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Everything posted by djpacro

  1. Failure is not the only risk to consider.
  2. I took two photos at Moorabbin Airport recently, of two instructors (separately) sitting on the bench near the windsock to watch their students do solo circuits. One was wearing a high vis vest and could hardly be seen with the background of golden grass. The other in the common bright white shirt clearly stood out. I often ask what risk that the wearing of high vis vests in daytime is attempting to mitigate. My observation over many years is that the greatest risk with people walking around the apron is of someone walking into a rotating propeller. Seems more sensible to me that props should be painted with the military high vis markings.
  3. Gmail and others can access that webmail account and send as if it was from that account - been a few years since I used that facility however. Hotmail does the same too I believe.
  4. Some core subjects are not taught at neither school nor home.
  5. I wonder if there is a correlation with people who disregard or who seem unaware of placards in the cockpit. One recently where, right beside the tacho, was a placard stating max rpm for aerobatics was 2600 but "we use 2700". And earlier, "I didn't know about the placard stating the use of aileron for spin recovery." Plus my standard observation in pre-licence checks in PA-28: placard stating that unused seat belts are to be fastened. Local pilots have been known to leave the dipstick loose so creates a real mess when the aeroplane is turned upside down. I see that one flying school has added their own placards to secure the dipstick before flight - if pilots can't think of screwing it in after putting it back in following check on oil quantity then I don't see that a little placard will remind them. My old man used to say: "Don't trust anyone who can't spell, they don't know their own limitations." I used to get job applications from graduates who used the spell-checker resulting in their name being spelt incorrectly. My customer rejected electonic reports and data with incorrect spelling of aircraft component names and wrong part-numbers as it could result in costly fixes to documentation to correlate certification data. With so many good applicants for an engineering job it didn't take much to ignore some-one's applicaton. Similar very competitive situation wrt commercial pilots however I agree that there are more important skills (but getting off topic there).
  6. A simple observation.
  7. My machine comes from America and the approved Flight Manual states that it is an airplane so that is what it is. CASA regulation requires that I comply with the approved Flight Manual.
  8. I sometimes order a cheese or tomato sandwich - or tomato and cheese depending on which is cheaper - always an argument as they always try to charge the more expensive option. Toasted sandwinches always cost extra and if they burn the toast the carbon tax goes through the roof.
  9. http://www.telstra.com.au/abouttelstra/commitments/mass-service-disruption/ and you'll also see a link to:
  10. The WA problems were mentioned on Telstra's website.
  11. Working fine for me down in Melbourne all day today. Nothing on the Telstra or Bigpond websites that I can see about problems like this in Vic.
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