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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Yes I agree, never said it wasn't, not so sure as to why though. I think since the beginning of time there have been cycles of hot and cold and we could easily be in warm cycle. We have had a warm summer and it is still above average and it has been because of the wind patterns we have had. There has been no indication the heat has been caused by the the greenhouse effect. I don't believe every bit of nonsense politicians make up to impose a new tax
  2. Didn't know they existed, I thought everyone understood the climate changes.
  3. Very funny coming from a ALP supporter.
  4. There was no sign of the program here last night, I was told the journalist is going to be Chris Reason and it would be on channel 7 not sure which program.
  5. This is for all those sheep out there who don't think these things can happen, starting today there will be information on one of channel seven's news programs about the possibility of the government using super dollars people have saved to fill the black hole that is our economy. Before the red army start blaming Abbott for this just remember who the achievers were who put us in this mess, band-aids like giving away billions to get us through the GFC.
  6. Nope just more loony left nonsense.
  7. Is the ALP in power?
  8. Can you imagine just how far the tax would have to be raised? The reason why the debt went up under CN was because we have trouble just paying the interest.
  9. Hardly an honest mistake Nev, more like gross ignorance, what secret deals? How do you know about them if they are secret? Is this like the story about Costello's so called deals for his friends no facts then and most likely none now
  10. Labor had no asset sales as it's policy but there was no mention what the alternative would be, I wonder if that even crossed their minds.
  11. It will be interesting to see how someone, if elected, who did not know what the GST % amount is will deal with the debt problem now asset sales are off the table.
  12. I think you might be confused again Marty, the word was byproduct, without bulls the dairy industry would not be sustainable, much like the ALP.
  13. Is BS a dairy byproduct?
  14. I think it already has, some compare us to basket case countries and say we are fine but that is a load of BS. Some recon because S&P give us a AAA rating things are just dandy, more BS, that will continue right up until it stops. Economic trends form slowly and they build momentum and they can be almost impossible to stop let alone turn around. Eventually you get to a point where austerity does more harm than good, I call that the point of no return when you have dug a hole so deep you cannot get out.
  15. Yourself. Just trying be helpful.
  16. Yeah the big end of town them bad boys.
  17. Yeah I remember that, we have been at the mercy of idiots.
  18. It seems to be system that works best for scammers, we are hearing of many people with problems that the fine tooth comb is keeping out.
  19. Maybe it is an opinion but based on real life experiences. When you are in a group and one person claims they are on the pension and advises others they should do the same and nobody has a disability the writing is on the wall. I find it unbelievable that you have gone through life and and not seen this stuff, there are many who openly admit they just don't want to work. There are so many scammers on those pensions that people with a genuine problem cannot get it. This part is wrong. " Most people hate getting on these "pensions"
  20. Naive.
  21. I agree life on the disability pension would not be great but it is still the favored option by some who are not disabled.
  22. What's this? Try and get your facts right please. Not that I disagree with what Dazza has said there and no I don't think he is talking about Gina Rhinehardt or Jamie Packer but rather the many hard working self made achievers that exist. I know of people whose only ambition in life is to be on a disability pension. Sure life is not fair, but that should go without saying and you cannot fix it by penalising achievers and rewarding non achievers.
  23. I would hope not, no need to air our dirty laundry.
  24. Marty, It would be nice if you are right but I do not share your confidence.
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