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Those I'm buying it with, one is a retired airline pilot, RAAF fighter pilot before that, one is a charter pilot who flies a 19 seater BC 900 or something like that. He did tell me and but that was a year ago. Their last syndicate charter plane they had has came to an end, it was a Caravan and the PC-12 has only just come up and they want it because it's fast, economical, done few hours since major overhauls were done this year and could land in more places than some of the pure jets and a bargain so I was told. I've seen copies of the maintenance and repair reports and all the other legal crap, all checked out, have to make the decision when it gets here. I wasn't thinking of jumping in it and flying off, if we go ahead with it, would like to be able to be familiar with it, navigation instruments and flying it around, so don't have to ask heaps of questions and can get through the paper work and theory involved. Apply for a learner licence and over a couple of years, get some hours up with them
Or you wouldn't get them in your bags, once place I delivered papers from used to make us put rubber bands round all the papers. This used to take a long time but it was in a posh area and got more than kids on other rounds, you had to earn that prestige round. I got one of those because was always first at the shop and was happy to deliver mistakes, whilst the other kids were in a hurry to get him have breakfast and get to school. Don't think he ever worked out. didn't have home and never went to school. Haven't bought a newspaper for well over a decade, unless it was a local one when we were on the road. Our local rag is still going, well over 100 years old they say and the original building it was done still stands and it was only about a decade ago, that they moved out of the building and into the big world of newspapers. Now O read about ten news sites around the world, by the time you get through them, you have a pretty fair idea pf what's going on. What still amazes me is the massive difference in interpretation and claims covering the exact same subject, I steer clear of news limited and the other media conglomerates, mostly read independent news outlets and semi government ones in free countries. I agree, newsagents have gone from gold mines, to cemeteries.
As there are a number of pilots here, maybe you could answer a few questions for me. Way back in the 1960's, took up flying as we wanted to find more ship wrecks to explore and for most back then, taking to the air was the best way to find them. I got to 13hrs flight time and had made two touch and go flights to Essendon airport before getting my restricted licence. However a major illness suddenly stopped me in my tracks and never got back to it. Now have the opportunity to become part of a group ownership of a Single Turbo prop - PC12 x 9 seater pressurised aircraft. But until I have a better understanding of what's involved in getting my licence, can't make a decision and want to be able to at least take the controls and understand what's going on, on the flight deck when we get to inspect it which will be a about 5 weeks when it comes to Tas. Would getting into some of the computer flight simulators be helpful and reduce the cost pf learning to fly again, by becoming familiar with controls, instruments and checking out all the airports, their configurations and landing requirement as far as terrain weather and wind etc. The simulator I'm looking at is X-plane and Flight gear, both are designed for linux and think both can be run on bloatware. Haven't flown since back then, other than getting into hang gliding for a decade when not able to afford to finish my pilots licence. To be honest I'm out of my depth, had nothing to do with planes since back then and the difference today, I expect would be huge. Thanks for any guidance.
Download a flavour of linux, I recommend mint for those starting out in linux as it's really easy to use and one of the most popular for newbies. Put it on a USB stick, shut down your computer and then start it from the USB, It will load and you can check it out without installing it. If you want to install it, you can do that from the live session you've been checking out and it will tell you what to do, select install beside windows and then let it do it's thing. When it's done you can continue with the live session, or reboot and up will come a choice of windows or linux. If you load linux first then windows will remove linux during it's installation. Most people who install linux, spend time switching between system until they become familiar with linux and set up the linux software they like using. In the end they realise they no longer go to windows and delete it, which is easy to do and there are tutorials for everything you want to use, from beginners to high end stuff like Blender, inkscape etc, if you're into multi media. You can also run linux in virtual box, to see how it goes and lots of people who don't want to dual boot run linux or windows in a virtaul box, which has no effect on your current system. I've had lots of distros in VB, trying them out and then disposing of them or using them in my systems. If you have an old computer, you can try out linux on that, just have use a 32 bit linux and not 64 bit and there are many of both.
