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Sadly that's true, know someone in that predicament, he says it's like being castrated. I had an enlarged prostrate a few years ago, which put down to the huge amount of alcohol drunk in the band over the years. Then decided to stop drinking except on very special occasions as it was becoming boring and no longer handled the next morning feelings. Within 2 years of no grog at all the symptoms disappeared, this amazed the medical profession and they did a heap of tests and scans to figure out why. No matter how much told them it was because of my lifestyle and diet, along with no grog they took no notice and put it down to spontaneous remission. Nothing spontaneous about it, over the two years could feel the changes until realised no problems any more, not more getting up 5 times as night and spending long times with little flow. No problems now and have to admit feel so much better getting a good sleep with one excursion to the dunny in the early morning. Still haven't got any vaccine in our area, we have long lists waiting, have been told the major states and cities will get it first
Have read the article, it does say diverting the river has helped sea inundation, but it does emphasis it's sea level rises from global warming which is driving the situation. Nothing scaremongering about the article and in another article in the age, it explains the difference between the IPPC and Aus scientists calculations, the IPPC seems to be down playing the future effects. We must also remember that these claims from all side are based on models, not reality, so there may be wide margins for error. We already see how previous climate models have got timing and affects wrong, things are much farther down the track by decades for turn of the next century predictions. What they claimed would happen at least 80 years from now, seems to be happening now. This could mean right in front of us is a massive climate change we can't see, rain on high Arctic glaciers could be the canary in the mine keeling over. Of course, things may not change much at all for the next couple of decades, but human population growth will continue unabated and that is the biggest problem with climate change and sustainability.
Hasn't paid me a visit yet, again it all depends on lifestyle, diet and approach to life. From my viewpoint, older ladies really appreciate older men who are not restricted is their approach to them, they are very responsive and grateful. I get more smiles and aproaches today from ladies than when young, of course playing in a band does make a bit of a difference.😎😇😁
I wouldn't accept anything the IPA produces, they are a right wing conservative corporate lobby group. To me it;s irrelevant as what is causing climate change, what's relevant is it's happening and nothing is being done to cope wit the change in the future. It's just more of the same back to the past syndrome we see coming from all ideologues. When rains on top of a glacier, over 3000m high and in the arctic, we have a problem and no amount of denial or excuses will change that glaring fact.
This article says it all, extremely hard to deny real physical evidence. Temps 18deg hotter than normal, are not to be sneezed at, or denied. The article claims sea levels have already risen 20 centimetres and sea levels in my area support that. "Rain has fallen on the summit of Greenland’s huge ice cap for the first time on record. Temperatures are normally well below freezing on the 3,216-metre (10,551ft) peak, and the precipitation is a stark sign of the climate crisis." Scientists at the US National Science Foundation’s summit station saw rain falling throughout 14 August but had no gauges to measure the fall because the precipitation was so unexpected. Across Greenland, an estimated 7bn tonnes of water was released from the clouds. The rain fell during an exceptionally hot three days in Greenland when temperatures were 18C higher than average in places. As a result, melting was seen in most of Greenland, across an area about four times the size of the UK." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/20/rain-falls-peak-greenland-ice-cap-first-time-on-record-climate-crisis
His battery is solely for his car, he is already off grid like me and doesn't have any power bills. Return on investment depends on how you go about it, the simplest way is to buy a few lifepo4 cells to make up a small battery, buy an ebay inverter and switch to it at night. Once you decide what you really need, you can expand your battery and get the best of both worlds. Free power, excess to the grid. Then all you need is decent charge controller which you can program yourself. As for longevity of solar panels, have some from back in the late 1980's still working on my workshop.
Have a friend who has a Kona Ev and another who has a leaf, both and a couple of other EV owners I talked to at the last EV show, all said the only time they use charge stations is on long trips. They all charge their cars at home from their solar and a couple have added more solar just to charge their cars. One who must have a lot of money, has a battery bank for his Tesla to it top up every night, said he will get his money back within 5 years for the battery.
I agree with their claims, it's much more logical and understandable than the claims of deniers.
