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I never get anything like that, some times get a call from an unknown number, which never answer and they never call back, once or twice had a supposed voice call from an unknown number but never respond, but never txts. I put that down to never doing anything through my phone, except a small bit of online searching and even if someone got into my ph, they would find nothing as there is nothing of my personal life in my phone. I use signal for communicating, because it's open source, highly encrypted and being a Linux Ph and not android or apple, it's extremely safe and secure. Same with computing, never get any scams or spam, use Linux which is extremely safe and there is nothing personal on my computer either, other than some photos which give nothing away as they are all non personal and stored on a separate drive. If you knew my name and searched for it on the net, you'd find nothing as everything I do online is done incognito, even with banking, totally private and secure.
Problem is there's only labor they will vote for and they are no different to the libs.
I agree with that, but know a number of forums that function pretty well with good moderators, this one seems to work well with little moderating, which to me is a sign that done the right way it would work. In the first instance, those setting up the forum would select moderators and then give the people the right to dismiss and moderate the moderators once it was up and running properly. But if you had strict rules and stuck with them it would work. Would expect those starting this sort of political journey, would be those who wanted it to work and agreed with the approach and initial start up policies. I have faith in the reasoning of the people, they couldn't be any worse that what we have now and when people realised their decisions would have a huge effect on everybodies lives, think you'd find they would act accordingly. Of course there would be the normal number of repressive and argumentative morons with only negative agenda's, but again they could be easily controlled with proper moderation and when joining, they would have to sign an agreement to stick to the rules, or be dismissed for the forum. You could only join if you are on the electoral roll and have to prove it, so if they stuff up, then can be taken to task and can't remain anonymous. You'd have to have a limit on policy discussion, so that voting could happen without it dragging on as it does now within the current and bizarre system that can take years to get things done. The politicians in Tas are now pushing to increase the lower house members of parliament from 25 to 35, because they say they can't get a majority with just 25 and can't handle the work load. Not that long ago they dropped the number from 35 to 25 because they claimed they couldn't get a majority for one party and it would make parliament less cumbersome. Which shows how stupid they are and only want to increase numbers thinking more politicians will get more of their party elected. They are to stupid to realise they have the majority problem because the people are getting more and more pissed off with their total incompetence and they changed elections from 3 years to 4 years for the same reason, hoping the extra year would save them from being thrown out of office. Neither of those idiotic ploys have worked and never will, just costs us more money and adds more problems.
Yet his own faction of the cult the pentecosts, has a different view to what they try to display to the public. They ordain women, but they can't preach unless there is no male pastor available. They send the women out to try to con people into joining them, calling them missionaries and in the home the man is the only master.
He made a deal with the taliban, which supposedly was to give them seats in government once the USA pulled out their troops, Biden, just named the day. It's no different to every war the USA starts, they always fail and come out looking like fools leaving huge amounts of war machinery and weapons the enemy ends up getting. I worked with them in Thailand and Philippines. Luckily they weren't in Borneo, Malay or the Indonesian islands, so we weren't as on edge as when with them.
I've always used credit unions and small banks, you get real service and they don't charge as much as the big banks. When I took over my last pub, they had their accounts through Bendigo bank, when I did the sums, compared them to a small local bank and after talking to them, save a hundreds of dollars in fees and charges over a year.
