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Everything posted by octave

  1. I only see what my friends post and I do cull my friend list regularly if I don't enjoy what they post. I don't stay friends with nitwits Life is better when you take control. FB is not compulsory and I control what I see.
  2. There is a list on page 11 of the federal legislation. This seems to accord with state legislation. Again I am not a lawyer or particularly knowledgeable in this area but it seems to me that model makers and military museums can relax. https://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/download/legislation/bills/r7048_first-reps/toc_pdf/23077b01.pdf;fileType=application%2Fpdf (9) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(d), this subsection applies if a 22 reasonable person would consider that: 23 (a) the conduct mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) is engaged in for a 24 purpose that is: 25 (i) a religious, academic, educational, artistic, literary or 26 scientific purpose; and 27 (ii) not contrary to the public interest; or 28 (b) the conduct mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) is engaged in for 29 the purposes of making a news report, or a current affairs 30 report, that: 31 (i) is in the public interest; and 32 (ii) is made by a person working in a professional capacity 33 as a journalist.
  3. I am a bit confused by this How would this be a crime? I am not not a lawyer but my lay reading of the legislation seems to make it clear that this would not be a crime. Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill 2023 There are exemptions for a display that is made reasonably and in good faith for a genuine academic, artistic, religious or scientific purpose; or for a genuine cultural or educational purpose; or in making or publishing a fair and accurate report of any event or matter of public interest; or in opposition to fascism, Nazism, neo-Nazism or other related ideologies. Tattoos and the like are also exempt.
  4. https://www.vic.gov.au/fact-sheet-nazi-symbol-prohibition 4. Are there any exceptions? There are several exceptions to the offence, recognising that Nazi symbols and gestures may be displayed or performed for genuine purposes. A person is not committing an offence if they display or perform a Nazi symbol or gesture reasonably and in good faith: for a genuine academic, artistic, educational, or scientific purpose, or in making or publishing a fair and accurate report of any event or matter of public interest. For example, where a person performs the Nazi salute within a theatre performance, or where a teacher shows a film in which the SS symbol can be seen as part of a history class. People also are not committing an offence if they display: a Nazi symbol for genuine cultural or religious purposes. This ensures certain religions can continue to use the sacred swastika. either a Nazi symbol or gesture in opposition to Nazism or related ideologies. For example, a person who displays a flag of Nazi Germany with a marking through it, or a person who displays the pink triangle used by LGBTIQ+ communities. Tattoos of Nazi symbols or gestures are not covered by the ban. There are also exceptions for law enforcement or administration of justice purposes.
  5. Grundies, named after Reg Grundy and rhyming slang for undies
  6. I am betting we won't. In Victoria, the EV share of the new car market in 2023 was 7.5% The move away from coal is not particularly fast. The Australian Energy Market Operator stated in its draft 2022 Integrated System Plan for the NEM that it expects the entire fleet to have exited the market completely by 2043. https://www.leadingedgeenergy.com.au/blog/timeline-for-coal-exit/ I would agree that at this stage an EV in Victoria charged overnight is being charged by dirty brown coal. By contrast in Tasmania, an EV charged at any time is being charged by hydro. When (if) I replace my car it will be EV and I won't charge it at night but during the day largely with my excess rooftop solar. This would work for me because I don't have to drive to work during the daylight hours. I do envisage that ways of charging will evolve to suit the situation. Near me there is an engineering company that has solar panels and 4 EV chargers, I assume for people who work there. I would also assume that it is probably part of an employment deal. The same 4 cars are always parked there during business hours. In other countries, employees expect to be able to charge their cars at work. The notion that we will close down all the coal-powered generators and it will go dark every night is a bit over the top. It is true that at present a weakness of renewables is their intermittent nature. This is not an insoluble problem. Some of the contributors to solving this problem.: Smart grid with domestic battery storage. Large batteries, which are being built at an impressive rate. Solar thermal generation. Pumped hydro where possible and other storage means such as gravity batteries and more. Big Battery Storage Map of Australia Commercial concentrated solar one step closer Whilst this technology is in its infancy in this country, there are many operating power plants around the world List of solar thermal power stations
