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Everything posted by Methusala

  1. I'll move in with my kids right after you move in with yours, Fly Tornado! Don
  2. "How would you determine who is disabled? I know of quite a few people who are on disability pensions who should not be, it is a real problem with our system. There are people who think the world owes them a living and they have only only one ambition in life and that is to be on a disability pension, and guess who they vote for? ALP." Teckair. We work in the disability employment sector. While it was once true that access to disability pension was relatively easy, presumably because it was a convenient place to have chronically unemployed (-able) people so they did not show on politically sensitive unemployment stats, this is no longer the case. There is a heap of long term pensioners in this system who are immovable due to political reality. The assertion that they vote for the ALP is , in our real experience, simply false! There have been effective programs in place for years now to place people with a disability in real jobs, supported where necessary by wage subsidies. This makes a life changing difference to many hundreds of thousands of ordinary Australians. I fear that ill informed opinions, such as that quoted above , could give a lazy govt the initiative to move against this scheme in the name of so-called EFFICIENCY.
  3. Back away from the suicide bomber of truth, boys! He's loaded and ready to drop. (T.A. "The juries still out on my prime ministership!". Yeah...right...)
  4. Heaps more where this came from about Mr Rabbit's mob. Don
  5. six years of ALP thieving, lying and rorting
  6. G'day Bandit, you can read the comment saying that this thread should not be in this forum. I am not trying to convert anyone. I strongly object to those who wish to stifle free speech. I saw it when John Howard was PM and again now. I did not start this thread and only commented to try to show the circular nature..the futility of debates about "illegal migration", whatever that might be. I really will now exit this thread and I appreciate your very sincere comments. Regards, Don
  7. The moderators will decide what appears on the forum and in general they do an outstanding job. The attitude that we should not voice independent views on politics sounds like small town prejudice to me. Freedom of speech is the most valuable commodity and we should freely exercise it. Regards, Don
  8. This is a forum that has been provided by a very generous individual, aided by others who assist in a voluntary manner so that a large group of us can discuss, in an open way, many issues that interest us. I appreciate Ian's efforts and if others are saddened by the diversity of opinions found herein then tough. I take this opportunity to wish all fellow forumites a great 2014. Regards Don
  9. As a point of FACT, I saw Tony Abbott during the election campaign say that if elected he would spend the first week of his prime ministership in the top end with indigenous people. First lie revealed by this scurrelous, low, lying individual who could not keep a civil tongue in his head through the life of the last parliament. Regards, Don
  10. Before I abandon this circular and possibly never ending thread I'd like to point out that the ALP are not much better than the Lib/Country socialist party. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and that means keeping your eyes open and your thinking organ engaged critically to everything that is said and comparing this to what is being done. It would be much better if the voters ignored the established political parties and voted for independents. Then we would see a really representative democracy - not the A - B type of choice currently available. See what happens to the Senate when people are not engaged enough to vote down the ticket. Thanx for the talk...I've gotta zip! Regards, Don
  11. You've got your timing wrong ...today is the 7th January, 2007.
  12. Turbo - The GG's speech was made AFTER the people voted, don't you get it...AFTER. I'm wondering when the voters where informed of these plans BEFORE the vote. Regards, Don
  13. "The strength of the Westminster system is that the duty of the Opposition is to try to tear down, and find fault with the proposal of the Government. That's why there is a pathway through both houses which includes Second Readings. In most cases the finished legislation incorporates ideas from both sides." We all...all of us know that the Abbott opposition was the most destructive of all protocols in the last parliament. Even to the extreme point of failing to grant a pair for a member to be with his wife to deliver a baby. Don't come to this forum with sanctimonious twaddle about our fearless and upright representatives in govt. The true job of an opposition is to formulate and present alternative policies to the sitting government. Formulate.... and then present.... none of which happened with this mob. Question - did anyone hear talk of selling off Medibank or Australia Post before the election? "We are on a unity ticket on education". Regards, Don
  14. Turbo??? "fabricated rubbish"???? Pot - kettle... Don
  15. Don't really know why one awards "creative" to a post that simply relates "god's own truth"?
  16. Anytime! Don
  17. I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread. The interesting thing is that almost every word of it is true! Yes ladies and gents, this has been wedge argument - the ones that politicians love so much. Nobody wins and everybody feels good about it. This is also the mehthod that the real power operators use to get their toady politicians elected. There was NOTHING WRONG with the Gillard govt except that they were doing things like improving public education and improving working conditions for carers. The big end of town did not agree with this and wanted lower wages and less tax (on the rich, of course). Notice how politics has gone much quieter now? So now we have a govt of tossers and liars. Not a bad trick I think. Don
  18. I am also upset at the tone of some comments on this forum. This is not a Tony Abbott vs Julia Gillard blog where people feel a need to unload backbiting comments. STOP the "she said/he said" type of pro/anti - Jabiru non event. BTW I merely posted my pointer to Sapphire's post for information. Regards, Don
  19. winser, read post by Sapphire...
  20. Scotch whiskey, along with Spitfires and other "divine" things are invented and made by men. Happy Christmas everybody, kind regards, Don
  21. It would all seem so insignificant and petty if it weren't for the millions who choose to BELIEVE rather than research and think.
  22. And bring back a Spitty for me, will ya?
  23. it's " A BEER THANKS ". In Deutsch the response to, 'danke schon' is 'bitte schon'! (danke=thanks, bitte=please) Language is always idiosyncratic.
  24. It's so hot down here in Canberra that we are going to Bundaberg for some relief!
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