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Came across this article from the daily mail, When reading a bit about the aim of sending a space vehicle to Proxima centauri, which has a rocky planet in it's habitable zone as do the other members of the centaur group of stars. Some class the mail as being a sus publication, but it does report subjects you don't find on other news sites. I suppose this subject is a bit like UFO's. there seems evidence we are being visited, but most of the claims turn out to be misinterpreted sightings. The ones that they can;t explain, are classed as not identifiable with no evidence of them being extra terrestrial. This article provides photographic evidence which standard scientists claim are just rocks, but how do these rocks move to the positions they have. Yet they are perfectly formed circular shapes. Whether they are or aren't is anyone's guess, in my opinion there is no reason why fungi could not exist on mars. Problem with living things on mars is, it would destroy most people ideological belief systems as they maintain the earth is unique for life in the universe. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9546225/Scientists-claim-evidence-FUNGI-Red-Planet.html
Would a 3 or 4 day working week help our society become better
Dax replied to Dax's topic in General Discussion
Don't think it would be a good idea to make it compulsory, there are many people who are workaholics. But with the right approach, it could be a good thing for society, especially in regard to mental health. My first boss who I did my apprenticeship with, always used to say to me, we have to work to live, not live to work, or we go crazy. Societies should be orientated to working to live, rather than now it;s living to work. Which is a pipe dream becuase of how all world societies are geared to economic growth, rather than economic stability and sustainability. Used to work 7 days from dawn to dusk in the building game, it wasn't until my health collapsed that sat back and looked at the stupidity of how I approached life and work. Realised wasn't getting anywhere other than making lots of money, but socially and psychologically, was a mess. That's why I switched to music, that's enjoyable working to live, not living to work. Our society seems to be falling apart and mental health issues are rising, we need a different approach, but it will never happen. Ideological humanity is addicted to dumb stupidity and won't change, because they fear change as it makes them think outside their narrow approach to life. That's why the current political system will destroy our society, when you have those in power whose only aim is power and to get that, they have to support the powerful and that is the major corporate world. -
Would a 3 or 4 day working week help our society become better
Dax replied to Dax's topic in General Discussion
Except for my apprenticeship and fill in jobs when transiting into full time playing music which I wanted to experience for a few weeks have always worked for myself and still do in my mid 70's. Now lots of my time is being lazy, like today worked hard yesterday cutting and splitting wood, making fuel and seeding paddocks before the rain which is now here. So have an excuse to do nothing but watch Tv, record some ideas or play along to youtube music. This give me more ideas and improves my technique, hopefully. -
Would a 3 or 4 day working week help our society become better
Dax replied to Dax's topic in General Discussion
Think you could have used a better example, surgeons only work a couple of days a week, as there's not enough facilities for them to work longer and they earn to much to work longer. Today they are specialists in small areas, they have to fit in with other surgeons doing different work. No longer is there general surgeons who do everything, today they work in one area. I know a couple of surgeons, one a plastic surgeon and another a limb surgeon. They come into their officers for a couple of hours once or a week for interviews, have a morning or afternoon for surgery and the rest of the week they spend on their recreational activities. One of the ones I know, used to fly to NZ every week to ski for 3 days. He makes enough money out of his half day of surgery to keep an office with 3 staff in the heart of Hobart and his family in luxury. Once a month he does an extra afternoon doing public hospital jobs which they pay him really well and as there are a lot of them, they work it out who works when. We have millions under employed, a shorter working week would give these people more work time and money, which would be put back into the economy. Now they struggle to get the minimum wage, whilst less and less get more and more and they don't put that back into the general economy, just the luxury economy. -
There's a number if landing strips in central Aus more than capable of taking large aircraft. The best one is Woomera, a huge airstrip and ton with all facilities. If course they'd have to fix it up, but that could be done in a couple of weeks and then there the one not far from the Alice, tenant creek, Broome. There's also barrier reef islands with resorts not being used, perfect places for quarantine. That would give them time to build dedicated quarantine facilities and the infrastructure to support them. Of course we need permanent quarantine facilities, this is the third deadly virus this century and we need to be ready for the next and they won't stop coming until we change our approach to the future. That's not my opinion, but from what I've read about it and scientists involved with viruses. What I write comes from the research I do, not my ideas. It's to late for ideas or conspiracy theories, it's developing into a huge mess which hopefully they can get under control. But if they keep going in the direction they are, then we are doomed. As your video shows, our governments are beholden to the corporate world, not the people or future. Bet the hotels association advised CBD quarantine was essential for their business viability, as have other corporations and how much should the next donation be.
