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Find that hard to believe, from 2000 to 2020, we went from 6 billion to almost 8 billion and even though t he birth rate has dropped, the population is still increasing rapidly. That prediction seems to me to be another delusionary attempt to deny the true reality we face, it matters not how quickly the birth rates drop, we have almost depleted the planets ability to sustain life and that is where the monstrous hidden problems lie. China has dropped it's one child policy since 2000, in many parts of the planet they believe they more children you have the more chance of surviving and getting rich, but the facts are the opposite. To me this shows how deeply the human race is stuck within the fantasy world of delusional ideology, as religions still persist in demanding their followers have more children to build up their faction of the yahweh cult. As nomadpete points out, the elephant in the room, is the next pandemic which will appear within the next couple of years and as we have seen this century, these viruses are getting more deadly every time. There are no reports of the long term effects people are suffering from after catching covid, making many people unable to live as they had with constant respiratory and circulation problems.
We play modern blues and modern country rock, including lots of our own music, tour small rural towns and areas where they rarely get entertainment and really appreciate it.
Been following the voyagers since their launch, they are amazing things as big as buses whereas today they'd be the size of open umbrella.
Problem is, that big battery is aiding climate change because it supports mining and that ore then goes through a highly polluting coal burning process. But it proves big batteries do work and that one could power a reasonably big town. I've had lifepo4 batteries for over 13 years and a li-ion for over 20 years. Neither chemistry has failed and my lifepo4 which run my house, motorhome and portable battery pack, getting used daily still has 100% energy capacity. The best thing about them is you can run just about anything from them and all the real usable energy, is above 13v. If I used lead acid, would have changed the house batteries at least twice, the motorhome the same and couldn't have a portable 120ah portable pack. The savings in green house gases from my life of power use, comes to quite a lot of tonnes and money.
I don't even bother thinking about the maths, never been able fathom it all out above simple adding and subtracting. It;s lucky we have computers to work these things out ans don't think we'd be able to have space stations without the computers of today.
There has always been corruption throughout history, but it didn't really effect the entire future of a society, if you don't include the unjust wars etc. Today corruption is so bad it's really effecting the future in a big way, it covers all aspects of government and big business, and has been made worse with the forced model of supposed competition, where two competing conglomerates who wipe out small business by lowing prices until they can't compete and then raising prices and that's called competition. It's very obvious in Tas, where coles/woolworths/bunnings/harvey normam/IGA wiped out all competition round the state and then raised their prices. I rarely buy from them, but my neighbour uses some things from woolworths that you can't buy fro other places, so When I shop for them go in and buy their stuff. I get my food from independent place, and have noticed that coles/woolies are much more expensive than where I shop and the same for bunnings. We used to have lots of hardware stores until bunning arrived and with the help of the state govenrment, set up huge shops with low prices and most of the small and even a big hardware stores were forced out of business. I went to bunning because I couldn't get what I wanted from our local hardware and noticed their prices were much higher than the local hardware and Mitre ten about 75klms from me. Then we come to IGA, the supposed independent supermarkets, but they get all their stuff from woolworths so are not independent at all, just another con job. Woolworths own all the liquor and food distribution distribution in Tas, they wiped out the independent suppliers. What am I doing, I live off grid grow most of my food, run my vehicles and machinery on seed oils, don't use any chemicals on my property and have turned my property which was an old sand quarry into a place that feeds wildlife. When I got it, it was bare grey sandy soil that blew away with any wind and nothing would grow, except for some sick looking gum trees in one area that was to steep to mine. After 23 years it has beautiful big gardens with lots of fruit trees, blackwoods everywhere, beautiful big white gums, lots of wild cherry, pristine bush and grass filled paddocks, with 3 dams and a bore. Make everything myself from recycled stuff, including the two houses, do all the work on my vehicles and machinery and don't eat any junk or processed foods, nor dairies or red meats. The fish I eat we catch or get from friends and local fishermen, we have a network of people who grow organic food and we buy or exchange with each other. When I win lotto😆 😁 will get all electric vehicles, which may never happen, a you have top buy a ticket to win and I keep forgetting. My life has been very different to yours, brought up in a very religious family on my mothers side and drunk atheist exserviceman father with indigenous background. I was the rebel who refused to believe what they were saying about yahweh and was forced to learn the bibles from front to back or be beaten, until my rebellion forced them to put me in a church boys homes. which was a horrendous experience for an 8 year old. Escaped 3 times and they brought me back twice and locked me in a cage under some stairs and tried to beat the devil out of me, until I'd worked out how to survive on the streets. I lived on the streets and in the bush