  7. There are a some trails in Perth https://www.railtrails.org.au/trails/?trail_state[]=84 Yeah, I am jealous too!
  8. Mrs Ocatve and I had a short trip away this week. We drove to Yea on Tuesday and rode part of the Great Victorian Rail Trail over 2 days. The rail trails (which exist in every state) are brilliant. Safe trails that run along defunct rail routes. They often run through beautiful forests and you will often pass historic remains of rail infrastructure from a bygone age. Often on these rides, I will pop on my special riding headphones (they don't exclude outside noise) and listen to classical music. I often get an overwhelming feeling of privilege in having these trials available and being able to not have to work.
  9. Here is an interesting thing. My son lives in a huge house which is actually 2 houses in one with his business partner his and his business partner's wife (also a business partner). It is a house full of nerdy young optimistic (not whingy) people This is a house where if you sit on the couch you might find yourself sitting on some intricate 3d printed model of a variable-pitch turboprop engine or some part of a robotic project. We absolutely love visiting my son and his friends/business partners and regard them as family. Anyway, I thought people might like to see this. My son's friend and business partner and an employee built this scaled-down replica of a "Reviniew clipper" It was fully built by these folks from plans. Everything was done by them except the sails. This vessel has a stealth electric motor as a backup. They even smelted the lead for the keel themselves. We will be going out on Wellington harbour on our next visit (weather permitting) Anyway this thing is awesome, (I have seen it in real life but it was not ready to go to sea at the time).
  10. You would prefer more kids around with spina bifida and no added folate in food. That seems nuts to me.
  11. Of all the things you ingest I find it hard to understand why you are alarmed by folate. Where do you stand on iodized salt? If we were to stop adding folate and that 35% drop in Neural Tube defect - spina bifida were to be reversed that surely would be a bad thing wouldn't it? If you are genuinely worried you can buy bread that has not had folate added. Organic bread is not required to contain folic acid. Bread made from other cereal flours or meals such as rice, corn or rye (provided they do not contain any wheat flour) do not have to contain folic acid, though manufacturers may add it if they wish.
  12. They do folate to flour. If you object to folate in bread then do you object to it in leafy vegetables and nuts? Lack of folic acid in the blood leads to anemia. Lck of folate in pregnancy can lead to Neural tube defects spina bifida and anencephaly. "The birth prevalence of NTDs (proportion of babies in the population born with an NTD) has decreased by 35% in the United States, since folic acid fortification was required in 1998."
  13. Also, the idea is that during some peak usage events, some people will voluntarily opt to reduce their power usage to prevent indiscriminate outages that would affect a wide range of people who would suddenly have no power.
  14. I would presume that anyone in this situation would not sign up for this scheme. It does not involve switching off unsuspecting people's aircon. It pays people up to $400. When the grid is struggling they may have their aircon reduced to up to 50% The goal of this is to prevent more widespread power cuts during peak times. "Energex and Ergon access air conditioners through PeakSmart meters, which are controlled via power lines, usually in return for access to a cash rebate of up to $400." "The goal of the meters is to reduce pressure on the network at peak times, often on hot days." "The signal tells the air conditioner to drop into an energy efficient mode, similar to an economy setting," an Energy Queensland spokesman said." "On Monday and Saturday last week, Energex used its remote access to limit 169,490 air conditioners to run at 50 per cent power between 4:20pm and 6:50pm across the south-east." "According to the Energex website, a survey of users found 70,000 people using the device did not notice any difference when the the measure was activated." These are not random customers, these are people who sign up and take the money. I see no problem here, it is not being forced on anyone.
