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I have no moral compass, my life experiences removed that ridiculous concept from my mind, I work within an ethical frame work and one which raised it's head after my last NDE, freeing me from ideological enslavement. All morals are just excuses to suit certain ideological aims, they are not based on the reality of the world, or any caring nature, just desire to suppress, control, abuse and influence. The USA and in fact probably all countries work within moral barriers, none work within ethical ones, or the world would not be in the position it is. Ideological humanity kill, destroy and abuse all life, claiming it their right. Their morals are designed for humans, animals have no rights, nor does any other form of life, just humans and that's why we are in such a predicament. An ethical approach to life see all life as sacred, not to be abused or enslaved and not to be used as sporting, or gluttony targets. Which means I have very little time for ideological humanity and all the time in the world for every other life form, so more than happy to see most of humanity removed from the planet and if that include me to make it a better world, that's fine. As long as it has no detrimental effect on other life. Sadly most nations are either warmongers or ideologically suppressive regimes and apologists for their major cult beliefs. Having spent parts of my life within the criminal world, have reasonable idea of where many of their minds sit. Of course they all think their actions are justified according to their moral compass, but there is nothing ethical in their actions and their words are empty to someone like me. I support the death penalty for certain acts of violence and criminality, it's only the insipid and extremely hypocritical society morals which preclude the death penalty or life meaning life for serious crimes of violence. But that's hard to accomplish when we have such a bizarre and reprehensible biased and elitist justice system. Yet that same system, condones invasion, war and external violence. At the same time their morals free very dangerous people to commit the same crimes over and over, because they class it as morally wrong to remove someone from society permanently and we must feel compassion for perpetrators. That's what morals do and you're welcome to them. I'll stick to ethics, which treats life equally until until it displays otherwise, then its' all guns blazing.
Irrelevant to the treaty the USA has a vested interest in Aus security, without Aus, they are blind to most of the planet and near space. There are a number of surveillance and early warning stations around Aus that the US needs for them to remain safe and able to communicate with their forces, especially submarines. Don't think there's any religiously controlled country that can claim to have a moral compass and most certainly no ethical compass. I see morals as a conceptual concept made up to suit the requirements of the ruling ideology, where ethics can been seen throughout the animal kingdom, but never within ideological humanity. That's the difference, other life forms live within and ethical code, ideological humanity lives within separate moral codes, which have no relationship to reality. The ANZUS treaty is like all treaties, is only worth the paper it's written on and only enforceable if it suits those involved. I also have little faith in the USA coming to Aus defence, especially if they are not initially involved.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-01/anzus-70th-american-alliance-make-us-safer-or-military-threat/100424882 "The belief is the treaty — and the deep friendship between our two countries — gives Australia special access to advanced American military technology that we need (although not at a discount). And, more importantly, that it keeps us under an American security umbrella. Australians can rely, in the recent words of one senior bureaucrat, on the "protection afforded" by ANZUS. This assumption rests specifically on Article IV of the treaty, in which each party "declares that it would act to meet the common danger". This language is widely assumed to constitute a security guarantee from the US. However, the reality is, it does not." An interesting article, don't agree with some of the conclusions drawn by the writer, but there are some good points and we should be designing and building our own defence systems and material. There are many reasons why relying upon overseas defence equipment suppliers, leaves this country extremely vulnerable. Although in my mind, any invasion of Aus, will come from those fleeing the collapse of northern hemisphere societies and as we have a few billion people living in areas which will collapse dramatically in the near future, we need deterrents that will stop an invasion through the sth Asia archipelago.
Here's a rather sobering article, seems they're are tracking 31 mutations of the virus and one is so bad it's making the fully vaccinated sicker than unvaccinated. It's called the C.1.2 strain coming out of Africa, it's now in England, China, the Congo, Mauritius, NZ, Portugal and Switzerland. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9937851/New-Covid-variant-detected-South-Africa-mutated-variant-far.html "A corona virus variant first detected in South Africa could be more infectious than other mutations and have the potential to 'evade vaccines', scientists have said. The C.1.2 strain, which is linked to 'increased transmissibility', is more mutations away from the original virus seen in Wuhan, experts at South Africa's National Institute for Communicable Diseases and the KwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform said.