Everyone with a thinking mind realises mining will continue, it's the way it's done that's the problem, not mining itself. The problem we face is getting away from the current profit growth, rationalisation approach which cares nothing for the future or environment, just more money in less hands and stronger ideological controls over societies. Already they are producing steel using non polluting methods, the growth is EV trucks and machinery in the mining industry, is also moving in the direction of improvement. Our economy is dig up, manufacture, then throw away into land fill or the oceans. It will not be that long before the next generation will have virtually nothing of worth left to continue human societies at their current levels of sophistication. But our leaders and their ideological masters, couldn't care less, to them it's just power for them today and bugger tomorrow. There is no argument for carrying on our approach to the future as we are, just insanity. Denial of climate change seem to becoming from urban dwellers and rich vested interests in the farming industries, they can only see the mirror inside their heads, not reality. We can continue technological, social and environmental advancement by simply changing our approach. The only things to really suffer would be the throw away junk society, fossil fuels and waste and all ale to be overcome simply and rapidly with the right approach by governments. However, the elephant in the room as other have pointed out, is human population and its never ending growth. I'm pretty sure nature is well on the way to providing a remedy to remove the disease killing it, humans and sadly for many that can't come quick enough. Many moons ago back in the last century, read an article by a climatologist, who said the biggest problem humans and other animal life faces, will be their ability to cope with the change psychologically and physically. He was of the opinion humans and most other life can only exist under certain climatic conditions, which have been established for hundreds of thousands of year. Now we have changed that and maybe our metabolism cant handle the changes we are creating, hence the rapid rise in mental health issues sweeping the globe. We can make as many auguments as we want for and against climate change, but it's impossible for humanity to change the reality of the universe and our role in it. After all, our planet is minute compared to others, our solar system is also extremely small compared to universal averages and we are an extremely young star system stuck way out on the edge of our galaxy. Which by the way is not that big at all when you look at the universes size and galactic content.
There are weather and tide records in my area going back to 1812 that I have seen and the climate was reasonably stable until the late 1970's. From that time temps have increased, rainfall has dropped and tide heights increased. Friends of mine, a fishing family have records going back well over 100 years and sea temps have dramatically increased over the last decade, as catches and especially varieties have diminished. When you add the native animal and bird populations are disappearing, to claim there is no detrimental change in climate and weather, is very hard to understand, or even comprehend rationally. Understand those with vested interests in the fossil fuel industry/mining, would be desperate to deny the reality our planet faces, no different to god nutters at the moment hell bent on denying the reality of their insanity. They continue killing and destroying the planet as fast as they can in the vain empty hope, they may be right and reality wrong. Luckily there has never been an ideology which has got it right and that's painfully obvious when you look at our leaders and political system throughout history, all ideologues who are the most fervent deniers of climate change and believers in the god of war and destruction. Thousands of year ago, the planet had reasonably stable climate, massive planetary tree cover helped keep it stable. Now humans have stripped the protective covering, pumping thousand of tonnes of destabilising gases daily into the atmosphere and laid the planet bare to the sun and warming. To say that has no detrimental effect, is bizarre.
Think it may be 7-8 billion years before the sun envelopes the earth, remember reading a couple of scientists did the calculations back around 2008. I'm not a believer in anything really, other than the unfolding future, but think I can say climate change is with us now. The only thing to work out now, is how fast will climate change and from how it's looking, each year from now may well see a doubling of the effects, hopefully I'm wrong. But the last two years has made me sit up where I live and go through my decades of weather taking stats in the last week of so to see what changes there has been, our weather and seasons are certainly changing, getting hotter and rainfall changes. It's the middle of winter here, there is a bit of snow on the mountains, a southerly blowing and it's 17deg. Our mountain gums are dying, the last coupe of summers have sen them drop most of their leaves because of the constant heat and our day time temps, have not reached below 9deg or zero for the 3rd year in a row. Before that, we got many days below zero and most winter days were around 4-9 deg and wet, or snowy.
Perfectly understandable, when you consider the USA may be the most opioid addicted country on the planet, which makes huge profits for political corporate donors. It will be interesting to see the eventualities when the Taliban don't agree with what Russia and China want to do in Afghanistan, the Russians are christians and the enemy of the islamic faction of their cult and the chinese are violently against god nutters. China wants a land line to the middle east and Europe they can control and Afghanistan offers a direct link into Iran. I feel the chinese are aligning with islamists because they are the enemy of the USA and wants to use them to help bring down the USA and increase chines world control. Problem is, fervent god nutters always have an excuse as to why they turn against those disagreeing with their direction. Within all their holy books, it states categorically god gives them permission to lie, deceive, cheat and kill all non believers in their factional beliefs, they don't count in gods world. We may see not to far into the future a rebellion within islamists against chinese intrusion into their countries, economically and socially. Future fantasy scenario, most islamist countries align with china and Russia against the west, bringing the world to the brink of total war. Short but destructive nuclear exchange between Israel and Iran, started by Israel, Israel destroyed, Iran in chaos and ruin. Then climate change and ecological collapse enters the fray, islam turns against the Chinese/Russia and conflicts become more internal than external as humanity fights to survive, by killing each other.
