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  1. It was on Facespace Win. Hardly a credible source..
  2. This thread better stay civilised or it's gone.
  3. Just one more boring and pointless thing before you go Matty, "Over and out" is procedurally incorrect.(and now I shall take my leave to go obtain that pineapple that I'm sure you're about to tell me to deposit somewhere...)
  4. There's even rules on how to go about shaking the drops off after a squirt...... astounding.
  5. Can arrange it so you can spend a lot more time there if you like....
  6. Thought about locking the thread it a few times but hey, we're all adults and capable of discussing emotive topics without killing each other here aren't we? Moved from humour to off topic though.
  7. Open your console and type "ren /?" for the correct syntax for the command and then write your script.
  8. Fair dinkum F_T... If that idea takes off, I'm moving next door to you and taking up punk rock bagpipe playing....
  9. 5 seconds of silence followed by "herro, speak toh owna da busnuuss" is never a good start...
  10. Not my fault if I can't remember credit card numbers or where I live or what my name is.... Tried to convince one that we don't have a telephone and that he was a voice in my head..... The silly bugger wanted to argue?!
  11. If you have the time to spend, play with their heads. My best time was 25 minutes. before he hung up threatening to report me to the government for fraud 'cuz the credit card numbers I kept making up didn't work.
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