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They do that with every war they enter, WW2, korea, Vietnam, you name it they leave just about everything behind and only take their best fighting equipment. Coyld be the cost of hauling it all back to the US, or maybe it makes sense for their arms suppliers to continue to make profits. After all, they really don't care about waste, just profit growth.
Would a 3 or 4 day working week help our society become better
Dax replied to Dax's topic in General Discussion
The aim is to not decrease wages, but decrease work hours and where they have done it, productivity has increased. When had my building company, used subbies and employees. Always told my employees as long as the delegated work was done, they could go home or not turn up. But if the build got behind, they would be sacked, the drainers used to come in really early to dig the sewer or septic and have it finished by lunch. This allowed us to lay the pipes, put in the septic, or connect to the sewer in a day. It was the same with the framers they'd be there at dawn, put the frame together by lunch then go home. Then the roofers would come in do the roof as the brickies started and we used to have the houses to lockup within a week or two. Fitting out the interior used to take the longest, but we were able to hand the keys over in 6-8weeks, depending on the type of build. Of course this approach can only work in certain areas, because governments have allowed the corporate world to destroy many full time jobs and more and more people can only get part time/casual. -
Iceland introduced a 4 day working week which mad a big difference in productivity and feel it would work here. I remember when we had a 5 day week and everything shut Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday. In my eyes except for the corner shop, hospitality, sport and entertainment, it would relieve a lot of stress on people. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-07-06/iceland-four-day-working-week-trial-success-report-finds/100270388
There;s some very interesting outlooks on life on the net, some worth reading lots just conspiracy theories and false claims. Did a bit or reading and checking some of the claimed facts and they checked out, without the literary licence of the site. Have to admit didn't even check what l was on the site or what it was about, hopefully that wasn't a mistake so shall do it now. It's a blog, don't think they like jews, all the video's have been deleted according to youtube policies and just about every article is anti jewish filled with diabolical accusations. 😎
I'm a builder by trade and built many homes and commercial premises in Melbourne before music saved my sanity. We worked mainly in estates, which my company developed for some investors who bought the land, lodged the development applications and we offered buyers 6-10 different house plans and designs. Built the entire estate, including roads, services and homes. It took between 3 to 7 days to get a building permit and 8-10 weeks to handling the keys over. Even when we did private homes, still get the permit within a month, depending on when the council meet. If you're in the business an constantly working with council and government officials, things go much smoother.
My lady in Sweden, is fully vaccinated, yet the Swedish and EU governments have only issued her a vaccination certificate for 3 months. When she looked into it, it's because they are saying the vaccines aren't working on the new variants and she will have to have more vaccinations.
There's a lot of of tax in manufacturing and we still get the royalties from digging it up. They've been reducing royalties for decades and are about to do it again in a couple of years, we only get between 3.5 and 5% royalties now and that would still continue if we value added them here. Royalties come from the mining of ores, not from export, it's the mining companies that pay royalties. All you have to do is follow the donation trail to see why things happen that are detrimental to our future.
I suggested to my lady that she organise enough fully vaccinated Aussies to charter a plane and organise those wanting to leave Aus for the return journey, also said to see if she can get enough Tasmanian's as well and drop people in Aus before finally landing in Hobart. 😇 Hobart had it's runway extended so it can take the biggest planes in the last couple of years. Also suggested she organise a big yacht and some Aussies to crew it to sail home, if they could find someone who wants a plane or boat brought to Aus, they could all cruise home via air or sea. In times like this and with such incompetent governments, we have to make our own arrangements.
That's ok, my bad for not looking at the heading properly and just jumping into the thread.🙄
Yet Aus until the 1970s ran on protectionism and had an excellent economy, massive industrial and small business base, great home affordability, excellent quality goods and services, housing affordability, plus very low unemployment and prices. Now it's the opposite and they call that progress. Haven't our standards gone down dramatically this century, along with our governments, and services being extremely inefficient. We used to get building permits within 7 days and inspections on the day, now it takes months to get a building or renovation permit. Now they use private building inspectors and look at the results of that, many new homes and buildings have shoddy work, inferior materials and bad workmanship.
I've read that page now and did a bit of research into it, it's really accurate in what it says. First thing to read is the Torah and you find the aims of the jews, which is to control the world and they don't care how they it as their god yahweh demands total annihilation of all who oppose his will. Christians continuously claim the NT is all about love, but just read it, it contains lots of violence and then you get to revelations and it returns to the OT aims of wiping out all non believers. Same with islam, they claim love, but the koran says wipe out all opposition to the cult and other factions. The entire history of the yahweh cult is non stop violence and slaughter. Our government is not doing much about the world situation as are every other government, they believe this is the end game and all these problems are god bringing down his wrath and they thin they will be saved and everyone else will die. That's why Morrison and his henchmen have such insipid grins on their faces all the time, they think they are in control and their god is directing them. All factions of the yahweh cult believe it's completely just to lie and deceive non believers, because hey don't count in gods world.
Not effecting me, I'm on NBN wifi with a small provider.
