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Because preferential voting is indirect, as it is not the chosen candidate of the voter and ends up being passed around until it ends up with a party hack on most occasions. That's not a direct vote which goes directly to a candidate, but an indirect vote for the one who gets all the preferences in the end. The vote was not directed at the preference receiver, but to someone else and the elected candidate gets the vote indirectly and on most occasions it gets counted a number of rimes. Nothing direct about that at all.
"PART II. – THE SENATE . 7. The Senate shall be composed of senators for each State, directly chosen by the people of the State, voting, until the Parliament otherwise provides, as one electorate." "PART III – THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 24. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members directly chosen by the people of the Commonwealth," First past the post, with modifications so the people don't get ripped off and know exactly who they are voting for and what their job in parliament would be. The people could judge whether they were qualified and experienced enough to do their particular job.
We once had a brake on high interest rates when we had state and federal banks owned by the people. But our wonderful politicians gave them away, so not only did we lose the brakes on financing, we lost an income stream, whilst handing the elites an open cheque to make money as they wished and they have.
I have JW's in my extended family, they are the pits of arrogance, ignorance and suppression of women and kids. They hate me, first time I met them, they gave me some of their printed matter, thinking they could influence me. Challenged them on what was in their material and the difference between the original texts and today's rubbish, quoting passages as they were written and not how they have been modified to suit the JW and other factions claims. Gave me a good laugh, they don't have a clue what was actually written, all they know about is what their leaders feed them and is quoted out of the JW bible. Never been invited to their place again and all contact with the family has been cut off, not that anyone cares. Asked them whether what I did was right or nor, luckily that side of my family can't stand god nutters either and had just tolerated the morons until my little discussion with them.
You won't find those in governments, to smart to be sucked in and have their abilities dumbed down to satisfy ideological and vested interests.
But your primary vote is also wasted, as it's given to someone you didn't want to vote for and just about all preferences end up with the major parties. preferential voting was introduced federally in 1918, in response to the formation of the country party, the two major parties realised they had competition and their election chance would be diminished, so they introduced a system where they would end up with the votes anyway. It's irrelevant as to how many excuses are made for preferential voting, the facts are it's unconstitutional and why have the major parties not tried to have the constitution changed so preferential voting would be legal. They know once the population realises they've been conned for over 100 years, they wouldn't vote for preferential voting and demand the removal of it and the illegally elected morons. You only had to talk to real people to understand how they would react to a referendum to make preferential voting constitutional, they get really pissed off and the way things are going with our supposedly competent governments, real rebellion may not be far away in this country. We are already seeing lots of demonstrations and rebellion against the ridiculous and unnecessary lock downs, just to keep politically vested interests happy. Porter is am extremely strong example of the depths our governance system has stooped to and you can bet the money he got, probably came from a trust majority owned and operated by lawyers.
So what, that's a typical semantic cop out, who cares about the definition of preferential voting. What counts is our constitution states categorically, representatives are to be elected by direct vote. A preferential vote is no direct, but comes indirectly via preference. There's no way you can define an indirect vote, as direct, It's just another example of the manipulation of the population, by over educated brain elitists. Who seem to think it is only their interpretation of language, laws, legislation and even our constitution, that counts. But it's the people interpretation that should count and that's why world societies are stuffed, the over educated brain dead elitist think because they have been heavily programmed into ignorant stupidity that's what counts and what the people see as a norm;la in life, doesn't. Democracy is another word for controlled elitism, it's just another deceptive ideology which supposedly means rule by the people, which never happens. It's rule by political parties and their vested interests. If it was rule by the people, then the people would decide all legislation, not ideological hacks and rule by the people can only be attained when all the people have a direct say in government decisions and who is elected. I find most people very hypocritical, they moan and grown about the state of society, yet they are fervent on their support for a system of governance that is destroying the future. They are ore interested in holding up the clearly unconstitutional norm, that supporting our supposed highest legal document. Iv'e talked to many real people about preferential voting and the constitution and all real people, agree politicians are being elected unconstitutionally. It's the [people standard every day definition that should count, not some over educated drop kick desperate to keep control and maintain their elitist ideology. The only ones who claim otherwise, are the over educated, whose claim to life experience and working knowledge of life, all comes from school rooms and offices, where they desperately try to manipulate reality to suit their elitist agenda. What we end up with is what we are seeing evolve, totally incompetent ideologues with very little if an real knowledge of life or anything outside an office door. That's why the legal profession use legalese, to disenfranchise the people with a language and wording that's designed to baffle the people and make them unable to determine what laws and legislation actually means. A supposed democratic system, would use plain language, so every one understands laws and legislation. Problem with that is, there would be no more lawyers, as they are only useful for deception and greed. You can never call and vote than may go through many hands to finally end up with some one the voter didn't vote for directly, unless you adhere to one rule for the people, another for the elites. How can you call our governments functioning when you look at the real viewable every day facts and why would the over educated with no real experience in life or the portfolios they are given, be capably of running government more than the average person with real life experience and a wealth of on hands knowledge in those portfolios. I'm total uneducated, other than through life and yet have been running a successful company business for well over 5 decades. Yet the elitist fools throw away our money to their vested interests like it didn't matter, whilst desperately trying to hide what they've done from the people, they supposedly represent. They make the most stupid decisions which do nothing for the future and to get anything done takes years of reviews committees and revisions. The results are they stuff it up every time, whilst the average person runs homes, small business, their lives and have real life experience a university can never give you.
