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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. how many times do I repeat my self what part off must revoke duel citizenship don't some people get to be a member off Australian parliament neil
  2. jerry vietnam war pity that the truth was not told I was there let not go there neil
  3. google this thepublicdiscourse.com the witherspoon institute public discourse warning from Canada same sex marriage erodes fundamental rights
  4. take a look at Canada crap neil
  5. Because YOU rubbish them, you would have to convince us otherwise, in those circumstances. Was putting them on the mobile home an aberration or a mistake? My first installation was a disaster from the economics point of view, but I know more about these things now, and what I got for $14,000 I can now get for $ 4,000 and it's better stuff. (more efficient). Nev where have I rubbished solar panels what I have done is point out at the start is that by 2050 there will be 20,000,000 tonnes off solar panels in china that shift 20,000,000 tonnes to the desert that has shifted the problem from china to the desert so when the sand covers them up no more problems else where I have stated that with solar panels you need back up base load I have stated that I was going to put on solar power to my house at the cost of 18,000 dollars when along came the scheme from the labour government the paid me 9,000 dollars half off what it was going to cost me and paid me 66 cent per kw hr I put into the grid until 2025 else where I have stated that the biggest killer of solar is the bloody fridge and that you need a back up gen on the mobile home I have stated that you will have to cover vic in solar panels to get a base load to run all the industries in vic also stated that from my front door there is 6 solar panel facing west why do the panels very near face north so nev old mate please show me neil
  6. on mobile home have had solar panels since 1990 that is have had solar panels since 1990 how man times do I have to repeat it neil
  7. well thats good put all the old solar panels in the desert 20 000000 tonnes wont take long for shifting sand to berry problem solved neil
  8. gee I got some queer friends according to some 5 are voting no so that makes 6 including me one don't doesn't give a rats but the majority of persons want ssm go figure that neil
  9. well o k just goes to show there is two sides to every story sorry neil
  10. sorry o k according to the china paper the cost recycling silicon is not worth the cost neil
  11. decisions by some elected politicians to keep this country safe when gays are more important than the price off power our borders cost of living I don't trust em give the people a full plebiscite not a half baked idea stuff the costs neil
  12. by 2050 china will have 20,000,000 tonnes of solar panel that will have to be recycled now that's a lot off scrap neil
  13. Bedford 500 neil
  14. no nev the caravan park only to resupply water two hundred ltrs do the washing most of the time free camping temora was funny when I pulled in this bloke wanted to know what fuel I was using and was worried about that aroma when told that I was using oil from the fish and chip shop would not believe me so I opened the drum put in a hose pulled it out an said here taste it he nearly had a heart attack when I licked the hose he thought it was good idea that using old cooking oil in his winnabago would save him money it don't work on the new motors didn't like the idea putting a fourty year old motor in the new winna neil
  15. nev the mobile home I have can and does run on second hand deep fryer oil from fish and chip shop carried 3x200 ltr drums or diesel in ten years have not found a park that I could not get into neil
  16. so the construction and processing of solar panels does not make carbon oh sheeeet how silly off me reflected heat from solar panels does not happen oh silly me once again at the moment the twelve panels on my roof even with battery back up would not keep the fridge going 24/7 so to put solar panels on every roof whos going to pay a vast number of people paying their own home cant afford the rates let alone put solar panels on the roof neil
  17. proposed solar sites 1/125 ha of very fertile soil to produce 45 MW with 126,000 panels cost $50,000,000 generate 210 jobs 2/................very fertile soil ..................170 MW.................................cost $220,000,000 powering 80,000 homes 3/............... very fertile land...................175 MW.................................yet to be known 4/................. very fertile land ..................175 MW................................yet to be known 5 /.............. top grazing land .....................175 MW ..............................yet to be known 6 / ............ very fertile land ......................90 MW..................................yet to be known fill in the blanks question 1 How many tonnes of carbon is going to be produced by this scheme ? my opinion makes a nuclear station look viable As I wrote before cover vic in solar panels your gotta be joking neil
  18. some how that bloke trump told Malcolm that America aint going to take notice of a waflar who wants to palm refugees out of here leaked to the papers neil
  19. to pump water up hill as soon as you start to pump water there is a cost cant be done for nothing neil
  20. no I'm implying the poor me that are subsidized rent health car rego travel who have not bloody well worked take a good look at those that have ripped of the your welfare system neil
  21. as the 2014 spending cut the double dippers would have a hard time neil
  22. bruce when in Darwin after that bloody fridge wasted food three times got talking to a bloke about fridges he told me to buy one in Darwin cause it will work up here and down south about 3000 dollars latter new fridge installed in Darwin gas electric full size never had any trouble after ten years tried to get one the same a couple years latter for a mate don't sell em here the sales man said but his model is the same yeh the same as the one that's on the tip in Darwin neil
  23. yes bruce that bloody fridge when I bought the mobile home had so called normal fridge gas elect had to run gen all the time when not on main power solar installed flat batteries in two hrs if lucky when the sun went down put in fridge with two doors separate freezer about 5or 6hrs when sun went down that's with batteries that were 4x $500 each don't mention that toaster or the electric jug that did not like them batteries flatten them quicker neil
  24. don't get of your bike I will pick up yout pump nev I do have a my back door a 9.5 kva gen out at me mates place a 65 . 5 kva gen and I don't live in a remote area I happen to know a couple off blokes that work on that power line to restore it that's my point a premier that's running around in circles with not a bloody clue oh sheet he is not the only one That great solar con is going to fix the power problems tomorrow the real world says its not why in the hell would you destroy a power station before you can guarantee power to the masses p/s oh that's wright tomorrow never comes neil
  25. hey bruce great news to back up sa power yah gov is buying a couple diesel powered generators sure you be happy with that neil
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