Not going to argue with you, those in your link have all been fixed within a day or two of being found, most are many years old and caused no problems as it says, windows has constant ongoing problems every minute of the day. Of course all OS have vulnerability problems and that's natural when writing code as everyone makes mistakes or can miss a glitch, the big difference is with windows they can stay in the system for months or years before Redmond decides to do something about it. With linux, they are mostly found within a few days of release and fixed within a couple of days. That's state of the art, not bloated last century coded junk that will take hours to do the smallest of updates and even then, you've got about 50% chance of it breaking or stuffing something up. Companies are not taking up linux because it's cheap, business, science and military want secure systems, so they are taking it up because it's extremely secure, very stable, easy to use and they can customise it to their hearts content. When you have more than 600 flavours of linux to choose from, you have variety. Yes mac/iOS is built on BSD, which is a unix system, same as linux and google didn't use windows code, instead building android with linux code, which now has around 95% of phones and you can customise it as well. When you add, all computing situations, outside the Win desktop, is all linux. Not because it's cheap, but because it works and can be defined in operation any way you want. Why don't NASA, or aircraft manufactures use windows for all their systems, because linux is light years ahead in state of the art, reliability, security and ease of use. Then we have containers and sandboxes, VM's and loads of other security measures you may get in windows if you pay for them and if you want to really go for it, Kali and other similar distros, cover all the bases with intrusion testing and many other security platforms. People get spammed, scammed and constantly bombarded with advertising because windows relies upon being swiss cheese security. They sell your data to advertisers and use it against you, cant call that state of the art, but primitive and typical of their approach since the inception of windows and will never change. They make so much money out of all the failed anti virus and security junk you have to pay for, that doesn't do the job at all. By the way, I'm no techie or high end user, just a normal user, my youngest daughter is the computer genius, who now runs my company and uses linux exclusively. Asked her about Kobalos and she says there are a number of way so stop it's entry and close the back doors, she assured me they had done that months ago.
That was ten years ago, everything in linux is automatic as far as drivers go. Your really don't understand linux at all, getting past the desktop and into the system is almost impossible for a scammer, that's why military, off planet and big business use it. Properly set up, which is how most distros come and except for your iP address, which you can change or mask, no one can get at you. You get millions of scams a day with windows, zero with linux, all you could find was something that was addressed many years ago. Sure you can get free software with windows, but its second rate to commercial software and with linux, you get state of the art that's better than commercial stuff on most occasions. I've used Kali to show people how extremely vulnerable their windows system really is and how they deliberately it seems, they leave so many ports and holes in the system. Originally started playing with it to keep my company safe from attacks and the never ending porn and adverts, that was back in 1998 and there was no GUI. When Ubuntu came out with a GIU, business life suddenly started to get better, but very limited and when GNU cash arrived, we dropped windows with the expensive corel draw and haven't looked back. For a couple of years we had a windows box running for what linux didn't provide business wise, but since 2010, never had to use windows again and we deal with people and business that are fully windows without any problems. What we produce is completely compatible with windows, windows does all in its power to not allow linux to be compatible with windows. If you could scam or intrude into a linux box, it would be spread across the globe, but even if someone successfully finds a hole in linux security, its fixed within a couple of hours. With windows or apple, it's swiss cheese security, constantly opening holes and as one is closed after months, many more open because windows and apple are designed to make money and the best way to make more money, is constantly having to upgrade your zeros protection to zero- protection. You read every minute of the day on windows and apple of the never ending problems intrusions and system collapses along with hours of upgrading so you can't do a thing. Then you find you're hardware is incompatible and you have to spend more money and the cycle starts over again and goes on. All I'm doing is showing people that care about their security and privacy, there are alternatives for what they are fed, extremely easy to use and free. What they do is their business and right. Like the windows phone, windows will go out the back door in the couple of years, business is starting to wake up to the never ending scam windows is and having to pay thousands each year for the inconvenience they suffer using windows. Anyway it's pretty irrelevant, most humans are adverse to change of any kind and that's what scammers relay upon.
