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The scare campaign against the share dividend imputation giveaway was the clincher. This was nominated by over 40% in polling as a "game changer" despite it only affecting about 2% (those who ran targeted strategies in SMSF's). This was an election where the Liberals ran any and every lie and were unchallenged by any substantial media group. Carte-blanche. This is the death knell to any hope of a return to politics in the 70's or 80's in Australia. Luckily for us it will not much affect us materially but it will advance the US model of a very poor and powerless working class and an increasingly powerful and dwindling no of uber-capitalists. Farewell to the light on the hill. Sad, sad, sad... Not very cheerily Methusala
These tricks should be evidence used to disqualify the beneficiaries in the court of disputed returns. No other penalty is appropriate and fits the scale of offence.
Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.
Methusala replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
It could be that the US find themselves wedged by their own belligerent actions and the insistence of the zealot Netanyahoo (emboldened through his recent victory in the polls). A war of this nature, involving the bulk of the world's oil shipments and the proximity to mother Russia has undeniable potential to escalate to nuclear catastrophe. US foreign policy has become the province of certifiable cases in the form of John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. -
I am not a fan of migration levels at, currently, around 300,000pa. I think that many cultures like to have their parents close. Could be a better idea to have successful migrant families bring their oldies in and look after them in their homes. Takes some pressure off the overcrowded and largely for profit aged care residences familiar to Australians now. See the current horror show of a Royal Commission.
Mandello del Lario is the Italian town on Lake Como, site of the Guzzi factory. (Answer courtesy of Wikipedia.)
Sadly it seems that the evacuation of passengers was slowed by some pausing to collect their carry-on. So stupid and selfish!
The climate change debate continues.
Methusala replied to Phil Perry's topic in Science and Technology
The very frightening concept is the one that Nev has mentioned. That is the idea of "tipping points". You will never hear the climate disaster sceptics talk about this or hear it mentioned in the right wing media. This is because they either don't understand or, more likely, don't want to confuse simple minds. Tipping points are theoretical points along the spectrum where, for example, the permafrost binding the Arctic Tundra, melts and releases almost unlimited amounts of methane. This gas is around 100x as potent as CO2 for retaining heat within the earthly atmosphere. Such an event would accelerate the warming of the atmosphere so quickly that most life presently inhabiting the planet would become untenable thus settling the argument once and for all. This idea has the capacity to account for long stretches of insomnia. -
The ABC, and in particular, the rural reporters are NOT left leaning. I agree that surely, if the Bradfield scheme had any practical chance, an engineer would have seen it succeed. Engineers, in my experience, don't lean at all towards the left.
The only engineering works in Australia that turned eastern rivers to the west involved the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme. Notice the word electric. The waters of the Snowy river and some minor tributaries are PUMPED out of Jindabyne Dam using electricity to the Tumut and Murray rivers. There have been no serious projects of this type either planned or realised in the following 70 years. Why is this? Simply because no others would be practical. Everyone is entitled to their opinion; I have a friend who appears rational and intelligent - he believes that the Earth is some 6000yrs old and that there was a biblical flood. I believe that if it was practical to turn northern rivers to the west some serious attempts would have been made in the past 70 years. The conservationists could not stop a practical attempt. As for the water in question, did you not read the part that said that the water paid for was transitory flood water that could not be accumulated. It will simply slide over the properties and be collected in downstream reservoirs such as Cubbie station. You cannot sell water that is sliding over your property headed downstream. That is unless a crook like Barnaby is doling out the cheques to his mates.
While talking about the current federal election campaign I would like to raise the matter of our "watergate" scandal. https://www.smh.com.au/national/all-hell-broke-loose-the-strange-story-behind-joyce-taylor-and-watergate-20190426-p51hjm.html This link illustrates the strange and somewhat opaque circumstances surrounding the affair. It also links to a Guardian article that appeared a few days ago. This story is red hot as it involves taxpayer's money, allocated to improving water flows to the lower Darling, ending up in corporate bank accounts, with no improvement to river flows.It implicates the federal member for Hume and current water resources minister in an intrigue valued at $80m of taxpayers money that has very dubious value to the health of the Murray-Darling river system. Why has the ABC published the below article which argues that there is nothing in the deal which wouldn't pass the "pub test". The simple fact is that the purchase was made without public tender, the price paid was over twice that of previous water buybacks and, most alarmingly, was for water which will flow over the property at times of flooding. The properties in question had no water storage structures in place so that they could not store the water for later release as complement to normal flows. How does anyone rationalise the purchase of water which only occurs as a transient flow and will end up in Cubbie station's irrigation reservoir? Below is the link to the ABC's Rural dept report. The 'watergate scandal' is still as clear as mud in a drought Is it possible that the Rural dept of the ABC is stacked with persons who are too close to the agricultural industry as represented by coalition and even the National Party? There is definitely food for thought here. What hope is there for our democracy when the journalists are not being frank with we, the voters? Don
The climate change debate continues.
