighting of the pegs is opposite to normal riding. (I did a 1 day trials experience and missed the last activity as I was puking my guts out with exhaustion and heat stroke) it a small population of skilled riders compared to the overall numbers of general riders.
  6. nope, I've seen guys ride motocross bikes on and off the back of lifted dual-cab Utes. its pretty impressive (pulls a wheelie to get the front wheel to the tailgate height. when the front wheel contacts he shifts the weight forward and applies front brake to lift the rear wheel up as if doing a stoppie)
  7. would make a lovely table
  8. Wait... so he is basically saying, buy these bibles my dad is selling and end up on a watch list? and he is aware that the bible is not just a catholic book
  9. yep interestingly i have seen a vin crossed out and a new one punched underneath. one of our mechanics rebuilt bikes as a hobby and he found a crashed special edition dyna that was a stat write-off but still worth salvaging. so he repaired it and registered it as an ICV, like a chopper/kit car. and got a new vin number issued. - only bothered with the process as it was his personal bike he wanted to keep long term
  10. yeah, we had a few bikes come in pre- 17 digit vin. always fun with the paperwork.
  11. Yep, was the same with Ducati, we had a good relationship with the specialists. as a dealer they sent the customers with new bikes to us, we would send the good customers we actually looked after to them for the older bikes. they usually had bookings 6 months in advance and loyal followings Also more then willing to share technical knowledge, both sides calling and asking questions when troubleshooting/diagnosing etc... and anyone we didn't want to deal with was passed off to the local guy that works on everything.
  12. oh the fun of chassis. remember a statutory write off and a repairable write off are two very different classifications. and any new replacement frame will be manufactured with the same VIN number. i had at least once a month for the 5 years I worked at Harley-Davidson, some guy would come in off the street having just bought a bike at the salvage auction come in wanting to order a frame. and not understand the need for his VIN details with the order. "No, I want a new frame with a new VIN"
  13. https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/operations/roads-and-waterways/business-and-industry/vehicle-examiners-certifiers-assessors/vehicle Look they give you a list - though i would suggest talking to one before a purchase... normally there is a good reason it was never registered..... so many people build custom projects and get to the end before certification. only then finding out its illegal to modify the frame in any way and it will never get put on the road. Used to see it all the time in the bike industry. sucks telling it to the guy that just forked out the dollars for his new pride and joy - only to be told its basically scrap metal
  14. Yeah, the ones im more familiar with are the modern style, like the Puma, built in Adelaide through the 90's - running the Nissan and Toyota engines
  15. more likely to end up back in the white house unfortunately.... where he will seek to pardon himself and punish the judiciary who dealt with the cases
  16. Not in Australia, I believe we only get factory Caterhams... which themselves are based on the lotus 7 of course its become a bit like Harley or scotch tape- where everyone just uses the brand to refer to that style of car. very few Caterhams here, most of this style of car, are other kit car manufacturers interpretation on the "Clubman" (which is a derivative of the Locost, which is inspired by the lotus 7)
  17. which ones, the factory built, of the kit cars. from which decade?
  18. The line then gets blurred with restorations and rebuilds. I agree with something original. But what of the wreck reconstructed around a vin plate? or of a new machine built to the original specifications (becoming very popular with vintage race classes)?
  19. interestingly the vintage stuff is often lapping quicker now then they were qualifying originally. a lot of this is down to updated components especially tyres. there is a debate of original vs replacement components. (for example in classic racing, the Suzuki race bikes cant easily replace the crankcases so run a more conservative tune. the Yamaha engines are able to use modern crankcases as they were still produced for the XJR1300 well into the 2010's - this lead to a few hybrids being built to race competitively) same thing was chatting to the guys at TREX, who's vintage honda has the lap record around broadford - and while the suspension is for all appearances standard from the outside. everything on the inside is modern and custom built for that bike. and then you have the Irving-Vincent..... I believe its the same with the cars. there is whole industries built around keeping them running and can rebuild from scratch if needed - using modern methods e.g. https://tdf.co.uk/ like most things i this world - it just comes down to money
  20. but I do agree the two are very different events. Adelaide Motorsports festival is trying to become Goodwood in the southern hemisphere - and attracting some great cars and names interesting talking to the people crewing the vehicles. a ton of cars coming from overseas. and not just one, owners bringing 6 or 7 with local talent to race (usually retired world class guys)
  21. Arguably F1 is about how rich your dad is. you dont get to that level now, without bringing serious cash to the table along the way. sure the F1 drivers might be getting paid for the seat. but they still need to meet personal sponsor quotas, and pay for F3, F2 races etc... to get there. plenty of pay to drives while they make the way though lower classes. The sport is changing, Netflix and off track entertainment drives it. look at the Horner saga this year
  22. I was amazed at the Adelaide Motorsport festival in comparison. $60 ticket $25 parking (paddock infront of the gate) went to the pop-up bar for a coke.. paid $5 and was given a 600ml bottle. I was very impressed I was expecting a can at event prices. had a dozen F1 cars from the 80/90s, a few group C le-mans cars. some ultra rare bikes (including older motoGP machines) and even a few group B rally cars. (along with the ferraris, porsche cup cars and the V8 racing taxis)
  23. What makes the nukes so effective deterrents isn't the nuke - its the delivery mechanism. ballistic missiles that can strike anywhere in the world. Submarines that can hide just off the coast. its the fear that it can all happen without warning - or at least without time to react. especially with the subs - you can wipe out the country in minutes.... but the subs are still there to wipe you out in retaliation
  24. Interesting NSW has a no body, no parole law. wonder if it should be widespread
  25. probably knows my other uncle. who had a very similar career path. though think he ended up in internal investigations before retiring there is a story about my father and another of his brothers giving him crap about a silver buckles on his boots. then quietly when they were the only ones in the room he lifted the pants leg to show the buckles weren't on the boots but on the ankle holster. I know there is good cops out there, I just don't expect the officer I'm dealing with to be one until proven now.
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