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About cherk

  • Birthday 19/07/1944

cherk's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Nooooo! it's not going in reverse gear !!!
  2. Mine's called a clock !
  3. Good to get off the chest Phill. Tell us how you really feel!
  4. [ATTACH]48485._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  5. Memories Phill ? I was at the time the 13th employee of Vinten Communications in Richmond . Started out in assembly and alignment, Was with them for 13 years progressed through R&D to eventually produce the first solid state transceivers at the time, finished my stint as 2IC in production after head hunted after Plessey Pacific took over and things went bollocks. We'd developed to being 100 strong at that stage a the old tech valve models were the ants pants...........Ahh the memories!
  6. NO , No..........the Lan is meant for a DEFORMED man !! My apologies to my deformed brothers out there !
  7. probably true , under their name they seem not to practice Liberalism . (as a philosophy)
  8. probably a moron.....err..oxymoron.........Left Wing Liberal ?
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