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Everything posted by Chird65

  1. Strange; when I worked in a bank and someone came in to claim an old account we would lookup the closed and dormant report, find the balances, manually calculate and pay the interest. The accounts were closed off to an internal account so computer storage was not used and maintained for mostly dormant small balance accounts. Back then the cost of maintaining the savings account was $5 a month. Fees depended on the account type chosen but once dormant and closed there were no ongoing fees. As the contract was with the bank to keep the money I can't see why a government should have use of it. I bet the bank still needs to do all the work when someone turns up to claim the money. Banks are not kind fluffy places; but that does not mean that they don't do what is in a contract. Why should they do favours.
  2. It is browser and page dependant so not easy to achieve. I'm not a programmer but I have used http://docs.seleniumhq.org/ in the past to record keystrokes to aweb page.
  3. So the question I have; can you be an Atheist and believe in a pre and post existence after life? Chris
  4. Not really the first section of the Constitution states, I added bolding; " An Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia [9th July 1900] WHEREAS the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and under the Constitution hereby established:" If not specific then at the very least a very strong alignment with a "God" That I do not support hell and brim-fire type religious people, I do support the outcome of support outside of the current education system. Chris (RC) Retired Catholic
  5. good point
  6. Actually in Victoria this is not the case. You must keep left. Division 2—Keeping to the left 129 Keeping to the far left side of a road (1) A driver on a road (except a multi-lane road) must drive as near as practicable to the far left side of the road. Penalty: 3 penalty units. Note Multi-lane road is defined in the dictionary. (2) This rule does not apply to the rider of a motor bike. Note Motor bike is defined in the dictionary. Rule 127(2) def. of road train area amended by S.R. No. 137/2009 rule 8. r. 128 Part 11—Keeping Left, Overtaking and other Driving Rules Road Safety Road Rules 2009 S.R. No. 94/2009 151 (3) In this rule— road does not include a road related area. Note Road related area includes the shoulder of a road— see rule 13. 130 Keeping to the left on a multi-lane road
  7. Nothing against Howard at all.My gripe, people who think the Banks are responsible for how much they pay for their home loan and that the official cash rate is how banks fund home loans. The reserve bank sets the official cash rate. ie the rate the central banks charge the comercial banks for maintaining their cash reserves over night BTW, the cash reserves are a government mandated %. Sure it has an effect but not compared to what the Central reserve gets. Remember 1988 when we were paying 16%, the reserve was charging 12% and the banks were adding 4% margin. Wish I was a real economics wiz that could explain this well. BTW, I gripe about anyone that charges me for stuff... including the Bank. :-) Oh and I am not a banker, even though my back is against the wall.
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