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Everything posted by spenaroo

  1. Nah, I was pro-police, having a strong family connection (great, great, great grandfather arrived in Australia under commission of the king to head up the police force - his portrait is in the vic police academy. great grandfather was awarded for defusing an armed robbery - while unarmed. and have several uncles who served) but my illusion was shattered when I had a motorcycle accident. as i was loaded into an ambulance I heard to officer on the scene exclaim "what, no F*%king fatalities" this was later worsened when I called to get the indecent report for insurance. where i was told by the same officer that there was none - as no one was injured (i had a spinal fracture) and if he had to write one he would make me at fault for speeding. (i pointed out the truck blew past a stop sign causing the indecent - and his response was he didn't care, he'd find me responsible regardless) spoke about it a month later with one of my uncles on the force - he basically said that the reality is its a job, and so many are in it to do the bare minimum like any other job. its why they have such a large funding for settling claims of wrongful treatment. when I was younger and looking at a career path the police force was very seriously considered (still feel drawn to it) but this uncle had a good in depth chat, where he explained it didn't align with my morals and sense of doing the right thing. and I wouldn't be able to deal with the culture needed to be successful and further the career. still remember him saying there is two types of police officers - those who seek to help the people, and those who seek to use authority over people (think his words were those who want to help the community, and those who go out to book people)
  2. unlikely they ever will unfortunately. the undesirable person probably thinks they will get off as long as its never found. from the killers perspective there is no benefit in giving that information sadly.
  3. Apparently his supporters are pissed that there hasn't been a bail out from a billionaire republican supporter. seriously. the Kevin Rudd thing is nonsence. his actual quote was: "He won't be there long if that's the case; I don't know much about him," "I heard he was a little bit nasty, I hear he's not the brightest bulb. I don't know much about him, but if he's at all hostile, he will not be there long." Aka... I dont know the guy, from the tone of your question im going to say he is bad. as thats what you want to hear. but i have no clue.
  4. leave it there and say nothing. dont spend it or transfer it. just use the account as normal. maybe question the bank if it can be quarantined or something
  5. you obviously dont live in the same suburb I do, so many commodores almost all are missing the fuel cap cover
  6. eh im not so sure. replace with a proper patriot launcher.... yes. But they already have frankensams and missiles modified to be launched off jets they were never intended for. I imagine they can figure out how to add another launcher to the system, a whole lot easier then if they had of taken out one of the command units.
  7. My generation is guilty of this. conditioned that the property return should cover mortgage costs. (not that tax dodge that taking a loss through negative gearing is) So many people I know saw Air BnB as a get rich scheme - with growing property portfolios. just need that first investment...
  8. The reality is we have been through several generations of real estate flippers. those old homes that had land were demolished and subdivided (the block I am on had this - but they left the original house) those that didn't had updated kitchens and bathrooms thrown in - maybe a wall knocked out. and painted to sell at a premium price. the only ones left untouched are ex-housing commission or rentals that have been left to ruin with landlords not spending a cent in 20 years to maintain the property. (mine was the later - in the same suburb as the former) once again the venn diagram of a first home buyer, and a investor is a circle you see it all the time in the language used in the advertisement - rarely is home buyer mentioned first. most of the blurb is dedicated to returns and tenancy rates etc....
  9. My parents have changed to self managed super. by law it has to be invested and cant just sit in the bank. they have 8 investment properties (2 bedroom units mostly) purchased over the last 5 years. all done in cash from super. when I was looking at units for $400k there was always a full inspection and multiple offers above advertised price to vendors before. (agents were straight up, they knew it was sold no matter what - so why bother creating a fake narrative) property was usually off the market in 3 days. my $440k house though (advertised at $480k) I was the only one to put an offer in...
  10. Its not for a lack of qualified staff. every second girl I was friends with in my 20's did psych. couldn't get a job without a masters minimum. so half ended up working as receptionists at clinics to get some employment and potentially get the leg up on a spot with future openings. some continued studying and are still going for PHD's etc. and others went back and studied something else - that they could get a job in like nursing.