You could say the same with all races and cultures, a lot may depend on your own upbringing and involvement with different races. It's the first glance that gives that impression, from there it's a learning experience of observation and understanding, then we begin to see beyond the stereotype and see the real person. To me, it's irrelevant as to what you look like or are capable of, its what you are inside and how you express that in life, that's the difference in recognition, acceptance or rejection. My ancestry is very mixed, convicts from Ireland/UK arriving in both Tas and NSW, mariners from Scandinavia/Denmark, Rom, Scot and Tas indigenous. Having Rom, means there's a bit if Indian in there and probably neanderthal, especially after seeing how some of my supposed extended family acted a few decades ago. Luckily the Rom side in Tas were Show people, extremely nice to be around and had amazing parties. Whilst my family thought I was at Sunday school, I was round my uncles. They partied most Sundays which was the only day they got off during show/circus season, so they let their hair down, played music, drank heaps, danced and cooked huge meals. My father used to turn up drunk from Sunday morning at the footy club, give me a smile then got drunker and drunker as they swapped stories and invented many things. There were also mixed race people in the shows, so got to play with lots of kids from different places only ever saw what they were, not what they looked like. The consequences when we got home were a war between mum and dad, but being with happy people, instead of morbid retribution god nutters was worth any form of punishment. Funny how as we grow, we can become more intolerant of difference, when in most cases there is no need. We may all claim to be tolerant of others, but I can't claim to be that way, just don't let that outlook dull my real life view of others. When it comes to ideologues, there's no case for intolerance and it would be interesting to find when in the past ideology was came about, it seems only humans have this genetic malfunction. Seems to go back a long way, maybe to far back to trace, or have we not evolved beyond primitive fear of the unknown.
Read that the other day, it's the typical direction we are being forced into, paying for everything even what we produce. They are determined to stick to the profit growth approach and the economic strangulation of society, just to keep their vested interests happy. This is another interesting article and one which really shows where we are at. Climate change deniers, like all deniers of reality always look for anything to support their argument and mostly that's local events or condition that don't represent the overall picture. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-08-14/july-world-hottest-month-on-record-noaa/100377260 "The past seven Julys, from 2015 to 2021, have been the hottest seven Julys on record, said NOAA climatologist Ahira Sanchez-Lugo. Last month was 0.93C warmer than the 20th-century average for the month." May not sound a lot, but it shows the planets climate is changing and warming much faster that science predicted. Down here in Aus, most of us live by the sea and being an island north of a massive refrigerator, means cooler winds can provide a false impression of what is actually happening. Been keeping weather records here for over 20 years and they show a slow but steady increase in temps, particularly at night and in winter. Hasn't been one day where temps have been below zero other then early morning in the last 5 years, in the past we had a number of days with temps below zero around the property. Nor any snow for 11 years and we used to get few days of snow every winter, even on the wharf. The constant sea breezes in summer and warmer sea air means we have a warmer climate than 20 years ago. Think we are way further down the track of disaster than many hope or think and could be on the brink of a house of cards effect in the very near future. The very hot temps in the Nth hemisphere could collapse the ice sheets there very soon and only over a year or two, rising the seas by about 8m which would totally destroy the majority of human towns and cities. Most are situated on oceans or rivers, 8m rise in river levels would create an unbelievable flooding event that would not dissipate, just keep rising. There are also signs Antarctic ice sheets are moving faster and faster towards the sea, when you add the drying up of glaciers around the planet, which most nth hemisphere populations mostly rely upon for water. There is another catastrophe ahead that nothing is being done about, other than build more dams and in the process destroy the natural flow of natural waterways and all the benefits they bring to the land and life on their journey to the sea. Just about all are just human created sewers now and almost dead, another example of the deranged stupidity of ideological humanity and it's never ending greed.