The definition of directly, is straight to, without interference. Preferential voting is not direct, but indirect as it takes a vote from its designated direction, to another direction of the original vote. Changing definitions to suit an outcome is what lawyers do, legalese helps them in that deception and making out a direct vote can somehow become indirect and still fit the definition of being direct, against all the accepted definitions, is what you'd expect from deceptive humans. One law and definition for them and other definitions and laws for the people, which disenfranchise the people on all occasions and preferential voting does that and only benefits political parties, which could easily be seen as unconstitutional. Peoples representatives are elected to represent the wishes of the people, not a political party. Anyway you look at it, we have an unconstitutional and illegal political system. Which is probably why they wont teach the constitution in schools and it's the same in the states, although haven't read all the state constitutions, just Tas, Vic and NSW.
Our constitution states categorically, representatives must be elected by direct vote. There is nothing in the constitution that allows for parties or preferential voting. "Political parties are not mentioned in the Australian Constitution. In fact, the Constitution does not cover all aspects of how Australia is governed. Many parts of our system of government, such as the Prime Minister and Cabinet, operate by tradition, similar to Britain. Political parties are also not defined by laws passed by the Australian Parliament." https://questions.peo.gov.au/questions/are-political-parties-mentioned-or-written-in-the-australian-constitution/22 There is also no mention of tradition on reference to governance in the constitution, so our entire political system is unconstitutional. The legal system is based on elitism, prejudice and discrimination, plus most of the laws come from centuries ago and have no relevance today. Legalese, is not a part of normal life, nor is it taught in schools. It's designed to disenfranchise those who don't know what legalese is or what it represents. It's a deceptive form of manipulating justice, with technicalities and never ending profit growth for the industry and 9 out of 10 times, those involved not of the legal profession lose out monetarily and in justice. Most don't have a clue what's happening or what's being said, so there's no chance of justice in any way and with the unlimited ability to appeal on technical grounds, the legal profession keeps making money, without justice, except for the rich who can afford the exorbitant unwarranted costs. Look at the facts, most politicians are lawyers, lawyers write the laws and legislation. Lawyers act as defence one day and prosecution the next. Lawyers are the judges and the appeal judges, so the people can never understand the reams of legalese for contracts, laws, legislation or justice. What we need is plain Australian laws, which mean what they say and no room for technical rubbish, where rich crims get off because of a legalese technicality, or their bank account.
They were doing that in Japan when I was there in the 1960's, we were going to catch a train and saw how they handled it, so caught a cab.
Normally make enough bread and rolls for a few weeks and freeze it, only eat it at breakfast time toasted. Some times when having soup for my meal, will toast some bread to eat with it, think it's a throw back from my youth, bread always went with soup.
