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Facts are only negative when fallacy is trying to be protected and my post has nothing to do with Marty_D's post. The negative spin is trying to make out plagiarised books claiming to be fact, are great works of literature when lies deception and outright plagiarism are not. Making demands of what should and should not be posted, is something you get from dictatorships and psychopaths. It appears to me now you have this power, you want to dictate the theme and content of posts. Constantly posting lines of meaningless bibles quotes, is either to get someone to react so you can wield your power, or they are what you live by. I joined this forum to enjoy good discussion from various points of view and watched it for awhile to see if it was what it seems. Now you come along and demand I apologise to someone who attacked me via PM, then demand I stop posting verifiable facts. Are you going to ban all facts you don't like, but are prepared to post lies and deception yourself in the form of bible quotes, rather hypocritical and not a good example of moderation. Didn't come her to play silly games of power, so will leave you to it and thank the nice people here for interesting discussions.
If you have no heath issues and take no form of medication, why would you change your diet. Only those who take pharmaceuticals and have health problems should be looking at changing their diets, because unless you have a genetic disorder, you have a dietary problem if your body is not functioning properly and you need to take something to cover the symptoms.
No wise words in any of the bibles torah or koran, you find much better works of literature in some kids books, compared to the ridiculous writings of those books and they are all plagiarised from earlier works. How do you get great literature from plagiarised work, it's the opposite of a great work as all they have done is create misery and suppression.
You make it yourself, not hard but straight veggie oil is best,cheapest and costs me just over 35clt to make BD.
I see no reason why advanced civilisations that may have been around millions of years longer than us wouldn't have access to FTL transport. We think light is the fastest thing in the universe, but we already know of faster things and maybe light is the slowest energy in the universe. As for their small craft, humans send small craft to other planets and solar objects to observe. No reason why aliens don.t have huge ship sitting outside our our viewing range and sending drones to check the place out. Any really advance life form would have tehcnology light years ahead of us and sending a craft manned pr otherwise from the Centauri group to have a look at the mess, they probably have been watching from afar, would make for interesting viewing. They may have reality TV shows that directly broadcast the happenings on a bizarre little planet where the technological inhabitants are wiping everything out, including themselves. That would be interesting for them and no different to us sending probes and now drones to other places. The universe is a big place, so there is likely to be many advanced being capable of transiting the universe in real time easily. Of course they wouldn't want to get involved with such warmongering superstition ridden life forms, always at each other throats as to who has the best violent mythology and it would make for excellent viewing for bored audiences. Naturally they would spend more time round military objects and places, as that's where the action is and our planes may be a weird novelty for them, compared to their forms of transport.
That's an industry fallacy, the highest rates of osteoporosis are in countries that consume lots of dairy products. As is cancer, bad mental health, heart and coronary disease, obesity and the list is never ending https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/11-countries-with-the-highest-rates-of-osteoporosis-in-the-world-359037/?singlepage=1 https://themouthful.org/blog-healthy-bones-without-dairy-products
It's the fossil fuel industries juggernaut we have to deal with and fossil fuel extraction and use is accelerating, not going down. Add the never ending clearing of forests emptying the seas of life and we are going backwards fast.
That's true, especially when you know the amount of chemicals antibiotics and other crap they feed and inject the cows with. It's not only the product, it's what cows do to the environment, and land. What it takes to support one cow, that will contribute to ill health in the population, you can grow enough good food to feed lots of families. I see food as a fuel to keep my biological machine functioning properly, so only indulge in fuels my body needs and can produce good outcomes. I fast once a week. Some days only eat one meal, others eat some fruit in the morning and maybe some toast and then don't eat until the late afternoon, when travelling, don't eat until the evening. Which means my body has the chance to digest, relax and eliminate the waste before having to tackle more fuel. I'm very strict in my diet, but my eating regime sometimes goes off the rails. Especially if I'm socialising and having a few drinks, then I relax, but except for a sip of my neighbours black beer last summer, haven't had any alcohol for well over 2 years. Problem is when I'm socialising, others want to eat my food as they say it's so nice, but none of them ever go out of their way to eat decent foods all the time.