Would like to have a go on one of these things, there is a huge loss with circular pedalling, but it gives your legs a bit of time to recover from the short downward stroke. Love my mountain Ebike and remember my first bike which was a piece of junk with the rear hub brake, never able to afford a Malvern Star but my second bike had 3 gears and hand brakes, that kept me mobile for a few years. Especially when got hold of a dynamo, then night riding was possible and could go anywhere, with a carrier on the back with two old leather school bags each side and basket on the front, it was like a home on wheels to me.
The interest in Afghanistan believe stems from the fact it's the most strategic place in the nth hemisphere for missile and surveillance sites to reach anywhere on the planet, but that was over a decade ago read that. They used the excuse to stay there after 9/11 blaming the Taliban for that, but it was the Saudi's who were behind that attack and it seems they are still laying blame for all terrorism as coming from that region. Where as it's probable the middle eastern rich countries that supply terrorists, want to take over the world just as the rest of the muslim elites want to do. All yahweh religious books state that categorically, god nutter world control by any means to satisfy their non existent god of war. As for those who worked with our troops, it's sad for them to be left behind, but do we need more religious nutters in our country. We are already seeing the results of god nutters being in charge of Aus and the planet, muslim cultists demand their insane beliefs and ways of life be introduced here and take precedence over our cultural approach. We are not supposed to offend them or their culture, but they are allowed to offend us by demanding we cater for their cultural and belief insanity and ours take second place.
There are many problems with autonomous vehicles, they already use autonomous trucks and trains in WA mines, some driving thousands of klms a day. The problem with automation is what do the humans do, what jobs will be around or will everyone just sit there bored watching video's or sleeping. Boredom is one of the reasons we see a rise in crime and violence, humans are designed to physically operate, not lie around. Controlled autonomous vehicles on rails or in tracks work much better but there will always be the failure of technology to contend with and that will be the killer. I think we have to sit back and look at where we are going, automated manufacturing farming, transport retailing and business, would mean humans having nothing of worth or stimulating to do for large periods of time.
It is confusing, when my lady looked like coming home, they knocked back her Tas G2G, Vic exemption and Aus exemption and didn't say why, just she didn't ft the criteria. Learnt from the plane charter company who had a contact in Vic health, they knocked it back because they knew the flight would be cancelled. No one told us and it was a few days later she got a email from the airline saying her flight was cancelled and now no flights coming into Aus except repatriation and they are only those who can afford over $30000 for a seat. Have to buy a business jet in Europe, get it flown here and she can come as crew. Now have to buy a lotto ticket and regret not having continued with my flying back in the 1970's, but discovered hang gliding and it was much more thrilling than flying and cheaper.
Think DNA does determine male and female, that's how they can tell whether an ancient human bone is male or female. They have different X and Y chromosome combinations, which doesn't change with hormones, or operations, so they'd always be genetically male I would think. Unless they've invented a way to change our DNA and chromosome makeup to something else after birth. Conception determines our DNA and chromosome makeup, then we evolve according to that don't we. Of course there are chemical interventions that can and do alter that process, most avoidable. Those same chemicals may also alter brain development, crossing a few wires or not connecting some and so we get these aberrations of humanity. Not their fault and most are genuine in their beliefs, but those wishing to take on a sport against women, are still biological men. They stop taking their hormone and suppression medications and they return to being fully men, they have noy changed, just medicated to give a false impression. If some men want to wear women's clothes to feel happy, that's cool, people should be allowed to believe and express themselves as they want, but not at the expense or inconvenience to others.
As a Tas resident, you can come into Tas any time you like unless you are not a resident then you need a G2G. I know people who have left Tas and returned in the same week, they just had to prove where they had been when they arrived and went home. People down the road were holidaying in Q when they had this last outbreak and they came back via the back road and straight into Tas, as it took them almost 2 weeks to get to the ferry and all they had to do was describe where they stopped and for how long, they are pretty self contained so only stopped for fuel and always wore masks and had no trouble coming in. I finally got an appointment for a jab, now just have to wait until they get some vaccine and they only get 10 doses at a time, very efficient. Where's the tens of millions of doses they keep bragging about they bought.
