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Everything posted by octave

  1. Credit cards are a little safer than debit cards. What Makes Credit Cards Safer than Debit Cards? Recently my sister in law had someone make a purchase for $3000 on her debit card. This money came from her savings account. Ity took about a month for the bank to investigate and return her money. With a credit card, it is much quicker.
  2. I thought I would start a thread on "interesting things and places". A problem I have with this forum is that it tends to be grievance driven. I would like to think most of you are out there enjoying interesting lives. Anyway, earlier this year I made my first return visit to NZ since the pandemic. The first half of the trip was a tour around the north island and the second half was visiting my favorite offspring who lives in Wellington. One of the best things we did was a trip on the Tasman Glacier Lake. Fun facts about the Tasman Glacier Lake. It is 7 km in length and has only existed since the 1970s. The Tasman Glacier is the longest glacier in NZ and is 4km wide and 600m thick. The glacier was a constant 28km long until the 1990s. Since 1990 the glacier has been retreating at an average of 180 meters a year. It is estimated that the glacier will disappear in between 10 and 19 years. For this reason, we decided that we had to visit this place. We did also book a ski plane landing and hike on the glacier but alas the weather put a stop to that. We will do this in the next few years though whilst it is still possible. The amazing Tasman Lake The delicious Mrs. Octave being shown an iceberg close-up. The brilliant woman who piloted our boat also told us about how approaching an iceberg was something that had to be done carefully and selectively. These bergs slowly melt and this occurs more quickly above the water line, this means that as the centre of gravity changes the berg will suddenly roll over which would not be good for a little boat. Amazing shapes and colours. The ice is initially blue due to compression but as it falls into the lake and decompresses it becomes white. Close up you can see the crystalline structure . My meaty paw touching the 600-year-old ice, I even ate some. My suggestion of supplying gin and tonic on the tour was met with enthusiasm by our skipper and tour guide.
  3. Yep, I pay my CC off every Friday. My credit card costs me $50 a year, however this year I have earned enough points to secure $200 worth of Bunnings vouchers.
  4. If you live where I think you live then you can have a wood heater subject to section 68 of the local government act. The main obstacle is that it must comply with Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Amendment (Solid Fuel Heaters) Regulation 2016. This is fair enough, isn't it? Your choice not to attend a smoking ceremony is your absolute right. I don't wish to attend a football match but I would not complain about football events taking place. If you have been refused permission to install a wood heater please send me the details and I will happily help you navigate the paperwork. Wood fire heaters and hearth fireplaces are not mentioned in the SEPP (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 as they are not considered exempt development in NSW. Therefore, an approval is required under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 and fireplaces are to be installed in compliance with the Australian Standard. All new wood fire heaters must also comply with Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Amendment (Solid Fuel Heaters) Regulation 2016. As wood fire heaters cannot be considered exempt development, please lodge a Section 68 application through the NSW Planning Portal for approval.
  5. I think this is a little disingenuous. Do you want to ban fireworks displays or light aircraft?
  6. I don't understand you pay GST regardless of whether you use cash or a card. I mostly use my credit which I pay back every Friday. I rarely get any kind of surcharge and in the few cases where I do it is negligible and certainly cheaper and more convenient than carrying cash.
  7. The thing is those of you who like to be constantly outraged often don't read beyond the headline. the fact that the Mayor of Broken Hill says that the traditional owners would still be "invited" suggests to me that it is not a mandatory requirement. Kennedy told the council meeting that traditional owners would still be invited to perform welcome to country but at no financial cost to the council. It had previously paid between $150 and $250 for traditional owners to perform a welcome to country and $300 for a smoking ceremony. Those rates were already well below those recommended by the National Association for the Visual Arts, which suggests $300-$750 for a welcome to country and up to $1,500 for a smoking ceremony. Broken Hill council to stop paying traditional owners for performing welcome to country
  8. I may stand corrected but I am not sure "welcome to country ceremonies" are mandatory.
  9. During my work life as a musician, I have been paid by councils for playing at numerous citizenship ceremonies and other official occaisions.
  10. I would think in these days of the vastly reduced use of actual cash that armed robberies would be being replaced by online crime and fraud.
  11. DEFENCE CASE D February 14 2013: Oscar Pistorius, 27, and Reeva Steenkamp, 29, go to bed at 10pm. Pistorius sleeps on the left-hand side of the bed - contrary to his custom - because of a shoulder injury. A 9mm pistol is under the bed.
  12. That is not correct. They were both sleeping in the same bed prior to the shooting. https://s.telegraph.co.uk/graphics/projects/Oscar-Pistorius-verdict-timeline-of-events/index.html
  13. octave