But I don't eat dairy products, my mistakes are lack of education and slack editing and haven't eaten dairies for over 50 years. In my opinion, if you take any form of medication or have any illness, then your diet is wrong and according to all the real medical evidence, dairies are the problem and you find them in just about all processed foods and recipes today. No different to any other industry, it's all about profit growth and nothing else. In my opinion, the supposed natural health industry is just as bad as the standard health and food industries, all con jobs and worthless
It's all smoke and mirrors until someone gets hurt
Dax replied to old man emu's topic in Science and Technology
But they don't, there are over 115000 accidental shootings in the USA a year, lots of those are kids that find loaded guns and start playing with them, killing or maiming others. Considering the yanks slaughter almost 40000 of their citizens with guns a year, proves they don't have any gun sense. If a yank buys a gun they load it almost straight away and it stays loaded through its life. In this country, guns and ammunition must be stored separately from each other in locked safes and we have regular inspections of or guns, safes and security systems. On our range you aren't allowed to put guns and ammo in the same place unless you are on the firing line, this is strictly enforced, same as alcohol is never allowed on ranges and at club events, all arms must be locked and secured in vehicles before socialisation starts and that's always checked. -
With the right approach, we could use seed oils to reduce fossil use as we transition to electric and environmentally friendly plastics and lubricants from seed oils. The human population will drop dramatically very soon, eating food saturated with fossil oil chemicals, will catch up to everyone consuming them in the next decade, The worlds health system can't cope with the constantly increasing health problems now, which all boil down to diet and once that happens bye bye lots of humans, We are already seeing disease and illness in the young, which was once restricted to old people. The next few years will see an increase in deaths in the young, which is sad but the Nats don't care. they are only interested in power.
It's all smoke and mirrors until someone gets hurt
Dax replied to old man emu's topic in Science and Technology
I'm the range officer for the pistol section of our gun club and there are so many safety procedures on and off the range, which makes it almost impossible for some one to mishandle or load a gun on or off the range, unless they are at the firing line. We have to remember, we are dealing with the USA and when it comes to guns, it's a free for all. The gun that killed the lady, was being used by staff for target practise during breaks in filming and again we are dealing with yanks and gun safety is the last priority on their minds. -
The subject of UFO's/aliens fascinates me, but not to the point where I'm totally convinced. Have seen some really weird sights in the sky at night where I live, some explainable some completely unexplainable and see one regularly what defies description. What got me really interested was one night whilst watching the southern lights, noticed a big light sitting in the sky SW of us (have a fully glassed in room that runs the length of the house looking SSW and have a small telescope and powerful binoculars. At first assumed it to be a star, one of the planets, or a satellite. Then it began to move towards where I was, passing over me not that far away and what made really wonder was it produced no sound whatsoever and continued past me and disappeared near where we regularly see a bright light doing really funny things to the NE of us and complete silence as it was a calm night. We live well below any flight paths, the nearest airport Hobart is to the NW of us and we do see plane lights coming in to land there some times. but they circle well north of us and the only planes we see is the occasional light aircraft, or emergency/police, private (Dick Smith) choppers. Today this appeared in the news, so did a quick search and found some really interesting supposed UFO videos. Of course there were many that were clearly fake and you'd have to be as bl ind as a bat to not see them as fake, but some, especially those involving military and commercial aircraft were extremely hard to debunk and I couldn't even after checking out the claims of those fervently denouncing them as fake. So after looking at this video, how do others see the UFO phenomenon. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10132309/UFO-video-shows-pulsating-orb-drop-sky-cruise-alongside-two-FedEx-pilots.html
No one would use monoculture, wild radish grows on just about anything and in very poor soils. With proper crop rotations and using seed oil plants to rejuvenate the soil as wild radish and some other weed seed crops do and provide a lot of nutrients by leaving the residue, makes a huge difference. As for growing seed oils having an effect on cooking oil yields, who cares, you're destroying your health by using the oils they sell. Most of deep fired foods are cooked in cotton seed and rape seed oil, which are very toxic substances and what natural food comes covered in oil, pretty bizarre some of the things we put into our bodies and wonder why the health of humanity is so bad. What it all boils down to is, there's way to many humans on the planet and there's no way they can be fed by natural means. The Nats want to keep on clearing land and grazing more cows and sheep, animals that are not designed for this type of environment. They are also right behind coal and gas fracking, which is known to destroy ground water and in a desert type of country we have, poisoning the ground water is pure insanity. I laugh at all these fools who eat the trendy synthetic meats and food supposedly designed for vegans, all yo have to do is read the labels to see they are pure chemicals. So those on the trendy vegan trip with the synthetic non animal product foods, is probably killing people just as fast as the junk food trip.
We have the ability to continue using ICE vehicles for awhile and still reduce emissions by 80%, as seed oils omit 80% less harmful emissions. We can and do make plastics, lubricants and just abut anything else coming from fossil fuels from seed oils. We have an seed plant that provides 50% oil content, twice the oil content of current food oils which can be used to make just about anything, including jet fuel, lubricants and it's a weed called wild radish. If we switched from fossil fuels to seed oils, we would create a long term viable income for the farming industry without the use of chemicals and it would provide us with all the things we need. Unlike fossil fuels, they would be biodegradable and the byproducts good for the soil.