until almost 14 then a lovely builder caught me sleeping in a house he was building, gave me a place to live, job and apprenticeship. But still had to keep out of the way of the authorities until I finished my apprenticeship and joined the navy so they couldn't get to me. I had no real education but could read and did a lot of that to pass the time and it took me out of my situation still read a huge amount today. It took many decades to come to terms with my diagnosed PTSD from my childhood and active service and it got me into a lot of trouble, spending time in jail in 3 states because my temper always got the better of me and as I had boxed as an amateur, bashed anyone who had a go at me severely. Then I found music and playing music has been my life saver for the last 4 + decades. The only one of my family have ever had anything to do with is my youngest brother, who searched for me for a few years and only found me when he was at a gig and recognised me for some reason. Changed my entire name to stay away from the past, but that's all the past and my life is peaceful and reasonably happy. I try to do as much as I can to mitigate my footprint on the planet, just wish others would do the same, but they leave it to others, so nothing is ever done or changed for the better. I'm pretty well off by most standards now, but the people I associate with, would be classed as the lower class and find them much more honest and credible than the vast majority.
I think corruption is much more wide spread compared to 50 years ago and 60 years ago there was virtually none. That's because we had people in power who had experienced real life, namely the world wars and had hands on experience of the portfolios they held. Today those in power have no life experience outside an office or schoolroom, they gain their positions not because of their knowledge or experience, but according to their political party faction and who they support. Not one of them has any experience in real life or within their portfolios, they spend huge amounts of money on advisers because they know nothing but lying and cheating. Then we have the problem the advisers know nothing as they only have school and office experience, but work on how to fool the people and can get the best return to the party with the advice they give, or they would get sacked. Just look at the building industry, they build extremely shoddy building, use private inspectors and it's the people who suffer. The builders walk away with their profits and the pollies turn their backs on the people, but they keep voting for them. Because they have let so many people into the country to drive their profit growth mantra, housing is outside most peoples ability to buy and even rent a home. To make matters worse, there is not enough materials in the country to build the homes required and timber is in extremely short supply. But the pollie do nothing but cater for their donors and other vested interests, completely neglecting the reality they have created. Now they want increase the population, because it drives profit growth and corporate control. As for voting, it make no difference who you vote for, preferential voting makes sure the political parties always get elected, even though they may only have a low primary vote count. I vote for independents at that's it, if there are no independents, my vote becomes informal, not going to give it the destroyers of life, that would be voting for suicide. Now if everyone did that, or put the major parties last, we may see change. But seems people are to dumb to work they are voting for their own destruction, destroying theirs and their kids lives. I have kids grand kids and great grand kids, they all are struggling to cope with life and make something of it for themselves. My youngest grandsons family have no hope of buying a home, renting is getting more expensive and he works his butt off. My older kids, were lucky they got houses before the profit growth rot set in and they removed the ban on foreign ownership of homes.
Here's looming problem which nothing is being done about and they recorded temperatures in the antarctic of 18deg, which would only increase ice sheet and glacier collapse rising seas faster. There's probably many other things happening we don't see that are going to make life probably unbearable pretty quickly. "NASA warns the layer in the atmosphere that protects us from the sun's deadly ultraviolet radiation is cooling and shrinking due to human-made greenhouse gas emissions. The mesosphere, located 30 to 50 miles above the surface, is cooling four to five degrees Fahrenheit and contracting up to 500 feet at the poles per decade - and these rates are expected to continue." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9747065/Layer-Earths-atmosphere-protects-UV-radiation-SHRINKING-climate-change.html
Truth is not a being a wet blanket, the only way to tackle climate change is to force stop the use of fossil fuels and land clearing and stop th4e export of natural resources and recycle everything, stop importing junk and make it mandatory that all goods much have long lives and be able to be updated. Overpopulation, is easy, stop all immigration and change the education system so that kids are taught how to live life properly, then at 16 put them into 4 years of work experience throughout every government department, health and defence. This will give them experience in just about every aspect of working life, once they've done their 4 years, they can choose their career and continue education or get into work. Naturally we will need to create new jobs and let automation take on lots of other jobs, but things like restoring the environment would give them physical work and experience for the future as would. Having an informed and experienced youth would reduce youth crime and give us responsibly adults that have real experience in life. But most importantly of all, we must prepare for the dramatic effects off climate change now so we can cope as the future unfolds.