Anyone who knows and runs linux knows a windows user can switch from windows to linux and wouldn't even know the difference, with many distros. There are distros that emulate Windows, without the problems. I have people from round the world visiting me through my entertainment and hospitality business, 99% are windows users and most never heard of linux (no one in the last 18 months). When they go to use one of my computers, I just say it's set up differently to what you're used to, point the mouse at the icons in the bottom panel and it tells you what they are and that's the menu button, click that and it opens up all the software already loaded and you only need one click. That's it and the same when I'm introducing someone to linux, after that they have no problems and some of my guests spend weeks here and never realise they are not using windows. There's one called PC linux and a couple of others, they are almost exactly the same in looks and operation as windows, so it's pain in the arse to use compared to a real linux box. Wine is still available and many use it, I use "play on linux" there are a number of linux windows emulators. If you really want to have to a pure windows experience, you can run it in a virtual box along with as many linux distros you want. These links, will show you what I'm talking about and for those who have never seen a linux system, you may be in for a surprise. Of course there are linux distros that are very complicated and technical, but for the average user it's kids play, so simple it will tell you what you need to know if you want and how to do anything you need. Have a quick look and a bit of a read, if you really want to see what;s around in linux flavours, just type in "distro watch" and take it from there. https://linuxmint.com/ https://www.ubuntupit.com/best-windows-emulators-for-linux-enthusiasts/ https://www.fossmint.com/linux-distribution-for-windows-users/ https://www.ubuntupit.com/best-linux-emulators-for-windows-system/ https://www.techradar.com/best/best-linux-distros-for-windows-users No scams with linux, just freedom to enjoy the world of computing without intrusion into your enjoyment. The internet is an essentials service now, it should be free of intrusion, that will never happen with proprietary systems, they are there primarily to make more money, so we only get what they want us to have as far as security and privacy is concerned and we keep on paying year after year for nothing really that's yours. Thay's why windows, apple, android users are constantly scammed, have to pay for something that is completely unsafe for their privacy and intrusive, I like to choose what I want to look for, or what comes onto my computer and goes out. That's why I use the best there is and it's free.
The last thing I'd want is any priest wandering around a nursing home spreading insanity.
I've been led to believe airliners have flow through ventilation, not recirculated air flow. But not having any real knowledge about it, don't know.
The linux kernel is updated regularly, at least once a month and system updates come constantly, which you can choose what or what not to install and it all happens in the back ground. Most linux today are what are called rolling upgrades, when a new fully updated system comes along, it installs in the background you never have to do a new full install, same as all updates, you don't have to stop working during any update. You only have to reboot with kernel and full system upgrades, kernels take about a minute to reboot and full system upgrades take a few minutes.. Most people seem to think linux distros are for computer nerds, that's not the case the most popular ones are easier to use than windows, they also come with a large amount of software and you have access to tens of thousands of state of the art free software, covering everything you may need or want. I've helped many people switch to linux, from people much older than me and kids, all my grand kids run linux as they can do anything on it, from very advanced games to CCG and it's all free, plus being extremely private, stable and safe.
The future is according to how we act today, suggesting they may have to go to 4 doses, shows that's what they can see the future being. I'm just amplifying their thoughts and the reality is, Israel even though heavily vaccinated and opening their society, is now seeing a huge increase in hospitalisation of the gully vaccinated. Or are those facts irrelevant to you.
