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Raining here, been raining non stop since last night so stuck inside. My NDE, happened during an operation to remove the bottom lobe of my right lung, which was filled with a cancerous growth, caused by they say, my exposure to chemicals and trauma during my active service. My recollection was lying some where dark, warm and comfortable, it was very peaceful but could hear noise and people talking, but it was nice. Opened my eyes and could see a small light way off in the distance which suddenly started coming toward me getting bigger and bigger until I fell into it and could see people working on a body below me. Then it went blank and felt this really cold fearful feeling, when I looked around, could see the hole I'd come through closing so desperately tried to get back into it before it closed, whilst still watching those below.. Thought I'd made it when heard them say we've lost him again, then things went blank and woke up in a hospital bed with all these tubes coming out of me. Problem was, didn't have a clue where I was, who I was or what had happened and things had really changed, things looked more colourful, people seemed to have shimmering colours surrounding parts of them. When the surgeons came to check me, was able to describe the entire operation to them which turned their faces white and for some reason seemed to understand what was in their minds. When got out of hospital saw everything in a different light, the world seemed mad and nothing I believed in or did seemed worthwhile. Before was obsessed with being successful, climbing the social ladder and becoming richer and respected. Struggled with this for a few months as my health started to go down hill, was sent to P. Mc Callum clinic and underwent chemo and radiation treatment but after 3 lots of that, felt I'd rather be dead than undergo that torture. Then hurt my back and a friend recommended I go to chiropractor to get if fixed. Didn't even know what was a chiropractor but set up an appointment. The chiro looked at the scars on my back and told me he was not allowed to treat cancer patients, but recommended a natural healer he knew. Being desperate went along to what I thought was a con job and ended up working with him for 9 months, he told me he couldn't help me but could teach me to help myself and understand what had happened to me during the operation. After that set out on a journey to understand myself and that's when playing music came into my life. What I learnt saved my life and from there things slowly fell into place until felt comfortable within myself. Mind you it took decades to come to terms with the massive changes within me, which was like waking up from a dream and looking at the reality of life for the first time. Went to many psychs and therapists, but came to the conclusion they needed more help than me. A psych helped me with the simple statements he made, saying I suffered from severe PTSD from my active service and life on the streets. That was the final clue and since life has been good, once you know the cause of your problem, it's easy to come to terms with it and find a fix. Went from being given 18 months to 3 years to live at 26, to at 76 being fit and healthy. Went to many psychics and healers to understand how I saw things, but in the end realised it boiled down to me to find the answers as they were ideologues and lived in fantasy, even though they seemed good at reading people. Have found some of the answers, but each answer gives more questions and now just look at each answer I come up with as another learning curve to be accepted as a part of evolving my understanding.
I see agnostics as fence sitters, a foot in each camp and most are apologists for religion. Many atheists I see as much in denial as the religious, they deny the existence of anything outside the material world. Have experienced and seen to many things to deny the possibility of some form of conscious existence outside the material physical universe. My NDE showed me that side of things and it was a massive shock to the system, but have no idea what it is or how it works.
This is where the confusion comes in, the mythical creatures represent the energies of nature in all their different forms. They are one and the same thing and each nation had it's own individual take on the dream time stories, they are not all the same as is trying to be made out by some indigenous elitists. My totem is the sea eagle, which is why I like to live high up with a view all around and of the sea. I'm at peace under those conditions and where I live represents those conditions excellently.
That's because children are told they are stories and not real, but represent the natural energies of the earth and they can then understand how nature works. Their societies although not technologically advanced were highly advanced socially and astronomically. Most tribal clashes were over the interchange of people between tribes, either kidnapped women or agreed transfer from one tribe to another. the rest of the time the lived peacefully and many tribes came together at different times of the year to celebrate natural events. What people are told of very different to the facts, the claim they were all nomadic is ridiculous, the only nomadic people were the desert people, the rest depending on the environment and climate lived in humpy's, stone and timber houses. Tasmanian indigenous lived in big timber homes, which the christians after forcing them out used those homes for their religious services, after which the went on aboriginal hunts. There's no correlation with a god, god created the universe in 6 days, that's very different compared to nature created the earth and all it's life and each part of nature played a specific role. The natural serpents that created rivers and gorges, are used to explain how they are formed, so kids can grasp the concept without becoming confused, as they are when they are told this mythical bloke just made them out of nothing.