How about this, move all government online and have it fully open, except for major national security things. Introduce referendum style voting for every policy by the people in every portfolio. Strip all current and past politicians of all their assets to pay back all the money they've wasted given away and used for themselves. Have elections where those wanting to represent the people, have one page of what they intend to do in the portfolio they want to take over and then elect the best person who has the experience and knowledge to put the peoples decisions into action. Sack anyone on the spot who fails in the job at any time, or lies or tries to deceive the public. Throw out all the boards of government enterprises, sack all senior public servants and strip them of their assets. Nationalise all essential services and stop selling our resources until we have value added to them. Sadly we need a political party that will get rid of political parties to be elected and those representing the people wishes should be paid no more than double the aged pension. It should be a privilege to work for your country, not a cash cow. One of the best things to do which would make a huge difference to the rural economy is to raise the aged pension to the minimum wage. These are the people who want to travel round Aus in their retirement and will spend the money in country towns round the country. So the money we give them, will go round and round lifting many country areas out of the terrible situation they are now in and it will open up opportunities for small business to develop round the county and that means, people moving from cities to the country. Instead of the other way round as it is now.
As you say, this is the best country on the planet to live at the moment, but we are fast slipping into the same scenario we see overseas and to be honest, think the entire world is becoming a dystopian hell hole. Had to look up dystopian, it's an apt description of the state of our country and planet, but we still live in the best place and i;e been to a lot of countries. If we had decent politicians other than programmed useless ideological clones, we would not be looking down the barrel of an extinction gun. My lady currently in Sweden used to brag about how together and representative of the people the Swedish government was, now she's been there almost 2 years, she tells me it's become a basket case of corruption, terrible decisions, out of control crime from the tens of thousand of mulsims they let in and now there are many no go areas throughout Sweden. It's become so bad their prime minister had to resign when the coalition he was in walked out because of the decisions being made.
We only has travel restriction for a couple of weeks and that was in the nth W, the rest of Tas hasn't suffered at all. Lots of people get lost in Tas, they stop in the middle of the road get out to see where they are and our road is bitumen, which is one of the only ones except for the main drag. So we get fools driving up our road thinking it's a short cut to Hobart, but it's a dead end and the sign says no through road, but all year we have fools coming up it and find they can't turn round at the end, which becomes a dirt track into the bush.
Why do you think they refuse to release of donors below $12000 or whatever it is, why do yo think they use our money to prop up infrastructure construction, then give them away to the corporate world so they can charge us for using them, ie roads. Why do you think they go against the people wishes and allow destructive industries to continue polluting the planet with no recourse for the environmental damage and we end up paying to clean it all up. Why do you think the vast majority of companies in Aus pay little or no tax, yet receive huge subsidies like the virus payments and billions in grants each year, whilst their profits grow. Yet they can't keep our health system running and our supposed public transport is pathetic, expensive and we still pay for it even though all the money goes to private companies. The list of corrupt practices is endless, the gave away hundred of millions to prop up their candidates to build car parks which never happened and sporting facilities for women to clubs that had no women teams in them. I could go on and one listing the never ending amount of rorts, rip offs and blatant pork barrelling they all do and nothing is ever done about. To make matters worse, they have all been elected unconstitutionally, becuase our constitution states categorically, that the people representatives must be elected by direct vote, not preferential votes and we are not electing our own choices, all we can elect is the people the party decide on. There is no mention is out constitution for parties to have a say in elections, so we have an unconstitutional federal and probably state governments. The last person to bring it to the courts way back in the 1980's, ended up in jail, which makes our judicial system is totally corrupt.
It's trend we are seeing because the people are to dumb to take politicians to task and politicians think they invulnerable to any form of criticism or laws. In other words one law for them, another for the people. The contract tracing and having to log in where ever you go is another starting point for more control over peoples lives. All they had to do was build proper quarantine facilities outside cities and we would have no problems, but they have done nothing for 18 months and won't do anything for another 6 months, then claim it will take a year to build them and then it will be over by then. The facts are, they could build enough quarantine facilities around the country in a few weeks to take 10000 people and solve the problem. But they don't want to upset some of their major donors in every state, the hotel accommodation industry.