It doesn't rule out an engineered escaped virus and china refuses to release anything to do with it, including the medical or hospital records of the people who got sick in the lab. What they are worried about is they can find no relationship to other covid viruses found naturally in bats. There are a lot of coincidences which need to be investigated ans so fare no one has ruled out an engineered escaped virus from the Wuhan lab. So no one knows and denying all the possibilities and claiming they are conspiracy theories, goes against what the science says. It could be natural or engineered, they just don't know. Personally I leave every door open until they can verify it's origins properly and that could be many years down the track.
Keeping up with technology and the regret of letting go.
Dax replied to pmccarthy's topic in Science and Technology
I've got a lot of stuff over the last 20+ years around my property, in my house it's mostly musical gear, including guitars have had some for 5 decades and there are 15 of them which I refuse to sell. Have to stop myself buying more as I love the difference in play ability and tone they all produce. My front room which has the best view in the house overlooking the southern ocean is overflowing with drums, PA's, keyboards. saxophones and lots of other music gear. Had to put it all out there because it was becoming impossible to play comfortably in my studio, but the studio is also full of gear I always use when recording and jamming, so it stays. This is the longest I've ever lived in one place and in the past when I moved, which was very frequently, sold or gave everything away and started again, except for my guitars and music gear. Sometimes think I'm a hoarder, but one look at my neighbours house and know I'm not. She collects so much stuff, you can't move in most of her house and the majority of it is clothes and trinkets. One good thing, farms generally have lots of stuff lying around, so don't feel out of place with the junk on my place. -
Flight crews going to be in Aus less than 8 hours, have to stay within the airport facilities. If their flight out is over 8 hours, they are taken to quarantine facilities until their flight. So it would make no difference whatsoever and stop any spread if a flight crew was infected as they would be outside urban areas. Moving quarantine out of cities, is a win win for everyone. Keeping them in cities, is a guarantee of more escapes and at one time, we had quarantine facilities in every state, in isolated places and that worked. Didn't say it was a conspiracy, just an virus they were experimenting with and engineering in Wuhan for postie reasons they got out of the wild and it escaped. They know chinese scientists had taken viruses out of bat caves and there have been a number of escaped viruses from supposed safe labs, Sars is one. I've read all the reports, as for grotty conspiracy theories, maybe you need to learn to read what's posted, instead of making up your own conspiracy theories the opposite of what is posted and labelling others. Anderson left the lab in November 2019 and she has not ruled out that the virus escaped from the lab. Of course it could have come from the wet market in Wuhan, but there are thousands of wet markets throughout china and they all self the same stuff, so why Wuhan where their virus lab is and the chinese have refused an international investigation That doesn't mean they are trying to cover up a deliberate release, but they don't want to lose face in the world so will deny it escaped, if it did. If it came out of the wet market, why are they refusing an international investigation which would help future controls of any other viruses. Denial of reality is the biggest problem the human world faces, the vast majority live it their entire lives and denying all the possibilities is fraught with danger.
