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There's only one form of debt, bad. It's extremely hard to recover the interest or capital from a debt, on most occasions you go backwards. I've been self employed/running a business for over 50 years, only went into debt once to buy an asset. The results meant I was chasing my arse constantly and never really getting rid of the debt, until sold some assets to pay it off. Lost heaps of money, put the growth of the company back a couple of years and haven't gone into debt since, all my assets have been paid for on the spot, otherwise don't buy anything. That means my company has no debts, except operational ones for supplies when they won't accept payment on delivery. One of those businesses, billed us account keeping fees, rang them and cancelled all our orders, which ran into thousands a week. Told them you won't accept payment on delivery, but want to charge us for your book keeping. Before ringing had contacted another supplier who put in writing they didn't accept cash payments, but could pay online after delivery and there would be no extra charges. In fact they offered a 5% discount when we paid within 24hrs of delivery, via bank transfer and they still supply us after more than 30 years. It really shows how gullible and stupid the majority of people are, they allow politicians to go into debt, waste billions a year on themselves and through the totally incompetent and over paid bureaucracy, yet the people never hold them to account and keep voting for them. They even charge the people to go to fly to political party meetings in expensive private jets, when political parties have nothing to do with running the country, they just rip it off. We don't deserve to survive as a society or race, when just about all are so stupid and irresponsible they continue voting in idiotic morons who destroy everything they touch and waste our money like they are throwing confetti.
Problem they have with invading Taiwan is they will defend themselves and the chinks will have to wipe them out, Taiwan will retaliate on the mainland and cause huge damage, which will really upset the people. The outcome of that will be no foreign reserves or technological powerhouse as it will all be rubble. Doubt very much any country will allow china to get its hands on Taiwan assets and reserves they hold, so it will defeat the purpose and they will have a greatly diminished war machine as the yanks will defend Taiwan with missiles and they will come out of the blue before china realises it's under attack. Of course we are dealing with a deranged despot in Xing, so who knows what he will do. Despots are very dedicated psychopaths and can never see anything but themselves, so who knows what will eventuate. But it will happen, Xing like Putin only survive by boosting their egos, so they will start a war some time soon to take the pressure of their own collapsing societies.
Isn't that called pathological lying, or psychopathic deception, or maybe the other way round
They are having growing social problems like everyone else, although they do seem to have a leader who is not a fervent ideologue.
Looks like most regimes are looking for some form of conflict to take the peoples eyes what is actually happening. China will either start a war very soon, or their leader will drop dead and they will have an internal power war, which may well fracture the chinese system. Actually it's hard to see one country that's not suffering from looming political and social upheaval.
People could use whatever online name they want, which is the case now and there would be no reason to change that as anonymity is essential in my view, peoples privacy is paramount. Not possible when you run proper registration regimes, in specifically designed secure systems that are very well protected and that can only be done by building a very secure system from scratch and not using any proprietary software. This would have to be done to bring all government online and open to all registered voters, not hard to do when you use proper identifying log in security. One way to do that would be to have a fully closed system, that can only be accessed by logging out of your standard online operating system and logging into the government system. Even though you can use whatever online name you want, you would still have to register with your proper identity and be on the electoral roll. Being banned from discussion, wouldn't ban you from voting, you just don't get any say in formulating the policy. Any form of proposal to change our governance system and create a viable future instead of a death sentence for society, won't come to pass because just about everyone is locked into denial and deep seated fear of change. They prefer the devil that's killing them, rather than a chance to create and develop a viable sustainable future and be an actrive part of that regime if they want to be. I've found in life, any viable approaches and new ideas can be adapted and changed to suit the requirements, old ideas and approaches can never be changed. There's an old saying which I run my life on, you can't take anything of the old into the new, or the old you drag in, will contaminate the new and you end up with another version the old. That especially goes for government which can be seen every day, every time they make an alteration to their approach in policy, legislation or laws, it ends up being a basket case and just gets worse as they try adding more to the old to make it new and work for them. We are at the end of a human era, it has less than 10 years before it won't exist in any viable way. It;s happened many times before in human evolution, yet ideological humanity refuses to see the signs and accept the reality of the evolutionary process, which is change to create an evolving future, or be relegated to the past. It's an undeniable fact of evolutionary reality, but ideologues refuse to accept reality and are desperate to cling to the dying past. I agree, it will never happen, because ideological humans won't change their approaches and neither will their ideological masters. The end result is completely in view, clear as day, not one case or hope of of changing without the people doing it and all everyone does, is reject change, deny reality and cling even harder to the empty hope destroying the future for our kids and grandkids. Doesn't say much for human credibility, they will start and support ideological wars, but won't start or support peaceful wars of change against the destructive forces of ideology. What sort of logical sense does that make.
