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I agree with you, but don't forget the 1600 years of christian wars, the unbelievable suppression, torture, genocidal invasions of ever country and slaughter of its ow followers by the church throughout its history. The religious wars, the numerous crusades and what they did to every indigenous culture on the planet. There is not one year since the invention of the cult that christian, muslims and jews have not been at war with everything, it's all their entire history consists of and it continues today around the planet. They make out their cult has been around for over 2000 years, but there is not one copy of the bibles, torah or koran that dated before the 7th century and they were all written about the same time and in Greece, It;'s all a fake and uif you read the interlinear torah or old testaments, you will read on many occasions when the god in the story is asked who he is, he always replies, I am yahweh, god of war one of many gods. Then add the koran was written by the christians at the behest of mohammad and it's no differen to the OT, full of violence slaughter and suppression. The NT, is a joke, contains not one bit of truth and was put together from stories previously written. You find the virgin birth and many other things in the NT, when reading the Summerian classic, "the epic of Gilgamesh" written hundred of years before and well known throughout the region at that time. The story of jesus is another example, complete rubbish. At the supposed time of the jesus event, Herod had been dead for years. The only Romans in herods kingdom were the Pretoria guard of the roman ambassador, because Herod was a friend and ally of Rome and they never used crucifixions in punishing people in that area. Then there's the glaring fact that at the time. there are 35 recorded writers in the same place and not one of them mentions the jesus story. In the surrounding area's they have the recorded writing of over 100 scribes, not one mentions a jesus and there is not one mention at the time of a jesus in Romans records. Next glaring fact, the jews claim the romans destroyed their temple. Problem is, Herod built the Temple and when the jews killed Herod, they burnt the temple to the ground, no Romans involved. So the story of jesus in the holy temple talking to priests is false, it had been burnt to the ground by the jews years before. Jews claim the torah is thousand of years old, the oldest copy was written on the 7th century, the jews had no written language until about 300BCE. The supposed 7 tribes of israel, actually consists of two villages which were renowned as bandits, when herod came along he killed the leaders and offspring of the two tribes leaders, took one of the daughters for his wife and combined the tribes to create his kingdom. The real truth is very interesting and nothing like the claims of the yahweh cult. All the factions are the same, they just fight amongst themselves to try to prove they are the real warriors of the mythical yahweh, god of war and of course attack and try to wipe out any opposition to their cult. It's all recorded in history, all you have to do is look and you will find what the real truth is about this insidious destructive cult.
You may find most of Tas is like that and in my experience lots of rural Aus is more lenient with buildings and other minor developments than urban councils. Don't have permits for any of my sheds, one is rather large and same with dams, we just build them and that's it. Had to get a permit for a bore though because the drilling people wouldn't drill unless there was a government permit, which is fine because they need to know who's taking water out of the ground, but not out of the air.
All those countries are muslim, they have been relatively peaceful until the jews invaded, slaughtered the people and took over. Since then israel has been expanding their borders and terrorising the people of the area, who try fighting back but the jews blockade there supplies and have forced most into extreme poverty throughout the region. There will never be any peace in the world as long as there is religion and other ideologies, they by definition are warmongering and suppressive, which their entire history is proof of. I'm anti religious, irrelevant to what faction of the cult it is, they are all as evil and as abusive as each other, providing nothing but trouble throughout the planet.
Most hydrogen cells in vehicles I've read about, make electricity which then drive an electric motor. To my mind this is no different to fossil fuels as the cells have to be transported, used then re-transported to be refilled, or dumped. Batteries you just recharge them for the next 10-20 years Of course hydrogen may be very useful for large industrial uses where they now use fossil fuels, but I don't know much about it, I've been concentrating on the new battery technology and love it.
Been chatting with a neighbour, who is really pissed off at the state of our nation and the direction it's being taken. Asked him what he would do to change things and he looked at me as though I was stupid and said, not my job to work things out, that's politicians job. When I said they are doing a terrible job and don't have a clue, all he could say was, then we are stuffed. What do others think, what ideas does anyone have that would change our country into a progressive one that can provide generations to come with a decent future. I have some idea's which are probably way of planet for most, but we have to change our direction soon, or we won't be able to change and may just have to work out how to survive.
Big difference between god, ghosts and ufo's, god never seen by anyone and not one historical piece of evidence supporting the existence of a god. Ghosts only seen by one or two at a time and some ufos actually recorded and videoed, after dismissing all the false ufo claims. See ufo's as actually plausible compared to the complete absurdity of a god bigger than our universe that's watching, loving and saving humans. The evidence for ufo's is real, the evidence for a god is non existent, as is the supposed love it distributes. If some ufo's are alien, they are displaying ethical attributes toy never find in the religious. They are keeping out of our way and observing us for whatever reason. I'd like to think the small ufo's being observed are reality TV show mobile camera's, beaming back 5D video's of humanities demise in real time to their many planetary viewers and they hang around military equipment because that's where all the action is.🤔🙃😁
Remove israel and you remove just about all the problems of the middle east and around the planet. Israel's a perfect example of terrorism, violent invasion and ongoing aggression against those it has and continues to displace. All their claims can be shown to be false, via history, archaeology, chronology and anthropology.