Even now when things are getting bad, not one word of moving quarantine out of cities so everyone can get back to a reasonable life. Just more of he same insanity and keeping quarantine of cites will never end outbreaks, it will get worse and worse. Vaccinations won't stop it, because the mutations are constantly adapting to conditions and most probably the vaccines. There's a strong chance this virus is an engineered one, devised to see how it would cope with vaccines and changing environments and some how it escaped from the Wuhan laboratory. There is growing evidence even the chinese vaccines aren't working, they sent lots of vaccines to Asia and PNG and they have failed to protect people, as they are dying. There's also more and more cases around the world where fully vaccinated people are catching it, getting very sick and some dying and now its starting to effect the young badly. If that's the case, we nay have an unwinnable war on our hands which is being fuelled by the fools in power. They are helping it adapt and mutate, by allowing it into communities using CBD quarantine. Hotels aren't designed to contain viruses, they are designed for healthy people and with the Delta mutation, it may be seeping out of these inadequate quarantine facilities via window and door gaps, untrained security, many don't even speak good english and most are useless immigrants who couldn't give a stuff about anyone but their deluded ideologies.
We sure have brilliant pollies., doubt there's a logical working brain between the lot of them.
What do you class as accurate results, denial of reality right before your eyes, unless you spend all your time in an urban environment which is completely different to the real world and doomed. At port Arthur, almost 200 years ago, an officer chiselled into rocks the current high and low water levels at that time. When I first encountered then decades ago, they were pretty much the same and about 26 years ago they were still much the same. Last time I was there, the low water mark never surfaces and the high water mark, taking into account spring tides is over 10cm above the line. Down here, even in summer swimming in our waters was very cold and surfing required a thick wet suit, even then you froze. Now the water is tolerable, even in winter and summer, no wet suit needed most days for surfing summertime. In winter it used to snow here quite a lot in winter down to the sea, with temps around zero for days. Hasn't really snowed for over a decade. The last 4 years, has not seen our day time temps drop below 10deg, without the wind chill factor coming from the sth and even then it still isn't that cold. When I first moved here, we had heaps of birds even though the place was just a sand desert, now there are very few birds, just about all the native bees have gone, as has the honey bees. I have rain and temp records going back a very long way, looking at them, rain decreased by close to 50% until the last 3 years, when it started to go up again and our summer rainfall dramatically increased. Winter temperatures temps are way higher than 30 years ago and drier. There is a scientific reason for that, which is interesting and hopefully this year will see it continue lessening our fire season. All our beautiful cold climate gums are dying even though the property is now back to almost natural condition. In Sweden where my lady is stuck, they are having daily temperatures in the 30s, which is unheard of that far nth and they have no air conditioning as it has never been required. They are verified results, just as you'll find round the planet the same thing, Russia, Canada and the USA are having unbelievably high temps, as is all the nth hemisphere. Permafrost hundreds of thousands of years old is melting, what other verified results do you need other than reality.
If Co2 is not driving climate change, what is. Of course we are emitting many more dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere, which may be helping, so if it's not Co2 what is causing the changes to our climate. It is changing there is not doubt about that, or is it all propaganda. The changes I've seen over the last 50 years are staggering and remember years ago reading the planet was going into its natural cooler climate era and that's not happening. It would be hard for anyone to deny the simple facts of what is happening to the poles and worlds glaciers in such a short time in the planets history.
To a degree blame the people who use them, but the realm problem is what their gambling does to their families and the general community. The number of women you see on pension days going into pokie venues and blowing all their money, then they go to the local support group crying poor, so they can get vouchers to feed their families. That's where the harm is, couldn't care less about the gamblers, they get addicted to anything, most smoke, drink and would gamble on 2 flies trying to get out a window if they had lots of lights bells and whistles around them.
Knew I should have gone to school, makes as much sense to me a having a BBQ, beside a sewage outfall. 🤔
Yes I admire him for that, but it has led to nothing and now it's going to get worse as I'm told the new legislation handing control of pokies over to pubs, also means no restrictions on the number of pokies they can have, or who can have them. Hopefully that rumour is wrong, but knowing the political system we have, it's probably true.
He's useless, he pushed for more money for the hobart hospital when he should have been pushing for more decentralised health services around the state where they are needed. Other than that, he's just another politician and to my knowledge has said virtually nothing about the current virus situation.
