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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Wrong!! the watermelons think that is a great idea.
  2. There are a couple of posters who love the creative button it's their way of saying they can't handle the truth.
  3. Read post 408.
  4. Bikies are fine, illegal immigrants are fine but old people who helped build this nation don't deserve the pension, really? Maybe you guys should rethink that one.
  5. Maybe but trolls should be no problem.
  6. There is a couple of posters on here that could be used for target practice.
  7. How would you determine who is disabled? I know of quite a few people who are on disability pensions who should not be, it is a real problem with our system. There are people who think the world owes them a living and they have only only one ambition in life and that is to be on a disability pension, and guess who they vote for? ALP.
  8. And mine...
  9. Yeah that's what it is.
  10. GG and MM I think you are wasting your time with these people, I just hope they are the vocal minority because if they are representative of the general public we are all screwed.
  11. Your comment about tourism was not connected to the red ragger comment but rather your and many others attitudes in general which I find hard to believe. But as has already been said this should not be on this forum so I am going to abstain from comment in future. Richard.
  12. Yep I'm going with that.
  13. Tourism is a useless industry which produces nothing in tight times being a non essential service it will die in the ass first. It is disappointing to see so many red-raggers on this forum.
  14. A surplus.
  15. It's a wonder someone hasn't brought up the carbon tax and human caused global warming, I can just imagine who the gullibles are that actually believed that half baked con job with Qld going through this hot spell.
  16. I am going with that.
  17. You would need to know the full story there not just what the ex-soldier said.
  18. Maybe choose better friends, bikies are criminals who ruin lives, who will do anything for money, who for years have been behaving as if they are above the law it was high time something was done. It is refreshing to see a politician with the balls to tackle the issue after all the dickless wonders who have got us where we now are.
  19. A while back someone on TV said if a person enters your property you cannot legally do anything but call the police, leave the premises and wait. With self defense you must be sure to only use equal force, the system clearly favors criminals, thanks again dooo-gooders.
  20. A certain amount of fear is healthy and keeps you safe and prevents you from doing stupid things I have no faith in the Government at all, anyone silly enough to think the Government will protect them is stupid.
  21. Any day now, they are just checking on where you live.
  22. With that sort of reasoning how can we go wrong?
  23. Too late Phil, my son was badly beaten up recently by a gang of aborigines when he went to the aid of some one else they were laying into, the bashings were random and unprovoked. My car might as well not have a horn fitted as I am not game to use it in case I get get attacked by by some road rage person. I am not sure how much longer we are going to be the lucky country, thanks to the doooo-gooders and you know who you are. Richard.
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