Misinformation has been with us for thousands of years and will always be with us, that's the nature of human psychology caused by terrible teaching methods and curriculum's. Proper education would solve that and a formula to achieve that has yet to be devised and under the current regime won't happen. Political correctness, woke and cancel cultures are making sure misinformation will only grow, until our education system is redesigned so it teaches the young about how to live, rather than to become economic slaves to the corporate elites. It's moderation online which is at fault and with online government, there would have to be strict rules in regard to what can be posted in policy discussion and what can't. With the right controls agreed by the people it wouldn't be hard to restrict the crap we see on social media. Governance is not social media and having very strict rules would soon quieten down the rabid stirrers, or trolls when they realised their posts would be removed instantly and they would be subject to bring locked out of the discussion until they toed the line. They would still have their vote, but locked out of discussion. I have faith in the leverage person to be able to differentiate between media crap and governance and become informed on policy which effects them, after all everyone votes and currently is subject to the lies, deceit and never ending misinformation and denial from the political parties and their candidates. The difference being no political parties to throw their lies at peoples faces constantly, no press misinformation because there would already be truth in advertising and new reporting. Unlike now where the press and advertisers can say just about anything they like and not have any repercussions. For any political system to work properly for everyone, you need policies which fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, every policy works to enhance and drive every other policy. That way it all fits together so the economy and society can function together and not as now, getting further and further apart. You'd have to wipe out monopolies and drive small business, small business is what really drives society and creates real competition. Large monopoly driven corporations fracture society, drive up prices, lower service delivery and employment.
Small things amuse small minds.
I'd be taking that back with retrospective legislation to 2000, charging a wealth tax of 99.9% of trusts and income. not profit but incomes and I'd nationalise all resources and infrastructure, including roads. The people have handed billions for multinationals to build toll roads, with the promise the government would hold a majority shareholding. But the NSW libs have sold of their last shareholding, as another massive multinational conglomerate takes over all toll roads In NSW. That's the sort of thing politicians should be jailed for, why don't the people hold them to account for the billions they waste each year with their unbelievable decisions, when if we in our jobs waste any money by making bad decisions, we'd be sacked and probably made to pay it back. Some one who embezzles money from a business ends up in court, but politicians who embezzle, steal and cheap the people out of money, only have to pay it back, or get to keep it. Why won't the people do something about the unbelievable hypocrisy of our political system and those in it, at the ballot back, if the majority voted informal or independent, it would throw a huge spanner in the works for the ruling elites ans independents surely couldn't do a worse job that now.
In my idea of future politics, there are no leaders other than the people. Those implementing the peoples wishes have no decisions to make, other than operational ones and any alterations to implementation would have to be put to the board, just like any successful company. The people would be the board, who hire those to manage and implement the peoples decisions. Of course we would have to have those who represent the peoples decisions on the world stage, but they would be putting forward what the people have determined ad nothing else. With true open government on line, it would be hard for anyone to deceive or cheat the system, it would be discovered instantly.
The houses on my property are all built with recycled stuff, as are the sheds. There's waste transfer station not far from us and they are happy for me to take what ever I want from it, so everything is either off the property or from the transfer station. Our area has a lot of shackies who every year change all their furniture, sheds and dump it all at the waste station when they come for their holidays. It's criminal to destroy good homes and materials, when we are rapidly depleting out resources. Which is another despicable failure of our governments, they are waste and pollution orientated and nothing else.
Got that reaction from some back then as well, but as I said to them, if you don't try something you won't know the outcome and when put to the members, they agreed. Everyone should have the right to be involved in the direct running of their country, state and council area, they couldn't do any worse than what we have today and it would lock out corporate and vested interest lobbying to get their way. This thread is a prime example of how disenfranchised the people are, it's only elitists who would not want the people to be involved in governance. If the people held direct power, Porter would be in jail and all his assets confiscated to pay back what he has taken from the people and it should be the same for all politicians and senior bureaucrats, they should be forced to pay for all the mistakes and waste of money they indulge in daily. Supporting the current system is supporting ongoing corruption, deception and outright lying to the people every time they open their mouths. Maintaining the status quo, is not different to saying you don't want the ship to sink, whilst handing the deranged, the tools to cut holes in the hull, so it does sink. How does that make any sense whatsoever, we have to start somewhere to change the political system and get rid of the Porters, Morrisons Albaneses and all party hacks. The only other option is what we have now and that's a death sentence, no amount of hope will change what is already set in stone, unless you break the stone and leave it behind. Anyway I'm just doing this for discussion, there's not a chance in a billion that change will happen. Change is alien to ideologues and they consists of around 99% of humans, so they will never step outside the delusionary safety of their delusional box.
