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Had the opportunity to ride in an electric car and have a drive, simply amazing. My cruiser rumbles with its 3inch straight through exhaust and the looks I get are because of the smell of fish and chips, or curry, not because of the car which looks like crap. Still surprises me when an Ev goes by, total silence. There seems a lot of EV's in Tas, there's a company that imports second hand ev's from japan as over there after 2 years they trade them in. As for vaping, was once common around pubs, now not so much and they should be left top do what they want. Just refuse free medical help for all smokers and vapers, it would be great to get rid of the useless junkies polluting every ones air.
Fine line between cancel culture and curbing hate speech
Dax replied to Jerry_Atrick's topic in Politics
Just another sign of the fracturing of society, everyone turning against each other. Not much can be done, it will only get worse as world societies collapse under the weight of reality, whilst ideological humanity struggles to keep its dying delusionary approach to life continuing. Problem is, fantasy beliefs and life styles can't compete with the evolving world. -
She's blonde and leggy, swims in the lake every day and walks 5klms, in winter has a gym. Not living near the Vasabrond and doesn't have a bike, she walks everywhere. As for money, she'll forget about buying things for awhile when she sees her keyboard set up with the new Hammond organ, mixer and amp. That will keep her happy until we get back on the road then watch out local op shops, here comes the lady scavengers.
All my water including septic goes into the garden, grey water goes through a set of pits and into an old tank, then when the sun shines it's sprayed into the gardens and the septic is bucketed onto gardens, which provides excellent fertiliser.
Threw my bath out when decided to renovate the bathroom last year, haven't used one since was a little kid, the lady will be surprised when she sees the new bathroom and no bath, but they waste to much water. Much better to put in lap pool, at least it's useful.
Here's an interesting take on the purchase, will leave it to others as to it's credibility, but it seems pretty close to the truth. https://www.michaelwest.com.au/has-pm-put-australia-on-the-hook-to-finance-struggling-uk-us-submarine-projects/
Nah she's been working in a hospital and saved a heap of money she says, has no rent or other expenses, I have a plan to keep my money from her, I hope.
Decades ago during our round Aus travels, the most common sight was a VW on the side of the road and abandoned, mostly the vans so anyone coming along had spares everywhere. Once of the bitumen they fell apart and the heat always got to them on those long straight tracks of gravel, bull dust and corrugations.
I see it as a responsibility to animals, we domesticated them to rely upon us and many treat them like toys. We not only abuse and enslaves animals for gluttony and greed, but many discard them when the going gets tough. I only got rid of one dog and sold one horse to a knackery, would never do it again, the fear and alarm they expressed cured me of that course for ever. So have a tendency to pick up the strays and rescue some animals that are doing it really tough. The 4 dogs on the property now are all rescue dogs, as were the horses. Won't get another horse for awhile unless some poor souls comes along looking for a home, but the one who passed away the other day, was a lovely horse, gentle caring and always up for a laugh at the dogs or my expense. Now have just one horse and she is very upset to lose her mate, when i got her she was so traumatised no one has ever been able to handle her, was lucky enough to get a lead on her and into a float, but in the last 20 years she's been with me, no one can touch her. The closest I can get is with some treat where she will lean out and take it, throwing her ears back to warn me, pretty funny but she was treated extremely badly by humans and has never forgiven any human. Thought after 20 years she may come round, but now she seems even more paranoid, watching her friend die wasn't in her mind until it happened and now she is running round the place calling for him. So have to keep an eye on her and show her she is not alone, bananas help. Thanks for the kind words, now it's time to leave the past and look to the future, memories are always better than the separation in the long run.
