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  1. When I first saw the Enola Gay story, I thought it must be satire, but no.
  2. Just to be clear, Trump was not referring to conscripts, but he was referring to soldiers in a war cemetery near Paris. He also did not want to be seen publicly with injured veterans at a proposed military parade. https://www.axios.com/2023/10/02/trump-troops-fallen-soldiers-john-kelly Former President Trump didn't want to visit a cemetery near Paris for Americans who fought and died in World War I because it was filled with "suckers" and "losers," John Kelly, his longest-serving chief of staff, said in a statement to CNN on Monday. Trump saying at a 2017 Memorial Day event in Arlington National Cemetery: "I don't get it. What was in it for them?" Kelly said Trump did not want to include military amputees at a White House military event in 2018 because it would make spectator's uncomfortable, and added that Trump had said their presence "doesn't look good for me." Kelly also noted that Trump in 2016 publicly belittled the parents of Humayun Khan, an Army captain and Gold Star recipient who was killed in Iraq in 2004, after they criticized him for his anti-Muslim rhetoric.
  3. Holy sh1t $500 a month. I know what I would do. I would forgo the money put into this policy over the years and think about the $6000 a year I was forking out. I would redirect that $6k into an account and then after a year I would go on a nice holiday.
  4. His sycophantic fans will ignore anything in order not to criticise the dear leader. Trump knows this.
  5. For many people, work brings dignity. Alina Habba said “We have a fiscal responsibility to use taxpayer dollars to pay people that actually work. That doesn’t mean that we forget our veterans by any means. We are going to care for them in the right way, but perhaps they’re not fit to have a job at this moment, or not willing to come to work.” I think many veterans would find the asserion that they are "not fit to work" offensive. If people need to be sacked, why do it in such a brutal manner? I watched a series of interviews with veterans who had been sacked, and they claimed that the reason they were given was "poor performance" even though most of them had had positive assessments. This would make it difficult for them to get a new job. Why so cruel? There is an assertion in Habba's quote that those workers sacked "don't actually work" You must surely agree that the Trump administration has made some embarrassing and dangerous errors such as sacking workers involved in nuclear safety and bird flu prevention only to scramble to rehire them. There seems to be a mentality of acting in haste. Musk actually waving around a chainsaw is the perfect metaphor for what is happening. If he could just put down the chainsaw and use a scalpel and intelligence, it would not be so problematic. VA Crisis Line Employees Among Those Fired Amid Federal Workforce Purge
  6. Trump adviser insults veterans as not 'fit to have a job.' It's disgraceful.
  7. Any cemetery has the remains of someone's loved ones. Does this mean when driving through a small town you can't refer to the cemetery as "the dead centre of town"? Merely referring to a cemetery is not an attack on anyone buried in it.
  8. In what way is this "blaspheming"?
  9. GON can you find other supporting sources? My understanding is this is an allegation by Tim Burchill and Marjorie Taylor Green. I have no idea who the authors of this website are. If I post a link I will nearly always post links from other sites across the political spectrum. The article offers no hard evidence. I would have thought this would be plastered across the media, especially traditionally right wing media organisations. DOGE has made many claims that have been disproved i.e., gazillions of dollars worth of condoms to Gaza. Sure it could be true, but the evidence at the moment is flimsy. Certainly an organisation with such a large budget is going to have things that are not right, however, the wholesale cutting off of life-saving food and medical aid to the poorest in the world for billionaires to get a tax cut is repulsive.
  10. I am better looking than OneTrack😃
  11. Are you referring to me? I am on the east coast 🙂
  12. I am unsure why my input is more interesting than anyone else's. Seems like a storm in a teacup. It would not be my style. I would say, though, that people will often complain or cancel a comedian for joking about a person or group of people, and right will rant about free speech and talk about "cancel culture"
  13. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. Musk never wears a suit in the Oval Office.
  14. It is no secret that Putin would like to restore the borders of the old Soviet Union. The problem with doing a deal to end the war tinvolving Putin keeping the 20% of Ukraine that Russia occupies is that once Russia rebuilds its forces, Putin will surely have another go. Do we then make a new deal and let Russia keep another 20%. How about after Russia occupies all of Ukraine and rolls into Poland? Do we make another deal? Whilst appeasement might stop the war now, you have to consider what this means for the future. We do not say to a thief "You can keep what you have already stolen as long as you don't steal anything else"
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