I was talking about security, from which most outbreaks occur. As for medical staff, without the need in urban areas, staff could easily be moved to rural quarantine facilities. The military do it all the time, moving field facilities around which have very good IC services, when you consider the types of injuries suffered in war zones. Never had a flu shot, haven't had the flu cold or been sick for many decades. Put that down to my diet which doesn't include diary products, which are in my opinion the breeding ground of viral infections. I'm getting the AZ jav as soon as our area gets some vaccines, because I see this virus as being different to flu viruses. But don't have faith in its long term reliability to combat what seems a constantly evolving virus now being seen to be making the vaccinated very sick. Don't recollect every saying anything of the sort, have no education other than from life, but according to the psychs I saw decades ago, I'm what they call a lateral thinking realist. Have yet to work out what that really means but do look for other ways to handle things and outside the normal approach humans take. If someone putting forward alternative ways and has a different outlook on life and our current situation, which upsets you, you may have a problem yourself. I have no answers, just suggestions, but it seems only the accepted ideologically controlled approach that isn't working is acceptable. Maybe that's why our societies are falling apart worldwide, no one can step outside their ideological fear and indoctrination, but I have no fear of change or of looking outside the box for answers, that's been my entire life, change and it continues today. That doesn't mean I have all the answers, just that I see things from a different angle to most. I put that down to my early life of surviving on the streets at a very young age and having to learn to find different ways to survive and get myself our of very dangerous situations. You learn to look at every avenue and direction, then you work out the outcomes of each approach according to the real facts and take the necessary action. Nothing know it all about that, just pure logical common sense.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9959811/Israel-planning-administer-FOURTH-Covid-vaccine-adjusted-fight-new-variants.html https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/coronavirus/1630776202-israel-should-begin-preparing-for-rollout-of-4th-vaccine-dose-pandemic-czar-says
There a few dedicated linux phones, those are very expensive and used by those wishing total privacy. Calyxos you download to your ph and install it over android, as do most linux ph distros. It allows me to have a system that is actually a desktop ph and can plug keyboards and monitors into it, plus you can interact with your linux desktop. Only certain types of ph will run it and that probably depends on the power of your ph, mine has 8g ram and 128g storage. What I like is it uses very little power, like all proper linux and I get days if use compared to the android ph I have that won't run calyxos because it is not powerful enough. You can check it out at the link and if you search for linux ph operating systems, you will come across a few but I've found calyxos to be the best so far, but that will change as more and more experiment with linux phone systems. https://calyxos.org/ If you've ever heard of raspberry Pi, you will know the power of linux and there are now a number of systems that run on Pi and other similar systems on extremely small hardware that are fully functional. Linux is light years ahead of microsoft and apple, they are last century junk and you shouldn't have to pay for, get scammed, spammed, pop ups, adverts and have your data stolen and used against you in this day. When there are much more powerful and advanced computer easy to use systems that are free, you have full control over, so you get care free extremely safe and reliable computing and phone communications.
Yes if you want to and they are all compatible with each other, plus they are compatible with windows and you can run most windows software in every linux distro with a thing called wine, or now play on linux in many distros. I'm pretty heavily into music and video production, so have different computers for different things, except for my production computers, they are all at least 10 years old and do a number of functions for me. Have two computers in my studio, one runs the house, another my servers and one in my workshop. Made a mistake in my last post, Linux does not control 95% of phones, it controls 100%, apple and android are both linux/unix, the windows phone is dead because it was a complete flop.
I'll stick with every government supporting their vested interests and being so deep in denial of reality, they refuse to even consider their approach is wrong. If that were the case, they wouldn't have shut the borders so fast and now we are seeing numbers still rising even though lost of countries are well into being vaccinated, yet they still cling desperately to what is proven to be a failed approach and that goes for all policies our governments are pursuing, not one is working for the people or future. As for staff, makes no difference it would take one week to train and organise staff, it's not rocket science and I class this as a war to survive and its being lost fast. Now its been more than 18 months and they still haven't done anything but made it worse, surely even the dumbest idiots would have woken up to the fact that it's a very bad virus and taken action. Seems any form of change is in the to hard basket for most in this day and age, which to me shows we are doomed when governments deliberately ensure the people and small business suffer to the point of sociological collapse, because they are totally stupid and to support their vested interests no matter the cost. When you look a the decisions all government makes in this country, only the most dedicated political clones wouldn't see where they are taking the country and for that matter the world. They all think this pandemic will be over soon and they have had the mind set from the outset, but this century has seen at least 3 viral covid outbreaks, each time they have got worse and spread. Now we are starting to see overseas, people getting very sick even though they are fully vaccinated. Israel is about to administer the 4th vaccination because the first 3 they've already administered, aren't working and their hospital numbers continue to rise within vaccinated people. They are not an isolated place where it's happening, it's starting to happen everywhere. How many vaccinations do you need that aren't working, before these vaccinations actually start contribute to the virus mutating and using the vaccination as a booster then killing people. How many vaccinations will it take before the human immune system collapses under the onslaught of viral vaccinations.