During my life had lots of animals, mostly dogs and horses and you'd think one would get used to them passing away, but that's not the case for me. Every one that dies effects me and it takes a replacement to heal the pain and at this age and having gone through so many animals, thought I'd be immune to their lose. Yet when a human I know dies, it seems to have no effect on me whatsoever and yet to work out why. One of my horses passed away yesterday, had him for almost 30 years and he was a few years old back then. He's been going down hill all this year, getting slower and eating less. In the last few weeks he had deteriorated fast, lost all his condition and became very skinny, but was still happy and continues to freak the dogs out by standing over them and making a noise when one would go to sleep in the paddock where I was working. They would wake up and bolt with him after them, it always ended in a game of chase. Have been giving him extra food, lots of hay and some horse treats to get him eating again, but he just got worse. Yesterday found him lying not far from the house, with his paddock mate standing near him, he was still alert so sat down and spent time with him as he seemed in a bit of pain and could see he was on the way out and he was telling me it was the end. Could have got a gun and shot him, instead called a friend who brought me some of her marijuana she used for her sons epilepsy and I fed him that in some copra, which he scoffed down. Kept checking on him and spending some time with him and about 1 hour later noticed he was sitting up and looking at everything around, so sat beside him and talked. After about half an hour, he slowly lay down again moved his head close to me, so I lifted it onto my my lap. He lay there for a while looking a me, then gave a big sigh and died. Thought that would be it, but realised it had upset me quite a bit and so put a tarp over him and decided to bury him today as it was getting late. This morning left the dogs inside as they were also upset and extremely quiet. Picked him up in the loader and buried him where he liked to rest in the top paddock and could watch life. But it still effects me today, after burying him cut some wood consoled his mate and decided that was it for the day. You'd think after the number of animals I've had in life, you'd be immune to their death as it is so common for them to die well before us, but no, will probably be the same when the next one dies and will have to cop it sweet.
Many years ago we used to pay lots our casual workers in cash, it saved us money and it saved them money. The money still went round in the system, but the government missed out on income tax. Now that's almost impossible, the reporting requirements get tougher every year and we can't get workers comp without being in the tax system now, when in the past we could. I once worked out how much we saved and it came to less than 5%, the thing is the employer doesn't pay the tax, it comes out of the employees money. We used to pay casuals more because they didn't have the super component, but that's changed and now everyone we employ pays tax, not matter how many hours they work. Have to add I say we, but I no longer have much to do with the company, my kids run it. I'm just the major shareholder and chairman of the board, which is unpaid as I have enough income from my shareholding to keep me alive and I don't spent much money. My lady is the money spender and luckily she's been stuck in Sweden for the last 18 months, so my bank balance looks great.😇
There was so much trouble round the french boats and they hadn't decided on the final design and costs were already rising rapidly. My guess is there's been talk between the UK/US/AUS navies saying the best option would be nukes for Aus, that turned into a feasibility and tactical study. From there it would be a matter of putting the suggestion and support for it to the bureaucrats and pollies. There's been lots of sabre rattling recently in our direction, only complete fools would disregard the military threats China has made against us, along with the economic actions designed to ruin our economy. Problem for the chinese is we are an island and up until the last quarter of last century, pretty well self sufficient and can be again , if we had decent people running this circus.
That's a pretty good job you've done there, in linux there are any number of photo shop stuff, I use GIMP which is simply amazing, but is a steep learning curve. There are lots of simple easy to use photo manipulation software, free and some are extremely sophisticated.
It's a miserly increase, when pollies get huge rises for wasting our money. We are lucky to have such a good inclusive health system, if we had real thinking people in power, pensioners would have at least the minimum wage.
Sort of, the difference is sports stars are like gods to few followers in regard to one thing and only for the length of their stay at the top. For the rest it's admiration for their abilities and skills. Gods are a different matter altogether.
Was mainly referring to the huge latitude of GST and tax exemptions available to the corporate world, we never pay GST for anything we buy, other than commodities. Then we can claim depreciation, or write it off under some tax scheme they've introduced without telling anyone. Those changes to tax rules, don't go before parliament, they are dealt with in house, with the supposed direction of the minister. Most seem to be introduced to suit a certain commercial situation, to give someone a short or long term advantage in business. No different to huge corporations getting cheaper energy, road and other tax relief as they call it.