Good countries as measured by paralympics medals
Dax replied to Bruce Tuncks's topic in General Discussion
That's pathetic, but totally expected from our politicians. Paralympians should get more money for their medals, they deserve it considering the amount of work and dedication they have to put in to compete. -
Good countries as measured by paralympics medals
Dax replied to Bruce Tuncks's topic in General Discussion
Those competing in the Paralympics are amazing people irrelevant as to what country they come from. Who cares how many medals countries have, it's what they achieve that's important and what it does for their lives. The bloke with no arms playing table tennis with his teeth and one playing with his feet, they'd beat most armed people. Although most are playing for their countries and want to get as many medals as possible. What's a nice country anyway, every country has it's problems and we have ours. -
Sadly that's true and it's a product of the economic growth ideology, which should be the profit growth mantra. Schools are purely for turning out economic clones, when they should be about life education and team work. City cotton wool kids are pretty useless at just about anything of use to their future, mobile phone is useless for their future in the reality if things. Where I live there are many city folk who have holiday homes in the area and when they come down here for holidays, you can tell who are locals and who are city kids. Local kids are out in boats, bikes, the skate board track, playing on the beach and going on adventures together. City kids wander round the local shops with their phones to their heads and don't even talk to each other, they communicate through their phones, even when they are standing close by. This to me is not a good sign for the future, soon we will have a number of generations incapable of doing anything but using a ph, or slaving in a part time job. Of course there are exemptions to that in cities and the bush, but local kids always talk to you and wave when you go past them. If you said hello to a school kid in a city, they'd freak out, no different to trying to talk to city people, they turn away or look scared to death.
Most pensioners would have kids and grand kids, so would be fully aware and experienced with interacting with them. My own great grand kids are no different to my grand kids or kids, other than they all have phones and spend lots of time on them. All my grand kids live in rural areas, they spent most of their time out and about having fun with peers. Their phones go with them, but they get into lots of physical things just like we did, bike and horse riding, surfing, footy, dancing making things and being pests. They are always asking me questions, by ph or when I see them, which has been never in the last couple of years, I get a txt or call from them at least once a week and one insists on a signal conference as she says at the age of 4. I think we have to take a different direction with education, our working society is getting smaller and smaller with the advance in technology and jobs will become scarcer. As it is part time work is just about all that many can get. So it's important they are taught lots of physical things they can get into so they have something to look forward to in life, rather than now, all they have to look forward to is being programmed into jobs that may not exist very soon. Don't know anyone in my realm of business friends who has a tertiary education, none ever finished school but all are very successful. The over educated seem to end up as economic slaves, they have no life skills or ability to think outside the square, because they have never experienced life outside a school room. Same for all the pro musos I know, not one can read music or were taught their instrument, all done by feel and ear. I've played with a small orchestra in a number of stage shows, we were the pop section and had a small bracket during interval. They gave us reams of musical scores for the songs we were to do and we learn them from recordings, when it came to the show it was easy the orchestra played from the music score and we played by feel. At one practise we tried to get the orchestra into a jamm with us so they could join in, but not one of the could play without music scores, so that fell flat as they just looked confused when we told them the chords and played a few bars so they could get the feel. Humans are practical beings, they are destined to work with their hands, mind and body, not sit bored to death or work in morbidly soul destroying jobs. So the elderly could introduce them to skills that they could use, whilst a trained teacher can only teach them out of a book and has no practical experience in life, other than in a school room.
May be the answer would be to use pensioners as teachers they have a life time of experience and knowledge and education should be for coping with life, not just filling a role. Pensioners could do a few hours a week, teaching kids real things for their lives and when they get to 16, put them into 4 years of work experience in every government department and when they've done their 4 years at 20, will be experienced and able to choose their career. It would also give society well trained emergency workers, good citizen and release pressure on essential services and health facilities. The current approach is ridiculous in this day and age, using people just out of school to teach the young is failing miserably.
But does that technological footprint have to be so damaging and where are we today, but on the brink of social collapse and more destruction. At the moment don't see where we are as progress, just the opposite. Evolution should not be destructive, it should be constructive towards life, the environment and the future. It appears to me time has run out, there was an article today which claims pollution is causing a rise in mental illness and I would certainly agree with that. It's one of the elephants in the room no one is looking at and one which may well drive more and more people over the edge. We are seeing a huge rise on supposed mental illness in the young, I see it more as an inability to cope with the massive changes we are starting to experience and the future they have to look forward to. No amount of cajoling, lying or deception by the political world, will change anything, in fact its the political, religious and elitist worlds that are to blame for the entire world situation and nothing else.