  11. These days I dont think her size has anything to do with it. plenty of petite female police... cant assume its two big blokes anymore just an awful situation. I honestly think our mental health support is shameful in this country - as is the response to abuse. I got really lucky with mine. but dated several girls who are in a similar situation. (in the last year ive dated 5 girls, 3 have been in abusive relationships, 4 had experienced sexually assault. - and they are clean living, intelligent and from a good environment woman) some who go for a stay with grippy socks for a week or two - to get turfed straight back into the same environment as soon as they are no-longer an immediate danger to themselves and its really expensive to get regular counseling - I should be, qualify under a mental health plan (10 sessions a year) But I haven't had a check-up in ages as its not bulked billed - so the out of pocket difference is still $80-100
  12. or Trump is elected, and the world tells the USA to F**K off. they wont deal with another mad-man they lose what credibility they have left - and start pulling support for USA programs. Trumps posturing unites NATO, and increases spending of individual nations... but though alienating the USA to remove their influence. Trump is outraged and tries to fix it through "winning" another war. "i am the best war time president - no one does war like I do - we are going to stop sending aid and end the war through superior might"
  13. I see most of these protest groups as a cult now, stuck inside their own bubble with the beliefs reinforced by the select few - ignoring everyone else's views. "our cause is right - therefore our actions are right"
  14. Oh I have grubby real estate stories too.... had looked at a few properties while in the contract cooling off period. was straight up with all the agents as I walked through the door - it was only a back-up as the cooling off hadn't ended. and I wasn't interested in backing out of the current purchase agreement had one unit - where the agent refused to say the expected price ("what do you think its worth."). then when I finally got him into giving the "ballpark" said he had offers of mid 400's and was negotiating with the parties. offers only open for that day blah blah anyway, he called me a week ago (6 weeks later) asking if I was still interested etc... and driving past the property still has all the signs up. which is strange as most properties in the area/price don't last a week. I dont think it was the property that was the issue... ticked all the boxes (honestly have 5 offers in before the open, usually cashed up investors - agents that actually follow up would normally say the vendor took a cash offer - where mine was subject to finance) I think real estate is the new "finance bro's" with the fake it till you make it, and lack of ethics. it attracts a certain type of people.
  15. buying a new house... I hate dealing with real estate at the best of times. only industry I know where the price isn't the price anyway settlement was meant to be Friday got a call yesterday to say the Tenant hasn't moved out - and wants 2 more weeks. keep in mind id already moved settlement back because apparently no one on their side checked a calendar to see what notice had to be given or that the new date they proposed was a public holiday. I didn't even know it was tenanted till they sent through the contracts - which is why I made sure that everything was subject to it being vacant. the grubs still tried to see if I would settle while the tenant was in place. or if I could move it back 2 weeks. (i physically cant. need to be out of my place next weekend. its the only place on the street not being demolished yet - and holding up a government project. - they aren't going to renegotiate vacancy dates) what a stressful few days. still have no idea if it will settle next week - but my conveyancer is the solicitor who took care of my place being compulsory acquired by the government and is on it - so they better have everything ready, as he is like bringing a cannon to a knife fight.
  16. Religion is interesting... full disclosure I was raised Mormon and stayed till my late 20's even know I don't have any issues with the teachings - its the culture that I cant get behind. it has the ability to help good men become great. but it also attracts those who seek to use it. and im not just talking about power - more the support network and charity of others. its a very wide... quality of people. It always amused me how people would think that someone is better to associate with just because they were a member of the church. .... but we all know never to hire a church member as it never ends well. (so many cases of people getting ripped off etc...)
  17. nah, Turnbulls son has come out and said he thinks the PM sons reference was about him. and it checks out the laws were all changed in 2018. and the statements made included that they couldn't charge the politician as the laws weren't retroactive. that raid was done in 2020 so Shaoquett Moselmane could have been charged under the new laws
  18. Yep, remember in Africa meeting a lot of people named Sar - literally meaning second born from memory
  19. I think there is more to that story then meets the eye, the taipans were relatively modern and still used by NATO... it was to be THE NATO helicopter, I assume all the avionics, and electronics are the latest NATO spec. and as such they don't want it in the hands of the Russians and by proxy, china. who already have copied the Blackhawk as opposed to using the Russian technology. not to mention the fact they completely stripped the helicopters before burying the airframe's makes me think there was more agreements and contracts in play. F16's and Abrams are 70's tech.
  20. I don't know, there is a lot of percieved power/sway to being president.... Trump was still president when the capitol riots happened. sure he still has the hardened supporters. But I don't think it would have anything like the effect it did while he was still sitting president to tell them before - is to tell them that their votes wont count anyway, so why vote
  21. if trump loses again, how does that fit with his self image, the "I only like winners" the whole stolen election bit isn't exactly applicable a second time. It is a shame that I don't think we will get to see his dummy spit. I am convinced he will win again unfortunately
  22. they have been running mousse tubes in off-road bikes for years. problem is there is no adjustment in tire pressure available. so cant let them down when in sand, or pump them up for highways. they aren't really used except by the hardcore enduro guys. Ive never used them, but been told it feels like riding on a flat also an absolute PITA to fit
  23. I think its the end. will the USA survive another trump presidency - yes. will the republican party - maybe, if Trump has a clear successor. This will be his last term - he cant run again after this, so what happens in a few years time when that power vacuum hits? I think at this stage its pretty much guaranteed he'll win. Biden was the wrong choice 4 years ago - and its bitten the Democrats hard. but if they lose - they have a good chance to rebuild and dominate the next decade (if they learn the mistake) the republicans may win trump - but it will cost them a decade of power struggles
  24. Yeah, that's more a union thing. sorry "council or guild" from what I've heard its worse then the CFMEU and the control it has over the Victorian building industry.
  25. why.... chances are the general will make the same mistake. not the first time they have done this. last time they took out an actress/singer https://www.news.com.au/world/europe/chilling-video-shows-russian-actor-killed-singing-for-putins-marines-in-ukraine-revenge-attack/news-story/6844aa416ebbc98259fb8fac8ae82c0d and I seem to remember them doing the exact same attack on a general previous to that
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