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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. phil Vietnam 68 battle of coral battle of balmoral more stories that arnt making the papers more killed and injured than long tan neil
  2. Trump speaks what his "People" want to hear, as does Pauline Hanson. both according to some must be hearing what people want don't want . so his ban on muslims could not be done suck it up princes Pauline may get in your face once again in longman neil
  3. oh really ome trump the so called village idiot cannot keep his country freee of the free loaders like we should be doing here 240000 free loaders here last year my and your taxes being wasted pisses me off the bloody idiots that want more here what for cut out the dole to them no free medical no free housing no free cars then watch them leave were has he damage this country ? neil
  4. how mutch shit have they thrown at him it aint sticking so suck it up princesses neil
  5. not so funny how about that great communist run country buying Tassie or is that a fake news story just goes to show that the so called upper class cant see passed there pocket for Christ sake wake up a smiling foreigner is take you for a ride neil
  6. yeh phil I will go along with your 2nd cuz second term for trump the term ask the village idiot for directions you will get run around from him/her with your eyes open you will see more off the village not what the sheep want you to see neil
  7. yen wrote We have Israel, a state founded on terrorism, so the next door blokes and women and kids are the good guys fare suck off the save get out from under the rock the next door send over his misses and kids to protest hiding behind women and kids what would you do marty send a note saying don't climb the fence have you marty ever been to a war zone neil
  8. Then there is the USA, Israel connection. We have Israel, a state founded on terrorism were did you get that statement from yen its a load off bullsheeeeet neil
  9. david you confused, me confused, phil needs a holiday but he cant get in the gate cause that jackets to tight poor phil cant make make up his mind is he a pommy aussie or a aussie pom don't we all love a stirrer neil
  10. gee phils is looking for trouble or a oneway ticket to some where neil
  11. you in the middle neil
  12. get a job to pay their fines oh shieeet they cant cause of the imported wind turbines and solar panels bloody smart country Australia neil
  13. says a tassi Get a clue and look at the science Neil.... or is that too hard? don't go there neil
  14. well blow me down some criticize the US now they want to drive on the wrong side off the road coal royalties increased to nearly triple WHEN your electric power started to increase WHEN please explain who was the cause of the great push for solar and wind and when oh and by he way who is trying to buy the small coal fired power station I repeat cover Victoria in windmills and solar and you may be able to charge a battery while your at it please explain to me what is the average daily household power consumption or is that to hard neil
  15. bullsssss why in the hell is it abbots fault you brain dead idiots are being missled the blame is on the sheep that are that following gore and co baaa baaaa baaaa india building coal power for our coal sounds like some of the so called educated person need a realty check transition to what higher bills that bubble is about to burst oh by the way what firm is trying to buy a small coal power station in nsw to get enough power to run the company your solar is the same as bloke using a battery powered angle grinder to cut a railway line or your electric powered car to pull a 30 ft caravan why don't you look at electric power energy data dash board or is that to hard neil
  16. ten years ago peak was 15 CENTS kwh off peak 12 CENTS kwh today peak 39 CENTS kwh off peak 34 CENTS kwh my feed in to grid tariff 71 CENTS kwh thank you very mutch rudd gillard clowns neil
  17. SA is drawing power from vic that is coal generated so the wind and solar aint doing the job about time SA went it alone cut the line to SA and their stuffed and the battery wont run the local caravan park sorry bruce neil
  18. space what "highway code " batteries flat in SA again QLD making money from coal the con from solar and wind is biting businesses power bills that cant be paid and people losing their jobs neil
  19. nah just a lack off water neil
  20. like the franklin Tassie burning more diesel could have had more hydro to save a frog neil
  21. it cant be on the wrong side if its on the right side neil
  22. phil bit like the hot water tap in pommy land hot is on right side neil
  23. with in 150 kl of me there is over 3000 thousand hectares of proposed solar set up mostly good grazing or irrigatable land that will be barren who is the manufacture of the turbines and where are they made at moment demand for power vic 5076 wind and other 30 just as well ford holden Alcoa steele mills closed down cause they would have to work every third day neil
  24. oh shit lent me ranger to a mate got phone call to tell me there was something wrong with the ranger as it kept stopping when he stopped at the lights he was taking it to get it looked at then there is the but he is a builder neil
  25. good to have a mother still going ,at over seventy and a grandfather I am over seventy and a grandfather but my mother passed away at Christmas at 98 years neil
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