Maybe you don't know what a diving club does, because of our size we had 2-3 different dives each weekend, at least 2 day dives and many weekend and boat dives. We had sub committees which handled safety, dive organisation, social committee for events which there were many and meetings committee who organised lectures and meeting subjects which included dive reports, movies, slide shows and invited guests to give talks on subjects effecting divers. A club with over 200 active members takes a lot of organising and everyone was given the opportunity to get involved, many did and some didn't bother, which is probably why it is still in operation, it was an inclusive club that everyone could feel a real part of. The executive co-ordinated everything, ran club meetings, collaborated and co-ordinated sub committees so the club ran reasonably smoothly and everyone knew what was going on. The club magazine alone took a lot of organisation to get out each month, then every one could organise their lives, diving and social arrangements in advance.
Think a lot of Europe is questioning it's open borders approach, most won't say so publicly, but open borders doesn't get the outcomes they were designed for.
If I remember correctly, we had 8 on our committee, another 7 involved with the magazine and 6 dive masters. Members were given the draft, had 2 months to check it out, was discussed at 2 meetings and made a couple of alterations, then at the AGM, each section was explained and voted on. Back then there were no forums or internet, we were a diving club and members wanted to be protected, have more say and control in the club. They didn't want to have an executive that was egocentric, psychopathic and looked after their vested interests and mates. So suggested the formula for introducing our new constitution, giving every member the right and ability to be involved in drawing it up and the final content. Started off with a few interested souls, but after a couple of months it was just me and as president at the time, couldn't pull out. Went to the library and read as much as I could on constitutions and took it from there, without the crap. It had in it safe guards, so no one could misinterpret meanings and most of those came from members, along with alterations to make then clearer. Not everyone was interested, but all wanted to be involved in discussing the draft and there wasn't a dissenting vote, which made everyone happy. Property, vehicle and personal injury insurance. Not into superannuation, it would be better for the economy if people were spending their money at the time of receiving it. In super finds all it does if prop up a system which is just another way of the rich getting their hands on more of peoples money and you need a hell of a lot of super to have really comfortable retirement whilst we follow the economic growth/profit growth ideology and practise. A properly run country like ours, could afford to give everyone a pension when they retire and that pension should be at least the minimum wage, Veterans should get 3 times the aged pension, ex politicians the old job seeker allowance as their retirement. After they paid back all the money they wasted, like we'd have to do in any job and they are only our employees. Pensioners having more money will help drive the economy, it's money going round that drives a functioning economy. There are many very successful managers of industry who would love to apply for the job of running a major financial publicly owned enterprise, when they would be accountable directly to the entire population. All that's need is a business plan that the people felt would achieve their goals, not one achieving the goals of the corporate world. The job gets advertised setting out goals chosen by the people and applicants provide a business plan to achieve that goal. Of course there would be other conditions attached to the appointment. The people on official private forums for each decision required would discuss then decide on which was the best applicant to get the job done. They can do that, there's zoom and many other platforms enabling people to have online private encrypted visual conferences and discuss the case. The lock down drove that approach out into the open and with viruses looking likely to be with us for a long time, the less face to face contact humans have in certain situations, it's less likely people will come down with the latest more virus and spread it further. Hopefully it will die out soon like all the rest.
The cost is well over $20000 business class one way, if you don't book business class and pay the price, you may not get on the flight. Had thought of buying a yacht and going to get her, but couldn't present a case to spend that sort of money and then not using the yacht much after that because of the uncertainty of what's next for humanity.
I'm with Moose mobile, $12.80 for unlimited phone and txt and 6 Gig of data per calendar month, not 28 days as most now are charging. Can talk to my lady in Sweden on video, ph or txt for almost as long as I like using Signal and never used more than 3 Gig. Now they are talking about rolling over used bandwidth to the next month, which would be great on the road. My lady finally has a booking home, but not until the 30th of December, bet she doesn't leave the country again.
