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Everything posted by Mike Gearon
I’d suggest it is the opinion polls driving the ousting. It’d be next to impossible to vote out a prime minster popular with the electorate and expect that same electorate to vote in the replacement. Meaning.... we have a very strong say both in the immediate removal and then in the replacement. Say for instance our prime minster was calling the corona virus a little flu. Say they then later blamed the WHO for a slow response and later still suggesting stupid fringe solutions such as shining UV light up the people. They’d likely be ousted with gusto.
Like Churchill almost said....they all suck. I guess our system is the best of the worst. We can oust a leader fairly easily and fairly well demonstrated with Oz prime minister musical chairs.
That post above is how it goes. We do seem to have difficulty evolving. Who’d have thought we could return to a 1930’s world where right wing dictators or would be dictators are elected. Trump, Bolsonaro and Putin to name a few. Xi with lifetime in power is another terrible example of power manifested in a single individual. The tribal chiefs operating virtually with impunity. I’m so jaded with religion I see the bush pilots in New Guinea we see posting on here and hope they are doing more good than harm. American exported religion doesn’t have a great track record in less technically advanced cultures. I had this as “less advanced cultures” Probably needs defining because they may have superior cultures spiritually that are overwhelmed by the medical/ educational/ engineering advances that can be brought in as the missionaries selected God (out of the 1,000’s of options of one true God possibilities) is propagated.
I was chatting with daughter 1 back in Australia. She said the toilet paper fascination has let up and now it’s soap. Can’t buy soap. She was also saying there have been reports of hoarders with garages full of the stuff for sale. I’d just confiscate it all and even go through their house and take the same items so they’d have none.
Ironic if the virus ran rampant through one of those protest crowds.
Here’s a little from today’s Melbourne newspaper, The Age. I liked very much a Facebook post “Hearing crazy voices? Turn off Foxnews” It’s nice to actually be able to prove decisively they kill people. The problem is it’s not worth even mentioning to the right wing extremists I know in the USA. They just spin it, or to put it more accurately they repeat the right wing spin jockeys stories. Anyway, I have to keep my USA left wing views (Australian middle ground or right) quiet on Facebook. Here’s a very small outlet... ‘On February 25, Carlson warned his viewers about the deadly risks of the virus, saying that it could kill up to a million people in the US. Two days later, Hannity was favourably comparing the virus to the common flu and car crashes. ‘‘ Carlson continued to discuss the subject extensively throughout February while Hannity did not mention it again on his show until the end of the month,’’ economists from the University of Chicago and Harvard wrote in a working paper published this week titled Misinformation During a Pandemic. They examined whether viewing one show rather than the other led to different behaviours and health outcomes. Their finding : it did. The economists found Hannity fans began changing their behaviours to minimise the risk of contracting the virus five days later than viewers of other Fox shows. Carlson fans changed their behaviours three days earlier, with significant consequences. ‘‘ Greater exposure to Hannity relative to Tucker Carlson Tonight leads to a greater number of COVID-19 cases and deaths,’’ they wrote. Viewers of Trump’s daily White House briefings have seen him repeatedly promote hydroxychloroquine , an anti-malaria drug, as a potential coronavirus cure. ‘‘ It’ll be wonderful, it’ll be so beautiful, it’ll be a gift from heaven if it works,’’ Trump said earlier this month, even as his top health advisers cautioned that its benefits were unproven. Trump’s enthusiasm was strongly influenced by Fox News – in particular host Laura Ingraham, whose show follows Hannity’s each weeknight. According to Media Matters, Ingraham made 84 promotional mentions of the drug between March 23 and April 6 – more than any other presenter on the network. At the start of April, Ingraham reportedly met privately with Trump at the White House to sell him on the potential benefits of the drug. Two days later, at his daily briefing , Trump called the drug a ‘‘ very special thing’ ’ and said a lot of people were recommending people take it. ‘‘ What do you have to lose?’’ he said on April 4. This week a study of hundreds of US veterans found that those who used hydroxychloroquine were no less less likely to need mechanical ventilation and had higher death rates compared to those who did not take it.’