I watch an old western on youtube almost every morning and watch youtube music videos most nights. Don't get any unsolicited calls or spam from anyone. Never get email spam, phone spam, or anything else I don't want. Only in the desktop, linux has about 95% of all phone communications, closed to 90% of all major world servers, runs all your smart devises, Ev's digital equipment, all off planet computing, most of the major media companies on the planet and just about all CCG;s you see, are all linux. Then there's major scientific organisations, military, weapons systems, aircraft and just about anything else that uses computing. NASA uses windows on the ground, because of their contractual obligations and to support USA junk. But off planet they all use linux. There are over 100 linux distributions, many are designed for specific uses. There are state of the art DAWS, CCG, scientific, retail, any business manufacturing, Pure CAD distros and many many personal distros that suit any ones taste. If you are good enough, you can customise it to what ever you want it to be. I run a number of distros, Ubuntu studio, Mint, Ubuntu server, Kali, Puppy, all for different computers and of course my phone, CalyxOS.
A bigger question would be what would the numbers be if from the start,they put all quarantine outside cities. There are many places round the country which could be utilised, including little used military bases, abandoned mining towns, plus many unused resorts that are away from populations. On the Whitsunday islands, there are many resorts not being used and the closest airports are able to take international flights I believe. Everyone coming into Aus could spend their first 14 days here on a barrier reef island resort, it would do wonders for the tourist industry, local economies and not hurt CBD hotels, tourists would still head to cities after quarantining. There were so many options which would have saved us from this looming collapse of society and all the poor people who died an suffered, if it goes on, all that will be left is multinationals and major corporations. Just about all small business will go down the drain, you can only run a business is if you have adequate turnover, all small business have bottom lines of trade ability. Fall below that and with no long term monetary back up, it's not long before you can no longer carry the load and have to stop trading.
It takes less than 30 minutes to load a linux distro into your computer and it comes with the latest software, covering everything you need and at no cost whatsoever and there is software for anything you want to do, all free. You can download a distro, put it on a USB or DVD and try it out before installing, without hassling your current system at all. It's light years ahead of windows, which still uses last century code and that's why it constantly fails. You own your linux distro, you rent your windows and apple and they can shut it down any time they want. Examples of that is their failure to support older systems and trying to force people to their latest distribution including having to buy new hardware so you can run the latest windows. Linux is the opposite, it caters for all types of computers. I run old desktops and laptops which are well over 15 years old and they operate flawlessly. There are specific distros for just about any thing you want, I know of many companies who run exclusively on linux and never have a problem. Linus runs over 90% of all computing on the planet and 100% off planet communications and equipment. If you have an android ph google and don't turn off all the google stuff and get you add ons from the google play store, they have access to your system and constantly track you and sell your date to others. If you have an apple phone, same thing. You can turnoff most of google stuff and get your add on's through APK, which doesn't track or collect your data. I have a linux ph, so no one has access to it but me and as I do all my ph stuff through Signal, no one gets nothing.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-07-10/carbon-tax-timeline/5569118 This is the time line and actions taken by labor surrounding the ETS and the reason they lost the next election. You're welcome vote how you want, I'm not prepared to give a vote to a bunch of deranged ideological clones from both parties who have done nothing, but feather the nests of their cooperate and ideological vested interests. In NSW, they are about to jail two former labor minister who were so corrupt they got a $30 million windfall. As for voting, a democracy gives us the right to vote how we see fit, the constitution only states we have to vote. Why should I give a vote to those who are destroying the future as fast as they can and all for the mighty dollar and ideological beliefs. An informal vote is a legal vote, unlike unconstitutional preferential voting system, which gives your vote to others other then your first choice, finally ending up with the major parties. How is that getting value for your vote, it would if it was just a constitutionality correct direct vote. But preferential voting ends up in the pockets of the major parties in an indirect way. I believe in adhering to our constitution, not blatantly abandoning it and both parties are complicit in that criminality. My vote either goes to an independent, or no one and it's a direct vote, I never choose preferences as I believe in our constitution as the ultimate law. Seems you and the majority don't, because you accept and support voting unconstitutionally as legal. Nothing like being complicit in flouting our constitution and supporting unconstitutionally elected morons.