For many humans that's the case, for some it's the opposite, I belong to no group tribe or family. Since my youth have been virtually alone in my approach and understanding of life, have to close friends, the rest are just nice acquaintances. It's possible but highly unlikely, we are digging up more coal and fossil fuels every day, human population continues to grow at an unbelievable rate, the complete opposite of what the elites claim they intend doing. The chances of human societies surviving the next ten years at the rate we are going, it almost zero. But I hope I'm completely wrong. Got interested way back in the 1970's when involved with people from Melb university, who were studying physics and quantum mechanics. We have some very long inspired discussions around the chess board, they put forward their knowledge and I gave alternatives to the norm.Then the drummer in our bands daughter was involved with a theoretical quantum physicist and we had some big discussions surrounding the universe it's origins and operation. I made lots of it up just to put om on the spot, but i also learnt a hell of a lot which helped me devise my theory of the universe and its operation. Have nothing against scientists, just some of their conclusions when it comes to the universe, terrestrial science is pretty spot, on so there's nothing to query about that.
Missed that but, but agree with you, the vast majority of humanity are ideologues, they believe in the advertising and vested interests industries and not the reality before them.
That's true, but in my opinion they are restricted by their ideological leanings and that's represented in the scientific claims and you have to realise I'm looking at it from an observers point of view, not an ideological human. Again true and the human consensus mostly revolves around and ideology, which is not reality but fiction. Completely untrue, one of the problems in my family was my fathers sides aboriginality and it's something I struggled with when young. My grandmother a Wiradjuri woman taught me a lot about the culture of their beliefs and my Tasmanian grandfather of the Pydairrerme people on the Tasman Peninsula, taught me how to care for the land. All Aus indigenous were animists, they had no god, but considered the laws of nature and it's off spring to be the ruling entity on earth and they are not far from the truth. The stories of serpents etc, were all designed to teach the children respect for nature and the power it holds, If you ever listen to an indigenous teaching children there is not worship, just respect and understanding of how everything works. They had an extremely advanced society, unlike today's ideological humans, they knew they are part of the land and so have to care for it. Ideological humans see the land as exploitable without any thought for the long term outcomes and ideologues don't give a stuff about the future, it's satisfaction today and bugger tomorrow. When christians invaded, slaughtered and enslaved them they were also forced to follow the christian god insanity, or be put to death which is par for the course of the god cult. Today many are extremely confused and lost in this barbaric bizarre world and That's very sad, if people knew about the true indigenous culture and how sophisticated it was, they'd be very surprised.
We have no idea and it's only assumed speculation on my part. However taking the example of ideological humanity, it would be reasonable to assume that very advanced life forms who have been around for millions of years longer than us, would not be warmongering or ideologically controlled or they would find themselves in the same position as humanity is in now. I see the ideological mindset as a genetic fault, disease or malfunction of the brain. Until I had my second NDE, was most definitely an ideological materialist and like other NDE people who seem to have had a similar awakening and see life very different to the majority. Materialism now seems irrelevant other than for survival, as does the norms of society which to me are bizarre. Hopefully the ideological psychological malfunction is being bred out of humanity and that's why we have the massive sociological conflicts starting to arise as the true reality of the world begins to overwhelm the ideological fantasy we live within. In religious places like Syria, we see this disparity within the same faction of the cult growing and growing. It's the same within all religious and other ideologically controlled societies, they are collapsing internally fast as reality overwhelms their deluded claims and denial. Advanced aliens wouldn't believe in a god, the belief in reality, has only been around for just over 1400 years and already it's gooing the same way as previous ideological societies, down the drain violently. No way you could develop the technology to transit the unvierse really fast whilst indulging in internal conflict and ideology is all about conflict, control and elitism, no matter what type it is.