I'd get rid of politicians and put all decisions of governance in the direct hands of the people, so voting and policy would be by the people and that would be in the constitution, so no one can take control of the country out of the peoples hands. In this day and age, there is no need for politicians and all governance should be online. The people would elect those they want to run each portfolio and could sack them instantly via majority vote if they didn't implement the peoples wishes in the manner and time frame they decide upon. Same with senior bureaucrats, sacked on the spot if the peoples wishes were not implemented as they want and in the designated time frame. One vote one value would also be included for those applying to get the jobs of running government enterprises, services and acting for the people. There may be a need for a couple of people to be elected to represent and present the people viewpoint and decisions to other countries, but other than that, no need for hangers on, advisers, lobbyists, or government boards, most consisting of ex political hacks and associates of the party in power and we'd save billions a year. That would include the RBA board, which is the only to make sure the boom and bust regime which hands more power to banks and the rich, home and legislating interest rates at set levels and making all home and small business rates, fixed at a maximum of 5% and no bank charges for people using their money via cash or cards and 10% maximum for all other credit. That way we would establish a sustainable economy, not a profit growth one and people would know what their mortgage payments would be for the life of their loan. This would give people real security in their lives and we would have a much happier and better functioning society Nationalise all essential services, establish a peoples bank and insurance company. So the people have full control over their lives and country, would wind back the privatisation of job searching and inspections in building, manufacturing and food standards, back into the hands of the people and make them extremely strict. Put the justice system on line and rewrite all laws and legislation in plain Australian, no technicalities they would mean what they say and the people would decide their content and implementation. Online juries would determine outcomes and punishments and that would go for civil matters also. Voting for representatives would be compulsorily, but voting for policy would not and with the right approach, we could limit lots of decisions to only those directly impacted by ventures put forward by business and others. We'd save billions a year which is now going to the legal profession for nothing but more and more expense and people never getting justice, just loads of debt and sorrow. Takes me so long to edit my posts, get logged out of this site and have to log in again.π
What's true christianity, considering the history of the christian religion and it's outcomes. Considering it was the catholic church which invested the yahweh cult and all other christian faction follow the same stories, what other example is there of a true christian, particularly when those following the cult never do anything to bring the debaucheries of the church to account. Guilt by association I say, what's the differences between someone following the muslim version of the cult and it's associated abuse, compared to christian all factions and their associated abuse throughout history. How can anyone claim to be separate from the organisation they are a part of and support economically and phsyically, by claiming perpetrators are not representative of their belief. When the historic facts prove every faction of the cult is no different to any other faction and all involved are complicit in the history and ongoing debauchery of the entire cult. You don't see or hear pew sitters demanding abusive preachers be thrown out, they just sit there with their mouths shut in total denial. Apologetics mean nothing when we look the the real history and realise the belief in god has been a never ending abuse of life and there is nothing good in its practise anywhere.
Considering all the religious will be in their heaven and all the people I associate with will be in supposed hell, know exactly where I want to be.
Took me decades to get my head around metric, prefer it now, but still use imperial for some things as that's what those industries still use.
Thank you, but do you know what my ideology is, I most certainly don't as I see ideology as the belief in fantasy and that is also a religion. I try very hard to not get sucked into the ideology that rules human life, but understand unless I'm part of it, then life would be unbearable and a waste of time. It's very hard to come across a non ideologue, they are few and far between and those I have met, are a bit like me, just normal people who have had an NDE and for some reason it's like waking from a dream and seeing the world as it really is for the first time, rather then as it is projected to be, against the reality. It's eye opening and frightening at the same time, because you are apart from others, yet a part of the same system. I non participate in society, live within it's rules, yet live outside its ideological dictates.