Most teachers are young people who have spent their entire life in a school room and have no or very little life experience outside a class room. Proper teaching should involve real life hands on experiences, then the teacher can explain how and why things are that way. In a school room, kids are given a false viewpoint of the world and probably leave school unprepared for real life. I learnt by hands on experience, working out money, finding somewhere safe to sleep and getting food, required a lot of planning and understanding of what's happening around you. My kids went every where and did everything with us when young, even though their mother complained they should be in school. But as we were constantly travelling she had no say unless she stayed in one place and she tried that once, kids decided to stick with me and left her on her own. Explained everything to them because I had no one to explain life to me and they were able to handle their own money, learn how to research words and maths from a very young age. They also enjoyed their lives and showed an interest to learn everything they could, to the point where they would ask people why they were doing something and or how something worked. Those they asked were shocked at how interested they were and so people were happy to open up and explain things to them. Now one is a vet, one an engineer, one the manager of a big rural company and the other one, runs our company. They are all capable of building a house, fixing cars and growing food. Education should be about life, not being programmed into being an economic clone for the profit growth industry. Told all my kids, only do what you want in life and as long as it doesn't adversely effect other life, then go for it and they have.
Didn't go to school after 8, home schooled my kids and they and I have turned out ok and pleasantly well off. Home schooling is a wonderful way to introduce kids to life and how to cope with it, taught my kids how to cope from the time they could walk. In my really young age, it was religion that was the basis of schooling and hated every second of it.
Albanese has the mentality of a dead rock, not one molecule of a working brain, just a century old program in his head that could never work.
I think we will w forced to drop fossil fuels, particularly oil, we are totally reliant on overseas supplies having sold off our own. The big problem is, not one politician has looked that far ahead and it could happen within a year or two. All it needs is for the middle east to blow up and we are stuffed for fuel. Off course we could easily overcome that with a little forethought and planning, but we have the most incompetent ignorant politicians on the planet, who will do nothing when with the right action, we could become totally self sufficient in fuel and plastics. At the same time drive our economy forward and make it sustainable for ever.
This article shows where Afghanistan is going and why it's foolish in my opinion to be bringing more muslims into the country from anywhere. We have no idea how many are sleepers, we already know many who worked with Aussies turned against them and killed our troops. They all have the same agenda, sharia world control at any cost and have the track record to back up their intentions. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9927167/Afghanistans-chilling-new-face-terror-ISIS-K-Taliban-far-liberal.html Founded in 2015, its followers aim to establish an Islamic caliphate across Khorasan (hence the initial 'K') – a historic region covering Pakistan and Afghanistan along with parts of Central Asia. The terror group is now such a threat that fear of an attack by Isis-K is being used to justify the US's refusal to delay its withdrawal from Kabul Airport after the August 31 deadline set by Joe Biden. In a statement released on Tuesday night, the US President claimed: 'Every day we're on the ground is another day we know that ISIS-K is seeking to target the airport and attack both US and allied forces and innocent civilians.' The White House seems to believe ISIS-K (who regard the Taliban as dangerous liberals) is about to organise a wave of attacks in an effort to destabilise its efforts to form a government.
I would never vote for a political party, they are corrupt by definition and approach. Voting for any party just empowers them more to make life more miserable for the people and better for their ideologies and corporate vested interests. Labor are just the left wing of the controlling political party, they are on a downhill spiral and won't recover. They have no real leaders and the only way the libs are hanging on is that they have ideological control over the party in the form of god nutters, they all follow the cult, so always bow down to the most fervent and vocal, at the moment its the pentecosts and Morrison. The problem with the political system is there's no difference between any of the parties, none have a clue and can only rely upon the past for direction. Main stream yahweh cults are struggling as their base and influence fall apart, as the true reality surrounding them is revealed and their veracity taking a big hit. Morrisons cult faction hillsong may well be brought to task soon, their leader has been charged with perverting justice by hiding his paedophile father from the law. We may well see a can of worms open up, to me it seems illogical there wouldn't be more abuse within the that faction. They all follow the same pattern, clones get sucked in by some deranged psychopathic moron claiming they are preaching the word 🤣 and then they start abusing their flock. Their egos are so out of control, they think they are invulnerable and the abuse of the vulnerable easily sucked in, will give them more power and control. There's not one faction of the cult that can claim to be free of abuse, suppression and sexism. Abuse is rife throughout the entire cult, muslim, christian or jew, they are all basket cases of abuse, suppression, elitism and of course major deception and never ending conflict and war.