Deuteronomy 33:27, Exodus. 15:6, here's an example Exodus. 15:3 "The Lord is a man of war; Yahweh is his name" and there are many more examples of his warring nature and absolute barbarity. Of course it's not one way, they are all as bad as each other and no don't have any evidence of jews being behind wars that I can just grab. There are so many rumours surrounding the involvement of jews in many theatres of war, so it's very hard to get to the truth so I'm going on what I've read throughout the years and don't know how much truth there is in any of it. I've always wondered why jews are so hated by many, my own dislike for them fermented back when I was fully into the building industry and had a tender for some work which turned out to be jews. It was one of the worst experiences in the building game I ever had, they were complete morons and kept demanding alterations to the tender for nothing. Had to take them to court to get my money. Here's an interesting site, which may be worth a read, that I just found which have no idea if it's true or not. May have look at it later. https://hofflandia.wordpress.com/2011/06/01/the-jews-starts-all-major-wars/
That's because our education system is totally stuffed and purely orientated to turning our economic clones. I the current approach was successful, we wouldn't be looking down the barrel of sociological and environmental collapse. You can't want change, yet keep what is killing the future and our country. This country is overpopulated, it's only capable of supporting around 10 million comfortably. The original inhabitants comfortably lived here for tens of thousands of years and kept the country in pristine condition. Ideological Europeans have been here just over 200 years and it's stuffed. How many more do you want to bring into this country when our ecology and environment are in a state of collapse, it makes no sense whatsoever. There's an old saying, which no one takes any notice of, but it is true. You can have an environment without an economy, but you can't have an economy without an environment and that's how I have always approached life. I think of the environment first, whether it's natural, social or economic and without the right environment, it will fail. the economy is a concept, not reality, the environment is reality, not a concept and ideologues have been pushing their concepts to the detriment of all environments, we are seeing the results of that insanity. So how are you going to support all these people and more, without an sustainable environment. It's impossible and our current situation is proof of that reality. That;s why no one will do anything but more of the same and the results are clearly viewable right in front of our noses, our current societies and most humans will probably be extinct within ten years. There have been many human cultures before this one, they all collapsed because they believed their approach was right and reality was wrong. But reality won and they got relegated to the past and they all went down in very short times, just like we are doing now. No amount of denial or clinging to the past will make one bit of difference, future is set in stone and can't be changed because everyone is waiting for someone else to do something and fix it.
We already have automated harvesting and the same with road repairs, most of it is now automated to a big degree. As time goes on, more and more jibs will become automated, so having more people will be detrimental to our future. We already import about 90% of our processed food and as climate change bites us even more, good supplies will become a scarce commodity. Closing our borders to more residents will save our country, opening them to more tourists, will also save our country. Life is as simple as you want to make it, so the answers are simple, throw out all overseas corporations, nationalise resources and value add to everything in a controlled way. Continuing to look to the future with eyes stuck firmly in the past, is suicide and we are seeing the results starting to appear. That's our politicians and bureaucratic approach, don't change anything just keep clinging to the past.
My youngest daughter went through uni, she is now in a senior government job and told us that all her overseas friends from university all have permanent residency and they all happy, as that was their intent and now they are bringing family here. She says it's extremely common and I know through some of my business dealings that's the case. As well as play in a band, I have a hospitality and entertainment business and in Tas, there are large numbers of indians who I know for fact never completed their courses and yet have been allowed to stay on with residency. Luckily most of the chinese were ordered home and most likely won't return, which is as goof thing for our country. I'm not into statistics, they can and are manipulated to suit whatever outcome they want. The more people you have in the country students or otherwise, the more problems you have and student are allowed to work and take lots of casual jobs from Aussies. To be perfectly honest with you, I wouldn't let any overseas student into the country until all Australians are full educated and working. We don't need overseas money to fix this place, just good progressive policies representative of this century, not the last. The governments have almost priced Australians out of further education and many are in debt for many decades after.
Problem is the education industry, is really a ploy to increase the population. Overseas students registering for university, are automatically allowed to stay here, whether they complete their course or not. Indians have been using that for years and now the Chinese have got on board. Our biggest export earners, should be value added products from our natural resources instead of sending it all overseas for us to pay for crap commodities. We have 60% of the world best lithium supplies, over 90% is sent to china so international mining companies can increase their short term profits and we get nothing of worth out of it, but expensive shoddy batteries. What happens when they have dug it all up.
The aging population isn't problem, it's a political ploy, designed to cover up the complete incompetence of government to blame others for their gross stupidity. Youth unemployment is also a political ploy, to cover up governments incompetence in not leading society in the right direction and providing policies which our alleviate any unemployment. The only aim of all governments is to appease their vested interests and keep themselves in power, so they can push their insane ideological agenda. House prices like all prices only rise because of the demand economic profit growth and that can only be achieved by a boom and bust economy. They push prices up by growing the population, increasing commodity prices and restricting the ability to build cost effective homes, thus stifling any attempts to keep a lid on price rises. Then they raise interest rates sending people into debt, repossess and resell the houses for more profit, after making their money from the repossessed owners and the cycle starts again. It's been going on since the 1970's and no one has woken up to how it works. When this housing boom busts, which it will soon as we've had a couple of years of stable low interest rates and they will raise them soon. Meaning tens of thousands will lose their homes to the banks, who will sell again to make more money and the cycle starts again. Until we get rid of the profit growth economy, it will only get worse until our society collapses in chaos.