There will be quite a few differences between US, UK and Aus nuke subs. I expect they will base ours on the UK models and use USA and UK systems which will be adapted to our requirements and enhanced. If you look at the record of Aus military equipment, it is far superior to anyone else at the time. When I was on the navy, we had the most advanced anti submarine technology on the planet. I was originally a solar controller, what was classed as UC2 and when in Asia, we exercised with USA and UK ships and subs. However because was part of the dive team, spent my time as a quartermaster. Before my ride on Swordfish, we had an exercise with major units of the UK and USA, which included attacks by swordfish and a couple of pommy conventional subs. Out of the entire fleet, which was over 50 ships, Yarra which I was on, was the only one who could track, lock on and engage Swordfish because of her speed and ability to become so quiet, she was supposedly undetectable, But Yarra with the newest system, which was capable of spotting and tracking subs at more than 20 miles distance, locked onto swordfish many times and claimed strikes on her with our new hunter torpedoes. The yanks were really pissed off and one time Swordfish got so frustrated at being tracked long before she could get inside the convoy screen, she surfaced after trying to sit underneath us at speed, but our captain almost turned Yarra inside out and Swordfish shot past, to be lock onto an theoretically sink her. They were really, pissed of and tried to claim we cheated but we had all the evidence and ran up the jolly roger when entering Subic bay, much to the our captains disgust. However upon our return to Aus, we entered Sydney harbour flying the jolly roger and hanging from the bridge wings, two made in Aus signs. We wer pretty proud of our all Australian designed and built state of the art warship. Having triumphed at anti sub detection, sunk the USA major carrier and bombardment. Our gunners hit the target with all their shots, not long after that Yarra was designated to do a bombardment of a commie base in Borneo, which we dispatched quickly, knocking out their defences on the first run and blowing their stores apart with our second run. We really had fun on the exercise, sinking USS enterprise with our little ship and 4 inch guns. The yanks tried to deny we had tracked and sunk swordfish and that we cheated when attacking Enterprise, but upon return to Subic bay after the exercise, our captain took all the recorded logs to the debriefing and reluctantly, they accepted the evidence. Back then we had a very advanced defence design and manufacturing industry, we even designed our own jets and one they designed was so advanced, it was better than anyone else but the government decided to scrap plans to build it and decided on the F111. That's about the time lawyers started to get elected and from that point, our defence industry was dismantled and we started buying stuff from overseas. Now we get everything built by private enterprise and mostly overseas, in the event of war, we have no hope without a manufacturing industry. Spares, fuel, munitions and operational equipment all comes from overseas and there is no way and enemy would allow convoys to get to Aus. Not with the technology they have today, convoys can be attacked anywhere on the planet without the enemy leaving their bases and our arms suppliers, would be hard pressed to supply us and themselves, so we would miss out.
Unless the libs and labs are thrown out, our country will continue down the road to a fascist country and if the libs get back in, it will be very fast, they are so deluded and welded into the yahweh cult, all they can see is power and more and more suppression to force people down their path. Not different to the Taliban or any other deranged god nutter faction. Have always wondered why the Aus and state constitutions aren't taught in schools, if they were, people would soon realise our entire political system is unconstitutional, as is our justice system.
It's supposedly going to be 2040 before we get the first nuke sub, way to late by then. It's simply amazing how the people allow such fools to run our country, which say very little for the intellect of the vast majority U got q rid on a nuke sub back in 1964, USS Swordfish. Compared to the standard of conventional subs we had, Swordfish was immense inside and nor a bit of noise. It was amazinly advanced for back then, but the crew and especially the officers were incompetent and acted no different to US troops on the ground, stupidly. Getting Nuke subs is great, but a couple of decades late and like most of the things our governments do, it will turn out to be another disaster just like most of our overseas defence purchases and projects these drop kicks create. The new warships don't work, the patrol boats don't work, the aircraft they buy don't work and yet the people continue to vote for these totally incompetent idiots. Must be another planet I can go to, where at least the majority have working brains and not simple ideological denialist programming.
You find it in all parties, because by definition they are corrupt and never represent the people in any way. The stack their branches with fake members, when the local branch picks a candidate, the vested interests step in and put their obedient clone in so they will control power within the party. We also have to remember most of them are dedicated god nutters, so to them they can do no wrong as they are working with god on their side. They believe deceiving non believers and those of other factions of the cult, can be lied to without godly retribution if it advances their cause and in their warped minds, their personal causes are god causes and they are of the chosen ones. Porter seems to think he is immune to criticism and blame. No matter how many complain about this, when it comes to the next election, everyone will take the party road of preferential voting and nothing will change.
Haven't brought bread for at least 3 decades, before then a couple of times when trying supposed good natural bread, but they still used commercial flours which are overflowing with chemicals. Make my bread from flour grind myself, most of the year, from the small area I grow grains and get about 100kg a year out of that. Rest of the time buy organic wheat and grind it. Use either sourdough, make my own yeast or get some fresh organic yeast when in Hobart. My neighbour who plays drums in our band is an amazing chef and she make many types of bread which are so delicious, friends who drop in always ask if I have some of that lovely rustic bread. I love her rolls, which have wheat and rye flour, banana, sunflower seeds and a dash of peanut butter. Toasted with avocado, tomato and tahini, it's a meal in itself.
In Linux, you have a number of free screen capture programs, both video and picture, as well as audio capture, all free and extremely good. I capture music and videos all the time whilst doing other things, mostly from youtube. Have a huge library of music of many genres that are either cd's or in USB sticks and make videos and slide shows for friends and as a record of our gigs at times.