    Chairman Dan

    Just going back a few topics to the issue of charging charities to dispose of rubbish. For the past 3 weeks (and hopefully only for 1 more week) we have been interstate as my mother has gone into aged care. As I have power of attorney it is my job to sell the house (done) and to empty it (almost done). I live in Melbourne and it is a common sight to see charity bins surrounded by unsightly junk. Even our local saint Vinnie's often has junk spilling into the road. For whatever reason the charity shops here in Adelaide (at least the ones I have been using) do not suffer from this problem. Both Vinnie's and Salvos have 2 or 3 wheely bins which appear to be emptied regularly. I don't know if charities here have to pay to dispose of junk or whether that is paid for by the tax payer but there does not seem to be the same junk problem here By the way, regarding donation of electrical goods, most charities will not take them however the Salvos do. I guess perhaps they employ someone to test and tag. Lastly, who wants to buy a lovely table lamp?
  14. b It is quite a responsibility when you create little a little human. You have to care for them physically emotionally and financially. These obligations apply even if the marriage or partnership ends.
  15. I don't really understand griping about supporting your own children. When my son was young there was nothing I would not have done to help him. This pretty much still applies although he is more wealthy and capable than us now In these modern times if you are worried about your wife or children taking your money you can have a prenuptial agreement. I have friends who are in a long term relationship and also maintain seperate economies. Had my wife and I seperated when my son was young I would have willingly supported him whether or not I had equal access.
  16. Modern men don't necessarily financially support there partners. My wife and I have either both worked full-time or part time or one of us has taken time off for childcare. I stayed home with my son for a a couple of years while my wife worked full-time. Most of our friends who are couples share financial responsibilities. Perhaps I move in less old fashioned circles.
  17. A space craft only needs to contain 1 atmosphere whilst the pressure under water increases by 1 atmosphere every 10 metres
  18. Here is some info https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jun/05/will-labors-same-job-same-pay-bill-hurt-more-experienced-workers-experts-respond
  19. Can you substantiate some of these assertions. Particularly the million dollar salary? Sounds a little mythical to me.
  20. Spacey I have sympathy for people who get a ticket in circumstances where signage is poor. In the case of the person who last their livelihood. Either they must have been many many KMs over the speed limit or they must have had enough recent infringements to have list nearly all their points.
  21. I also have little sympathy for those who get caught for speeding. Even if it is just revenue raising and could perhaps be considered a tax, it is a tax you can for the most part avoid. I remember when I resumed flying after a break the instructor would point out if I was 50 feet too high in the circuit or a couple of knots fast in the approach. He would say "don't accept just being near enough" Of course over the years I have had a few speeding infringements, but mainly when I was young and full of testosterone. On a couple of occasions in this millenium I have had 2 speeding fines and they were both my own stupid fault. If you don't want a speeding fine then just drive like you fly.
  22. I would suggest that we need education and enforcement. Enforcement is not just about protecting idiots from themselves. Whilst most heavy vehicle drivers know about weight limits, maintenance and driving hours a few push the limits and should be fined or taken off the road.
  23. And this is why some Americans believe the election was rigged. Democracy relies on the people being informed. I am more than happy for some of the taxes I pay to go towards countering the Murdoch point of view.
  24. IQ is a measure of a particular type of intelligence. You could have a high IQ but also be a risk taker. You could also have a high IQ and be an impatient person. Many narcissists have a high IQ but also may tend to believe they have greater rights on the road than others. You could be a truck driver with a high IQ but be easily pressured into breaking rules by their employer.
  25. At first reading each note is inevitable. Sometimes students get a little stuck reading one note at a time. They tend to play a note and when that note has been played they then look at the next note. This makes for slow stilted playing. I get them to, whilst playing a note to be looking and thinking about the next note. At first this can lead to mistakes but this is better than not learning to read ahead. Gradually they get more comfortable with reading further ahead. I do teach students depending on how they learn best
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