Methusala replied to Phil Perry's topic in Science and Technology
I am urked by a misconception being hawked in the current election campaign. That is that buying carbon credits from outside Australia is somehow avoiding the problem of carbon reduction. The fact is that there is 1 atmosphere. No "Australian atmosphere" nor a particular piece of the atmosphere that belongs to, say, Africa. Therefore if carbon pollution can be more cheaply reduced in another economy, then it makes sense to apply resources there. Same as the ACT govt sourcing solar generated power for use in ACT by developing a site in Victoria. -
Nomad Pete you should see the bikes in OME's post - 10 most beautiful bikes made in India. Especially the Royal Enfield Continental GT. Almost worth a trip to try it out!
Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.
Methusala replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
The Trump administration has come under fire for a budget proposal that would eliminate federal funds for the Special Olympics. (Guardian, this morning) This is the depths to which an exceedingly populist outfit will stoop when pandering to their moronic base. Trump has decided to risk chaos in international trade by utilising tariffs in an attempt to prevent Americans' internet purchases feeding China. You see, I do see the negative side of Trump in this and many other actions taken. -
Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.
Methusala replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
Sorry, I don't attempt to defend the indefensible (crazy, corrupt DonaldTrump). Simply saying that the Democrats are just as batshit crazy and much poorer at playing the political games. -
Where have all the sub-editors gone? Got rid of them years ago. Hoping for quality journalism is like whistling in the dark.
Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.
Methusala replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
Sorry Marty, but you are wrong. Trump is fundamentally isolationist. He wants to promote US business and believes that the best customers for US produced goods are US citizens. This makes fundamental sense. Another description is "isolationist". May be out of time but makes sense. Difficulty is that the system is populated with imperialists who still believe that there is scope for the US to effect world domination. I note that the mad dogs are warning Russia to withdraw their support (military in this case) from Venezuela. Big chance when the US crazies repeat their tired cliche, "All options remain on the table"! -
Royal Enfield???
Not when the AFP decided to throw the book at him over a small cab charge. (Note: not a $5000 helicopter ride.)
THE AFP GRIPE. I have long held fears for the integrity of the afp. For some time now. Recommend an article in the Guardian where the police association says that being under Dutton's ministry leaves them vulnerable to political direction. Could be that this is just a ploy. Seeing a Labor victory is inevitable they want to whitewash history. They persued Slipper with a vengeance, not so memorable in chasing errant Libs
We are here in Vietnam staying with a family. Their 13 year old son is constantly studying (like 12 or more hrs per day for 6 days a week). His parents have both graduated from university. Vietnam is an Asian tiger economy growing at over 7pc/year. This is similar to Singapore, China, India and Japan. His parents have a realistic view that education is the way to success. I'm afraid that I don't see this attitude too much in Australia. I'm sure that many of you have similar stories. Indians succeed in all adopted countries. They don't do it by having opportunity thrown at them.
We have 2 gp's, one from Africa and the other from the Sub-continent. They are both very thorough competent. Please be respectful of all people. Afghans, Chinese, Europeans, all have added culture and commitment to our adopted continent.
It seems that the 4,100mW of new generation is going to be exclusively renewables. Shoots holes in the Morriscum lot's warning that coal is the only "fair dinkum" power. What fools these people take us for!
Dear OME - Perhaps you haven't been paying attention> Last I heard the Palace is still refusing to release the correspondence between Buck Palace and her rep "the honorable(hahahaha) Kerr" preceding his disgraceful act in shafting a Prime Minister who commanded a majority in the House of Reps (AKA the peoples' house). I know that some still like to argue the case for an outrageously fiddled Senate to have sway over who is constitutionally entitled to form govt in Australia, but the fact is that government is formed by one who commands a majority of votes in the H of R, full stop. Therefore I call your argument, that a monarchy keeps us safe from devious politically motivated scams is just untrue. Don
I was an innocent 8yr old living in a small construction town in the Snowy Mtns. I had a strange fascination with the mechanics of moving film. A visiting catholic priest held a picture show in the community hall. Some of my school peers were RC and had come from Eaglehawk, another construction hamlet on the Eucumbene dam. They had a catholic primary school and this wretch was known to them. In a "harmless jape" they informed me that if i stayed back and helped him pack up he would perhaps "give me a treat". (It is too long ago to recall what the form of words were). Long story short he enticed me onto his lap and forced my hand onto his erect penis. I freaked out and breaking away fled towards home. I am not of a mind to "give these arseholes any benefit of doubt'. Not being a legal expert I am required to put my faith in the established legal process. Our system relies on peoples' faith in that system. I am disgusted that prominent politicians and others of high standing in the community should seek to rubbish this essential crux of the law. Some are members of the legal profession FFS!
Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.
Methusala replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
It also included Israel. There is a continued attempt underway to extradite an ex headmistress of a Melbourne girls school on sex charges. Turns out that a close friend of Netanyahu's was protecting her. Perhaps Israel's government has an interest in pressuring Australia's (mainly spineless) politicians over this. Just sayin'...don't shoot the messenger.