Could be wrong but in the last century seem to remember reading about someone who challenged the federal voting for parties, he ended up in jail and wasn't heard from again. The major parties always combine when their power base is threatened, so there is no hope of getting them out of power, unless a new party comes along that the people decide to follow and can't see that ever happening. The majority of people are just cloned ideologues who never change their vote, they fear change and the unknown terribly. I haven't voted for a party for decades and never will, no independents then my vote becomes informal so no one gets it. As for Morrison, he's a radical fervent cultist from the fringe pentacostal church, no sense, no brain just a simple ideological program running through his empty head.
I said involved, not carrying out, they facilitated Al-Qaeda and others to carry out their attacks and probably much more. The list of muslim terrorist attacks is large, anyone who thinks they have changed should look at the history of their cult and factions to see the truth. They slaughtered tens of thousands of their own people and decimated the country, so attacking other societies is just part of their aims of an islamic world.. https://www.dni.gov/nctc/groups/afghan_taliban.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taliban https://www.euronews.com/2021/08/19/taliban-takeover-could-lead-to-renewed-terror-attacks-in-europe-view https://ctc.usma.edu/are-the-afghan-taliban-involved-in-international-terrorism-3/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks
I said involved, not carrying out, they facilitated Al-Qaeda and others to carry out their attacks and probably much more. The list of muslim terrorist attacks is large, anyone who thinks they have changed should look at the history of their cult and factions to see the truth. They slaughtered tens of thousands of their own people and decimated the country, so attacking other societies is just part of their aims of an islamic world.. https://www.dni.gov/nctc/groups/afghan_taliban.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taliban https://www.euronews.com/2021/08/19/taliban-takeover-could-lead-to-renewed-terror-attacks-in-europe-view https://ctc.usma.edu/are-the-afghan-taliban-involved-in-international-terrorism-3/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks
It all revolves around the yahweh cult, each faction has been fighting each other for over 1000 years and they also fight within their factions, any opportunity they get to have a go at each other they do and they are all just following their mythical war gods words. The invasion of Iraq and afghanistan was the stupidest thing the west could have done and that was instigated by right wing devout christian god nutter leaders, Blair, Howard and Bush, all devoted cultists.
Actually the Taliban have been involved in many terrorist attacks, Al Qaeda, ISS, started in Afghanistan and were protected by the taliban, it includes suicide bombings. This article and many others sets out what the taliban is all about and it's aims, which are no different to ISS or any other muslim terrorist cell. https://ctc.usma.edu/are-the-afghan-taliban-involved-in-international-terrorism-3/
Going by the last time the taliban held power, wouldn't be giving them anything and would be doing all in my power to disrupt them. Why give money or help to those whose aim is to destroy your society and kill an opposition. I'd be providing assistance to those opposed to the taliban and other terrorist organisations. Attack all their armament supplies, bases and anywhere they happen to be until the Afghan people can take over. Any money the taliban get will be used to fund terrorist attacks against other countries, last time in power they wiped out just about all the infrastructure, education facilities and enslaved the women. What has happened to think they have changed their approach, when we read every day of retaliation against all they think oppose them, executions, beatings and looting. We are dealing with fervently insane god nutters, they can't be stopped until they are dead, history proves that over and over.
We all interpret things according to our agenda, I have none in this instance, because no matter what I say or think, it won't change the reality. That reality is sea levels are rising, climate is changing, the food chain is close to collapse and the environment is in grave danger. All the people of the world do, is argue, deny or make excuses. Couldn't care less what's causing the changes, human devastation and destruction of the environment, sun spots, little green people. Who cares, it's changing and in my opinion, it's way to late to do anything of worth and there is no political will to do anything, other than deceive the people and grow profits for vested interests.
Two former greats of entertainment left us this week. Vale.
Dax replied to red750's topic in General Discussion
Time catches up with us all sadly, loved the Everly brothers vocals, have played many of their songs over the years and their EP was my second record purchase, the first was "old shep" by elvis. It reminded me of the dogs I'd lived with on the streets, loved dogs then as they were my only companions I could trust and love them even more today. -
My brother has the same thing from bladder cancer, but according to his wife that's all he suffers from and he's 15 years younger than me.