It will be about 5 billion years before the earth feels the effects of the sun expanding, once it does it will envelope the earth, or push us further away and we have no idea what will actually happen. They say as the supposed hydrogen the sun is burning begins to run out, it will expand and start to burn helium, then it will turn into a white dwarf and finally shed it's outer layers and collapse into a big blob of space junk. Only stupid people would blame humans for being here, because we are all humans, I think. As Nomadpete says, Mars is a great example of what runaway climate change will do to our planet and not in 1-5 billion years, but this century because we won't stop abusing the only place we can probably exist. You only have to look at the scientific facts of today and the last 50 years to see, we are doomed. Not in 50 or 100 years, but within the next 10 years probably. Within 5 years there will be about 10 billion people, there is no possibility the planet can support that number of humans. Then there is the unbelievable fact that within china and india alone, they register over 1 million new ICE vehicles a month. That alone is contributing to the problem faster and faster, as everything is connected through the food chains. Add humans are eating more and more bovine meats and diaries, that release huge amounts of methane into the atmosphere, along with the thawing of permafrost releasing even more methane and fish stocked almost depleted. When you add up all the stats from around the planet that are effected by humans approach to life, just about all of them are hanging over the edge of collapse and we just keep pushing and pushing them harder and harder. When one falls over the cliff of no return, every ecological and biological organism will not be able to survive because the food chains will be destroyed. We are losing bees and insects at unbelievable rates and without them, very few eatable things will grow or they will be destroyed by disease and climate change.🙄
Not really, St helens is about 200klms from Devonport and from my place to St Helens is around 250klms. This week drove from home to Legerwood to pick up a huge milk vat, that round trip as 780klms for the day.
Haven't read all the posts, so may repeat what others have said. Sadly our entire approach to the future and our climate/environment will never change, because the social and economic system we use forbids change. The political parties run their agenda or economic growth and rationalisation/globalisation, which can't happen without population growth, as consumerism is the only way to have constant economic growth. This means nothing can change until the insane ideology of economic growth is stopped and we move to economic sustainability, technological and environmental growth. The boom bust mantra of economic/profit growth, relies upon a throw away society, not a sustainable one and that is the barrier to change. We've known for almost 100 years what our approach to the future was doing to the environment and climate, we were warned in the 1970s we have 20 years to turn it around and have done nothing but made things worse. What is a happening with our climate now, was predicted to not happen until later this century and we are seeing changes way beyond that time line now. Now we are at a situation where no matter what is done it is way to late, our climate will continue to change faster and faster as we breed more and more people, dig up and destroy forests and biological life. What most don't understand or are unaware of is the hidden problems rapidly racing towards us that will bring our societies down fast and there is nothing we can do unless we remove from the planet the current political and ideological insanity forced upon us by the deranged ideologues controlling our societies. A major problem is plastics, which release huge amounts of chemicals when their temperatures are changed, the most biological destructive is oestrogen, which are turning marine life into non breeding nothings and the same is happening with humans, hence the massive rise in IVF and low sperm counts in men. Then we have the unstoppable collapse of the ecology and food chains, we are currently taking millions of tonnes of marine life out of the oceans and water ways a day to feed the rapidly growing number of humans. This is unsustainable and to my mind, the reason we are seeing more and more shark attacks, because our oceans are fast becoming depleted of fish and sharks are now looking elsewhere for food and that's humans. To give you an example, the heavily chemically saturated Atlantic salmon from Tas that people eat, to produce 1 kilo of that fish, takes 18kg of wild fish. They trawl the seas collecting everything, turn them into meal, add lots of chemicals and a carcinogenic red dye, which is banned in most places. That's why your salmon looks so red, naturally it is pink. Once the oceans food chains collapse, the seas will become dead and that will bring down bird food chains, which will bring down land food chains and human food chains. We passed the point of no return last century, now it's just a matter of when it all starts falling like a stack of cards and no one will do anything, ideological clones have no idea of reality, all they have in the minds is their ideological fantasies and they completely reject anything to do with the true reality of our planet. You can see that every day, when any politician opens their mouths and the over educates elites back them all the way.