Very different in Tas, shops in our small town have the QR code thingy near their door. When collecting mail yesterday, they have a 2 person inside at a time policy and mostly there is only one person in there but no one logged in, same with the supermarket and chemist, watched people going in there as well and no one logged in. The only masks you see are tourists that have just go of a plane, I carry masks in my car and have had to use them when visiting the airports. What really interests me is, not one state or the federal government have moved arrivals out of cities to places where they can quarantine safely. This would allow just about all people would go about their lives as usual, they could establish quarantine facilities for tens of thousands within a few weeks, if they had a working brain amongst them, and not a delusionary insane ideological agenda, that can never come true. Yet all the political parties ignore calls for that to happen and just stick to CBD quarantine, which we all can see is a guarantee of constant escaping contamination. They hire privatw security, which hires non speaking and clearly dumb guards with no training or experience and even when that fails, they blindly continue with it. It would be interesting to find out why considering its almost 18 months since covid arrived in the country. Opposition parties are silent, even supposed independent pollies are saying nothing. Could it be the millions of dollars given to just about all parties by the hotel and gaming industries country wide, not even the warped greens are opening their mouths. In Tas before the last election, the labor party who had been demanding the removal of pokies from clubs and pubs, then they secretly signed an agreement with the Hotels and clubs associations that they would not campaign against pokies. Sadly for them it was leaked before the election and they lost more seats. If they continue to have quarantine in CBD's they will achieve the goal of destroying most small business, putting the people on full time surveillance and turning the entire economy over to the major corporations. Most small businesses are being force to close, yet the majors stay open and with relaxed privileges. They also get the benefit of any form of compensation the government doles out, to the people and business.
Went to Hobart shopping yesterday, the first day everyone is supposed to log in when they enter a building. Took my neighbour along as she had ti take her dog to the vet and shop as well, which gave me the opportunity to watch how many people used the log in thingy outside each shop when waiting for my neighbour. It was only in one shop that one person logged in with their ph, everywhere else no one did it, including me. When I went to DVA, there was a sign saying log in bu no thingy and the lady who served me, watched me cone in and said nothing. I never carry my ph with me, it sits in the car shut down and only switch it on when need to use it and also noticed not one place had a facility to log in for those without phones. The green grocer I go to was packed as usual, yet no one logged in whilst I was there, same with the big mitre ten I went to to get some bits for my hyperbaric chamber. Not a soul logged in at the door and that's because we haven't had a case of the virus for well over a year, except think maybe one or two people in quarantine may have tests positive some time back. Also noticed the quarantine hotel they were using, no longer had cops or soldiers at the doors. Which to me means no one in quarantine in Hobart.
Problem i small business don't donate to the political parties, any who do it's very small amount compared to the millions given by the big corporations.
Would a 3 or 4 day working week help our society become better
Dax replied to Dax's topic in General Discussion
Today it's bottle shops and chemists that get that treatment. Banks only kept small amounts in their branches, if you want over a certain amount, they have it brought to the bank the day you want to withdraw it. Turn the power off and no crypto currency, or cloud. It's the same as major banks, turn the power off and they go down the drain. They create money when they need to, just the same as governments and it's all just on paper, their reserves are in their customers debts. So the banks create money and governments print money when they need to and the supposed money they say they borrow to build things, where does it come from. Who has enough money to keep lending governments around the world billions daily and all are in deep debt. But they still say they borrowed money for such and such a project. How could any lending organisation survive when all their customers are deeply in debt and fail to repay loans, they just get deeper in debt. But governments still give a way tens of billions to large profit making corporations every year, for no return to the people or the treasury. Cash always gets you a better deal, there are no hidden charges or collecting of your data to be sold so you can be scammed, ripped off and bombarded with spam. To be perfectly honest, don't think there's any way you can cut work times across a society and keep wages the same. Other than creating a 3 day weekend, which would get it closer to the bureaucrats who have an 8 day weekend. Theoretically, with the tehcnology and automation we've got, it should be compulsory for people to only work 3 days a week with livable wages, across society. You'd have to control conglomerates that take over entire markets, as well as wages and prices. Competition is what drives an economy, you can't get that with just a few players the more players, the more competition and benefit to everyone. -
It was bald iggles where I was, they were everywhere chalked on the footpaths fences, walls, pieces of paper and who's kilroy, or should that be kiljoy.😁😉
In Tas we haven't had a case of the virus for over a year, but from today we have to log in at every business we enter and to me, that's just another step towards a totalitarian dictatorship where the authorities, banks and corporations can keep tabs on what we do, what we spend, where we go and who we are with.