  15. Mostly the process of name changing is a multigenerational process. There are people who for example use Uluru an others who use Uluru/Ayers Rock and others who only use Ayers Rock. I am quite attracted to dual names the reflect the old and the newer history.
  16. This is no more difficult than when I Holiday in New Zealand.
  17. Many geographical names that we all seem to accept are tricky for tourists. We know how to pronounce many tricky places names. Personally I love the fact that we don't just reuse British place names. Many of our place names are uniquely of this country. I think perhaps the issue is more to do with change. Surely nobody wants to change Gundagui ect. to some English place name?
  18. Just as an aside to this, there are many companies overseas (and a few here" that specialise in converting classic cars to electric. Classic old Land Rovers seem to be a popular conversion.
  19. I am a bit confused by the title of this thread "No Trains to Warrnambool" I know of the story but are far as I am aware trains are unaffected. Is there information I am unaware of or is this to dramatize the subject?
  20. That is not unique to Tesla or other EVs. Many new IC cars do not come with a spare. Other cars like my 2007 Ford Focus only have a so-called space saver tyre which is only a temporary solution and is limited to 80 KpH. Here is a list (a bit old 2017) of cars that do not come with a spare tyre. "Researchers for the roadside-services provider examined model-year 2017 vehicles and found that 28 percent of the new cars do not come with a spare tire as standard equipment. Eliminating the spare tire reduces the weight of the vehicle and improves fuel economy. While those vehicles often come with kits that can temporarily fix small punctures, if you have sidewall damage like I did, a large puncture or a blowout, you’re up a certain creek without a paddle. AAA also offered up a list of new vehicles for 2017 that don’t offer a spare at all. Here they are in alphabetical order:" Acura NSX Audi R8 Audi TT BMW 2 Series BMW 3 Series BMW 4 Series BMW 6 Series BMW i3 BMW i8 BMW X3 BMW X4 Cadillac ATS Cadillac CTS Chevrolet Bolt EV Chevrolet Camaro Chevrolet Corvette Chevrolet SS Chevrolet Volt Dodge Viper Fiat 500 Fiat 500L Fiat 500X Ford C-Max Hyundai Accent Hyundai Ioniq Infiniti QX30 Jaguar F-Type Jeep Cherokee Jeep Compass Jeep Renegade Kia Forte Kia Niro Kia Rio Kia Soul Mazda MX-5 Miata Mercedes-Benz B-Class Mercedes-Benz C-Class Mercedes-Benz CLA-Class Mercedes-Benz E-Class Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class Mercedes-Benz S-Class Mercedes-Benz SL-Class Mini Cooper Countryman Mitsubishi i-MiEV Nissan GT-R Nissan Leaf Porsche 718 Cayman Porsche 911 Carrera Porsche Panamera Smart ForTwo Tesla Model S Tesla Model X
  21. As well as NASA and the CSIRO
  22. PM you know me I am happy to look at new information. As a non-scientist, I can only go to trusted sources. I am assuming that you believe CSIRO to be guilty or worse poor science or worse being deliberately misleading. There is little point in going over this yet again. I do not want to use the word denier but the people who do not accept conventional science are in the minority and becoming more irrelevant each day. The information I rely on to form my opinion does not come from fringe sources but in fact quite conservative sources. I have been re-reading Shell's internal climate report from 1988 and identified the problem. Shell acknowledged it back then and they still acknowledge it now although they seem to be dragging the chain just like tobacco companies have done. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4411090-Document3#document/p4/a415539 This is quite a long document but some salient points have been highlighted if you scroll through. Anyway, I am sticking with the majority of the research and am more than happy to change my mind if evidence to the contrary comes along and convinces the majority of scientists in this field. This is no different from how I decided on medical treatment. I think this seems reasonable,
  23. shop ride1.mp4 Proof of life video. About 9 times real speed so a bit vertigo-inducing and not particularly interesting. Best with sound
  24. I survived
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