Yes I wrote a constitution for the biggest diving club in the sth hemisphere back in the early late 1970's, which is still in use today I believe. Also wrote our local gun club constitution and my company constitution. Also had to learn how to deal with the legal system and after a couple of disastrous outcomes, ditched lawyers and took control myself of all my legal matters which attained much better outcomes and cost bugger all. It's also helped others who have been at the mercy of the greedy waste of space legal practitioners and got much better outcomes. You're welcome to your views, which shows me you believe only those with a tertiary education are capable of informed debate. Looks like you are saying you can't have good communication skills unless you have an education, rather elitist of you isn't it. It's actually the other way round, university educated think they are good at communication, but their lack of worldly knowledge and experience, reveals they can only communicate at one level and only within the subjects they are programmed in. Take the outside that small bubble and they are lost. Still have my dictionary given to me by staff of a library I spent a lot of time in when trying to read and work out money matters. Still have to look up words to be able to use them in context and some words I want to use, have no idea of their proper meaning, so look them up before including them. Some times the words I choose turn out to be nothing like what I am trying to get across, which gives me a good laugh and keeps my head on my shoulders. Because have virtually only worked for myself from a very young age and became very successful in my 20's, for a few years walked in the upper echelons of business society and worked closely with government and council hierarchy. Which meant for me to communicate with those self centered drop kicks so my business could flourish, had to learn how to communicate on their level. Which meant understanding how semantics are used, how elitists try to bamboozle you with their ego driven drivel and how to become a non participant in their idiocy, whilst giving them the impression I respected their position, which was extremely corrupt and biased in application. Have no formal education after the age or 8, cheated to pass the exam to get into the Navy and bluffed my way through many situations requiring a reasonable level of education, until became familiar with the situation. Have done a few courses to get certificates in building, hospitality and business management, cheated my way through them as well until I grasped the concept and could work with it properly. You may note I edit most of my posts, because my spelling and grammar leave a lot to be desired and after posting always find lots of spelling mistakes and badly worded sentences, which require rephrasing and correcting. The net and dictionaries help me with all that. My philosophy is, if you want to beat the system you have to beat it using it against itself and that's how I approach life, use the system for my advantage against itself and it works just about every time.
You need to catch up, both the commonwealth bank and telstra now have very high corporate ownership and they along with the other major banks, are all owned by the same corporations. "Often consumers who choose to bank with smaller, more independent banks may, in fact, be banking with one of the 'Big Four'. The following examination of who owns the big four (ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, NAB and Westpac) is the logical follow-on from that initial investigation." https://finty.com/au/research/big-four-ownership/ What telcos arenβt Australian owned? Here is a list of telcos that are either foreign-owned or partly Australian-owned: ALDI Mobile β Germany Circles.life β Singapore Foxtel (Partly Australian-owned) β American and Australian Lebara β United Kingdom Lyca Mobile β United Kingdom MyRepublic β Singapore Optus β Singapore Origin (Partly Australian-owned) β ASX listed Telstra (Partly Australian-owned) β ASX listed Vodafone β United Kingdom https://www.canstarblue.com.au/internet/telcos-australian-owned/
It also states in the constitution on and number of occasions one vote one value, preferential voting is not one value but many values. The constitution is a document that guides us in running the country in a civilised manner and supposedly run by the people, it doesn't relate to ideological fairy tales except in giving freedom of religion. Religious guide lines are designed to put power in the hands of the violently depraved psychopathic few, as history and the events of today prove. A vote of the people can change the constitution, that can't be said of the guidelines of religion which are determined by deranged elitists, who use psychological and physical abuse to maintain their control. Which you find in any ideologically driven society. Our constitution should be rewritten by the people, not a bunch of drop kick lawyers and incompetent bureaucrats, so it represents today and not a couple of centuries ago. Look at our national anthem, you can't get much more depressing than that load of past it's use by date garbage, I turn of the volume every time I hear that awful crap that doesn't represent the country in any way and the people didn't get a say in it at all. Our constitution also states we must have a separation of religion and the state and governments can't make decisions regarding establishing religion, yet we have our governments deciding to push religion into schools and they invoke religion at every sitting of parliament. Why have a constitution if the powers that be refuse to adhere to it and interpret it in ways that suit them and never the people or the requirements of the constitution. The facts are, the people who should be deciding policy and direction, yet never get a say, they supposedly elect people to represent them, but they get ideological clones who represent politic parties ideology and direction, not the people. I understand the desperation to protect and cling to the failed past, which is destroying our societies world wide, but that's the way of ideological humans. They live deep within fantasy and don't know it until it's to late, again history proves this as fact and ideologues never learn. That's why the legal system and governments, which consist of the same people, mostly lawyers and university programmed, use the constitution to their advantage and call upon it when they need to. But they ignore it when it doesn't suit their agenda. The over educated are the university trained who think because they are highly programmed, they know more than the average person, are privileged and entitled to be in charge of everything. When the facts of life and society show the opposite, they cant run anything of worth without wrecking it or turning it into a basket case of semantic long winded irrelevant drivel. Yet they are in control of our society and the facts show the results of university educated being in charge, rather than people really experienced with hands on knowledgeable in life. If that were not the case, our societies would be functioning very well and harmoniously. After all they've had over 100 years to get it right and the results of that are for all to see.