Will it go away, all the counties with high full vaccination rates are now suffering huge increases in hospitalisations and illness in those vaccinated, not a goof look for the future. When you look at the success of the flu vaccine, it's not looking good when you need injections every year, yet they make no difference to the outcome for society. I've never had a flu injection and never got a cold or flu, put that down to my diet, which doesn't give viral infections anywhere for them to breed, the proteins they live and grow in, aren't in my body.
I don't think climate change is the refugee crisis, people have been fleeing religious wars for thousands of years and the majority of refugees today are all from religious conflicts. Nothing has changed over the centuries, just got worse, but we will soon see climate change refugees and they will be a greater number. You can flee a religious conflict to a safer place, but with climate change, safe places will become very scarce and Aus may face a massive water crisis. Fracking, is growing rapidly and not only uses loads of water but contaminates what it doesn't take out of the ground and Queensland has not long ago approved over 7000 more fracking wells. One thing most may have no realised with climate change and sea rise is, if the seas rise over about 3-4m, many parts the center of Aus may well flood giving us an inland sea and really change the dynamics of our weather. As for refugees, if climate change drives people from their areas, they won't be able to just move to a safer place, because lots of places will be having the same problems. The nth hemisphere will suffer the most as they rely upon glaciers and mountain snow for their water supplies, we are already seeing many rivers drying and changing. When the scales tip to unsustainable for life, panic will set in and getting to Aus will become more difficult, but more will try form Asian and middle east regions. We should be closing out borders to refugees now, the more religious nut cases we let in, the more we will see our societies suffering. We can see with the virus, it's mostly the idiotic self entitled young and religious who are flouting lock downs and spreading it around. We are our own worst enemy, so whatever happens will be on us and in particular, the ideologues of the world who are completely insane.
X_plane needs between 16-24G ram, I'm running on 6.7g.
Took my first flight in flightgear, in a cessna 172, should have been a fighter pilot, took out a blackhawk and a jumbo on the ground. Thought I'd got the flaps right but they failed to move as I did it wrong and so off we went, just off the ground sweeping to the left and into a blackhawk sitting on the tarmac. Second go, didn't notice the jumbo taking off and taxied straight into it. Think I need to go through the tutorials and practise going through the take off check list and procedure, then have another go.
Many years ago (decades), when we were doing a gig in the sth tablelands of NSW. Got talking to a bloke who said he had created a perpetual motion machine when we were talking about power supplies for remote places. At the time was building a stone house for my family in the Snowies, had no power and made a generator with an old motormower engine and a small car generator. Which was reasonably successful but in the end the engine was not powerful enough to last that long. The next day we drove out to his place and he took me into a shed, his invention consisted of 3 flywheels, a small one which drove a bigger one and a huge one he got of an off steam engine. The small one was driven by a little electric motor and it's momentum drove the bigger one which drove the huge one which had attached a car alternator. He told me the motor used less than half the energy created by the alternator and watched it run for over an hour, connected to a set of ex telstra batteries which powered his house. He said if I could get hold of some flywheels, he would help me set it up as he was an engineer and did have a really big cool workshop. As we were in the beginning of a 6 week tour, forgot all about if tor a few years as family and an expanding business took over. Did go back there once when we were in the area but they had moved and the people there know nothing about it, claiming the bloke has mysteriously died and the family had moved. No idea what happened to his machine and don't know whether it really worked, but if I came across 3 flywheels that fit the scenario, would give it a go, but reckon friction would finally bring it to rest.
Thanks all for the advice, don't have a clue about aviation stuff and would like to be better informed before we throw money at something. So have downloaded flightgear and installed it, but can't find what I need to run it properly. I don't play games so have no gaming gear and don't have a clue what's needed, as in do I need a joy stick, or wheel controller, or anything else to get the best out of it. Pardon my ignorance, but don't have a clue. Had a quick look at some tutorials on youtube, but they talk about using your mouse and I want as full an experience as I can get. Look forward to many crashes before even getting off the ground, may have to increase my insurance cover, in case I crash and burn the computer.
In my fractured life been reasonably successful, live rather frugally and it comes with a 5 year charter contract. Naturally I won't be flying it and it's one of a number they are looking at, it's the contract which has excited them. I understand what I would have to go through to get a licence, particularly at my age, but if it works out, then would probably have a go. The plane would have to be creating a profit for me before I sign on, have known the others involved for decades and they understand the depth of my interest. For me it all depends on when the music industry fires up again and hospitality gets back to some normality, when that happens my enthusiasm may drop a lot, music and touring is what I love doing most, even though it pays bugger all in reality. I've made my money from pubs and building mostly and that's hit a brick wall currently, so looking for other avenues to keep my interest in life going for the uncertain future.
Wow, are you clairvoyant or what.😎😁