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Everything posted by Fliteright

  1. War has always advanced technology & in this case mans desire to kill each other faster than any other method!
  2. I guess animals are a form of comfort for some, remove the comfort & sadness takes over. I've never owned an animal of any variety but often see the benefits for those that do. Having worked shift work for most of my working life I've not wanted a pet as they tie you down & even now retired I have no desire for one, legacy of not wanting an animal in my house, each to their own I guess. I do however have a few irresponsible pet owners around my property, cats & dogs wander thru my property like they own the joint not too mention the barking of said dogs....grrrrr
  3. if only mankind wasn't so hell bent on blowing each other up! We have not learned a dammed thing since we stepped out of the caves with big sticks!
  4. $200 is cheap to get around the criminal Andrews discrimination act!
  5. I'm not a sports fan at all which is somewhat odd as dear old dad & my older bro where soccer nuts! My older bro was also a keen Collingwood supporter so when anyone asked whom I barracked for (which was all the time) I used to say Collingwood as I knew it pissed people off:-)😉 One thing I do know that the footy (or any sport) is big money/business these days, gone are the days players played for the number on their backs & a box of 4&20 pies!
  6. OME can't be easy on you & your misses,mental support is just as important as the physical👍 As for the pension? Cant get it but that's okay as the one thing the old man instilled in me was 'remember tomorrow when you spend'!
  7. Funny you should say that as the lying lunatic in charge of Vict's mess said recently you wont be able to get a haircut unless fully poisoned, how do you like that for discrimination? We make the Taliban look like schoolyard bullies!
  8. I've got three adjustable monkey wrenches, one metric, one Imperial & one BSW, all handle most sizes, Oh & Ive also got a few calibrated glass hammers😉
  9. With today's 'infoworld' it's no big deal to go from one unit to another. I have a box full of spanners of all denominations & I'm glad as sometimes a BSW ring spanner will fit better than a metric or imperial worn bolt/nut👍
  10. I accept GST on goods but SERVICES is where it's a rip off! Hate to imagine how many 'cash' jobs get done out there!
  11. I read that the corrupt lunatics in charge now say that the Moderna Vax is only avail via chemist shops to guinea pigs up to 59 yet the idiots said only a few weeks ago that it will be avail for anyone over 16, any wonder we have such a corrupt inept Govt!
  12. OME I feel for you & yr frustration, just shows the lunacy of this whole BS Covid crap! I wonder how much more of this draconian nonsense the community will take? Hoping for better times but I feel they are long behind us now!:-(
  13. People abusing Med staff has been going on since Noah crashed his Ark. I've been in more ED's than most have had hot meals at numerous hossy's & anger is ever present, human nature gets altered when under duress. The Covid BS is just another reason to let lose for some, wont change that!
  14. There's too many 'rules' in life as it is😁 Ive still got my grandpops old 'blind man's' folding wooden ruler, kids would look at it now as a curiosity piece:-)
  15. I'll never fly a Cessna again after watching that😁
  16. You would think the Earth was coming to an end the way the grubby ABC where banging on about it all day! They interviewed Sizmo Geeks to check out chicks, hysteria everywhere!:-)
  17. 09:16 to be precise:-)
  18. Oh what a feeling😁Probably still runs too!:-)
  19. Why is it that 5 pair of socks go into the washing machine & only 9 come out!:-) Why is it that when she says I've got a headache its ok no fooling around but if the guy says it you must be cheating?:-)
  20. I prefer cubes but the Japs have got the sums correct when it comes to their screaming bike donks! My old 4 Ltr Ford donk is approaching 1/2 Mill k's, never been touched & on dedicated gas. uses zero oil between changes, the Ford Barra engine is a huge success for Ford. I never take it over 3K RPM so it gets an easy mostly Hwy miles only life:-) The Lyc O320 can if well treated go well beyond it's 2000hr design life, that & the O235, Lyc's 2 best under-stressed donks:-) Jab donks are ok if maintained to within in inch of their life,(heat is the biggest enemy there) Rotax are enjoying & winner judging by the zillions out there! In another life when I used to work on cars mainly pommy crap the Jag's enjoyed lots of lugging power & the 5.3L V12 was almost elect like with the power pulses overlapping each other closely.
  21. Why is it that the bloody phone always rings just when you sit down for a 'movement'?:-)
  22. OME I've got a headache now thanks to that😉 The Yanks used to have the belief that more cubes is best where the Japs has the belief more RPM is best👍
  23. It's a bit like MPG, the baby boomers could relate to that where as the Generation xyz (or whatever the current tag is) only wanna know how to start their car, numbers don't mean much to them as less & less wouldn't know how to turn a screwdriver much less use a tape measure😉 OME how do I get 90 HP at T/Off from my Jab 80 HP donk? Do tell😉
  24. If mankind wasn't so hell bent on killing each other off we'd have more money than we could poke a stick at! Maybe after the next ice age when the next species inherits the Earth they wont have the need to blow each other up!:-(
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