My lady is in Sweden went back almost 2 years ago to see her sick mum and has been stuck there ever since, she's a nurse and they have turned it around there by locking down. She's been trying to get back for almost a year, is full vaccinated and they won't let her in, even though we offered to provide a private plane from Tullamarine airport to Hobart, but they refused Qatar to fly in. Seems they are letting the rich and politically aligned to come and go as they please, but citizens can't get a flight. So Qatar cancelled her July 6th flight age;s had booked since February, because the government has made it economically nonviable to fly to Aus.
Here's a link to one the most popular linux distros mint, which is easy to use. The thing with linux, is you have hundreds of distros to choose from, just depends on what your interests are. I use mint, Ubuntu studio, puppy linux and Kali. Also a link to distro watch, which gives you run downs on most linux distros. Down loading is easy, just follow the instructions and try it out live without installing it. If you want to use specific windows programs you can't find a replacement for in linux, you use "Wine/play on linux", which allows you to install and use windows programs. Updates for linux, are done in the background whilst you keep working and don't interfere with what you are doing, even if you are using a program that's upgrading and you can choose to upgrade or not. The biggest upgrades would never go much beyond 100mb and the only time you have to reboot, is when there is a kernel upgrade and you can download those and not reboot until you turn of the computer. https://linuxmint.com/ https://distrowatch.com/
Our trip included the east coast, because more hills for climbing and regenerating. I've been using lifepo4 off grid for almost 13 years, they are amazing and even though they were expensive when I bought them, got the money back within 5 years not using the grid and after all that time, they still hold 100% of their energy. Have some cells that age that haven't been used, they have sat at 3.2v for all those years. They only problem I've found was using them under the bonnet of a car, they failed within 3-4 years and that's because of the dramatic change in temperatures you get.
There is a cheap alternative that would work during a transition to all electric power for trucks etc, seed oils. The seed for oil that can be used, can be grown in just about anywhere, one of the best is the common wild radish, which will provide about 50% oil content, its' produces 85% less toxic emissions, can be used for lubricants, plastics which are biodegradable and the by products are all organic and great for the soil. Been running all my diesel engines on seed oils since the late 1970's, my exhaust smells like fish and chips, or if I use oil from a indian restaurant curry. Have a friend who has a Nissan leaf ev and another who has a Kona ev, both are amazing cars, just have to win lotto to get one but they love them. Have driven the Kona and it's an absolute dream to drive, so quiet and you can watch the regen working to increase your range. The bloke who owns the Kona, has got over 500klms from it when he drove it with range in mind, Did a trip with him from the sth of Tas to the north, we travelled at highway speed of 110kph and when we got to Devonport which was a 459klm drive, he still had 28klms of range left. Plugged it into the hotel 240v system and in the morning it was fully charged, the pub charged nothing for the recharge, so our almost 1000klm round trip cost zero. He's off grid and charges the Kona with he excess power. There's an experimental ev in the USA, which has solar cells embedded in its body and uses super capacitors and lifepo4 batteries. They claim a range over over 1800klms, because unlike the batteries, the super caps take all the energy from regen and solar that's provided, which is the great benefit of super caps, then they trickle their charge into the batteries. When the batteries are full, the car uses the super cap for power until they are depleted, then switches to lifepo4 and that repeats over and over, giving them the range. Case machinery in the UK, already have battery powered backhoes and Volvo already is selling EV heavy trucks. there's a company down Geelong way, which has built a 12m ev bus which travelled 1100klms on one charge.
Considering you built your computer yourself, why don't you try a linux distro. Linux is the most advanced computing system on the planet, in fact virtually all computing on and off the planet is a unix/linux system and it runs everything except windows desktops. Android is a linux base distro, as is apple systems, just about all servers on the planet are lixun based because its' free, state of the art, stable and extremely safe. I still run some 32bit computers,, they all have fully up to date distros which are way ahead of windows crap and all the software and apps, are free. When you look at CGG in movies and TV, you're most probably looking at linux. I run a media production system which is used by the top studios around the planet, all free. You own your linux system no one can get into it and just about all of them still run on a 1gig of ram. I have a laptop that's just over 20 years old, it still runs a linux system which is fast and up to date. Sorry don't want to hijack your thread, but thought you may like to know what real computing is about, compared to last century bloatware.😁