One problem is there's no laws covering truth in advertising, no any investigation or proper trialling of food additives and no idea of the effects of chemical additives. But it's diaries which are the elephant in the room, they are the worst thing you can put into your body, other than chemicals. Cows milk is designed to promote the fast growth of a calf, not the slow growth of humans. Humans are the only animal on earth that takes lactates after weaning and humans are also the sickest animal on the planet. There are diary products in just about all processed foods, the propaganda tells you they are great and will protect you from lots of diseases, like osteoporosis, heart and circulatory disease. They also claim without diaries our diet is deficient and lacks certain vitamins, yet humans have lived without diaries for hundreds of thousands of years and it was only in the middle of the last century, that diaries were introduced to the majority of countries. Before that they had little disease except those that were brought in by invading christians along with their denatured foods. The countries with the biggest consumption of diaries are the countries that have the sickest people, get rid of diaries and your chances of getting cancer, or any other disease drop to almost zero and you live so much longer and healthier. Sugar and sweeteners, are also health destroying, Haven't had any sweet stuff for many decades and get my sweet kicks directly from fruit. I freeze my extra fruit, then put different frozen fruits into a blender and that's an excellent delicacy, frozen banana blended with other fruits is an amazing taste, especially in the middle of summer on a hot day. When you really look at it, we are fed the most obnoxious health destroying chemical junk you can imagine and are told how good it is for us, the propaganda and lies against all the medical evidence is astounding. We are being conned by these deranged ideologues into killing ourselves and yet other majority do nothing. Many years ago, had the opportunity to talk with a representative of a food additives corporation and after a few beers the truth came out. He called it the profit growth merry go round. The same companies that supply food additives, also supply pharmaceuticals. In his own words, they make these chemicals additives, test them on animals and then make more chemicals to cover the symptoms of the damage the additives cause. That way they create health problems and then supply the drugs to cover the symptoms until they are beyond repair and then the medical profession comes in and uses more powerful symptom covering drugs and surgical intervention, requiring more destructive drugs. So these companies can't lose under the present system of no form of trialling or proving these drugs and additives are safe, yet if you look them all up, they all come with lots of side effects and the ability to damage organs. There is no oversight of these processes or chemicals, it's the companies that provide the regulators with the evidence they are safe and there is no other investigation until something really bad goes wrong and gets into the media.
Sadly threads like this are largely ignored, people really don't want to know how to fix their health, they want someone to do it for them, so they can continue with the same lifestyle that's killing them. I've watched people close to me die because they are in deep denial of the causes of their health problems. I just don't understand their logic, it seems non existent and they get really pissed off if anyone suggests they change their approach to life. Watching someone dying when you know they could be helped, but they refuse and it's not a good thing to be part of. The best antibiotics are found in nature, chemical antibiotics destroy not only your gut bugs, but your immune system as well. Humans are only diseased because of their disgusting denatured diets, the worst offender is diary products, they are the cause of close to 100% of disease and health problems and the medical facts support that reality. I had 3 operations on me left hand a couple of years ago and left it for 2 days to get it seen to, didn't think it was broken just a bloody mess. After 2 days of trying to cope with it and play guitar, went to a quack and discovered my little finger was crushed and almost off and one other finger had 2 breaks. Because I left it so long they were very worried about infection setting in and against my wishes pumped me full of antibiotics, which made me feel really crook. They were amazed I had very little swelling and no infection, but it took me months to get back to feeling well and my system working properly again.
Great observation and spot on, the problem is, they don't know what to do to get us back to sanity. Al they know is hoe they've cone it in the past and what their vested interests want, so they will promise everything. but give nothing. How many times have they said they would reign in corporations and that they were against gambling and fully behind real competition, but their own history for all parties shows the opposite since the mid 1960s. Back then we were a thriving self sufficient independent country of around 11 million people, we made everything including our defence systems and they were the best on the planet. Now we import just about everything, give a way our resources to overseas hostile sources and are becoming an urban waste land no different to all other heavily populated country. Think about it, we have a deranged fool who deeply believes he is doing gods work and that this is the end times. That's why he smirks so much, so he lies every time he opens his mouth and makes grand promises, yet none ever gets done that would benefit our future. All that happens is more and more money goes to less and less people as prices and costs rise. On the other side, we have a catholic economist who's life experience has been in an office. They either release policies just after an election, or just before because they know if they had to support the veracity of their policies for more than a few weeks, they would fall over fast. Think it's getting to the stage where even the most die hard supporter of any party will be getting a bit jittery, as things get worse under the current direction and control. We are virtually defenceless at the moment and will remain that way for decades until we start designing and building our own defence equipment that we can sustain locally. But all we get is empty promises, shoddy planes, choppers, ships, submarines and weapons platforms. We are digging up more coal than we ever have and the same with all our resources. Who do you vote for, knowing it won't make a bit of difference which party gets in, the results will be the same.