2 things here. 1. I’m very happy for people to take comfort in their religion and God of choice. I have family members I’d never discuss religion with. 2. On a personal level... . It has defied my sense of logic and common sense since about 15 y.o. that there can be so many God’s and so many religions that all claim to be the true one. I still don’t understand this and have a deep suspicion people simply want to fit in with their social group. Then again the religious bits light up when you put deeply religious people in an MRI and show them religious items. Maybe it’s tribal and devotion to the tribal chief somehow distorted into devotion to a mystical being. Maybe in the physics double slit experiment the second electron coming from seemingly nowwhere and behaving oddly when observed (Schrodinger’s cat ) is Gods gotcha moment and I’ll be sent with Pell to the other place. . I attended a catholic funeral a few years ago and was shocked that there were men in frocks and black shoes performing rituals dating back from centuries ago. Growing up I never noticed this. I’m sure there are good men in the Catholic Church same as good people everywhere. If I see the dog collar I tend to go straight to disgust. I’m unfairly judging them all based on the horrific sins of what we hope are the few. I wish I could do better. I find them collectively upsetting. Maybe it’s the Christian brothers fault. Little f%$#rs.
I have great admiration for Jon Faine. Everything below is written far better than I could. I’m in complete agreement. This article is from the April 8 issue of The Age Digital Edition. To subscribe, visit The Age Newspaper Replica /> <meta name=. Jon Faine No one in Australia has ever spent so much money trying to undo the sworn evidence of a single witness. The High Court decision to allow the appeal of Cardinal George Pell will send shivers through the entire Australian criminal justice system. Their Honours have given hope to anyone who has been convicted by a jury. They have effectively said that doubt can be entertained even when the principal witness in court is unshaken in their testimony. The scales of justice are being re-calibrated . The balance has shifted. Trials will be different and appeals as well. It has never before been the role of an Appeal Court to substitute their view for the jurors. Now it is. No one in Australia has ever spent so much money trying to undo the sworn evidence of a single witness. Millions of dollars were invested – no stone left unturned. Legions of lawyers, researchers and investigators trawled through every possible source to discredit one man telling what he alleges happened all those years ago. But in the end, none of that investigatory effort into the complainant was what made the difference. Instead, it was the evidence of witnesses on the periphery that swung the case. The overwhelming majority of criminal trials before our courts are funded by legal aid. In every trial, pragmatic corners are cut, compromises are made. Not every point can be pursued, not every possible doubt explored. Now, with Pell’s case, we can all see what can happen when you do have the money, the backing to chase every possible angle. The police relied upon one witness who was stress-tested multiple times even before charges were laid. Then his version was checked again by multiple prosecutors. Then he was crossexamined at committal by the best in the business, Robert Richter, QC, and emerged unshaken. That gruelling process was repeated at trial. His evidence was still unshaken. The jury believed him. But now the High Court judges say that is not enough. Other witnesses who gave evidence that they thought the Cardinal would not have had the opportunity to commit the lewd acts ought to have been taken into account, even though they could not give a first hand account or provide personal evidence of what happened to those boys on that day. Bizarre. One witness swears on oath: this is what happened to me at this place on this day. Other witnesses say: I do not know what happened on that day but that is not what usually happens – and that creates a doubt and voids the conviction. Compounding improbabilities become ‘‘ reasonable doubt’’ . It has taken decades to get the legal system to address how deeply it was failing victims of historic sex abuse. Profound changes have been engineered, taking great care to maintain the rights of an accused but also to confront the shocking scourge of clergy abuse and the silence and cover-ups that go with it. The lawyerly response will now be to counsel clients to go down the compensation path and avoid the trauma and emotional turmoil involved in a criminal trial, especially one that is less likely to secure a conviction. Like it or not, it was not just the Cardinal who was on trial. The jury system and the Victorian courts have been on trial as well. They have not emerged well. The High Court has raised its eyebrows at Victoria. The Lawyer X/Nicola Gobbo scandal has brought the Victorian legal system into disrepute – mostly because of the actions of Victoria Police but it has reflected also upon the Director of Public