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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Yeah bring back Kevin Dud.
  2. Look what you have done now Phil.
  3. I bet he has given me more.
  4. No I don't know who the big players are and I don't believe in shooting people and I don't really know why Indonesia does what it does, at a guess it could be something like this, they might think if they are harsh enough on the mules people will be reluctant to do it thus slowing the drug trade down. I would not be surprised if the chief of police is part of the racket and the executions were political grand standing. How can any of us know what really is going on? One thing for sure is I don't think we should legalize dope we have enough dopes as it is.
  5. Frank I am not sure how you think that, if I was thinking about smuggling drugs in Indonesia the risk of being shot who sure as hell would be a deterrent. To me the only way to check on that would be to first try without the penalty and then with and compare the results.
  6. I see the problem as they were here for thousands of years and then white man turned up few hundred years ago and getting such different cutures to mix is going to take some time. Until everyone is treated equally there will be issues, as for police being hard on Indigenous people that has not been my experience it is more like the opposite.
  7. OK David, reading the posts on this thread I see little sign of racism which is of little surprise to me I think we have come a long way from the bad old days.
  8. No-one asked me, did anybody out there get asked?
  9. If you watch the clip to the end there is some text about 13 % of people who trust Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that I thought that made it fairly clear. Until I read that I had not noticed she was dark skined. One poster on here mis-quoted me it seems it is OK to call someone a racist but to call someone an idiot is a sin.
  10. If what you said was true Frank then you are not a racist. The point I was trying to make is it does not matter what colour you are you cannot expect people to automaticly trust you, which was what that clip was suggesting.
  11. I thought he was saying he took the wrong medication.
  12. There are many things wromg with Indonesia, I have been told corruption is a major problem, it is everywhere and effects everything that happens. Can I be bothered trying to change that? No we have plenty of our own problems to deal with. Australia is headed for a bad place and some major corrections will be required.
  13. I do not support capitol punishment but I am in no postion to tell places like Indonesia what to do they may have reason for their actions.
  14. Yep and then you get the arrogant overbearing types.
  15. Capitol punishment is risky just watch the movie 'The Green Mile'. Other countries do things their way if you don't like it don't go there.
  16. To the people who want to tell Indonesia how to run their country, if you don't like the way they do things don't go there.
  17. The way I see it Frank is if you cut the supply it will help which is most likely why selling is a more serious offence than using. The reasoning will be someone supplying many people will be a much worse problem than someone using. Of course it is more complicated than that and a problem that may never be fixed. We live in a society where people are protected from themselves so the way this is approached is to try to to make certain drugs unavailable. These people were so stupid it was unbelieveable, if they were let go they might try it again, they were supposedly rehabilitated but that might only be because of the threat of being shot. I don't get what the fuss is about. Richard.
  18. These people/idiots did this shortly after Shapel Corby got caught we are better off with out that level of stupidity. How could Indonesia back down on the sentence? It would send a message that you can get away with the crime. Why should Indonesia or anybody have to fund keeping people like that in jail? Our politicians have made fools of themselves and our country over this issue. Yes I do think this would be a deterent and if it isn't then any future idiots should be dealt with in the same manner.
  19. Whatever Geoff I can see we are not going to agree.
  20. I think you are wrong and branding people as racist for telling the truth is a big part of the problem.
  21. I did not notice she was dark skinned either, if you watch the video clip right through there is a message at the end about trust and race issues. I do not believe I am a racist and I think racism has largely decreased in this country towards aboriginal people. What it really shows is you failed to understand what the video clip was about and what my point was about.
  22. While that video might have nice sentiments about it. You can't just trust everybody that would not be very smart. Trust like respect should be earnt I have seen some bad stuff and it does not support your experience. Pretending something is not what it is does not help, my comments are based on behavour not color or race. I am concerned we are heading towards a them and us situation which could be really unhealthy.
  23. The daughter of a friend of mine thought it would be trendy to go out with an aboriginal he gave her scabies and beat her up. My son saw some aboriginals beating someone up and went to his aid and got beat up himself he now has steel plate in his face and life long injuries. The police wouldn't/couldn't do any thing about it in both cases. Time for a reality check.
  24. Person with too much time on their hands to surf the web = FT
  25. The title of this thread reflects the misinformation that many of the posts contain.
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