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flying dog

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Everything posted by flying dog

  1. Yeah, kinda. I put my foot in it confusing PH and SG. So as the fish is still alive I am guessing I have done the right thing. I was only wanting an "ongoing" measure of the water without needing the litmus paper. But as SG and PH are different there is no easy way. Alas now I seem to have problems with the pump and the tank. The poor fish is getting the $hit blown out of him when the pump is on. Although good as it keeps the water flowing and the anaerobic filter working, it doesn't seem to be fair of the fish if he is blown around the tank like a ping pong ball. The pump is only the size of a matchbox, but on the side it says (and I quote) 150L/h. Yeah, right: 150 Litres an hour. That's a powerful pump. I would maybe believe 15 L an hour. Even so, the fish is not happy. The guys at the shop said "He will get used to it." but I am not sure how much "moving the stuff out the door" that is rather than fact. Without the pump the fish swims happily around the 4.5 L tank. With the pump on, he hides in one of the corners away from the pump and just lies there. The supplier says: Please note we are a wholesaler only and do not deal directly with the public. Thank you for your understanding. So they aren't worth asking, I guess. So I shall have to do more research on what is going on. I may put a small pipe and defuser on the output and see what happens. But I don't want to freak the fish out too much.
  2. Da fish is still alive so that is a good thing.
  3. No worries TP. It is PH not SG I want to measure. But not for a squllion dollars.
  4. Yeah. I'm stupid. I was explained the difference after I made a total fool of myself in a couple of shops. PH and SG are very different things. Turbo, thanks shall look at the "Aquasonics" but I think it is going to be too exe' for my needs. (Edit) Turbo'.... Doing a Google, the only "aquasonic" shop is in 14 Commerce St, Wauchope NSW 2446. That ain't Sydney.
  5. Planedriver, Glad someone else likes it. Just to check: Would syrup work rather than honey?
  6. When you want to check the PH level of a battery, you can get this device which sucks up the water and there is a thing which floats and shows you the PH. They are set for car batteries. If I want a SMALL one which is set for a PH of 7, can you buy them easily and cheaply in Oz? (No, this is yet another thing which I am looking at/into.)
  7. Oh, ok. Thanks. Shall look into them as well.
  8. OK, "Next" question: What "Shop" would I go to to get an old ball bearing which has failed? Probably a bearing shop - right? About 5 cm diameter. Why? Well as I now hope I have the sphere I Need, this is the video which inspired me: I'm guessing syrup would work rather than honey.
  9. PA, Yeah, strange that. I found (I think) the same thing in Target. They are yellow and have "smilie faces" on them - right?
  10. Ooops. Ok they won't work then.
  11. Gnarly, Yeah, they look ok. Quickie: What are the ones on the left? Wood? Wood could be glued. So, it is possible for thin WOOD spheres also. (Sorry, but I guess I need to keep an open mind.)
  12. Welded.... So it isn't plastic? No problem, but now I'm interested. What do they cost and where do you get them? Example url to see picture/price.
  13. Sssssshhhhhh! Its a secret! When I get it and have it working, I will show you the video which inspired me.
  14. Gnarly, There is no real specs. Tennis ball size is a good average. I need the "Goldielocks" size: Not too big, not too small. Sort of thing. So from golf ball to ....... 10cm diamater. Tennis ball seemed a good size to mention. But! They need to be hollow, openable - if only once to do the "magic" to them, and not too expensive.
  15. Nice but 100 minimum order is a bit over the top. Thanks. Shall investigate further.
  16. About the size of a tennis ball. Needs to be openable and hollow, and resealable. I'm guessing some toys would come in them, but I am not having any luck finding where I could get a couple of them.
  17. Ok, who here has any ideas what/how many hoops I would have to jump through to get one on the road here in Oz?
  18. The "Problem" is that work wants "workers", and alas he fits that profile. As do I. So if I complain about it, I shall be putting both of us under scrutany (spelling?). Right now I don't need that for other reasons. He is upsetitng people and the rest - for what ever reason - put up with it. I have had enough. So as I see it: If work is involved, they will be forced to work out who they want, who is the harder worker, etc etc etc. Though he has an ongoing history of such things and would probably come out worse, I don't see any winnners. I will be tagged as an adjatant (yeah: "Spelling" is working just now) and be monitored for my failings (and we all have them really, just some are allowed more than others). As he is upsetting me, I am wondering what my options are for me ("David") to take on "Goliath" in this battle. Getting work to fight my fight won't help me with other problems, and really I would be ..... "duckshoving" my problems onto work. I think it would be better for me to confront the problem myself (yeah, well, ok, with legal help) and deal with it rather than getting other people who aren't part of the REAL problem involved. Make sense?
  19. Putting "work" aside, if someone there is..... RUDE to me (and everyone else) and I have had enough, what are my options to stopping them - legally? This person is a "thug" who is just plain grumpy to eveyone because he can. Co-workers, other people and bosses. Basically everyone. I have had enough. Work (obviously) aren't too worried and haven't done anything. So I don't want to include them in the process. I have to interact with them often enough that it is now intollerable and I have been abused now to the point that "The camel's back is broken". Anyone know where I can find out what I am allowed to do to put this person in their place? (Keeping work out of the loop. It is MY fight.) Thanks.
  20. Quote 1: As far as I know there is no difference between analogue and digital antennas. It's still the same frequencies and it should work fine. Quote 2: I hope Juliar got plenty of dough for the bandwidth she sold off to the phone companies. I know I am stupid - told many times every day - but..... If they are using the same frequencies, HOW was "bandwidth" sold off? Eats another stupid pill.
  21. I live in a block of units. COMMON ANTENNA. It is UHF/VHF, but dunno if it is Digital compatible. We also have a Mast head amp/splitter. Obviously it is for "analogue" TV. When digital happens, will we have service or do we need to update/change the amp/splitter? Ringing the "help line" is a total waste of time as it is a "press 1 for....." kind of thing and there is no "Speak to a person" option.
  22. (This is getting a bit off topic, but......) No, when I did a rebuild - HD died horrible death - and I was installing SP3, I (stupidly) accepted WMP "latest". Some software I had wanted/NEEDED WMP "latest-1". So after realising this mistake I tried to uninstall it and get the earlier version. Like pushing water up hill. Still haven't really got it fully fixed, but...... Enough that the software works. Anyway: Things are semi-ok. Semi-resolved the rename problem.
  23. Thanks. Found it, but was reading on "Whirlpool" about problems with it and nasty "extras". Am holding off installing it just now. I can't find a good set of instructions for it. The sites I visited said how great it is/was, but none had a full set of instructions to what it gives. Dunno if that is because they are included with the install, but to me that is a bit late. I would prefer to know what it does BEFORE I install it. I am having a devil of a time trying to roll back to the previous version of WMP as I accidenty installed the latest version. For now I have no version installed but when I try to install the old version it says it can't/won't because I have a newer version installed. This is a long term, on going problem. :(
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