Prosecutions and the courts. Reputations have been shredded. The clubby and cliquey world of the criminal bar has been left scandalised. Their Honours in Canberra think the Victorians need a reality check. While George Pell can sleep in a different bed tonight – and presumably in COVID-19 selfisolation for two weeks – he will never recover his standing or reputation. His imperious combative manner and arrogant display at the Victorian State Parliamentary Inquiry that predated the Gillard royal commission came to embody the Church’s sense of entitlement and privilege. His undisciplined annoyance and quick temper at being held to account made it imperative he not give sworn evidence at trial. The trial Judge, Peter Kidd, in sentencing Pell reminded us all that the Cardinal was not on trial for the collective sins of the Church, but only for those specific matters that were presented in evidence. That is true for a court of law. It is not at all true in the court of public opinion. As the dust settles, the until-now secret sections of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that were withheld until Pell had exhausted his appeal rights can and must be made public. The Attorney-General , Christian Porter, can now let us read material that has not seen the light of day. This throws into question how future criminal trials relating to accusations of historic sexual abuse will be conducted. And Malka Leifer’s lawyers will be watching with great interest. Jon Faine is a former presenter on ABC 774. Copyright © 2020 The Age
Seems reasonably good news on the virus front in Australia today. Flattening curve and the death rate remains low. Expect it will be a while before we know if it’s good testing or good ICU keeping the death rate ratio down country by country. Italy and Spain are shockers. USA doesn’t look too good so far. If ever I had a moment to dislike Trump and there have been many (mocking the disabled reporter is still the lowest point) it’s his dismissal of mask wearing ad now advised by his CDC. He said he’d not want to wear a mask to meet heads of state. That’s stupid when you think about Boris and various politicians including ours coming down with the virus.
There was an article on Pell in The Age yesterday. “Watch your nuts” was the cry when they went to the pool and Pell was around. This article is from the April 3 issue of The Age Digital Edition. To subscribe, visit The Age Newspaper Replica /> <meta name=. ALLEGATIONS Two men reveal claims Adam Cooper Two men have publicly outlined allegations they were sexually abused by George Pell when they were boys in the 1970s, in a new report. The ABC reported yesterday that Bernie, a 53-year-old man whose surname was withheld, told journalist Sarah Ferguson that Pell sexually abused him while in a shower. The allegations will be aired in a program that was due to be shown last night. Bernie grew up in a Ballarat orphanage and, according to the report, came to look on Pell as a father figure . Pell was a priest in Ballarat at the time. In 2018 Pell was convicted of sexually abusing two boys who were then choirboys at St Patrick’s Cathedral in East Melbourne in the 1990s, when Pell was the Archbishop of Melbourne. The disgraced cardinal, now 78, is in prison awaiting the High Court’s decision, due next Tuesday , on whether he can appeal against those convictions. Pell has denied all allegations of sexual abuse and his lawyers declined to comment on the fresh allegations yesterday. In 2018, a committal hearing in Melbourne Magistrates Court heard several men allege they were sexually abused by Pell in Ballarat in the 1970s. However, magistrate Belinda Wallington eventually struck out some charges as there were insufficient grounds for Pell to be convicted. Ms Wallington committed Pell to trial on some charges that he sexually abused at least two boys in a Ballarat swimming pool in the 1970s. But that trial never went ahead, as prosecutors withdrew those charges after the court refused to allow tendency evidence to be adduced. The ABC reported that police contacted Bernie in 2016 during their investigation into Pell and that his allegations were among those to be eventually withdrawn, dismissed or dropped. From Pell’s first court appearance in 2017, police alleged he sexually abused at least five boys, until he was ultimately convicted of abusing the two choirboys. One of the former choirboys died as an adult. Bernie told the ABC that for years he was convinced he wouldn’t be believed if he ever reported the abuse. ‘‘ I would hear, ‘Pell’s become Bishop’ ,’’ he said. ‘‘‘ Pell’s become Archbishop. Pell’s become a Cardinal .’ Who’s gonna believe a little boy from a home against that conglomerate ? You know against that bloody goliath?’’ Peter Clarke, another man who was a boy in the orphanage, claimed Pell sexually assaulted him in the swimming pool at the boys home. Mr Clarke said he and other boys would warn each other about Pell whenever they visited a public pool in Ballarat. ‘‘ We’d say, ‘Watch your nuts, watch your nuts’ ,’’ he said. Bernie said that as a boy, he didn’t understand the implications of Pell’s conduct. ‘‘ It was purely for, like, his gratification ,’’ he said. ‘‘ I’ve got no doubt about that now ... it’s taken years to work out his whole conniving methodology of what he was doing but back then, as a kid, I’m oblivious to all of those facts.’’ The ABC reported that Bernie made a police statement about Pell in 2016 but he was unable to proceed with his allegations due to psychological pressure. He said he was now ready to tell his story. ‘‘ I’m not ashamed now, mate. No. It’s not my shame anymore, George have it, George it’s yours, deal with it. You have the shame, mate. I don’t want it anymore.’’ If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline 131 114, or beyondblue 1300 224 636. Copyright © 2020 The Age