Apologies, forgot they had decided to built one and it has only got started and will only handle 500 people for the first year and that won't be until the end of this year. Yes the feds are totally against building it and one in Vic, in fact they had to by dragged into expanding the NT one and probably wrong, but don't know if that expansion has started yet. At the rate governments move, it always take 20 times longer to do something private enterprise would do in a tenth of the time.
Haven't heard a word form Albanese about it, nor any other labor hack, although they may have and I've not read about it. But it seems oppositions from both sides are pretty silent on this and just about every thing else. Both Q and Vic labor have been saying they are going to build quarantine facilities for the last year or so. So far not one has come to fruition and there has been no evidence that they have started anywhere. Many private companies including those that own private airports capable of taking international flights have offered to build them in both states, yet nothing has happened and they are both labor states. Why that is, is either plain dumb stupidity, or their vested interests in the hotel industry and off course the now privately operated airports the people build, would not want their business to go elsewhere. Having quarantine in the CBD, allows hotels to charge heaps, keep their hotels full and they couldn't give stuff what happens to the population, or they wouldn't be using second rate untrained security staff, most can't speak proper english. Many seem to have other jobs, against the supposed rules and that's how the virus is being spread from the hotels, which are not designed for quarantine and they have no chance of restricting it to individual rooms. But rules to politicians and their vested interests, mean nothing as we see with the constant breaking of them by politicians of all persuasions.
As soon as I changed to linux, porn, adverts, pop ups, spam emails all stopped. Linux systems don't steal your data then sell it to morons, or leave your system wide open to intrusion, or hacking. Plus I use safe email providers not associated with microsoft and it's the same with browsers, without microsoft, apple or android, your systems are safe and private in every way and linux/unix runs more than 90% of computing on the planet and 100% off planet.
Maybe its because they have nothing of worth to say, because their approaches are the same with each party. Neither party in state governments have approaches different to each other, they still have done nothing to establish proper quarantine facilities outside CBD's and they still hire idiots for security. From what I've read those they hire for hotel security come from the muslim community and overseas people who have poor english skills, none have the best interests of Aus at heart. They work in more than one job and spread the disease everywhere, but the pollies stick fervently to their idiocy. We don't hear any opposition demanding proper quarantine facilites outside CBD's, which would give them lots of exposure, not even the insipid greens have stood up for a rational long term approach. This virus is not going away and even if it does, there will be another more deadly one right behind it because human population continues to grow rapidly and that means more and more intrusion into nature, which is fighting back.
How do you get them to do that, when they both have the same corporate vested interests, same religious ideology and virtually the same policies. The difference between them is in the semantics they use, nothing more and when they get into power they act the same and when in opposition they act the same. They make all these promises of what they will do if elected, but when they are, they just continue down the same road no matter what. What progressive steps has either party introduced this century, it's all the same approach to the last century. They bang on about climate change, yet neither do anything when elected, in fact regarding climate change they both are going in the same direction, the opposite to what's needed to tackle climate change and are same with renewable energy and Ev's. Take the billions they've given to major corporations during this epidemic, yet they refused to ask for it back from all the companies who made huge profits, yet they hunt down ordinary people for small debts government incompetence created for people. What's progressive in that approach. Happy to hear the progressive things they've done this century, compared to the never ending disaster after disaster they create.