There were basic problems with GMH when I worked there, among most of the employees there simply was no work ethic to speak of. There have been so many tax payer dollars given to them that could have been so much better spent. It was not just the unions that caused the downfall, but it was the workers themselves they actually don't deserve to have jobs, it has been nothing more than natural justice.
It is not economical to produce things in Australia we have priced our selves out of the market. We have too many people paid more than they are worth. It does not matter whether people agree or not it is just the way it is, there is going to have to be a major correction.
The stimulus package did nothing more that put us in debt for hundreds of billions and prolong the inevitable, Australia and the rest of the world still have not recovered from the GFC. Economists like this guy should not be taken seriously as they are responsible for the economic chaos we and the rest of the world are and have been in for some considerable time. Anybody who thinks Australia's economy is in good shape think again for us the worst is still to come.
There are some people who complain about anything and everything, RAAus, L2s, RAN, LNP and what ever pops into their heads, the best way way is to ignore them. I think if FT ever agreed with me about something it would mean I had got it wrong.
If Australia was behaving as Indonesia is not only would I not have a problem with it but I would expect it. Indonesia is treating Australia like a dumping ground, it is about time they got their act together, Australia has been very patient so far I would not expect that to last forever.
I consider the post 408 which you gave an agree to in regard to older people be much more rude. You people seem to think you you can say what ever you like and no one can comment on it as if it is out of bounds. TP was expressing an opinion about your activity which I think was correct.