Medical staff are front line and from current pictures I’ve seen they are mostly just wearing the garden everyday variety surgical masks. The i95 is apparently very uncomfortable over a period of time. One can wear the surgical mask all day long. It just unhooks at your ear. Thumb and finger then use the stretchy parts to fling it rubber band like at... wait, I’ve gone off track. I saw a very nice article yesterday on a doctor who’d come up with a Perspex (polycarbonate by any other name) box that sits over a patient with arm holes for intubation. Hope these get cranked out. Made me think of being a doctor standing like you see in pic. Not sure I’d be brave enough to do that with a known case of corona and minimal protection! I’d rather take off with a (insert dodgy engine of choice) toward a 50ft obstacle with a tail wind. Point being these staff are front line and if we have masks, hand washing and social distancing/ isolation it’ll probsbly all be over sooner rather than later. Taiwan in point where things are fairly normal subject to current tomb sweeping family gatherings right now. I’d rather have seen the country locked down and it’s probsbly where Australia will be in a month. Success might breed complacency.
I thought I’d post my virus musings over here today because the other thread has become a little bizarre and it’s supposed to be about flying outcomes. Can’t bloody fly! Had a crap day yesterday feeling isolated here in Taiwan. Can’t fly back to Aus without 14 day quarantine and I have a work schedule here in 2 factories that’d not get done. My plan to fly to USA mid May for 3-4 months and pickup tail wheel endorsement from a wonderful old instructor in his 1949 plane don’t look likely. This is now looking like it should be in the other thread. Bizarre ? Now, back to it.... Bolsonaro the army captain right wing nut job leader of Brazil was walking the crowds yesterday belittling the virus. “Just a small cold” Mike Pence denied yesterday that Trump had said pretty much the same thing. He did! We had the sweating Iranian minister denying isolation as a tactic from the Stone Age while he’s sick with it. The Iranian apparently believes in isolation now! So, in a just world Bolsonaro and Trump will get Corona Virus. It’s possible. Face masks....../I had a small online tussle here in Taiwan with a journalist. He was insisting the mass face masks in Taiwan aren’t necessary as indicated up until now by the west. I suspect this was caused by abuse of westerners on the street without masks. Hasn’t happened to me and the Taiwanese are almost always gentle nice people. My daughter is an epidemiologist and I discussed it with her. She thought it was mainly to do with getting enough masks for health care front line workers. The west is now actively turning toward general face mask use. My argument and it’s just common sense is that you google an image of somebody sneezing and it’s droplets sprayed. Our social distancing rules are obviously about keeping 2m away from the larger droplets. Bring a face mask into the equation and the droplets expelled are going to be far less. Keep in mind it’s talking, loud talking I guess and laughing as well as sneezing. Why wouldn’t you want the population expelling less droplets? Then you go to the inhaler. We have a 2m rule. The 2m rule is about being away from the large droplets. It’s also bloody obvious a mask is going to catch some of those droplets. There just isn’t a downside apart from cultural negative to masks as well as supply.
This really takes the corona virus stupidity prize. Michael Segal. Doctor Expose people with an expected small death toll. It’s the sort of thing nazi Germany did. If you wanted to do something radical you’d issue the same population he wants to sicken with the early vaccines. A potential double win or even triple really. 1. You’d not have them get sick. 2. They’d be available as proposed. 3. Most importantly... you’d get them as a large early trial group vaccinated and speed the whole trial process. Can’t believe how irritable this stupidity makes me and it gets published in the Wall Street Journal!
Made a meager living selling exercise equipment for 35 years. Finally I’m in the right industry! Update today on the toilet paper crisis. It’s arrived in Taiwan. I buy all the pink jelly balls so it’s no surprise they are always gone. Didn’t expect the toilet paper thing here.