Good countries as measured by paralympics medals
Dax replied to Bruce Tuncks's topic in General Discussion
I really enjoy watching sport, but NRL, who wants to watch a bunch of drug addled violent drunken thugs. They've already proven NRL players end up with addled brains and yet they still revel in the violence of it makes no sense whatsoever. When there is a lot of money involved, politicians always break rules to suit themselves. The number of breaches assaults and outright abuse coming form the NRL ranks, shows the state of their minds. Other sport seem to be able to do the right thing, AFL teams have mainly stuck to the rules, with just a couple idiots breaching quarantine and they were dealt with pretty harshly but the competition. With the Olympics, AFL, netball and NRL, continuing, it's given many people some relief from the draconian conditions the idiots have imposed. When we could have got away with no shut downs at all if they had instantly moved to keep those coming into the country outside CBD's. Our wonderful PM seems to think he is not subject to the rules everyone has to follow and continues to break them to suit himself. Sport has always been on top in Aus, when I was young that;s all kids did was play sport, in summer it was cricket, winter footy and in between every other sport, it was part of our DNA and a major aspect of schooling and life in Aus. Now most kids just sit round their phones and get fat. -
The people, you have to start somewhere and there are some honest people on the planet, but you won't find many in authority. Understand everyone is locked into clinging to the past and extremely fearful of political change, which means we are going nowhere but down and faster every day. Things like free trade agreements only benefit the corporate world and rich elitists, never the people. If it benefited the people life would be so much better, but as long as everyone is happy to do nothing, then we have to put up with the consequences of our lack of responsibility in life and that doesn't look like being a positive thing in any way.
That's happening here as well, with some of the policy directions those of the yahweh cult are pushing, who make up the vast majority of politicians. Back in the early 90's, took a break from music and spent a year helping a friend run a catering company in the ACT, we had canteens in hospital, government buildings and provided catering services for political and senior bureaucrat meetings. To them money was no object, they ordered the most expensive of everything and most times lots of it ended up in the bins and their homes. I had access to all departments and the entire parliamentary buildings, where I learnt a lot about how our government operates. What really shocked me was they have what they called a parliamentary prayer group, where senior politician from all sides and bureaucrats met supposedly to pray and discuss scripture. But it was all about how they were going to implement their ideological concepts and corporate vested interests into policies. We also provided catering for the parliament bar and the things you heard in there after they'd had a few would make you air curl, also attended many social gathering with my boss as her token male partner, because her husband held a very high office in the defence department and was rarely in the country. Total cretins and didn't take long for me to see why she wanted me along, they were sleaze bags of the worst kind. That's when I finally realised the true situation we face for the future and it's being borne out by what we are seeing today.
There are problems with every approach to politics and power grabbers, that's why an online governance forum would be the best way to go for this century. The only way it could be done is for a few people who liked and wanted the put the idea to the populace would have to devise a set of policies which would attract the people, so there was already a base to start with and subjects that need to be addressed. Proper moderation controls would soon weed out the morons whose only aim would be to push negatives and keep the forum in track, then it's a matter of those involved discussing the subjects and devising policies for them. When there was a majority consensus, a vote could be taken and is accepted, put into place. If it was working, it would attract more and more and when the election came around, the forum would have chosen the qualified in their sphere of experience and knowledge would be ready to put their case directly to the people and push the fact that everyone would have a say in policy and implementation. I've worked in hospitality and entertainment for almost 50 years, so get to listen to what people from all walks of life have to say about governance and politics. In my opinion you hear much better logical approaches to subjects and policies from the average customer, than from any politician or senior politician that would work. I have more faith in the average person to be abe to devise policy, than all the over educated politicians and bureaucrats put together. As for that new party, knew before I got involved what would happen, it's par for the course when dealing with ideological elitists. But being the type of person I am, not having a go, is not in my vocabulary and do enjoy challenging peoples veracity and putting them on the spot in a nice way. If they can't handle it, stiff couldn't care less, nothing like making some people squirm when they think they are infallible and in control. In reality, just making conversation, your own reaction with respect, shows no one is interested in in doing anything to change our direction, seems everyone wants to cling to the sinking ship hoping it won't sink, even though they can see there is absolutely no chance of it staying afloat and in fact the gunnels are at the water line already. That's the only thing that makes me sad is, no one will make any effort to change the direction we are headed and those in charge who the people voted for, are so deep in ideological insanity, they can see nothing but themselves and their hoped for ideological outcomes. There are 3 types of people, those who take action well before disaster strikes, those who hesitate until it's to late and those who totally ignore the reality, relying upon their ideological beliefs to save them. We see this in every war, conflict and natural disaster. Take climate change and sea rise, people are still building and buying sea side properties which are already being effected by sea rise, but because they can't face reality, they live in empty hope it won't happen to them and it does.