Wouldn't the stats be biased if you lied about your true religious status, rather than disclosed the truth, you think it's load of crap. The census relates to today's situation, not back when we had no choice but to be indoctrinated into fantasy land and many have and still suffer from that abuse. I'm happy to reveal my non belief and the more people who do, the faster we may see the populace wake up and realise we are being controlled by a very dwindling minority in this country and most others. Hopefully the future will right the situation before it's to late.
The jews follow the Tanakh, and torah. The tanakh can be found in the torah and the entire torah can be found in the old testament. They are all one and the same mythology, same as the koran, written by christians based on the old testament. The god they all follow in yahweh, the self proclaimed many times mythical god of war, one of many gods, found in all their books. There's not a copy or record of the claims of all their books history, including the supposed NT that precedes the 6th century CE, they were all written in the same century, all in Greece in latin, hebrew and arabic. The difference between them is only the application of their war on everything, at any one time there is at least two of the 3 factions at war between themselves or taking over others, always violently. Jews christians and Arabs have lived together in the middle east for at least 1300 years, rather peacefully. Since the zionists invaded, violently took it over and continue to forcibly take more land way beyond what the UN awarded them, the entire middle east has become a basket case of war and the economic invasion or one religious faction into another factions stronghold. Then the christians moved in to the help the jews causing the entire region to explode, it's still burning and the only thing that will stop it is the removal of israel. It's only the ruling elites that start the wars in support of their faction being the most loyal to their god and for the delusional power they think that status gives them. All their books demand violent retribution and unwarranted attacks against any they see as an enemy of the ideology, or their faction. All factions of the cult make out they are loving and supportive, but those they support are those their factions have put in that position. The richest people on the planet are mostly religious, the biggest and richest organisations are the religions, they get away with murder and never ending psychological and physical abuse. They along with other ideologies wage their wars with fear and never ending conflict. All ideologies are the same, it's just their applications and methodologies that differ. They all have the same aim, total control at any cost, compared to the verifiable reality of it and the outcomes it produces. All their books claim it's not a sin to lie, deceive or kill non believers, if it benefits the cult.
Electric Cars - the discussion continues.
Dax replied to Phil Perry's topic in Science and Technology
Here's a couple of things you can try, buy a roll of 12-50mm poly hose, sit it in the sun and connect it to your hotwater service when the sun comes out, the black poly absorbs the heat and you have hot water. Used that when building one of my homes in the Snowy's, it was off grid and was the simplest things to get hot water. Even worked in winter when the sun came out, until I put copper pipes on the back of the wood stove which did the job. As far as I know, it's still being used for hotwater and now has a rock base and wall so when the sun goes down, the rocks still provide heat. Have a friend who slashed his property piles it all up into compost heaps with rolls of poly pipe inside, gives them really hot water all year round. He has 3 compost heaps, they sit in pits in the ground, one is being filled, one is being used for hot water and the last one provides the garden with compost. It's ingenious and been functioning for decades, plus they have wonderful gardens. -
Electric Cars - the discussion continues.
Dax replied to Phil Perry's topic in Science and Technology
Use heat exchangers in all my vehicles, to preheat veggie oil in all my diesel engines, they work excellently and the same in my hot water system. Also use a heat exchanger on my bus, to heat the hot water system when moving. In winter the stove water boils and heats the 480lt tank easily, same in summer the solar hotwater gets very hot and heats the tank without problems. Domestic hot water doesn't need to be that hot and I can't have a shower without using cold water winter or summer. In my cruiser, the heat exchanger heats the oil to between 70-80deg, hot enough to not want to get any on you. Discovered that a long time ago when changing an inline filter, the oil that ca,e out of it burnt my hand, so changed the plumbing configuration so the HE was the last point before returning to the radiator. -
Electric Cars - the discussion continues.
Dax replied to Phil Perry's topic in Science and Technology
Use heat exchangers in all my vehicles, to preheat veggie oil in all my diesel engines, they work excellently and the same in my hot water system. Also use a heat exchanger on my bus, to heat the hot water system when moving. In winter the stove water boils and heats the 480lt tank easily, same in summer the solar hotwater gets very hot and heats the tank without problems. Domestic hot water doesn't need to be that hot and I can't have a shower without using cold water winter or summer. In my cruiser, the heat exchanger heats the oil to between 70-80deg, hot enough to not want to get any on you. Discovered that a long time ago when changing an inline filter, the oil that ca,e out of it burnt my hand, so changed the plumbing configuration so the HE was the last point before returning to the radiator.