Looks like I should have brought toilet paper. Taiwan having a run starting with the toilet paper and into instant noodles now. Taiwan prime minister is just saying go for it. Buy as much as you like, it’s good for the economy. Strange days indeed.
Is this happening in Australia? Factory visit today in Taichung and we had a procedure. It’s ramped up this week with imported corona virus. Local Taiwan transmission was stopped/ bugger all. 1. Had to get masks from car. 2. Confirm we hadn’t arrived from overseas in last 2 weeks. 3. Get temp checked. 4. Use hand sanitiser.
And... won’t be flying in the Phillipines anytime soon. They just sent an update and have shut the airport. Feel bad for the staff there. I’m a member, if we all have to chip in for staff that’ll be okay.
Netherlands now looking at herd immunity. It’s nuts. Hope everyone back in Oz is safe. My brother was spotted last week at mums nursing home and they wanted to know if he was the “overseas brother”. Then got a letter by email saying I wasn’t to visit. This week it’s locked down. No visitors. Good outcome and well sorted! I noticed the Age had a picture with temp testing at a restaurant. They really need to test everyone all the time. I must get 5 or 6 temp tests a day here. I joked with the gym staff I was a bit too cold and they became very concerned. Guess it’s like saying bomb at the airport. Don’t mess with the temp.
Been missing the panic in Australia so I brought all the pink jelly balls and ignored the huge quantities of toilet roll. It’s amazingly normal at the supermarkets if you don’t count the sudden panic buy on jelly balls.
I just checked Taiwan and we have 8 new cases today. All came from overseas including 5 from Turkey. Turkey is admitting to a handful of cases. Clearly not correct. Taiwan seems to be getting on with business as almost normal. Schools operating the same. Business as usual with temp checks for all and plenty of hand sanitiser. Might change if Taiwan keeps importing the virus.
Yes, I just received this. Maybe PM when you do go (eventually) I suggest the Clarkton for accomodation. German owned and standards are pretty good. Phillipines can have a very relaxed attitude to things like punctuality and cleanliness. Same email inbox had cancelled CFA training French Island. The world really is in lockdown. Maybe except Boris’s world. UK Gov does seem to be backing away from their kill the herd thinking.
Well, that’s a good today question.... I just decided to stay in Taiwan yesterday when I’m missing gum trees in a big way and then couldn’t go to work today because one of the guys kids was sniffly. Turned out the little guy is just normal little guy sick and not the virus. French Island was the dream home after living in Taiwan for many years. Taiwan is home again because of business pressures. My partner in one of the businesses had a bad health scare and I came back to help and turned out to be really helpful. Taiwan is going to be main location partly because of health care. It’s amazing and that’s proven right now with low transmission. Hopefully it’ll stay low.... Angeles Phillipines is ultralight flying and some fun expats as weekend escape from Taiwan (except for the bloody virus causing flight cancellations) Nebraska/ South Dakota are the result of my American wife. We are selling Lincoln and building a nice shed on the Missouri River at a block of land next to Debs brother. It’ll just be South Dakota then. Go Trump...(. that’s the only downside. It’s Trump heartland) It’s not something I’d recommend. Flying and thinking about flying helps.
It’s all a bit difficult to fathom. Even some bits of the bible need clearing up... 1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians? 2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? 3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of Menstrual "uncleanliness" - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense. 4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them? 5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it? 6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination, Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there degrees of abomination? 7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here? 8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die? 9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves? 10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14) I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I'm confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
I have UK friends here in Taiwan who want to go home as they’ve been here 3 months. KLM cancelled their flights and they are having trouble leaving. China airlines the main Taiwan carrier have cut flights in half. Even without government restrictions the economics of empty planes force cancelled flights. Looking forward to normal again... maybe 3 months.
The maddest thing....even crazier than Trump and his crazy shit is Boris. The UK is going for herd immunity. On a personal level I was going to visit Australia next week. Finally decided yesterday to cancel. Australian Government also decided today I should cancel. Pretty much the same reason. Even travelling from the relatively safe island of Taiwan I’d be the overseas traveller to be avoided. Risk of over 60 y.o. is also a concern. Flying looks like tail wheel lessons in USA and I’m becoming interested in a quicksilver with pontoons. That looks like a lot of fun! Corona panic in Taiwan passed a few weeks ago. I think Australia will settle down soon. Well, if numbers don’t ramp it will.