To start with I'm only putting forward suggestions as to the way it could be done as part of the discussion, to be honest, there is no way it would happen and I don't really care. I'm very well prepared for the future whatever it is, even nuclear war and will sit back and watch the outcome just to experience it. Have no idea how things will go, but our political system is falling apart as blatant corruption takes over and the fervent ideologies holding power blunder from disaster to disaster. The handling of the virus is a prime example of totally stupidity and they still have not built proper quarantine facilities outside CBD's. so society can continue whilst those effected are separated from the general community. The hotel quarantine just gets worse and worse, yet they do nothing but more of the same. Now doesn't that send signals of the reality we face under this political system, if not then we have an unfixable problem because the people are complicit in their own demise. Ideological humanity is way past it's use by date and because the vast majority live deeply in denial and fantasy, they will do nothing other than complain. Informal voting has grown in this country, it's not huge but it is growing and that shows more and more are becoming very dissatisfied with governance. This is the 21st century, yet we have a political system from the 19th century incapable of operating in this century and there are ways to get a new direction and governance system in place. It just takes a few to start it and it would grow like a wild fire, especially in the young who are increasingly seeing nothing ahead but disaster. What is needed is a political party to be elected that will get rid of political parties and hand power to the people directly. An example of how that could be done is right here, an online forum. Forums are ways to get agenda's across to the majority, with the right social push it could spread the agenda fast, especially when people realised the forum was a platform for everyone to have their say and develop policies which represent the majority choice. The people would discuss and devise policies then vote them in, instead of having brain dead elitists running the place into the grounds. The people would elect those who had the experience and knowledge of portfolios to be able to put the people plans into action and they could be fired if they failed to do as the people wish. Now portfolios are given out to any who support the leaders and none of them have a clue or any experience or knowledge of their portfolios, which means they spend hundreds of millions on advisers yearly and only listen to big business lobbyists and their vested interests Putting all government on line and making it transparent, except for major security and defence matters, would give the people confidence to run the country themselves. Of course there would have to be proper security and that could be done by using the most advanced, stable and secure OS on the planet, linux. It would take very little to develop a government system that was extremely secure and people could only access it by being registered voters. Where I live, there was a new party started a couple of years ago, which claimed to represent the people and called for policies and members. I got in touch with them and suggested the way for them to get elected would be to start an online forum and let members develop policies on the forum, whilst providing startup policies to get non parry members interests enough to vote. They challenged me to provide those startup policies covering all portfolios which I did. Once the hierarchy of the party realised the policies would mean they would be out of a job after just a year or so, or would not be elected, there was an uproar. Particularly with regard to online policy development by members, resulting in many in the party wanting to go down that track and the leaders hell bent on keeping power. The party collapsed, members realised they were being conned by the leaders, who like all ideological clones just wanted to get into power and would do anything to get there and refused to go down the forum policy direction, as it took away their power. That showed me the only way it could be done is if there were enough dedicated people to start up an online party and spread the word through social media, especially to give the young a forum they could be involved with and feel they had a chance of a future. So like any form of change now, it's a waste of time and all I'm doing is putting forward alternatives, that could get us out of the downward spiral and set up the country to tackle the uncertain future ahead. Before anyone suggests I should go into politics if I wanted to see changes, I'm ineligible for federal politics and would be classed as a benevolent dictator in a state government as I would make changes that would most certainly upset the elitists, ideologies and big business. I'm a very big supporter of small business, which I see as the only way to have a stable sustainable economy, as it's the real driving force of competition and development. Big business relies upon a profit growth economy. Most of all, I have no interest whatsoever in being in government and if by some strange chance it did happen I'd be resigning as soon as it will as set up. Luckily will never happen, there is no one who would support online government by the people, everyone seems so locked into the past for that progressive approach.
