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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. have any off you gooses put on a uniform neil
  2. yeh though i have a gander at what was going on here same crap by the baa baas sheep how about that lying piece off crap each each way albo neil
  3. Hey mods you deleted my post and yet you let a phrase go and did not delete double standards the phrase is highly offensive to me Neil
  4. Storchy, may pay to read the post first. He was not casting disparaging remarks on you or the brave men who served. All kudos and respects to those of us who did. ...mod
  5. yen check out your facts on veitnam you are lying I was there the shit I copted went I got back from the paresites off this country that protested against us is another story don't start you shit with nam neil
  6. hey phil somewhere over there is a police photo of knifes that police have removed from people in the photo is a spoon the spoon according to me mate must be a cereal killer neil
  7. since the election was called I have been on the ground door nocking letter box dropping and at a prepoll booth have been abused told to get a job that that f/w wont get in and the most of the crap came from take a stab in the dark yep if you said labor and the greens YOU are the winner :gaah:so it just goes to show the mentality of the sheep the followed shorten and dr de idiot according to shorten and greens many who have saved and put money away for that rainy day have to give it to the bludgers the persons that vote labor or greens should have a sighn on the gate saying that they want more taxes more costly electricity genital mutalation oh by the way me mates wife who has a mouth cancer HAS PAID OUT OF POCKET expences zero neil
  8. oh dear scot wins the towels are on there way for those off you that are crying go scot and by the way your free solar panel and wind turbines are on there way out neil
  9. oh sheeeet out hear you just sack the persons that disagree with you take peter ridd for instance the reef aint dead what modelling are they using as to so called climate change kg wheather patterns are changing and have for millions of years that is a fact as for me in ten years I will still be here to piss you scare mongering sheep off when you have people adjusting the tempeture to read lower temps to make a case for warming shore make sence for a hotter area how about Canada getting on the climate change band wagon and burning it thank you oh no that's not on for the sheep bloody 97% of scientists prove what that weather patterns are changing waky do i have noticed it so it has never been 47 degrees in burke until now neil
  10. so you want that 1000 dollars back when you don't pay any tax I and quite a number off tax payers have paid tax that is double what some wage earners have grossed yeh that's right get real 3000 dollars as a maximum for you to claim for an accountant get real oh by the way vote labour /greens and pay more tax that scum labour will and are going after your hard earned money its in their policy neil
  11. well please explain the battery disposal when it is no longer serviceable what are the contents of battery ? copper is reguired how much ? neil
  12. if you want that piece of crap jillyane assahole back in this country you have and are the problem so why wont he face his accusers of rape you condone rape I pity your women for pubilishing those stolen documents he has no respect for any country let that turd rot in the garbage where he belongs neil
  13. gee SA not the place to start a business bruce a 650 million dollar has fallen over after getting 110 million dollars from the government oh don't worry neil
  14. no space not an oopsy at all from paper work from agl neil
  15. where is the power coming from to charge your batteries COAL that lying shorten on the cancer scheme it is all free NOW you sheep better start asking your idiot leader what is the COST his con on climate change it HAS not been costed about 90% or more off the power you are using tonight is from COAL I am waiting for the vilification of my opinion neil
  16. no nev for 257 x 52 = my money not yours neil
  17. storchy neil


    Yenn you another person that did your home work I could not believe that the government could be so stupid as to pay us 50 cents a kwh back to the grid AGL have added another 23 cents to that giving me 713 cents back to grid 50 cents that was their costing as to what solar would be on the consumer at that time neil
  18. thank you to the labour government and their calculator I now receive 713 CENTS for my electricity back to the grid that allows me to buy a carton of smokes every three months on YOU and that's 257 dollars thank you yep shows who is educated and you want tanya as the education minister so you have the cost of bills solar con please let me know who did the costing be cause you are full of the stuff that you said I would be covered in neil
  19. Ivanhoe nsw needs them electric cars there is a market there for them to pull horse floats neil