No I meant science, you can define scientists in many ways, but science is a generalisation and that's what I meant. The scientific community on the whole tend to agree with the general consensus, like light being the fastest thing in the universe, black holes as big voracious feeders on matter and crush it to infinity, stars being big balls of hydrogen and diary products are good for you. They are all driven by ideological constraints and not logical fact, so they are closed to what the reality may be and that goes for all aspects of an ideologues life, all fantasy. Look at galaxies, big revolving machines with billions of rotating star systems in them, which could be generating dark energy, or something else. Outside these star systems are massive magnetic and radiation systems, which are yet to be explained and could be some form of product created by galaxies and star systems. Not saying that's a fact, just another viewpoint of the viewable universe, taken from a non ideological stance. The facts are we have no idea of what our universe is or does, that's why ideology is in control, the primitive minded fearful need something not material to cling to and places like Syria and all religious countries, which is just about all of them represent that insanity in varying degrees. That's why they claim you shouldn't worship graven images, but all factions of the cult do exactly that. They seek material control, because their beliefs and claims can't be justified or proven, so they resort to controlling the material world claiming they are the opposite and not materialists. An alien looking down on the planet would be shocked at how ideological humanity acts toward the planet, other life and themselves. So they would probably just observe and not want to get involved, we have to understand considering the age of the universe compared to our solar system, there would be many alien civilisations million of years more advanced than us and not warmongering as we are. Or they would have wiped themselves out by now which is what we are currently doing on this planet. We already know there are planets within the habitable zone of the nearest star system to us, the Centauri system, so an advanced life from would have little trouble getting here and probably have. That's what the religious don't want to happen, it would destroy their beliefs completely and that's why they are constantly at war with reality, it's the opposite to what they want to believe so they try to destroy it.
You always wanted to try out an EV for a few days? Now you can ...
Dax replied to onetrack's topic in Auto Discussions
You'd have to use more than $150 worth of fuel a day and live in Tas to get any benefit out of the deal. But it's a good start as people will probably hire for a day on special occasions. For that price you'd need unlimited daily klms. -
It's hard for sane logical thinking people to accept the bizarre insanity of religious belief. Suicide bombers and all deranged nutters, so deluded they believe that by their actions they will enter heaven (jannah), have access to 70 virgins and have an ever lasting life. Problem is in islam there are 7 heavens and where you end up is according to how pious and devoted to yahweh you are.
Only watched a small part of that video and agree with him regarding science, can't get into it when have to jump up and check the centrifuge constantly, to make sure it's feeding properly and there's no overflow to clean up. Will watch the rest when the tank is full. All our science is according to our primitive understanding of the universe and ideologues think they have all the answers, when I think we have none. If science wasn't so adamant about their theories being correct, then they may find more satisfactory answers. The first thing they need to get over is, nuclear fusion. In my opinion they need to get away from believing black holes crush materials to an infinite size and stars are just big balls of hydrogen burning away. It's much more logical to assume back holes are the other side of a star in another universe or dimension and starts in our universe are the opposite side of a black hole in another universe or dimension. Just looking at how a black hole works, maybe they don't consume matter, but spit it out and they consume what we call dark energy or matter.
Not a nice thing to hear, must have been a terrible couple of years for you and your family. Really hope she gets through this, at least she will get good treatment in hospital and should be right. All the best.
Have always wondered about that, always frustrating when you get a package and getting in to it becomes a battle with the box. I just cut them open now then clean up the mess.
Any form of ideologue should be banned in that case, they all believe in fantasy and not reality. Atheism can be a logical way to live one's life. It compels a person to take responsibility for their own actions and not to blame it on a mythical god, the devil or other supposed spiritual forces. Of course there are those who are pretty fervent, but most of those have an ideological agenda, like the cancel woke culture. They seem to believe if we wipe out the negatives of the past and deny them, life will be better. Sadly the opposite is true, we have to remember the past and learn from its mistakes, denying it is no different to believing in a never existed god. Some class communists as atheists, but they have an ideological belief system and their god is a human dictator, which is no different to all theists. In my opinion ideological beliefs are a very primitive mind set, based on deluded fear, egoism and irresponsibility. I understand the fear of antivaxxers, but disagree with them and as for flat earthers, a couple of hundred years ago to ban flat earthers would have meant banning most christians from the country. Syria is just another example of the god culture found worldwide, they are all violent, suppressive and dictatorial, only the implementation and lies they use to control the people are different. Even in this once wonderful country, we have god nutters in charge and the results are as expected, when aligned with the history of the cult in every country.
That's pretty true, yanks that move here mostly have travelled elsewhere and they don't seem to be fervent nutters. Many people from other cultures that come to Aus, don't fit in at all, they all seem to be god nutters of some description and stick to their language and insane cultural beliefs. I think multiculturalism has failed miserably everywhere and is one of the main reasons why there is so much dissent within societies.
The biggest war the yanks are in is their internal war, they kill more people a year than all their conflicts combined. When you add the cop slaughter and realise some states and jurisdictions don't even report or count killings by cop, they sure have a mental problem, which fits perfectly with their belief system.
