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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. After all the made up crap presented by the LWLs how much credibility do you think you guys have?
  2. You forgot Sheldon Cooper.
  3. Send them an invite and see what happens.
  4. These political threads are a waste of time.
  5. Someone who reckons it is Abbott's fault coal-fired powered power stations exist.
  6. LWLs do not understand or care what is viable or not. The reason we have coal is the only other option is nuclear at the moment. What size battery do you think it would take to run your average city over night? It would not be practical to run a single shopping center with batteries.
  7. Yep what we have here is mindless Abbott bashing.
  8. Like you I have no way of knowing you could be 50% out for all I know.
  9. Where did you get that figure from? Maybe the same place a lot of stuff has come from on this thread?
  10. Oh now I understand you mean 'changing the definition of words' to suit yourself. The whole 'climate change' thing is silly, of course the climate will change what else would you expect? What a great way to make money, create a tax based on climate change which will happen no matter what. What is not clear is what the cause is but what is clear is how much effect this country has compared to the rest of the world.
  11. Pure BS where does it say he was prosecuted? More making up facts.
  12. More crap you guys never give up, googled both of those and nothing about climate denial, just more making up facts again. I have never listened to Alan Jones as far as I know he is not broadcast in this area.
  13. Yeah that's what is the big problem.
  14. The problems with Turnbull include, he thinks the carbon tax is a good idea and his connection Goldman Sachs.
  15. I fully expect it to get worse as we are borrowing money just to pay our interest, which is the same as paying a credit card off with another one.
  16. The ABC is the same deal I think, of course all the LWLs think the ABC is great.
  17. The copayment was an idea to try to cut costs and it was dumped after consultation meaning they listened to the people, wind farms are not cost effective. You actually know this? or this is what you think? which once again would be making up facts. You could not claim to be an unbiased observer.
  18. Don't bother, if you think those issues are a major problem with governing the country then I disagree. So what if he made Prince Phillip a knight and feels threatened by gays that is trivial unimportant crap. I don't like TA myself and have been doing protest votes for years but I think the criticisms on this thread are unfair.
  19. Now who is making up facts?
  20. Yes he is not very likable and will probably suffer the same fate as Campbell Newman for attempting to right the economic problems that occurred during ALP rule. And can I ask what was your opinion about Kevin Rudd?
  21. Really? that sounds like crap. You reckon Jones denied climate exists? The racist tag gets chucked around much too freely.
  22. Yeah and the ABC is fair and unbiased.
  23. Maybe you need to realise people can have different opinion to yourself and accept sometimes they will be right and you will be be wrong.
  24. Sounds like you should give up your day job.
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