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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Yeah, yeah whatever floats your boat. A mess is a mess as far as I am concerned,
  2. Really? I would challenge anybody to fix their mess in a 100 days.
  3. More garbage as has been the case so often on this thread, the blow out has not been caused by new wasteful spending by TA but rather the LNP trying to tidy up the mess left by the ALP. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-05-06/has-the-government-doubled-the-budget-deficit/5423392
  4. Apparently that is no problem as it has been explained by the lefties that government debt is actually good, maybe someone should tell Greece and Spain and much of Europe as they have become confused and think it is bad.
  5. That might be so but the mess remains, I reckon the real winner here is CN as he no longer has to deal with it.
  6. OK Nev, this is the way I remember it, http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/lnp-mps-gathering-for-what-is-expected-to-be-a-long-meeting-over-155-recommendations-made-by-peter-costello-audit-report/story-e6freoof-1226631411185?nk=5a915e5bfa88b4501eb6bc2fd6c31838 "There are no easy answers here. The money's gone out and the money's been spent," said Mr Costello. "To get back to a triple A credit rating you've got to have a big payoff of debt." The report's executive summary outlined the need for asset sales and widespread privatisation and outsourcing of government functions. "The other alternatives are massive tax hikes or massive service cuts. That's what this government has been left with," Mr Costello said. "They've been left with a big financial hole and if they want to fill it, if you want to retire debts you can increase taxes massively, cut services very significantly or do something to retire debt." He said MPs in marginal seats concerned about the impact of asset sales on their political future should consider the alternatives. "I think massive tax rises would be very poisonous, I think cutting back services would be very poisonous," Mr Costello said. "You've got a menu here and most of the meals on the menu aren't that appetising." I do not remember the vested interest comments could you provide a link to that please?
  7. If you want to make accusations like that it might be best to back it up facts if that were true then people should know about it. As it stands it is nothing more than idle gossip.
  8. Not actually disputing anything but rather questioning your statements like 'Costello does the audit and works for the companies that buy(or lease) the assets.'
  9. Do you know that for a fact Nev? Or is it a guess and you are presenting it as a fact? I notice this is not the first of those type of conspiracy statements you have made and I am wondering if you gave yourself the right name 'facthunter'? Richard.
  10. It's not, it is that sort of mentality that has got world and Australia where we are today.
  11. Hardly a genuine comment by you seeing you have said the same yourself.
  12. Yes you would think so but the highly intelligent voters will not like that and we seen what happens then.
  13. That's enough crap for one day.
  14. How else do you fix the problem? I would rather sell the farm than have starvation and rampant suicide, not that it will any difference now anyway.
  15. I did not feel he treated me with contempt did you? Maybe the bikie criminals and the dead wood in the public service felt badly treated but I really did not have a problem with that. CN was trying to fix a mess left by the ALP now we can expect that situation to get worse. People need to realise debt is very bad, once you get past the point of no return it is almost impossible to recover, just check what is happening in Greece and much of Europe. Seven years after the GFC the world has not recovered from that and Australia is still going down hill. The general public need to wake up right now we are headed for a very bad place.
  16. The only thing you can rely on is what ever the ALP does the hard nose supporters will justify it and claim Murdock made it up, .
  17. I will be watching with interest this could be a real hoot, I wonder if Anna??? actually thought she might win? and how long it will take for her to match Captain Bligh's debt effort?
  18. How can you do a good job when you have no policies? When you are so ignorant you don't even know what the GST percentage is? CN seriously misjudged the intelligence of the average voter.
  19. Hey you are making stuff up this was well after Sir Joh passed away, how are we supposed to take things seriously?
  20. Yeah forgot to say God lives here as well some people know him as Clive Palmer.
  21. Not sure who made who but it was reported on TV that Jesus is living at Murgon here in Qld so Qld really is God's country.
  22. I reckon it's all about money, and probably the biggest con in history. We heard nothing about it during Winter but now the gullible are on it again.
  23. On the Sunday Night program about 2 1/2 years ago they had a story about Jesus, at that time it was claimed not only is he real but he has returned and is living at Murgon right here in Queensland!! His believers/followers/cult members/suckers were convinced that of all the places in the world he could have come back to he choose Murgon here in Queensland. So that settles it, it must all be real.
  24. Try the solar panel thread.
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