I understand that, but if lets say 90% or even 50% of voters vote informal in an electorate, it would send a big message to the parties that people aren't happy. The law says you have to vote, but it doesn't say you have to vote for someone and why should we have to vote for people being elected unconstitutionally, when the Aus constitution states categorically, representatives must be elected by direct vote, not preferential votes which are not direct in any way. If you want to change the system, you have to start somewhere and except for violent revolution, which never works out, the only way to change things is to stop voting for the unconstitutional party system of preferential voting. Which ensures the parties always get elected to power, even though there may be the odd independent, who in the end supports the party system by accepting bribes to vote with the parties. The best approach would be to encourage independents to run and make sure they do what the people of the electorate want. Of course we can just ignore the situation and continue down the road we are being led, but does anyone really want to keep going down that road, which is clearly marked as a fatal direction.
I always vote for independents, they tend to listen to voters as they don't have a party with heaps of money to lie and con the people. If they don't listen they don't last long as we see that constantly, as independents get sucked in by the party machine and end up supporting the major parties, who at the next election do everything they can to get the independent thrown out. When there has not been a decent or even an independent, my vote goes informal and no one gets it. This allows me to not have to give a vote to morons, because I have to vote and don't have a problem with voting, just the candidates. If the majority voted informal when there were no decent or even independents, then the party hacks would get very few votes and they may have to re-run the election. Once the people realised they had the power to not elect party hacks, they may decide to have a real say. Won't hold me breath waiting and will stick to seeing the majority just vote for whatever party hack is put in front of them, because they never seem to stop believing the lies they are fed every election and for some bizarre reason think things will change. When history shows us they never do change, unless the people change their approach to elections and make a real difference by ignoring party hacks.
Problem is, turn of the power, have a internet meltdown and crypto currencies no longer exist. Crypto currency is useless unless you have power. Its like cloud storage, sounds great but turn of the power or internet and that's it, all your data disappears. That's the glaring future we face with using cards and make believe non existent currency, power failure, servers failure, cloud storage failure or breakdown and that's it.
That's true yet they have higher public and government debt that Aus according to your link, the graphs all show Norway as having high government and public debt, which is balanced by the reserves but they are still in debt. However having reserves makes a big difference and agree, keeping services and resources in the hands of the people makes a huge difference. Aus has no reserves, just debt and big holes in the ground.
My understanding is and it's probably wrong, until a dew decades ago our monetary economy was determined by the amount of gold reserves we held, when we exceeded that we were in debt. Then politicians who had no clue about anything but their ideology and egos took over with their never ending claims that those who had undergone university training were the only ones equipped to run the country and we can see where that has got us. When they showed they were incapable of running the country and ran out of money, they gave away the peoples money making assets to the corporate world, which meant they ran out of income to support the economy. In typical ideological mindset, they saw an opportunity to have money to give to their vested interests, so they sold off the gold to the rich wasted the money and then devised the world bank who had nothing. They pledged a certain amount from each government to the bank, but they had no money to support their pledges, so they just wrote it as debt to the world bank who has nothing. There's not one government on the planet who is in credit, they are all in debt to nothing. So they can print money as they wish and not worry about the long term consequences. We have to remember the world political system runs on short term outcomes, never long term. The world monetary policy runs on hot air and nothing else, so it will fall over in the end when they can no longer explain why the ideological elites have all the money and the people have virtually none. That has to happen, the only way they can sustain the monetary system is to make it up as they go. Their hope is it will all come together if they just stick to their ideological approach, which in reality is empty fantasy. Now the world banks charge people to use their own money, after getting governments to direct all monetary policy through banks, which means they now have control over everyone's money through their card systems and the people have no control over their own money. Banks are pushing to remove cash from world societies, so they can capture everyone's money and charge them for using what belongs to them. If that approach makes sense, then it needs to be explained to me why it makes sense, because it makes no sense to me and is a perfect explanation of why our societies are falling apart. No