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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. This shocking story is just a "flash in the pan", but very illuminating Phil.
  2. Thank you to all who provided positive answers to my post, but at least i'm happy now:thumb up:
  3. Happy again! I was playing around with settings etc; a short while ago and came across a bit which said revert back to windows 7. This can be done during the first month of downloading it apparently. So I hit the button. I now have all my programs back including Flightsim X, which was nowhere to be found despite much searching, plus lots more. For anyone not happy with windows 10, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Yeeee Ha!
  4. My upgrade was from Windows 7, not 8 (I must have had another seniors moment) My old clunker of a laptop still runs on XP Professional, has never missed a beat, and is so easy to use for a not so tech-savvy old bloke like me
  5. A couple of days ago I took up the offer to upgrade my existing Window 8 to Windows 10 for free. To be honest I wish I hadn't bothered, as I was quite happy with what I had. I realise that things would be a bit different, but it's doing my head in. I've spent 2 full days trying to come to grips with it and still can't find so many programs that I had before. Hopefully they haven't been deleted and are still lurking in there somewhere, but i'm stuffed if I can find them. There doesn't appear to be a tab for all programs which I had before, can't locate Windows live mail, etc; etc; Hope not too many people on here suffer the same anguish the change has caused me.
  6. rAbout 35yrs ago I used to have a scanner in my work van and used to be able to listen to everything from the police to oil company execs colluding on local petrol pricing. It was sometimes quite interesting and helped pass the day. One night I was about two miles from home and the scanner locked onto a phone conversation, I recognized the voice immediately, it was my wife taking about my kids school parent/teacher meeting. As soon as I got home I pulled the phones apart and found this. Apparently, the husband of the couple we'd bought the home from, had employed a private investigator to check on the frequently cheating wife. I guess this had been left behind when they moved out. It was only about the size of about 1 1/2 sugar cubes but was very effective in operation. I had a play with it, and found it to be tuned right on the very bottom of the FM band and could even pick up it's signals on the car radio. So if you are inclined to fool around a bit, beware! [ATTACH]47666._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  7. [quote="Phil Perry, post: 497744, I therefore have to agree with every negative view expressed by you worthy forumites. . . . not clever at all. ( I'll bet that George Formby never took that many risks in his film about it. . .) Phil Phil mate. It takes a good man like you to admit when enough is enough. It's even better when a woman accepts it too!
  8. That's sad news Phil. Reminds me of a race at Crystal Palace that I attended as a young bloke when 6 were killed in a pile-up at the end of the first straight. The tragedy at the 1955 Le Mans was the worst in history, when a Mercedes left the track at 125MPH going into the crowd and blowing up. Result 83 killed and 120 injured. The car burned like fury as the bodywork was made of magnesium alloy. It's on youtube if anyone's interested.
  9. Either way, all I want to hear at my funeral is " he's still moving"
  10. Don't be a tight-arse Phil, buy yourself a pigeon. When it's worn out, they're not bad eating!
  11. Didn't haggle on price when I did his automatic gate. Should have upped price so we could have a bit of fun:tongue in cheek: Got paid in Aussie Dollars and not marked-down kitchen settings, so that was a bonus.
  12. Don't rush things. If the carby leaks and it catches fire, remember I have the Metropolitan Police approved fire extinguisher, but you'd better be quick. Australia Post ain't what it used to be
  13. Regardless of whichever party you favor, anyone with even the hint of a business brain, knows clearly that you can't operate efficiently or progress with an empty purse. Same with governments. Any bloody fool can stand on a street corner and give money away to buy votes, there'll always be plenty of takers, even if they're not desperate for it. It's harder to get it back after it's all been squandered, and then the whinging starts. You can normally expect to reap what you sow, whether it is with seeds, or with money. No seeds, no crop!
  14. Would it be wise to brush up my urdo first?
  15. Hearing reports like, that make me sick!
  16. I have amongst my junk, a chrome-plated Pyrene fire extinguisher and mounting bracket in good condition which was standard equipment and came off a London Metropolitan Police Triumph Speed Twin circa late 1950's. Why do we hang onto things like this? All the Met Police bikes were maroon in colour, and seemed quite heavy in comparison to the Jap bikes made these days. I got the extinguisher around the time that my cousin and I fitted a heavy 500cc single cylinder Matchless engine to a home-made canoe with outrigger which is probably still sitting on the bottom of the River Thames somewhere, but that's another story.
  17. I think it must be Dusty Springfield:no:
  18. I have friend who rides a penny-farthing bike at events around the country and he's in Melbourne at the moment. Don't know what lane he rides in, but being so high up and wearing a top-hat, I hope he's noticed and stays safe.
  19. Nobody has even mentioned some of the gung-ho seniors who race along on mobility scooters, because that would need a large separate thread. But the way some of them drive, if the scooter dosen't get you, the Maltese Terrier riding shotgun probably will.
  20. Go the blues! Half time score. NSW 10, Queensland (banana benders) 4. 2nd half may be different though.
  21. Success in so many things comes initially in direct proportion to the effort one puts into it. After that," work smarter, not harder" seems a worthwhile motto, so you reap the benefits without having it all taken away from you. Not an easy feat these days, as many on here would know.
  22. Just blame that bloody Phil, but I agree it's run it's course too. Bye:wave:
  23. My personal sentiments entirely. Time may, or may not, prove us to be wrong.
  24. Didn't know he was a friend of yours FT? Have met him a few times off-air and he was very sociable. Despite being referred to by some as "The Parrot", I have only seen him eat a cracker when he had a glass of bubbly in the other hand, which goes to prove that it's not only "polly who wants a cracker"
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