Nope. he's dead, but "Friday on my mind" is Aussie and reckon that's the best version I've heard. To be honest didn't notice it was about Aussie music, apologies for that. Now this a band I really liked and spent a lot of time with them way back in the 70's.
Conveniently leaves out the hundreds of thousand of civilian deaths, throughout the region. Jews have rarely been personally involved in wars, but they happen to be the backers of most wars and if yo look a bit deeper, you may be surprised at how involved they really become. I have no time at all for the religious, or those who are apologists for these insane ideological cults. To me they are worse than the followers, they are to scared to take a stand either way and hope to have foot in bother doors until there is a winner. Re your post below, that's a major part of the problem with religion, followers take the word of preachers, rather than do their own research and you find very few if any have clue what is actually written in those old texts, even the preachers of today don't have a clue. The religious books of today are totally different to the original Greek and hebrew writings and have no truth whatsoever in them. Living anti christ what is that and respect, for what, never ending violence suppression and war. I respect reality not deluded delusion. No one will ever know whether things would be different if the jews hadn't invaded and taken over the Palestinian region forcibly and then for the UN to give it to them. As for the jews controlling the media, wouldn't have a clue. Better ask Rupert about that.
Yes but a long time ago the virus put a stop to playing and now we have no bass player, but expect to find one when gigs start happening again. Presently getting a gig is hard with restrictions etc, we've had to put off touring as no one has a clue what's going to happen next.
No with clarifications, we live in a very ideologically corrupt world, what we are told and what is fact, are very different. I'm going by what I see in life and the ages most people seem to die around, we have much better hygiene, which has reduced the death tolls and diseases of the past. Studying history we find large numbers of people lived well into their 70-80's and some into their 90's, which skews the figures to makes it look like we are living longer. When the facts may well be, we have got rid of most of the hygiene health problems and replaced them with other problems associated with bad diet and that takes a bit longer to have an effect, unlike bad hygiene where disease thrives. It was only in the late 19th century that sewers were introduced, I remember being overseas in the 1960's and they still had open sewers everywhere. Today that is rare except in very impoverished places and their death tolls are high
What we have to remember is, our generation and the generations before us, didn't have chemically saturated denatured foods, it was mostly fresh and uncontaminated. Today from the seeding to the plate, consists of constant chemical use. The same for meats, generations before the 1960's, had pure meat, today all the meat you buy has been chemically and antibiotic saturated from the paddock, or disgusting feedlots right through butchering then cooking. Add people microwave and use Teflon and aluminium cooking utensils, as well everything you buy has heaps of dairies in all foods and those dairies come from cows fed on chemical feed, heaps of antibiotics and paddocks sprayed and chemically treated. It's a massive difference compared to previous generations. The big problem with previous generations, was hygiene as all the food was clean and uncontaminated. Today, it's chemically saturated world, not natural in any way and it appears that life spans are longer but look back through history, people did live to reasonable ages, all my grand parents and parents lived into their 80-90's, riddled with arthritis most, as they indulged in lots of dairies.
Old age can't be cured, when we live on such biologically destructive diets. However we can prolong life with the right diet and lifestyle and now they have found a way to rejuvenate our bodies to a certain degree with a simple process. the problem they've found with it is it doesn't last, which is perfectly understandable because those that underwent the tests who had their biological ages reduced by 25 years, continued with the same diet they always had and so the good outcomes are destroyed quickly by bad diets.
About 95% of cancers are lifestyle diseases, easily cured if found early enough by changing your diet and lifestyle. The rest are environmental and one or two hereditary, but those are found within people who continue to live and eat the same way their predecessors did. Cancer in the very young, is hereditary and when you look at the diet of the parents, you can see why. It's not very prominent at the moment, but there seems to be a real increase in people 40's and below who are dropping dead and getting horrendous cancers. When you look at their diets, you can see why, almost all young people today live on pure junk chemically saturated foods from birth. If this trend is real, we will see a huge rise in deaths in those generations that have lived purely on junk food and that goes for most born after the 1960's. In my mid twenties had the lower lobe of my right lung removed and given 18 months to 2 years to live. Because from the age of 8 I lived on rubbish food, it was no wonder I got very sick, eating leftovers from restaurants and fish and chip shops after they closed and when I started to work and could afford it, the same junk foods, which was not very good for ones body. Luckily I ran into someone who guided me in the right direction and was able to get through and still be here today. Brought my kids up and excellent diets and none of them had a cold, flue or sick in any way, when they left home, they changed completely and now they have health problems aplenty, as do their own kids.