There's a federal election next year, for the libs to have any hope of retaining control, they have to make out they are for cutting emissions. Yet they are pushing more coal mines, generation systems and land clearing, whi8lat doing absolutely nothing about emissions and or alternatives. Labors track record is just as horrible and they have said they won't release their policies until close to the elections. Anyone get the impression it's all about them and not the people wishes, the future or emissions reduction. The Nats couldn't car less about the people, their only interest is retaining the noose around the neck of the libs.
Powell did say a few rimes, going into Iraq was the worst decision of his career. I thought he was a decent blokes and pretty sure he would have had to do what Bush said and had no choice.
The libs may support zero by 2050, but by that time it will be out of humans control and even though it seems most governments are all for zero emissions, all countries are increasing emissions. All the parties are hoping it will all go away and as 2050 is 40 years away, they can continue as they are and just do a little bit. We have to remember, we knew all about this in the 1970's, every party has had the opportunity to turn things around, yet all they've done is the opposite. Relying on their word, is like saying that cliff falling down on you is an illusion. I think the next election will be a debacle as it's becoming clear the people are so confused by the bizarre approach to the future, they may well vote lots of independents in and if that doesn't happen, then we are stuffed big time. If the Nats were on their own and not part of the coalition, they would be useless and not have a say in anything, plus I expect they would lose a few seats as lib pre4ferences get them across the line in most cases.
Have always liked black beer and there are some really excellent black craft beers around this country. I rarely drink grog haven't had any for years, but like to try new beers I come across. Had one of the best black beers ever tasted at the Wangaratta jazz and blues festival a few years back, it was a low alcohol beer below 1% and it was lovely, can't wait until the next festival to try it again.
In the past, just about all discussion was conducted in person and methods of control of discussions came down to brow beating or physical confrontation. This kept the cowards out of confrontation because they feared being taken to task physically, now they have the opportunity to express themselves as they would like without fear of physical reprisal. We see this with trolls who like to create havoc and attack people personally without contributing to a discussion. It's a dilemma for moderators as they have to determine whether to step in or let it go on and be worked out between those involved. It's hard to know how to deal with bitter twisted people, have personal experience contending with that approach and don't wish it on anyone. I like this forum because threads can go off topic in interesting ways, but always seems to come back without any disturbance or moderation, adding quite a bit of extra knowledge to a subject. Personal attacks to me are a lack of consideration and acceptance of difference, something the human race is overflowing with and that's what makes the world go round. I'm guilty of long posts, try to make them easier to read by presenting them in paragraphs so readers get a break, I read all posts no matter how long and enjoy their content. Just about everyone has a good story and represents the varying experiences in life we all have, which are always interesting to hear in my opinion. To Spacy, have yet to read one of your posts I could class as being offensive or upsetting, your viewpoint is always interesting and enjoyable to read, as are most posts here.
Very true, but they are yet to be capable of cutting down a decent size tree in my opinion, I use my 21inch or 16inch husky for big trees and hate the noise. Tried with my 48v ebay chainsaw and it couldn't cope once it got well into the trunk kept cutting out and when you're cutting down a big tree, the last thing you want is for your chainsaw to stop half way through. Happened to me once when didn't check the fuel level before starting and it left the tree hanging by a thread upright and had to go and get the fuel, not knowing if it would fall or not and which way. Very unnerving and won't let it happen again.
Over grazing only happens when animals are restricted to one paddock and weeds only arrive when you bring in fodder from outside the property. Have never used weed killers or any chemicals on my land, it's all worked and looked after naturally and we have more grass than we had over 20 years ago. This property was an old d quarry, so consisted of one paddock of reasonable grass and the rest grey sandy soil, a few old trees and 3 dams. Now it's covered in grass, has about 5ha of bush and the rest natural grasses. To get rid of weeds all you have to do is slash them over and over and they go away, plus slashing them before seeding means you are providing your ground with nutrients. I separated the grazing areas into 5 paddocks, spread going to seed hay around the barren ones and kept doing that for a few years until they became heavily grassed areas. Added some lime to help deter the bracken and that was it.
Down our way, the small shops offer delivery, the butcher I get my dog bones from does, as does the couple of green grocers in Hobart which provide mostly Tas grown produce. All those small business take orders over the ph and deliver in their area and they are way cheaper than coles or woolworths and their food is really fresh, compared to the over prices rubbish the big companies provide. It's sad real competition has gone and all we have is rip off multinationals, another nail in the coffin of decent life and freedom of choice. Hope you solve your problems, not good having to contend with lots of health issues and not being able to get decent food. The virus doesn't help at all and just makes it worse for you. We have sunshine today for the first time in a week, hope the sun shines on you and your family very soon.