Would a 3 or 4 day working week help our society become better
Dax replied to Dax's topic in General Discussion
Today they ram shops and take away the ATM and that is fairly regular across the country, much more regular the back robberies were. I always get a laugh out of the claim the supposed black/cash economy is bad. People who use cash to buy and do business deals, except for the drug trade, go and spend that money almost straight away. They sell things mainly so they can buy something else and that drives the economy, not the other way round. The banks don't want a cash economy, they want total control over everyone's money. As for cafes and restaurants disliking cash, again from personal experience, when the internet goes down or their terminal fails, they are stuffed. Have seen it so often, businesses bragging about how they won't accept cash, but when they have no way of collecting money, they lose heaps and it's happening more and more. A good friend of mine still owns a pub, he takes cash or cards. But when the internet goes down which is often in today's world, all the new business startups around the area that only take card, have to shut down and their customers come into his pub looking for food and drink. They shocked when they discover they can't buy anything, because they have no cash and there is not way of using their cards. If you've run a small business, you'd understand the cost of using cards exclusively and my friend gives a discount for cash transactions, because it saves him between 2-5% of his turnover a year to use them and prices have to rise to cater for those costs. It's a small 5 cent discount, but it works as most people that come into his business use cash after they see the discount sign. Which explains the cost of cards use is incorporated into the cost of purchases, his business thrives and it's always a pleasure to see all the other hospitality places in the area shut, because they have no card access and no way of handling cash. You can't put money into a serving tablet, and when the power or internet service goes down, you can do nothing with your bit of plastic. I'm all for and love new tehcnology and embrace it in my life, my home is state of the art technologically. But cash will always be necessary, it's the banks who are driving the push towards a cashless society. They want full control over your money and life, well I like my privacy and that's why I avoid using my card as much as possible and turn my phone off when travelling, only turn in on when I get to my destination. I use my card when shopping at regular businesses, but everything else, cash if possible and have walked out of businesses who won't take cash and don't want to use my card in the area. -
Would a 3 or 4 day working week help our society become better
Dax replied to Dax's topic in General Discussion
Ever heard of small business, they have to bank their takings and from personal experience, know what a hassle and interruption to business having to travel long distances to do that does and you can't bank cash on the internet. This is one reason why small towns and small business are going down, they have to travel huge distances to do their banking. But banks and urbanites seem to think it's only the conglomerates that count and they have armoured cars picking up their cash takings. For me to bank the takings from the pubs I used to own, consisted or close 100klms round trip for one and over 200klms for the other one. This took me out of the business for hours, having to have extra staff and then paying bank fees when the banks do nothing but rip you off. Plus having to keep safe large amounts of cash for up to a week, is not good for ones stress levels. So much shortsightedness in the world, all most can see is their own image in the mirror in their heads. They never look at the big picture, don't care what happens to the small business people who hire the most staff compared to the corporations who hire less and less and then they moan when small business goes broke. Retail, hospitality would be very hard to do cutting work hours and keeping wages the same, productivity in retail hospitality, doesn't work on productivity, but customer turnover and satisfaction. If Industrial and commercial employees worked shorter hours, same pay and better productivity, that would mean they would spend more money in retail and hospitality businesses. First you'd have to get rid of pokies from hospitality venues and ban gambling advertising, as they destroy communities very fast. -
Would a 3 or 4 day working week help our society become better
Dax replied to Dax's topic in General Discussion
Problem is banks no longer have workers, or even branches any more. There is no incentive to create jobs outside part time casual, it's all about rationalisation and profit growth, when they should be supporting small business which will provide jobs, not just profit growth.