Lobbying in countries is bribery and corruption, especially in Aus. Vested interests always get their way when they deal with politicians and senior bureaucrats, it's all about money and for politicians that means supporting political party members and vested interests, donations and jobs after politics.
The problems with hydrogen is it still relies upon a long supply lines, trucking and storage at distribution points which will increase fuel cost constantly. It's just an attempt by fossil fuel makers to keep control of fuel supplies and pricing. They can't do that with renewable energy and the amount of energy needed to create and distribute hydrogen defeats the purpose, the huge amount of energy you would use to make and distribute hydrogen, would power all the EV's in Aus and electrical power can be produced on site anywhere there is sun or wind. I see fuel supplies as an essential service which should be in the hands of the people, not profit growth industries and the approach to future fuel needs, doesn't exist within our political system. It's all about sporting their vested interests at any cost and never supporting the people.
Typical religious propaganda, I'm a builder by trade and have seen staircases similar in places we renovated. When you first look at them they appear to be suspended, but If you look closely at the stairs you may see they are pinned to the wall halfway up and the top is connected to the upper floor. It's a beautifully built staircase, but the video is contradictory, it says only one bloke built it, yet later it says the men took 8 months to build it and the railing were added 2 years later. So who built the railings if the bloke disappeared. Sorry would never trust anything the religious claim, they always use lies and deception trying to prove their non existent claims.
To be honest don't have a clue what's involved, bought this place with the burial plots and one body in the ground, which was one of the previous owners and live in Tas. We have one of those councils that haven't got a clue what's in their area or what has permission for what they have. Many years ago a disgruntled council employee destroyed all the council records, so they don't know what was built beforehand or what permits were issued over a couple of years. They asked ratepayers to let them know what they had as far as buildings etc, but only got a response from couple of councillors and when management said they would introduce rules to force people to apply for new permits. The general manager was forced to leave the area and the next council elections saw councillors who voted to demand new permit application for every building and shed thrown out. Since then, it's been business as usual and we just build away as we please.
Living on a farm in a small community and in Tas, don't know what a lock down is. We had a couple of weeks wearing masks early last year and since life has been normal, but wet. I spend my time since being unable to work, designing and making things in my workshop.
Neither do I, but am skepical as many others are. To me it's great subject to discuss and speculate, as that's all we are doing. In my mind, the first thing we have to do is dismiss the idea they have tehcnology the same as ours, which would definitely be the case if they travelled across the universal waste lands that make up a huge part of our universe, or galaxy. We have massive trouble just getting off our planets surface, so blurry photos and weird 3 dimensional looking objects suggests to me we are looking at a small portion of a multidimensional vehicle which have no idea of understanding at present. When I say multidimensional, I'm not talking of some thing from the 10 dimension, but materials we have no idea of understanding at this point of our evolution. The answer to your question, could be in the difference in technology used by us compared to them. So it's not illogical to assume they look blurry because we don't understand what we are looking at.
I'm not so sure about that, hygiene has been one of the biggest extender of life. When I was young there were lots of old people around and most people I know their past relatives lived to well over 60 and is yo read history yo find lots of people lived to well over 60-70. those that died early were those who lived in squalor and poverty with terrible diets. It's the average age of death they say has increased and as there is way less poverty and much better hygiene in homes and businesses, it's logical more people will live longer driving up the average death age. But people have always been those that live over 100 and now they have all these drugs they give people to cover up their symptoms until their bodies can no longer persist. I lost most of mine after 60, when a moronic doctor prescribed me a penicillin based antibiotic and I'm allergic to penicillin. My teeth just came loose and fell out one by one until I got better, which took over 12 years of battling and refusal to take medication. I used natural methods and my health now is excellent, although have to be careful as I developed many allergies from that episode.
I have registered burial plots on my property, one is already filled and I'll be put in a bag and buried under a fruit tree.
The most central point in a discussion like this is, we don't know and can make many conjectures and conclusions as we want, but we don't know and we are probably unable to understand their technology. There is also the strong possibility advanced aliens have no way of communicating with us properly, just like we have no way of communicating with ants and lots of other living beings on this planet. They may not be able to survive in our atmosphere, just like if we ran into titans or plutonians, we aren't capable of surviving in their atmospheres without huge supporting mechanisms. After all, what consists of an intelligent alien may not be anything like what we are. That goes for there being civilisations around the universe, we only have our human understanding of intelligent life and we may be the least advanced in our galaxy as we are on the very edge of it. I would assume life would evolve according to the environmental conditions, just as happens on earth. Marine animals don't survive outside water, land based animals don't survive in water and it may well be that advanced aliens have environmental requirements completely different to us. Our atmosphere may crush them, or they may explode because our atmosphere is to light for them to exist, or to toxic an environment. I'd like to think intelligent life is throughout the universe. just comes in as many different forms as there are planets capable of having life on them and we don't even know what that constitutes.
