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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Yeah politics and religion guys, remember?
  2. I thought it still is illegal.
  3. If you were there you would think that he tried to get hit by a car, years ago I knew this character that made a habit of falling over in supermarkets and then tried to sue them.
  4. I agree about children and horses and it does apply to this cyclist as well. I don't know why he did what he did but he certainly put himself in danger and I was relieved with being able to avoid him.
  5. Something has been lost in the translation either that or you choose to read into it what you want. I avoided a bike that swerved in front of me when there was no time to brake. I am not your problem on the road.
  6. Has it ever crossed your mind that that you might not know everything?
  7. The logic of some in this thread shows it is a waste of time trying to reason with certain people and for that reason problems will continue.
  8. Yes if you know what is good for you.
  9. This thread might qualify as the most ill informed load of crap of all time.
  10. Disappointing some attitudes displayed here, looks like idiots on bikes are a fact of life.
  11. So is this thread what a load of garbage.
  12. There seems to some confusion about this, stand alone does work 24 hours because batteries are used, it is the system that feeds into the grid which does not. The problem is stand alone only suits some people and cannot replace the grid.
  13. Not sure what you mean there if you are insinuating that I am lying about our power supply then you are wrong.
  14. This is the first one How Australia Perfected Solar Power and Then Went Back to Coal Take a look in the mirror.
  15. No I don't like coal powered generation, probably not many do, but as I understand it the reality is we do not have a practical alternative and some stuff said on this thread is just plain stupid. I do not use power from the grid and we make our own how many of you experts can say that? Including the ones from the university? It works for us but at this point I cannot see it being the case for the whole country. I see this thread as a silly exercise in bashing the LNP.
  16. Must be right if they said so. More experts.
  17. Yeah that should do it, while the sun is shining anyway, just don't worry about night time, cloudy days and all the rest of the reasons why that would not compete with coal. Another expert I guess.
  18. If you were there you might think differently it would be a 20 ft wobble, this issue is more common than you think, have a look at post 6. Yeah, I get what you mean. I cycle as well as ride to work at times. There are marked bike lanes on the road to work, yet since the introduction of the new laws, I regularly see this one twat that insists on riding about a metre to the right of the marked bike lane. I think though that cycling should be encouraged and free, but laws need to make cyclists more responsible for their own safety.
  19. How is what I thought to deliberately force a car to take evasive action going to help anything? I think this is a result of the the new laws and this clown did this just because he could. Maybe some of the supporters of this need to have it done to them.
  20. Yep it seems some have a poor understanding of reality.
  21. That is exactly what happened it was either that or hit the jerk. I am not sure what makes you think that cannot happen?? But it might explain some things.
  22. I got the feeling this rider did this on purpose, today I have ordered one of those dash cams, which I think could be standard equipment the way things are going.
  23. OK Winsor what part do you think is creative? Are you calling me a liar?
  24. I am not sure how smart the new bike laws are, which are when driving a car you are required to not get too close to them. Yesterday I was driving in Bundaberg on a fairly quiet and wide back street and I was going to pass a bike rider going in the same direction and there was a car coming from the opposite direction. There was plenty of room for things to be done safely as far as road width goes. The bike was much closer to the middle of the road than it needed to be but there was still enough room for me to get past safely. As I was about to pass the bike moved over to the right and forced me onto the wrong side of the road. I was then head to head with with the car coming from the opposite direction. Lucky for me the car swerved to the left and a head on collision was avoided. Bicycles have no registration or ID so there is nothing you can do, I am about to ring the police about it but have no confidence that will do anything. To me it is sign of the times, stupidity rules.
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