economic policy works for the people, it all works purely for the corporate world and the elites. The medical system is another example of this policy, you pay for insurance, then you have to pay again to get something done. Same with superannuation, your employer gives your money to funds who are not controlled at all and they charge you for using your money and use your money to feather their own and the corporate worlds nests and failed investments. In the end all the money you tried to save, ends up in the hand of others. When you want to live on it, they have changed the goal posts, instigated price rises until your many years of savings is almost useless for you future needs. The most simple and workable formula which woudl work, would be to allow people to spend their money, goicernment to own and operate all essential services so they build up theri reserves and then can provide the people wtih decent pensions for theri retiement. This would take out so many rips off the corporate wirld use to bleed the population by price rises and removal or diminish essential services. We now pay corporations to drive on roads we paid for, we pay them for essential services we paid for and they got for almost free from governments who then through away the money on subsiding the corporations they gave our services to. free trade agreements are another con job on the people, who wins out those, the corporate world, whilst and producers, small business and the people lose out all the time. None of it makes sense, it seems the people are to stupid to take notice of what's happening to their lives, until it's to late. But for some insane reason, the people still vote fro these deranged ideological parties who are destroying the future over and over. I
After ww2 until the insanity of privatisation and free trade, we had an excellent manufacturing industry covering just about everything, almost full employment and jobs galore. Most of those jobs were skilled trades where you did on the job apprenticeships or training, now we have TAFE, just another school room and teachers who don't have a clue and have zero experience in trades, or even actually working in the industry. This is the 21st century, not the 19th, but our politicians are still back in the 19th century and virtually none of them have any experiences in life outside an office, or school room. Their only interest is in getting to the next election and they will do anything to make sure they get elected, even to the point of giving away billions to the corporate world, whilst millions struggle without jobs or a future. Free trade only helps the corporate world and other vested interests, it does nothing for the people or future, if free trade and privatiisation were a success, our society would be on top of the world. Now we put up with junk commodities that have very little life spans then they are useless and end up in landfill. That's not progress, but regression.
That depends or the sort of diet you have, there is no sediment in my septic, it comes out with the outflow as there are no fats or chemicals to congeal and weigh it down. I emptied the tank a few year ago to check the amount of sediment and it was just a couple of centimetres on the bottom, so closed it up and left it. Wouldn't surprise me what the misfits of W Sydney do, they are extremely primitive minded and like all god nutters, a detriment to our future in a big way. The insanity of our politicians and do good nutters, is like having the enemy within our midst and helping to bring us down with more deranged people unable to comprehend reality and live sensible logical lives.
I agree to a point, we have to help countries like PNG, Indonesia, Timor, NZ and Sth pacific nations, if not we could end up with them as hosts to societies hostile towards us. As for anywhere else, I agree we should keep out of it completely. By the way NZ had troops in Afghanistan for the last 20 years, they also had troops in the middle east and were involved with the campaigns we were involved with way back then. During the mid 1960's, was part of a naval dive team operating throughout Sth Asia, including the Phillipines and Thailand. Very very few know what went on in that situation and it wasn't until 35 years after that our government admitted we were there and that only happened because the Malay government issued some involved with medals, including me. Then our government suddenly recognised our involvement and issued medals, offered pensions, gold cards and support. Bit late then as we went through a very long time with no one believing us as to what we did and government denying out involvement, the mental strain was tremendous. That experience showed me why we need to help protect our neighbours, without asking for anything in return. It just makes good sense for such an advanced country as ours, to show our neighbours that our allegiance is within our area and not elsewhere and we will help them if they need it. The biggest threat to Aus at present is from economic and sociological collapse coming from the regions to our nth and the following refugees flood, and or chinese deciding they need our resources. The logistics required for the chinese to invade us are horrendous and would be almost impossible if we had a conventional and comprehensive missile umbrella. Now we have to rely upon the USA to provide that umbrella from the other side of the planet. With fingers crossed, doubt there will be a nuclear war, there may be one of two go off, but every country realises that to use nuclear weapons, in the end will destroy their own country. If not with bombs, but fall out.