  20. says a bloke that comes from a state that cant tell the difference between female and male human and believes the ABC neil
  21. storchy neil


    nah there the thing to have according to some greatest con that has been pulled on aust there going to save the planet at what cost neil
  22. the bill I know is not the most truthfull the bill shorten I know with the help of his cohorts went broke the bill shorten I know could not deliver cancer medicine because the country was broke the bill shorten I know will cost jobs with his hair brain ideas the bill shorten I know will tell you what car you are to drive even when it only takes 8 to 10 minutes to charge the bill shorten I know will tax you more the bill shorten I know will put you on the centre link line the bill shorten I know will lie to get the sheep to follow him over the cliff neil
  23. why you want them stoned is there a law against what or who I make donations to one sure thing I wil never make donations to the lying labour party prove that one nation even spoke to the nra neil
  24. Operation Bribie From 101 Fd Bty Perspective “On Friday 17th February 1967 all quiet on the gun position, half the gun detachments were attending a concert at Luscombe Bowl. Out of the blue came over the tonoi (a speaker which all guns had for communications between the guns and the command post.), “Prepare to Move!!!” I thought someone had gone into the command post and playing a prank as previous operations we were given a prior warning order. Came over the tonoi again “Prepare to Move”, l then took more notice of it and ran over to the gun. I believe the concert was stopped to announce “Members of 101 Battery are to “return to their guns immediately, trucks are waiting to take you back to the Battery positon.” We bought the guns out of action and towed them to our helipad “Koala Pad”. The guns were strapped in pairs with A22 containers either side of each gun. We were then briefed on where we were going, nothing about what our task was. We were also informed that the area had not been cleared and to watch for land mines, I thought ‘Holy shit that’s all we need’. We loaded the Chinook with first line ammunition which was 100 rounds HE, 6 rounds of Smoke and 5 rounds of splintex. The ammunition was firstly removed from the boxes but remained in the cylinders, I was with the first sortie of two guns and the command post. On arriving beside the airfield at Dat Do after lunch sometime, the guns were lowered and unhooked, the chopper moved to the side. We fixed bayonets to prepare to probe for mines however that was discarded because the priority was to bring the guns into action. The pilots lifted the nose of the Chinook and out rolled all of our ammunition, immediately returning to the 101 Bty position in Nui Dat to hook up the next two guns. No sooner had the command been set up and the guns brought in to action we commenced firing with two guns. The Chinook lifted the remaining 4 guns 2 X 2 to our position. During the course of the Battery firing to my amazement a kid on a pushbike came riding through the gun position calling out “You want Coke” “You want Coke” to which he had loads in a box on the back of his bike. We fired missions until just before dusk, the GPO (Gun Position Officer), 2lt Mal Pearce gave the order to fill our pits in as we were about to return to our base at Nui Dat. However we continued firing and then got the order to dig out our personal pits as we were not returning to Nui Dat. At one stage of firing we got the order from the command post “Danger Close Clinometer Laying”. This method of laying the gun was only used when the rounds were directed within 100 metres of our troops. We were absolutely amazed and wondering what the hell was happening at the Infantry’s end and things must have been pretty bloody serious there. I don’t know how many rounds we fired however during the night we were getting low on ammunition and we felt relieved when helicopters arrived directly from Vung Tau with ammunition underslung. There was no allocation of ammunition per gun it was just grab what you could and we will sought the numbers out later. Sometime that night a Battery of American 155mm Self Propelled guns came into position on the opposite side of the airfield to us. I believe they were in the area and came to our support. We did have an incident of 2 rounds falling into Bravo Company’s position. This was quite devastating for us. Later it was discovered the gears in the elevation scale on one of our guns was faulty so not the fault of the gun sergeant. Next morning after we stopped firing once again we were told to fill our pits in and reluctantly we did. The Kiwis from 161 Battery arrived with their trucks to take the guns and all empty boxes back to Nui Dat. The gun crews were flown back by Huey helicopters. This is a brief summary of 101 Battery’s involvement in Operation Bribie.” posted with permission off the writer neil
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