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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. Such innocence!
  2. My sweetheart hasn't had an accident in over thirty years, but if you were in the l/h seat of her car with prayer book in hand, you'd know exactly what I mean. Gaud knows how many she's caused though. I normally insist on driving.to save her worrying (Wot a kind considerate and life-preserving soul am I) ?
  3. I used to find that the faster I drove, the harder I would concentrate, especially in rallies reading the road ahead. Now with more restrictions, a lot of my concentration is focused on reading far too many road signs, and constantly looking out for anyone out to make my wallet lighter in the name of "safety"? If people were taught how to drive safely to the conditions they were in, and read the road ahead properly, our roads would be so much safer. At the Metropolitan Police Driver Training School at Hendon, Nth London. You were also taught to read that wet leaves on the road in autumn, bus stops approaching a bend were potentially slippery conditions in the wet because many buses drip a bit of oil, etc, etc;etc; None of these things are ever passed onto youngsters these days who simply want to get a "P" plate on their car. If properly taught, half the road signs we see, would be unnecessary because it's simply common sense. Sadly, that is not as common as it should be, and like flying, good habits are instilled by good instruction in the early stages, which then becomes habit forming..
  4. Sounds like the old Valiant AP6
  5. Of late I've been buying little tins of menthos mints which are blue on one side, maybe i've getting confused with the one's you need a prescription for?
  6. Where can I buy some of those "ear trumpets" Phil? My girlfriend keeps saying no, when i'm sure she really means yes. Her hearing is not what it used to be like (when I was a bit younger) and the ?experts say her hearing is ok for her age, and that's utter Bulls**t!
  7. My brother-in law in the UK used to do the same. He reckoned he washed it because it was dirty, not to keep it dry. Yea I know! us Poms can be a strange lot, but some they say they don't waste that much water in the shower.
  8. Obviously not hippies on Brighton Beach back in my time, or they'd have both been sharing the same sleeping:wink:? bag.
  9. Probably right there mate. We don't get the full moon until the 20th:wink: , not that there seems much different to my eyes.
  10. Not sure what aircraft that is Phil . So did it ever get of the ground with 1 Horsepower and such a heavy under-carraige? if so, Bex is wasting a lot of time
  11. So if they bought a house cheap by the airport ( which was there first) and they don't like a bit of aircraft noise) they should have done a bit more research beforehand. "Tuff Titty's". Happens in many places around the globe. I LOVE A BIT OF AIRCRAFT NOISE, but maybe that's just me. Yee Ha! Planey,----------- that's me.
  12. Think they were the mob I used initially, and wound up with another firm called Stuff-Y'all:thumb down:
  13. Happy Ford owners thought they ran out of steam at the VN, so there's a chance for improvement? Be careful with your reply, the Ford owning Boss is no doubt watching He's such a wise man with his choices!
  14. Shhhhh! The site owner might take exception to that remark, unless you've already swayed him otherwise:black eye:
  15. I thought after the restore, it would be "First On Race Day".
  16. I'm planning on hacking into my Falcon Wagons computer tomorrow as it has nearly 300,000km on the clock and restoring it back to November 2008. Should then run like new, be under warranty and run free from any annoying rattles. Computers these days are wonderful:score 010:.
  17. I you want to track down offenders like those involved with development sites in Sydney, start looking around areas with high volume Harley sales or the odd Lambo, and also the coercion involved that's getting applications approved.
  18. These occurrences sadly happen when one has tooooo many expectations of one's future.
  19. Reminds me of just over 40 yrs ago, when the firm I worked for, designed an automatic flushing system for the gents toilets at Amsterdams Schipol Airport. You walked in and broke a PE beam. After a short delay the flush was initiated. We also got the image of a fly put on the enamel of all the bowls to help improve one's aim. So many users then had that "pisse*d off" satisfaction, and it certainly did what we planned for. True story!
  20. Blind Freddy is not stupid not stupid Phil.
  21. Hi Ian, I run a 2008 BF Mk3 Falcon wagon with straight gas from the factory. It has considerably more power than the dual fuel models i've owned before. My son borrowed it recently and did a trip to Queensland. Driving at night he was beginning to get anxious about finding a servo open on The New England highway that sold lpg before he ran out. He normally drives his turbo'd Nissan drift-car, so is the type that has to beat everyone away from the lights (read that as hoon), but he got 674kms out of the 100ltr tank which is not bad. It's got close to 300,000kms on the clock now and uses very little oil. Parking brake is a bugger to get right and stay right and it needs a few rear bushes now, but overall I'm very happy with it. Rear suspension is a bit soft for towing my boat though.
  22. Great looking truck Joe, really has the look that's it's made to work hard, but being a much older Pom, have to admit it's not like the old Commer 2 stroke diesel. At least this one's still working and is no doubt a credit to it's owner. Dread to think of the number of kay's that it's pounded along the highways since it was built. Don't expect a reply if you have a couple of weeks off mate, but if I see a bloke with a camera at a truck stop, i'll stop and say G'day.
  23. Reading some of these, makes you realize what a warped bunch of mates we have.
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