We use the methane form our septic for cooking what comes out the outflow goes into the garden and because of our diet, we've never had to clean out the septic tank in almost 25 years. What comes out of the outfall is excellent non smelling nutritional goodies for the garden. As for climate change, the viewable evidence is growing and it's irrelevant as to what's behind it, it;s happening. But one thing is sure, human activities are behind most of it.
There should be no trade deals, realistically Aus is in the box seat, we have a huge land mass, unlimited natural resources, yet we export all that then buy it back as goods. Nothing logical or rational about the insane approach. We should have tariffs to drive our manufacturing industry, along with a huge resource export and wealth tax. We should be building our own electric vehicles, keeping all out lithium supplies and only exporting manufactured, not raw materials. Then we would have a sustainable economy, not a profit growth one.
That depends on which dictionary you are reading. "A person’s idea of morals tends to be shaped by their surrounding environment (and sometimes their belief system). Moral values shape a person’s ideas about right and wrong." "An ethical code doesn’t have to be moral. It’s just a set of rules for people to follow." https://www.dictionary.com/e/moral-vs-ethical/ "The word Morals is derived from a Greek word “Mos” which means custom. On the other hand, if we talk about Ethics, it is also derived from a Greek word “Ethikos” which means character. Put simply, morals are the customs established by group of individuals whereas ethics defines the character of an individual." https://keydifferences.com/difference-between-morals-and-ethics.html The above is the closest to what I see morals and ethics as representing, not they are one and the same. That's way to ideological for me, as it seems to represent an attempt to dismiss the ethical actions we see within most of the animal kingdom. It's an ideologues way of justifying their abuse of life and shutting the door to reality. The USA runs on religious moral codes, which mean they can change them to suit themselves when they feel like it and being trapped in delusion, they refuse to see the truth of their actions round the planet. The USA hasn't won a war they've entered into since WW2, no matter the might of their war machine, they have lost every time and the same goes for all warring nations, including Aus. ANZUS is a double edged sword, on one hand it seems to offer us nuclear protection and on the other hand it pushes us into other peoples conflicts. If we had a decent government, we'd be an independent neutral country, but heavily armed for defence only and to help protect our neighbours from aggressive societies.
The entire history of religion is nothing but violence, invasion and suppression, you won't find one year in the last few thousand where there wasn't a religious conflict, invasion and suppression of the population. It's no different today, just about all conflicts revolve around religious control and I class communism as a religion or ideology, if you wasnt to go into the semantics. But they are all the same, suppression, power and control of the population to do what the ruling ideologues demand.
Think we may differ here, I see morals as relating to what is right and wrong in human behaviour, based on what an individual organisation of group thinks is right for most people and agreeing with at as a standard of behaviour. Ethical behaviour I see as behaviour determined by the viewable reality of natural life, not the human reality determined by moral concepts, which are orientated to control and fantasy beliefs. World human society doesn't work for the good of anyone, because it works on constructed morals. If it did, we wouldn't have enslaved animals, war, environmental destruction, religion, or social violence. The animal kingdom for want of a better word, as humans are animals, works on an ethical basis of what is good and reasonably peaceful for all. We see this in every aspect of non human life, where the majority only kill or take what they need to survive and never for the thrill or fun of the kill. The rest of the time, they live peaceably with each other. Humans kill, enslave and abuse other life, purely for the joy of the kill and for greed and gluttonous reasons. That's why they are always at war, they live by constructed ideological moral codes, not the ethical ones we see in the natural world.
Think most modern ships run on electric drive pods, powered by diesel engines driving huge generators and that's removed the need for bunker oil. If we wanted to go further into clean energy with ships, they'd be powering those diesels with seed oils. The biggest engine I've seen was on the Ark Royal, we got lost when we were using it to ship hop and found ourselves looking through a hatch into the engine room. It was so big, but not sure if as big as the one posted here, we didn't get the opportunity to investigate further, the pommie marines said it was a restricted area and escorted us to where we should have been.