Revert, does mean go back or return to a certain condition. Understand what you're saying though, yet I see it as reversion as there's only 3 other countries using imperial. USA, Myanmar and Liberia. Everyone else uses metric, add the UK and that's it. I like metric, it's simple which suits me fine. Grew up with imperial, but always had trouble working our fractions and algebra is way beyond me which is a real drag cause I really love science. If you don't understand algebra or basic physics, no chance of understanding science or working it all out. What annoys me is all the different tools, spanners and sockets you have to keep to work on your vehicles and machinery. I've got a number of tool boxes overflowing with different size tools and it can be a pain trying to work out what will fit. Then there's irrigation, you can buy inch size pipe and fittings, as well as metric sizes, yet neither fits the other. All my water systems are in imperial, way to much tot change everything. But, house plumbing is metric and imperial, the copper pipe is the same diam.
Most people don't realise companies rarely pay any GST, and yet they pass on the GST to the customer. When they brought in the GST, they were supposed to get rid of all other taxes, but they did the opposite and increased some taxes, whilst introducing more taxes. Liquor taxes are a prime example of how the system works, major corporations who produce cask and high numbers of packaged alcohol, have a different tax rate to small brewers, distillers and wineries. To make it worse, a major liquor corporation can buy stock from small producers and still sell it cheaper than the producer sells it, because they can claim their purchase as a bulk purchase which has a much lower rate of tax and GST exempt. Then they on sell it lower than the suppliers, who either has to sell out to them or go under. That's why so many small producers end up in the hands of corporations, or they go broke, they can't compete with large suppliers who operate under different tax regimes. We've been known to buy alcohol from woolies cheaper than we can from the producers, including large breweries. That's another political truth in it's simplest form, huge bias towards large corporations.
Is sport a religion, can't see how it is, religion is an ideology and ideologies are fantasy beliefs. Sport is reality in action and no fantasy involved, unless you include thinking you or your team may win when you have no chance. Played heaps of sport when young, it got me into social situations, free food and drinks at times and kept the law from noticing me. Almost made it to the senior side of VFL via St kilda, but the family found out and had to disappear, being only 16 at the time, they still had control over me if they caught me. Ran into the coach of the seconds after my stint in the Navy and he invited me back to play, but my head was in a very bad space. Still watch some AFL games, played and coached into my late 40's. Really like watching the ladies play though, they are getting better and better each season and provide an excellent spectacle. Only watched the first quarter this years GF, figured Melb would win it.
You've hit the nail on the head, been trying to tell people that for decades, but no one listens. Don't think most know what truth really is, many can't been be truthful with themselves, let alone others or life. Politician certainly have no clue what truth is in anything they do, bet they can't even by honest with themselves or their families. These CEO's who get millions a year, are a major part of our problem, money which should be in the hands of people, is hoarded by these morons and probably ends up making homes more expensive for the average person. If i was running the country, would introduce a wealth tax of 150.9% on all earnings over $200 000 and back date it to the beginning of the century. I'd also nationalise all resources and add a trust and wealth tax of 99% of all trusts holding more than $1 million. Then we have the huge problem where the comp nay tax rate, is less than the employees tax rate and companies can claim deductions for just about everything they spend, but employees can only claim a very small number of things and they are likely to get some of them knocked back.
Brought up in a religious school, right wing and hates anyone that thinks and looks different to him. You only have to look at his history to see where his heads at, disney land.
That's one of the best descriptions of a god nutter I've heard for a long time, perfect clone material.
It was a house and since have always paid cash for building assets, it's just a matter of good planning. In my case, extra money no matter how small or big, goes straight into an interest bearing account. The assets I usually buy are rural, shut down pubs, shops, derelict houses, etc then we do them up, reopen, rent or sell them. After a few years of doing that, you can accumulate quite a large sum and when you do a few quick rollovers, you end up with a slush fund that earns a little bit of money. Then you look for an asset you can turn over fast and can double your investment in a few months, if lucky.
No more dangerous for your health than dairy products, in fact probably less dangerous, as diaries contain fat and salt in abundance. Diaries should be put in the same category as tobacco, which may shock lots or people, but those are the medical facts.
That's the USA approach, more guns keeps them safer. However as the USA is a fervent delusional society, locked into bizarre ideologies, it's completely understandable they like all ideologues can never see the reality that surrounds them, just their deranged ideology and they get violent if you point out their insanity.