The fish I eat, is Tasmanian black back salmon and only take that when they are fully running, which is a couple of times a year and freeze most of the catch eating it about once a month and the same with chook, which is always organic. The meat today is junk chemicalised junk, all farmers except organic use large amounts of different chemicals on their farms and in their cattle. All my family thought I was crazy and wanted me to continue with chemo etc, they have largely disowned me, the only connection is through my youngest daughter and ex. Now all but my eldest sister and youngest brother are still alive and she is on the way out, a couple died of cancer other died from wrong or over medicated. Would love to disagree with you, but can't as that's the probable outcome. An ideologue can't change it's way of thinking or locked in programming and doubt even a major calamity created by the Nats would change their spots Let's look at it from a logical aspect, why would independent politicians be any different to independents on boards, club committees, councils, or any other organisations that has people come together and make decisions that effect lots of people and organisations. We don't have political parties running those organisations, although they are pushing into councils with devastatingly negative results. I think the opposite would happen because at the moment nothing of worth gets done in the political arena in the proper time or action and at least most independents would have hand son experience in life. Current politicians only experience in life is in a church, school or office and they know nothing of worth in any way. Take them away from their advisers or pre-programmed questions and they are completely lost, all they can do is try to change the subject or throw blame elsewhere.
It's for real, as one track says, low sunlight just before setting or rising, but you do see it's shadow at different times. This ones designed for racing, with low flight time. Shouldn't be to long before we see machines like this becoming common with longer ranges, maybe a peddle generator on one would help with range. Luckily it has a parachute, as do more and more light aircraft, which makes one more inclined to fly knowing if the engine stops or a wing falls off, you can still float down safely.
On that show called american pickers, they came across one of those gulf stream caravans which had a motor to drive it around in. There's lots of vans and motorhomes cruising round that are fully self sufficient in power, using lifepo4 batteries. My old 78 Bedford motorhome with an Isuzu engine can stay away from civilisation for a couple of weeks, it has 3kw solar, 480ah lifepo4 and runs a/c, induction cooking/gas oven, big tv, 2 little tvs, laptops, phones, big Fridge and freezer. A/c, fridge and freezer are all inverter tehcnology, which uses about half the energy standard appliances use to run and the isuzu runs on veggie oil, so costs about $2 a day to run no matter the klms we do and also carries 1000lt of veggie.
Many supposed sarcastic claims turn out to be logically rational, devoted ideologues and in this case another deranged god nutter is so deluded he can't see the reality of his claim and thinks it's the opposite. The human race becoming vegans would probably save the planet. If that were to happen, pollution chemical use and global warming would dramatically reduce, along with the huge health improvement in humanity. But that would also cause an increase in human population, which would defeat the purpose as it's the number of humans that's causing the planet problems. I'm very close to being a vegan, eat some fish and the occasional bit of organic chook. Most of my food is home grown, local or Tas grown, what comes from Aus is crap, old and mostly chemically saturated. The difference changing my diet made to my health and well being over the years, is simply amazing and only got into it because of my declining health at the time. Took a few years but got to the stage where was feeling really great and had no health issues, then got a bit complacent and got into a bit more trouble health wise. Now back on track and hopefully improvement will increase, that's why I'm building a hyperbaric chamber. They help healing and when you add O2, CBD and good cleansing diet, you have the right ingredients to start improving your health. I'd suggest anyone wishing to improve their health to consider changing their diet from a high processed fat one, to non fat non dairy diet to see an improvement in their health. But it has to be a balanced change, not radical as that could cause more harm than good. We have to realise medical science can't fix any disease, all they can do is cover up the symptoms and cut out the effected part. It's our bodies that do the repairing and proper diet helps that process dramatically. Strong possibility the Nats will lose most of their seats next election, most farmers I've talked to who used to support the Nats, can't stand the current members. Next problem is, who do they vote for, none of the other parties represent any decent approach to the future. All that's left is independents and we have a much better chance of controlling what independents do, than corrupt political parties.
You don't have to apologise, it's always good to get things of your chest, especially when things are tough in our lives. Dealing with bureaucrats at any time is frustrating, but in trying times they seem beyond understanding and that just adds to the stress. Sadly there's nothing much you can do, other than hang in and try to get some sense from them. Maybe sending their correspondent to someone superior, or even the press may get some positive outcome for you.