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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. My opinion voting to be compulsory Neil
  2. That would save me from looking for the magnifying glass Neil
  3. Easy. Bruce blame tony abbot Neil
  4. Not going there Neil
  5. Sorry octave but in last century 78 /79 got very interested in them old as they are now ultralights fact. When couple blokes had one rescued them after put down in a paddock always wanted to have a go as it would have been a great feeling but tried sky diving instead Yep all me mates have 32 amp power points I think not oh as for high capacity chargers not on yes I do own one no two Neil
  6. Octave I HAVE HAD a mobile phone since 1980 /81 when did you get your first mobile phone now that's when there were not many towers a round Now them modern phones need towers every 50 klm or so or they don't work I have been 5 ks from a tower with no reception Neil
  7. Jerry better get the law changed before that neil
  8. four and half hrs to drive 270 miles at 60 miles an hour then 10 hrs to charge battery so that trip took 14 and half hrs 10 hrs to charge 16 kWh battery at 33 cents a kWh still want. That electric car neil
  9. Well buggerrrrrr me over 600 new COAL FIRED POWER STATION being built were are the greenies all asleep on dear. Such a travesty oh the would is going to end suck it up princess Well we will be selling them the coal or are you going to leave it in the ground neil
  10. Yes phill that's in my opinion a good news story must be true cause every refugee is risking there life to get to Britain on that basis no argument from me neil
  11. Gee jerry I better not put photo off me on me computer cause it will sue me for being racist or homophobic or sometim Neil Hey nev on jo at least he fixed that beef road in QLD ?
  12. Talking of labour labour now tinkering with a coal fired power station oh dear we're is greens now cat amongst the pidgeons Neil
  13. storchy neil


    Not this black duck dont care how money they have won't make up for brain power and decision making If some of em were powering me car wouldn't take it out of garage neil
  14. Jerry you could get in to trouble thinking out side the square neil
  15. What gets me grumpy the bull that this is more important than the welfare off children economic situation bloody refugees ripping us off for trying to get free meals the hand out to the unemployed sending jobs overseas 6 people that I know who live in a gay relationship won't be voting yes Did you get a say when your premier blue up port Augusta power plant Do you get a say when the politicians get a pay rise Do you have a say what tax laws you are told to follow Before this I did not and still do not Give a shiiiiit with whom they want to shak up with but now not giving me a personal say in a LAW that they are telling me I HAVE to vote yes now that psssssme of to what make what legal When a politician says I have to say yes they have in my opinion an underlying bad agenda neil
  16. Oh sheeeet I don't drink it I spoooose I could make an exception neil
  17. Your on when the no up I will drive over to collect neil
  18. So the postal servey is the go looks to me their money failed to kill it no vote will have em crying in nappies better buy shares in the tissue company or the beach towel company Neil
  19. storchy neil


    Political idiots voting on ssm my vote was wasted had I known he would vote for ssm he would not have got my vote or 18 others that I know off neil
  20. Just a thought the solar con has reached the verdict that the climate change is going to give us sunshine 24/7 neil
  21. Now steady on there Bruce don't you relise that the greens and labour have a hidden agenda there They the greens / labour and the do dooders not protecting the children and women from the drunks drug taking idiots Why ? Neil
  22. So this it is lying to the centre link can't trust em Know all about de facto and centre link 35years ago when moved in with my current partner she did inform centre link got dobbed in quite a few times Should anything happen to me she gets me gold card neil
  23. Yep shortly about that on that scam climate change neil
  24. Well I'll be buggard heard to day that two gays living together one can work and the other can claim un employment benefits Well try living de facto relationship and you lose unemployment benefits Married couples the same neil
  25. nah 750 I'm not going to through in the towel just to piss em all off marriage is woman and man or man and women two woman two men call it some thing other than marriage should be rather amusing in the family law court neil
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