Yet we observe just about every form of life here, including microscopic life and we use drones and partly concealed cameras to do this 24/7. Why wouldn't an advanced species capable of transiting the universe as we transit our planet, be doing the same out of curiosity. An advanced intelligence would be very interested in what a primitve life form is doing, in real time. We don't interfere with ants having wars, we observe and it's the same for most of nature, we observe, unless we are dedicated killers, they slaughter. With extremely advanced tehcnology aliens could sit back and watch through their drones, no nee to interfere, just observe and may even use t as reality TV in their technology. Which would more than likely be in mutli dimensional to get the right effect.🤔 We don't even know of there are vast distances between stars or galaxies, our time is a very simple concept which only fits on the earth. Once we get off earth, out time ceases to exist simply because of the time factor of our solar system galaxy and the universe
Luckily haven't had any town water for decades, just the smell puts me off. There are a few ways to get rid of fluoride from your water, activated alumina cartridge filter, reverse osmosis and distillation. My motorhome has a portable reverse osmosis system, it's great when travelling as we can pick up just about any water we find and use it. There's another problem with artificial fluoridation of water, the fluoride they use contains many other chemical substances, in particular fluorosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride and sodium fluoride. These are very detrimental to our health and cause the most common side effect of excess fluoride consumption, dental fluorosis and staining or pitting of teeth. You could call this a bit of a conspiracy theory, but it's well worth thinking about. We are seeing huge breakdown in mental health throughout countries using chemical fluoridation of water, when you consider these above chemicals used in our water, are industrial waste products from the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum industry. Sodium silicofluoride, is toxic when ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin, it's also used as a pesticide for rats. Fluorosilicic acid, is a colourless fuming liquid with a penetrating pungent odour and corrosive to metals and tissue. Very short contact with the fumes and liquid can cause severe and painful burns. It's used in water fluoridation, hardening cement and ceramics and as a wood preservative. Sodium fluoride, "Sodium fluoride is classed as toxic by both inhalation (of dusts or aerosols) and ingestion.[24] In high enough doses, it has been shown to affect the heart and circulatory system." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_fluoride When you consider everything you eat and drink that comes out of a shop or package contains these fluorides, as well as other chemicals like chlorine etc. There are large amounts of chlorine put into urban water supplies and all you have to do is read the effects of ingesting fluorides and other chemicals, which could be why we are seeing a big increase in mental and other health disorders. When you add preservatives and the huge number of other additives and chemicals found in todays foods, the health of the nation sits on a knife edge and once you read what these chemical can do. It all leans towards the health problems we are seeing across society.
There is also the probability advanced societies in our galaxy have communication and surveillance systems thousand of years ahead of ours. Less than 100 years of radio, less than 50 years of space travel which has yet to get humans past the moon and our most adventurous probes, the voyagers 1 and 2, have just left our solar system. Our technology is very primitive compared to what may be needed for us to transit our own solar system in a reasonable time, then there's our galaxy.
Consecrated ground is just another load of rubbish for the church to get more money and control over people and their lives, no different to holy water, which is tap water blessed by a preacher. It's all complete fantasy land rubbish. The title of this thread has me a bit confused, christinaity is the embodiment of terrorism, that's what its entire history consists of, submitting people to the terror of the cults wrath and suppression. So how can you use the cause of terrorism to fix it.
Problem is, the fluoride in reticulated water is a by product of aluminium smelting and is used in rat and other poisons. Teeth decay because of the crap sugar and chemical saturated diet most eat, I haven't bought tooth past for mane decades because it all contains heaps of chemicals and additives. Brushing with pure water after eating is all you need if your diet is good food, best to get an under sink filter system for town water to clean out the chemicals.
Have a look at these couple of videos, https://www.iheart.com/content/2020-02-26-nasa-captures-footage-of-ufo-on-space-station-live-cam/ Found these when looking for ufo videos, there are certainly lots of fake and misinterpreted, but these two are very clear. The second one many have said it's a cargo vessel which was up there around that time and at firs ti agreed it was the logical explanation. Until I checked out the cargo shop they were talking about to find it was nothing like the one in this video and had hug antenna hanging of it, this one is smooth and certainly not going to ISS, as it passed it and went into space.
Have been to many funerals over the years, 90% atheist and they just have a going away ceremony so to speak. Bit of a talk about the person who died, maybe a few drinks and some food then all go home.
Been on tank water for most of my life, when I travel carry a S/S water filter with me, so never have to indulge in reticulated water.